enable dom file inside the php.ini - laravel

I'm facing some problems with the laravel in every time I create the new one or update the composer I get this error "phpunit/phpunit 7.5.1 requires ext-dom * -> the requested PHP extension dom is missing from your system". .I'm pretty sure that I've installed the dom file but the problem cant find it inside the php.ini althought I tried to do that by type "extension=dom.so "

Try running this command in your ubuntu server.
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install php7.1-xml


Laravel: [ErrorException] "continue" targeting switch is equivalent to "break". during "composer install"

When I run ...
composer install
... on a server with PHP and nginx installed.
I get the following exception:
"continue" targeting switch is equivalent to "break". Did you mean to use "continue 2"?
How can I fix this?
This is a new warning introduced in PHP 7.3.
It means you are not allowed to have a continue statement inside of a switch, you should use break instead.
To fix this you most likely just have to update composer, this can be done simply by running composer self-update.
You can also just run php without warnings, this can be done by setting the ini config values as a start parameter.
php -d error_reporting=0 composer.phar
Check your current PHP version if it's greater than 7.2, then execute follow below simple steps
1. Disable the latest php version
sudo a2dismod php7.3
2. Restart the nginx service
sudo service nginx restart
3. If you are using Apache2 run as below
sudo service apache2 restart
4. Set alternatives
sudo update-alternatives --set php /usr/bin/php7.2
5. Check the PHP version
php -v
6. Now, Install Composer as below
composer install
Old composer uses continue statement in their code within the switch which is outdated and cannot be used anymore with latest version of php.
you need to update your composer
php -r "copy('https://getcomposer.org/installer', 'composer-setup.php');"
php composer-setup.php --install-dir=bin
for more details visit composer download
It was because of an outdated composer. After searching a lot finally the following works for me:
Uninstall the old composer.
Install a new updated composer.
You can download or install composer from this link: https://getcomposer.org/download/
For me,
just go to this file
sudo nano /usr/share/php/Composer/DependencyResolver/RuleSetGenerator.php
As a quick and dirty alternative, you can fix the error in that file. Just replace "continue" with "break"

How to enable php-Mcrypt extension in Laravel Homestead

I am trying to get an old Laravel 4.1.x app up and running again so that it can be modernized. This requires an environment with PHP 5.6 and the Mcrypt extension. I have installed Homestead 9.0.3 (the latest stable version). Within the VM, I have set the PHP version to 5.6
sudo update-alternatives --config php
I have then installed the php-mcrypt extension
sudo apt-get install php5.6-mcrypt
I am now able to create a new Laravel 4.1.x project, which is a process that requires Mcrypt to complete, so we're certainly getting somewhere:
composer create-project laravel/laravel="4.1.*" myAppName
However, when I browse to the webpage for myAppName, I see the message:
Mcrypt PHP extension required.
I have also tried steps that are usually recommended for this problem, ie:
sudo ln -s /etc/php/5.6/conf.d/mcrypt.ini /etc/php/5.6/mods-available/mcrypt.ini
sudo phpenmod mcrypt
sudo service php5.6-fpm restart
But I still get the same message in the browser.
What step have I missed?
With homestead v9 you should be up and running with php5.6 out of the box as stated in
here, but unfortunately it is not your case, and I understand that...
Old packages were not installed by default (php5.6-mcrypt), as you mentioned and they should be added by hand via:
sudo apt-get install php5.6-mcrypt
After that all packages are ready, up and working, especially php5.6-mcrypt.
The root of your problem is in multiple site definitions under your homestead.yaml.
Most probably some of them are overlapping and your nginx is referring to the wrong resource/site_definition, and wrong paths.
Therefore you might think some strange php versions or routes are run/executed.
You can verify that, by deleting some/all of them, leaving the only one important for you - in (/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/...).
Of course please do that inside the container and issue sudo service nginx restart, afterwards...
All of your problems should be gone after that.
If something goes wrong. You could easily recover your current installation to current state using vagrant destroy and vagrant up afterwards, cause all is saved in Homestead.yaml.
In my installation Homestead v9 is running with php5.6 on laravel 4.1 without any problems...
Hope it helps #jsm...
Because all the PHP versions installed on homestead you need to set the PHP version for a site in the Homestead.yaml.
First check what version the server is running with phpinfo();
Check the file /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/homestead.test and look for this line:
fastcgi_pass unix:/var/run/php/php5.6-fpm.sock;
If you didn't set the php version on the sites list, this file will be pointing to the php7.3.sock.
In this case the version 5.6 has mcrypt installed, but 7.3 don't.
You can just replace the line
fastcgi_pass unix:/var/run/php/php7.3-fpm.sock;
fastcgi_pass unix:/var/run/php/php5.6-fpm.sock;
and then reload nginx with sudo nginx -s reload.
Or set the php version on Homestead.yaml:
- map: homestead.test
to: /home/vagrant/code/public
php: "5.6"
And then run vagrant provision, it will change the nginx configuration for PHP 5.6.

Laravel Migration Error :: PDOException, Could not find driver

I am trying to make a laravel and stucked when migration. when i enter php artisan migrate in terminal, showing PDOException error. attaching my screenshot of terminal and phpinfo.
What i sthis issue, How can i solve this,
I am using Xampp.
Anybody please help me.
Try re-installing Xampp? You could use Laravel homestead for a virtual machine, it makes sure you have the proper PHP version and the required dependencies needed to install and avoids having to run Xampp or MAMP or WAMP or any of the amps.
It looks like Xampp cannot find: /usr/lib/php5/20121212/php_pdo_mysql.dll, so make sure that file exists.
You may need to re-install PHP PDO on your machine, refer to: http://php.net/manual/en/pdo.installation.php
Also per PHP docs:
PDO and all the major drivers ship with PHP as shared extensions, and
simply need to be activated by editing the php.ini file:
Please check you have installed more than one php version in your system, one is running for web server and another for php CLI, using PHP_INFO for web and php --ini in commandline, if different version found then upgrade or downgrade means make it one version configuration, and make sure PDO is enable in your system.
From php5.6 to php7.0:
sudo a2dismod php5.6 ; sudo a2enmod php7.0 ; sudo service apache2 restart
sudo update-alternatives --set php /usr/bin/php7.0
From php7.0 to php5.6:
sudo a2dismod php7.0 ; sudo a2enmod php5.6 ; sudo service apache2 restart
sudo update-alternatives --set php /usr/bin/php5.6

Composer: The requested PHP extension ext-intl * is missing from your system

I am trying to use composer.json file. but, when I am trying to run command 'composer install' in my path/project/, I am getting an error:
I have already configured my wamp for 'extension=php_intl.dll' and copied all icu*.dll in 'D:\wamp\bin\apache\apache2.2.22\bin' from 'D:\wamp\bin\php\php5.3.13' and it's showing in phpinfo():
without copy icu*.dll also works and showing in phpinfo();
Kindly, let me know if I have intl install on my wamp and composer install on my pc then why I am getting this error. really, it is so annoying.
Here is my details:
OS: windows 7 (64)
PHP: 5.3.13
Composer: installed by executable file
Pear: installed (latest)
PHPUnit: installed (latest)
My composer.json is as below:
"name" : "sebastian/money",
"description" : "Value Object that represents a monetary value (using a currency's smallest unit)",
"keywords" : ["money"],
"homepage" : "http://www.github.com/sebastianbergmann/money",
"license" : "BSD-3-Clause",
"authors" : [{
"name" : "Sebastian Bergmann",
"email" : "sebastian#phpunit.de"
"require" : {
"php" : ">=5.3.3",
"ext-intl" : "*"
"require-dev" : {
"phpunit/phpunit" : "~4.0"
"autoload" : {
"classmap" : [
"extra" : {
"branch-alias" : {
"dev-master" : "1.3.x-dev"
Let me know if any other details is required..
Any feedback/help would be highly appreciated.
I encountered this using it in Mac, resolved it by using --ignore-platform-reqs option.
composer install --ignore-platform-reqs
After installing with this method, if the package that defines the requirement attempts to use any functions from the specified PHP extension, it will fail irrevocably.
PHP uses a different php.ini for command line php than for the web/apache php. So you see the intl extension in phpinfo() in the browser, but if you run php -m in the command line you might see that the list of extensions there does not include intl.
You can check using php -i on top of the output it should tell you where the ini file is loaded from. Make sure you enable the intl extension in that ini file and you should be good to go.
For php.ini 5.6 version (check version using php -v)
; remove semicolon
For php.ini 7.* version
; remove semicolon
In linux (Debian Jessie for example):
apt-get install php7.0-intl
will make the job to you due will create a simbolic link to it.
To enable intl extension follow the instructions below.
You need enable extension by uncommenting the following line extension=php_intl.dll in the C:\xampp\php\php.ini file.
Once you uncomment the extension=php_intl.dll, then you must restart apache server using XAMPP control panel.
//about line 998
change as
(Note: php.ini file mostly in the following directory C:\xampp\php)
Restart xampp
just remove them
"ext-intl" : "*"
from your composer.json file.
Because sometimes for some helper functions, the IDE complains that the extension is missing from the composer.json file. Immediately press Alt+Enter to add it to the composer. But that doesn't mean that composer will count them in. The composer will complain next time while doing some operations. So that, we should not blindly type Alt+Enter rather than installing them manually in composer by doing composer install <package-name>.
As I think you have entered it manually, you should remove it, then install it in proper procedure composer install <package-name>
Or else you can run composer update to count that added dependencies in.
If You have got this error while running composer install command,
don't worry.
Steps to be followed and requirements:
Step1: Go to server folder such as xampp(or) wampp etc.
Step2: open php folder inside that and go to ext folder.
Step3: If you find a file named as php_intl.dll no problem.
Just go to php.ini file and uncomment the line
Step4: restart xampp, thats it
Note: If you don't find any of the file named as
php_intl.dll, then you need to upgrade the PHP version.
(with xampp server)open php.ini in ".\xampp\php"
change ;extension=intl to extension=intl
This is bit old question but I had faced same problem on linux base server while installing magento 2.
When I am firing composer update or composer install command from my magento root dir. Its was firing below error.
Problem 1
- The requested PHP extension ext-intl * is missing from your system. Install or enable PHP's intl extension.
Problem 2
- The requested PHP extension ext-mbstring * is missing from your system. Install or enable PHP's mbstring extension.
Problem 3
- Installation request for pelago/emogrifier 0.1.1 -> satisfiable by pelago/emogrifier[v0.1.1].
- pelago/emogrifier v0.1.1 requires ext-mbstring * -> the requested PHP extension mbstring is missing from your system.
Then, I searched for the available intl & intl extensions, using below commands.
yum list php*intl
yum install php-intl.x86_64
yum list php*mbstring
yum install php-mbstring.x86_64
And it fixed the issue.
In latest XAMPP version;
You need to find only intl(Line no 912)in php.ini file.
I have faced the same issue on my server. And it is mainly happened due to miss-match of php version between server version and your system version. I am using Nginx and checked on all my project configuration files, it uses php8.0 but on my terminal it shows php.8.1. Actually my application needs php8.0. The following steps resolved my issue.
To see all my running php versions
sudo update-alternatives --config php
It shows the following page
Selecting php8.0 for my application. Run the command to see Nginx scripts are ok
sudo nginx -t
Then reload the Nginx
sudo systemctl reload nginx
Finally go to your project directory and update or install your composer
composer update
It has been resolved my issue, I expect same will resolve yours.
In my case, I am using ubuntu, run this command, it will be solved if your system is also ubuntu.
sudo apt-get install php-intl

Cant' get MongoDB PHP Extension to work

I've been following this tutorial to try to install the PHP MongoDB extension but unfortunately haven't been able to get it working.
I can access the collections in the terminal, the database is properly installed but I didn't manage to get the extension working.
I have the following problem:
Sinan-MBP:mongo-php-driver-master Sinan$ cd
Sinan-MBP:~ Sinan$ sudo pecl install mongo
pecl/mongo is already installed and is the same as the released version 1.4.1
install failed
I've been trying several times so that's probably why I get this message. However, even after adding "extension=mongo.so" to the php.ini, I can't use MongoDB in my PHP code.
Thank you for your help.
This is likely a case of modifying the wrong php.ini for the environment, or PHP not being able to find the mongo.so in its directory. If you have separate php.ini files for CLI and web environments, PECL might have installed the compiled extension to a different directory.
If you run through the installation docs, there are instructions for grepping extension_dir from php -i and ensuring that mongo.so is present in that directory. If your web environment has a separate php.ini file, then grepping output from php -i likely won't help. You may need to view phpinfo(); output through your web server and check for the extension directory there.
One additional test that PECL installation succeeded would be attempting to view reflection information for one of the driver classes from the CLI environment. You can do so with php --rc MongoClient, which should print info on the methods of the MongoClient class.
I don't know why it was not working but I found a workaround late last night.
I uninstalled the php extension and then installed it again and made sure the extension was loaded in the php.ini
sudo pecl uninstall mongo
sudo pecl install mongo
