Who said that? Can the IFTTT Google Assistant service capture which device the request came from and pass it on? - google-home

Most of my home automation is controlled internally (timers, events, scenes, etc). I also have voice control (mainly just for fun). I have some google home devices scattered throughout the house with a few IFTTT phrases like "Open the blinds in the $ (e.g. lounge room)". When that phrase is triggered, WebHooks POSTs a request to my home server to open the blinds.
Anyway it would be nice if I could just say "Open the blinds" and the room would be implied by which Google Home device processed the phrase. That doesn't seem possible with the IFTTT services. It actually seems like a glaring oversight, so maybe I'm missing something.
Any ideas on how I could implement this seemingly simple feature? (I'm hoping I won't have to query the Google Assistant myself).

I think I have enough information now to answer my own question. The 'IFTTT Platform' seems to be the key to all my requirements. It will give me greater access to the Google Assistant API (magnitudes greater than the IFTTT GUI). However, it's a steep learning curve:
Step 1: Learn the Ruby programming language
Step 2: Umm I'll get back to you on the next steps :)


Reasons why reviews might not appear for certain users on Play Store

For some users in the US, my play store reviews are not visible. I've reached out to Google directly and am out of options for support, so I've come here.
Here's the official response from Google:
Please note, since it's based on Google play algorithms, we are not
able to modify in the rating&review section's result manually. Also
please understand that, since we don't have any information about
algorithms, we are not able to further investigate and provide any
information about your question at this time. I apologize for any
inconvenience this may cause.
If you have any other Console related question, please let us know.
We'll be happy to help.
Thanks for supporting Goolge Play.
Very sadly they've given me a generic response about some "algorithm" and are refusing to look into the issue further.
Again, I know this isn't a "standard" question, but I'm not sure where else to go at this point. I feel like I'm at the end of my wits. Any help is appreciated!
What are some reasons why certain users in the US wouldn't be able to see any app reviews, but other users in the US can view these reviews? And is there any reasonable way to "debug" this issue?
Edit: at least one user reports that they are using a Samsung Galaxy phone
Sometimes it takes time for new reviews to show up on google. They also have an algo to check for reviews that might be from "fake users" similar to reddit it may take a while for it to show up entirely and pass their checks.
You have no control on what they show on their App Store reviews section.
One idea to debug is by checking via different android phones using different networks. You can also check the web version App Store link to see if it shows.

Add functions to google home

I'm trying to make a diy IOT light that integrates with my google home, however I have no clue how to go about this. What I prefer is some sort of webhook that gets called everytime I say "set the lights on my desk to 75%"
You want to look into the Smart Home API for Actions on Google.
This is the API that is available to all IoT device makers - big industry and home developers alike. It provides access to voice commands such as "set the lights".

What is the new API that repalces mirror drivers starting in Windows 8?

I've been hearing a lot about how starting with Windows 8 there would be a new API that replaces mirror drivers. AFAIK, mirror drivers are the only way for an AT application to read text output by drawing APIs such as GDI+ (in particular non-standard controls that don't use any accessibility APIs like UIA or MSAA).
So I did some research and found this page, which confirms the rumor but doesn't give much information about what's next. I e-mailed the address it said to contact, but received no response (not even an automatic "thank you for e-mailing Microsoft" message), so I'm not sure where else to look.
So I searched on here and found this page, which said there's a "desktop duplication" API available now; but the documentation that guy provided didn't seem to say anything about accessibility, but more geared toward people developing remote desktop apps - which is really cool but probably not what I was looking for... or was it? (lol)
Thanks in advance. :)

Windows Phone 7 Scoring provider

I am not too sure if this question is suited for this forum. If not, please let me know and I'll delete this.
I wanted to figure out the "easiest" way of keeping online score for a game or quiz on Windows Phone 7. Currently, I am not looking for things like Achievements etc. I know XBOX live provides a lot of stuff on these grounds, but it is not open for all.
I want to submit the score, and maintain the top 200 (may be less) odd scores. I am too lazy to write my own services and host it and go through the full maintenance cycle for that scoring system. Can someone point out some really good and easy to use + reliable services that I can use?
The product offered by Mogade has a lot of the features you have asked for:
Real time stats
Javascript leaderboards & Facebook pages
Always free
No branding requirements
It's a very streamlined library where you only need to set up the bare essentials to get it working as all of the heavy lifting is managed for you automatically, allowing you to focus more time on the development of your game.
briansoli has written a fairly straightforward tutorial on how to get a leaderboard working with in a Windows Phone 7 game.
I hope you find this useful, let us know how you get on with it!
Microosft have just released a new toolkit called the Windows Azure Toolkit for Social Games. This should help you out with quite a bit.
Have a look at this Cloud Cover Show, Episode 52 - Tankster and the Windows Azure Toolkit for Social Games
The toolkit enables unique capabilities for social gaming prerequisites, such as storing user profiles, maintaining leader boards, in-app purchasing, and more. The toolkit also comes complete with reusable server side code and documentation, as well as Tankster, a new proof-of-concept game built with HTML5

How to program voice modem?

I'm looking into writing a small custom app for a small business that can utilize a voice modem on Windows to pick up a phone call and play a customized voice message based on time of call.
The API on Windows that controls modems is TAPI, but it seems complex and low level that I'm not sure I can complete the app in time.
Any higher level API or software component I can use to accomplish what I need?
I think you'll need to look at 3rd party libraries for this. A quick google search turned this one up (though I've never used it).
I'm not sure what programming language you need, but I found many projects that may have elements you are looking for on CodeProject.com and SourceForge.net. I could make suggestions from the sites, but perhaps it would be better to leave it to you, as you know what project would best meet your needs. Doing a search on TAPI or telephony gave a lot of results, but I didn’t seen an already made project doing what you described above.
I hope these suggestions help you make your deadline, good luck.
