Is it possible to get autotools for a 64bit Windows 10 - windows

I am trying to build an old program and have to do it on windows. In the build instructions i am required to use autoreconf and therefore i need to have autotools.
I have tried searching for it for a while and installing cygwin or gnuWin32 but I have come to a conclusion that those bins only work for a 32 bit operating system.Is there any way I can get those binaries for a 64 bit system?


C:\cygwin64\bin does not have gcc.exe, g++.exe

I am using Mingw with code:blocks for years but now I need to to use cygwin64 with code blocks.
So I installed cygwin64 (for 64-bit windows) and the folder C:\cygwin64\bin does not have gcc.exe or g++.exe, while I installed them along with other packages indicated here (NOTE: I do not know if the command prompt runs the gcc/g++ from mingw or from cygwin?)
I do not know if the gcc.exe or g++.exe did not get installed because i also have mingw.
There are many youtube tutorials for this, but they all download the 32-bit version of cygwin. I would like to use the 64-bit. Has anyone done this?
Note that i followed the code:blocks wiki on how to install cygwin, but it does not say whether I need to install the 32 or 64-bit, and there are many points where it says " add [Cygwin]\usr\X11R6\bin (if required)" and ""-3" may need to be changed to "-4"". Unclear documentation!
the gcc compiler is included in the gcc-core package
$ cygcheck -p bin/gcc
Found 10 matches for bin/gcc
gcc-core-10.2.0-1 - gcc-core: GNU Compiler Collection (C, OpenMP)
This is valid for both 32bit and 64bit versions of Cygwin.
Fixed it by uninstalling the cygwin64 altogether, and I installed the cygwin 32-bit version. Tutorials on how to install 32-bit version can be found here and here This also installed gcc.exe, g++.exe files in the C:\cygwin\bin folder.
With compiler settings:

compiling Win64 bit library using MingW64 compiled libCurl

I need 64 bit windows library for my 64 bit library. I am not able to find any 64 bit libcurl from the libcurl community. They only provide 64 bit in MingW64 or CygWin.
My problem is I dont if I can use 64 bit libCurl compiled in MingW or CygWin in windows or not? if it can be used, how can I do it?
Is there a way I can compile my own 64 bit Windows version? Or Has any one in past tried it?
I am referring:-
I am having this issue too, but I did seem to get the x64 libcurl. I downloaded the 64bit curl and from extracting it and looking through the curl files found the libcurl. Looking at the documentation in curl-7.43.0 => winbuild => helped me set the "target architecture" to x64. Then somewhere in the curl directory is the libcurl.lib they use and you can just copy paste that.
Libcurl wasn't compiling correctly for me. Updating the Windows SDK fixed this on my Virtual Machine.

Installing OpenAL (or a similar package) on W7

I want to install OpenAL Haskell bindings for Windows. When I try cabal install alut I get:
Resolving dependencies...
Configuring OpenAL-
cabal: The package has a './configure' script. This requires a Unix
compatibility toolchain such as MinGW+MSYS or Cygwin.
Installing MSYS or Cygwin is absolutely not an option. runghc setup configure on the source yields the same thing. This leads me to the following:
How can I install OpenAL with just an installation of the Haskell Platform? I know mingw comes with the Haskell Platform on Windows. Can I use just that to execute this script?
Is there a package that can play audio that installs with cabal on Windows 7 AND Unix based systems?
The source contains hundreds of directives designed for the configure script, which doesn't work on Windows. Is there a version of the source which is platform specific, ie, the script has already been run in a windows environment?
Edit: Context for the problem:
I have a Haskell program, which among other things, plays sound. It is going to be used for demonstration/interactive presentation to students. The computers in the lab run Windows 7. They have the Haskell Platform installed, but not MSYS or Cygwin. I have about 45 minutes to complete this, which doesn't leave time for the installation of needlessly complex and essentially pointless software. If I could get Windows-compatible source code, I could just distribute it with the program I wrote. All the packages I need besides this one will cabal install just fine; this is also a good introduction to package management.
Edit2: cabal install fails with Cygwin installed, as does runghc setup configure

Pyinstaller, how to make 32bit and 64bit .exe on 32bit linux?

I created executable using pyinstaller 2.0 and python2.7 on ubuntu 12.04 32bit (so I assume python is also 32bit).
It's a simple program in console (no gui), that connects to TCP/IP server and send frames.
It works under my ubuntu 32bit, but it does not run on Windows 7 32bit and 64bit.
On Win32bit it returns error "Device is not ready", and on Win64bit it returns error that "application has wrong architecture".
Where can be cause of this?
Here is a link to whole app code (it's small)
The Linux version of PyInstaller can not make .exes or any non-Linux-native format. In order to make a Windows executable, you need to either use WINE (or at least they say, but I'm not sure how to do that), or use a Windows computer.
Additionally, if the Windows computer you use is 32-bit, it can not make 64-bit binaries. If you have a 64-bit install of Windows, it can make 64-bit binaries easily, but in order to make 32-bit ones, you need to install a 32-bit version of Python (and all the required libraries for your program).
Thus, one way to make both 32- and 64-bit executables for a given program, copy your code over to a Windows 64-bit OS, install the 32 and 64-bit Python and pywin32, and use PyInstaller using each different Python.

How to build GCC 4.7 on Windows?

How to build GCC 4.7 on Windows?
You are not finding instructions on how to do this because you cannot natively use gcc in Windows. Your options are either to use gcc through Cygwin [installation instructions] or install the MinGW port [installation instructions].
You can also find links to these projects on the Installing GCC: Binaries page.
Well, gcc 4.7 has not yet been released (it will be released in a few months, i.e. spring 2012).
If your system is Windows then I am sorry for you, Linux is so much better :-) More seriously, you should search for cygwin gcc. I cannot help you in that case.
What did you try? Building GCC (even on Linux) is not an easy task. Some hints (which I guess are also relevant to cygwin & windows).
Always configure and build the compiler in a build tree outside of the source tree. (this is a common mistake).
take care of the many dependencies (and their versions), like the Parma Polyhedra Library, Cloog, etc ...
some features of GCC are not available on Windows. In particular plugins.
I would suppose that installing the binary of an older variant of cygwin gcc (and all the related packages) will help.
But really, I know nothing about Windows. And if you really want a very recent GCC and you cannot install Linux (or build GCC cygwin), you might perhaps consider running Linux in an emulator or virtual machine.
