why the date info of minute was wrong after conversion - oracle

I used SQL to convert a date:
select date,to_char(date,'yyyy/mm/dd HH24:mm') from process
The original date is 12/5/2018 2:41:06 PM
but the conversion result is 2018/12/05 14:12.
Is my SQL wrong?

mm is the placeholder for the month - regardless of the position. So the second mm contains the month again.
As documented in the manual the placeholder for minutes is mi
So you need: to_char(date,'yyyy/mm/dd HH24:MI')


Oracle Date Issue in Where Clause

I am unable to get the date column to respect the where clause. Regardless what I do, it does not filter on date. I have tried all combinations of to_char and to_date in vain.
I have also tried the code below with all combinations of to_char and to_date.
HAVING PAYMASTR.CHECK_DATE >= TO_DATE('01-01-2021 12:00:00 AM',
The check_date of of type DATE.
Result set:
|2|5|REG 09|21.98|175.84|1459.96|2263.19|1/19/2007 12:00:00 AM|
|2|5|REG 09|21.98|175.84|1663.93|2589.43|1/5/2007 12:00:00 AM|
If CHECK_DATE column's datatype is DATE (should be! If it is VARCHAR2, you're doing it wrong!), then
having check_date > date '2021-01-01'
i.e. compare date to date literal.
Second code you posted is almost OK:
MI for minutes; MM is for month
I found this article on code project that did the trick for me. I was struggling really hard to get the query to respect the date parameter in the queru. Setting the session to NLS_DATE_FORMAT worked. Not sure what other implications it may have. Will have to talk to the DBA.
Code Project
It's all about how Oracle stores and works with date DATATYPE
The date has seven components
Century, year, month, day, hour, minute, seconds
and all these components take seven bytes of storage.
Whenever you fetch a Date column from a table, the date value is formatted in a more readable form and this format is set in the nls_date_format parameter.
I am assuming you are grouping by CHECK_DATE otherwise you need to add this date filter with the WHERE clause.
So first check the datatype of your column CHECK_DATE
If it is date then
You don't have to provide hours, minutes, and seconds if omitted hours are rounded to 12 AM or 00 if the 24-hour format is used;
Or if you want to have hours as well then you used MM instead of MI for minutes.
HAVING CHECK_DATE >= TO_DATE('01-01-2021 00:00:00', 'MM-DD-YYYY HH24:MI:SS')
And this does not make sense
You want to compare dates not characters and to_char will provide you a character string that has no sense of comparing with another string '01/01/2021'.
So if you are not grouping by CHECK_DATE user filter condition with WHERE clause
or check the datatype of CHECK_DATE if it is not DATE change it to DATE.

Little bit misunderstanding with datetime formats

SELECT TO_TIMESTAMP('2016-10-01 01:00:01', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') from dual;
Gives : 2016-10-01 01:00:01
Here year and month parts are understood for me, but Documentation says about other formats:
"DD" - Day of month (1-31)
"HH24" - Hour of day (0-23)
"MI" - Minute (0-59)
"SS" - Second (0-59)
So, why for example "DD" format returns 01 and not just: 1 ?
For example "MM" format, in same doc described as:
MM - Month (01-12; January = 01) and here everything clearly: January = 01 .
Also, little bit confusing is time parts (for me at least) , because in documentation, range for all begins with 0 but returns result as 00
I've expected from above query, result like this:
2016-10-1 1:0:1
What I missed and don't understood correctly?
First you are passing in two strings: the actual datetime (or timestamp) you want to convert to timestamp datatype, and the format model. Then you call to_timestamp(), and the result is a timestamp. Then you DISPLAY this on screen (through SQLPlus or SQL Developer or whatever). Only strings can be displayed on screen - not numbers, not timestamps, etc. So: somewhere, somehow, your timestamp is converted back to a string.
You either do that explicitly, by calling to_char(.....) around your timestamp, or if you don't, the interface application (SQLPlus, SQL Developer, ...) uses your session's NLS_TIMESTAMP_FORMAT parameter. In that parameter, you can force whatever format model you want. In particular, you can suppress leading zeros with the FM format model modifier.
Without changing your NLS_TIMESTAMP_FORMAT you can see the same effect by using to_char() in the query. Try this:
select to_char(to_date('01-Feb-12', 'dd-Mon-yy'), 'FMdd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi:ss') from dual;
Output: 1/2/2012 0:0:0

How do I update the time in oracle sql?

I need a query to update a time in an appointment date by keeping the date but changing the time.
For example
10-Feb-2016 09:00:00
and i want to change it to 10-Feb-2016 10:00:00.
Update Appointment
set vdate = '10:00:00'
where vdate= '10-Feb-2016'
I get the "0 row has been updated'. Not sure if i'm missing something.
Thanks in advance.
You can use trunc() which sets the time part of a DATE (or TIMESTAMP) to 00:00:00, then add the 10 hours to it:
Update Appointment
set vdate = trunc(vdate) + interval '10' hour
where trunc(vdate) = DATE '2016-02-10'
This would change all rows that have a date 2016-02-10. If you only want to do that for those that are at 09:00 (ignoring the minutes and seconds) then just add one hour to those rows
Update Appointment
set vdate = trunc(vdate) + interval '1' hour
where trunc(vdate, 'hh24') = timestamp '2016-02-10 09:00:00'
trunc(vdate, 'hh24') will set the minutes and seconds of the date value to 00:00, so that the comparison with 2016-02-10 09:00:00 works properly.
Unrelated, but: do not rely on implicit data type conversion. '10-Feb-2016' is a string value, not a DATE literal. To specify a date either use an ANSI DATE literal (as I have done in the above statement) or use the to_date() function with a format mask to convert a string literal to a proper date value.
Your statement is subject to the evil implicit data type conversion and will fail if the SQL client running the statement uses a different NLS setting (it will fail on my computer for example)
If what you want to do is add an hour to a date, then you can do:
Update Appointment
set vdate = vdate + 1/24
where vdate = to_date('10/02/2016 09:00', 'dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi');
since in Oracle, date differences are measured in number of days, and an hour is 1/24th of a day.
If what you want to do is specify an exact time (e.g. to 10:25:48), then you could do the following instead:
Update Appointment
set vdate = trunc(vdate) + 10/24 + 25/(24*60) + 48/(24*60*60)
where vdate = to_date('10/02/2016 09:00', 'dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi');
Bear in mind that these updates will update all rows that have a date of 10th Feb 2016 at 9am. You'd need to change your query's where clause if you wanted to specify a more specific row or set of rows.
Try like this.

How to convert a Date String from UTC to Specific TimeZone in HIVE?

My Hive table has a date column with UTC date strings. I want to get all rows for a specific EST date.
I am trying to do something like the below:
Select *
from TableName T
where TO_DATE(ConvertToESTTimeZone(T.date)) = "2014-01-12"
I want to know if there is a function for ConvertToESTTimeZone, or how I can achieve that?
I tried the following but it doesnt work (my default timezone is CST):
TO_DATE(from_utc_timestamp(T.Date) = "2014-01-12"
TO_DATE( from_utc_timestamp(to_utc_timestamp (unix_timestamp (T.date), 'CST'),'EST'))
Thanks in advance.
Strange behavior. When I do this:
select "2014-01-12T15:53:00.000Z", TO_DATE(FROM_UTC_TIMESTAMP(UNIX_TIMESTAMP("2014-01-12T15:53:00.000Z", "yyyy-MM-dd'T'hh:mm:ss.SSS'Z'"), 'EST'))
limit 3
I get
_c0 _c1
0 2014-01-12T15:53:00.000Z 1970-01-16
1 2014-01-12T15:53:00.000Z 1970-01-16
2 2014-01-12T15:53:00.000Z 1970-01-16
Your system timezone CST doesn't matter for converting UTC to EST in Hive. You should be able to get the correct results with:
TO_DATE(FROM_UTC_TIMESTAMP(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(T.date, "yyyy-MM-dd'T'hh:mm:ss.SSS'Z'") * 1000, 'EST'))
Note that because UNIX_TIMESTAMP returns seconds, you will lose the millisecond component of your timestamp.
This converts to CST with the daylight savings hour shift:
to_date(FROM_UTC_TIMESTAMP(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(eff_timestamp, "yyyy-MM-dd'T'hh:mm:ss.SSS'Z'") * 1000, 'CST6CDT'))

BIRT Report: Parameters between two dates

I've got a report I'm writing in BIRT against an Oracle database:
tranx_no (string)
type (string)
description (string)
amount (number(14,2))
date (date)
Query in BIRT:
SELECT tranx_no, type, description, amount
FROM tranx_table
If I just do plain dates (02-01-2014 and 02-14-2014) in the parameters, it misses things that happen during the day of the 14th (stops at midnight). I've tried concatenating the time onto the date parameter
WHERE date BETWEEN ? || '12:00:00 AM' AND ? || '11:59:59 PM'
and got an ORA 01843 error. I also tried casting it with to_date
WHERE date BETWEEN TO_DATE(? || '12:00:00 AM', 'MM-DD-YYYY HH:MI:SS AM') AND TO_DATE(? || '11:59:59 PM', 'MM-DD-YYYY HH:MI:SS AM')
and no joy there either. ORA 01847 error happens with that one.
Ideas? I know there's probably something simple I'm not thinking of, but Google hasn't helped. I'm wanting to edit the query, not change the date entry on the face of the form.
Correct handling DATEs with BIRT can be tricky.
I recommend to always use VARCHAR2 for passing DATE parameters (for report parameters as well as for query parameters). Always verify the data type of your parameters.
In your SQL, always use TO_DATE / TO_CHAR with an explicit date format - otherwise the results would depend on the locale settings.
Next, be sure that the value the user entered is adjusted to a known date-format before it is used in the query. For example, in Germany the SQL date format DD.MM.YYYY HH24:MI:SS is commonly used.
You could create a utility function which adds the missing parts (e.g. the time) automatically. Use an additional argument in this function to specify if it's a "from" date (adds 00:00:00) or a "to" date (adds 23:59:59).
OTOH if the UI forces the user to enter a from-to date without time (say in the format 'MM-DD-YYYY' as in your example), you could just code
WHERE (date >= to_date(?, 'MM-DD-YYYY') and date < to_date(?, 'MM-DD-YYYY') + 1)
Note the usage of < and not <=.
This works because if no time is specified in the format mask, 00:00:00 (in HH24:MI:SS format) is implied.
As you pointed out the start date is not a problem as it begins at 00:00:00 of the start date. If your paramter is a text box your users can enter 02-01-2014 08:00:00 to get results starting at 8am on Feb 1.
Note that my date format has the year first, while yours has the year last
For the end date, I use a text box paramater with this as my default value
//Creates a date for one second before midnight of the current date,
//which is properly formatted to use as an end date in quires (for my data)
// Note that a custom date format (yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss) is required for proper display in pop-up GUI
var T; T = BirtDateTime.addDay(BirtDateTime.today(),1);
var Y; Y = BirtDateTime.year(T);
var M; M = BirtDateTime.month(T);
var D; D = BirtDateTime.day(T);
Y +"-"
+ M +"-"
+ D +" "
I also use this help text
Enter date as YYYY-MM-DD. For example, 2013-3-14
Adn this prompt text
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD), if time is blank will default to 00:00:00
