How to verify if a page is cache-able? - embedded-linux

For a given virtual address 'addr' I'd like to check if the page address 'addr' is in, is cache-able?
Motivation: I'd like to verify certain attributes as cache-able, readable, writable, executable.
How can I do that?


Get the required header name from function name

Let's say I want to know that slab.h is required to use kmalloc(). I search for kmalloc in the documentation and get this page
So I know it's related to memory management and "the slab cache", but I see no mention of slab.h.
What's the correct way of determining what header needs to be included in your module program ?
Get to know one of the Linux kernel cross-reference sites (LXR), which can tell you where things are defined.

Can i find out symbolic link of opened device, when process IRP_MJ_READ?

I have driver, that construct and return some data on IRP_MJ_READ request.
I use some symbolic link to open and read device, associated with driver.
The symbolic link is something like \\DosDevice\\Name1.
I want to use same device to get another data from same driver.
How can driver determine, which type of data it would return?
I think, if this is some way to use another symbolic link (for example: \\DosDevice\\Name2) to the same device for split requests for first type of data and requests for second type?
Else if this another way, to pass some identifying information together with thre IRP_MJ_READ?
no, you can not determinate which symbolic links used and are it used at all for open file on your device. and you not need try do this at all. this is wrong way.
when user open file on your device it specify some file name. and you can and must use this name - based on it - return different content on IRP_MJ_READ.
say your device named as \Device\MyDevice. user can open file, for example, with next names : "\Device\MyDevice", "\Device\MyDevice\" "\Device\MyDevice\Name1", "\Device\MyDevice\Name2". as result you, in your IRP_MJ_CREATE will be view next FileObject names : "", "\","\Name1","\Name2" and you, base on file name, can associate different context with file object and then use this context in IRP_MJ_READ and another points. also user can pass additional information on create by using Extended Attributes (EA) and AllocationSize
and as general note - for what use symbolic links to device at all ? why not open it direct by name ? and use IRP_MJ_READ exist sense only if you can handle this request asynchronous or pass IRP to lower driver. in case, if you always synchronous complete request - much more better use FastIoRead handler
also instead on handle read request based on file name, you can use parameters: are you using ByteOffset now ? if not you can use it for distinguish. if you use ByteOffset now, are Key parameter in use ? almost sure that no. in this case you can for Key==0 return some data, for Key==1, some another data, and so on. for use Key you need use NtReadFile instead of ReadFile in user mode.
also you can use IOCTL instead read file for return data, etc. without more knowledge about your driver and it communication with user mode hard say which is better. but formal answer - you can and need use FileName for distinguish which data need return on read

Thunderbird - Get the user email address

I am developing a Mozilla Thunderbird plug-in and need to get the user's email address.
Question: How do I retrieve this address?
I will use it inside a JavaScript.
You should first keep in mind that a user can have multiple e-mail addresses (from multiple accounts or even multiple identities for one account), and you have to decide in which one you are interested.
Note: there may exist an easier way then described below, e.g. a helper function in the existing Thunderbird Code. You could try to search comm-central for it
You somehow have to get the nsIMsgIdentity for the identity you are interested in. It has an email property, with the e-mail adress as a string.
One way to get all Identities should be via the allIdentities of nsIMsgAccountManager (didn't test it).
Use the follwing code to get the nsIMsgAccountManager:
let accountManager = MailServices.accounts
If you have an nsIArray of nsIMsgIdentity, you can use the following code to loop over them:
for (let identity in fixIterator(identities, Components.interfaces.nsIMsgIdentity)) {
References which could be useful:
Overview of some interesting interfaces:
Some account example Code:

Using Exchange GetAddressEntryFromID method with LDAP msExchMailboxGuid

Outlook COM has a method under Application.Session.GetAddressEntryFromID method to grab an address entry without having to iterate through the entire Global or All Users address book.
The issue is it is expecting the ID that an entry has under the AddressLists object.
In Active Directory, there is no equivalent that gives me the same GetAddressEntryFromId string.
I was previously making a list of all users, minus rooms and resources, by going through the entire COM object, but that takes too long; 20mins.
I figured if I use AD, which is faster, with filters to find the users, then I can grab the GUID and when looking for info on the user, not have to go through the entire COM object to grab it, but it will happen locally to the executable being run.
The issue I am having, as an example, is that I have a user with the following ID;
In AD the msExchMailboxGuid has a value of
Not sure if these are the same, but I need to learn to better save it.
What else can I use, what can I do with the current time?
GAL entry id is constructed from the EX address (which is stored in the legacyDN attribute).
The entry id you have above contains the following:

What is "adapter name"?

WinAPI's GetAdaptersInfo() fills structure AdapterInfo which has field called AdapterName. What does this field mean? What's the point in it? In my case it holds string "{C01E7744-531D-401F-8EA6-D76D3AF35555}" (including curly braces).
P.S.: beside AdapterName there is pretty clear (for me) field called Description with value (in my case):
"Realtek RTL8102E/RTL8103E Family PCI-E Fast Ethernet NIC - VirtualBox Host Interface Networking Driver Miniport"
what makes me even more confused with AdapterName.
Looks like it's just a GUID that windows assigns to the adapter, probably as a unique identifier that you can use in some other API call to reference that adapter specifically. For example GetAdapterIndex.
Most IP helper functions seem to take an adapter index, but if you had an app that manipulated network adapters, you probably wouldn't want to store the index of a specific adapter in your app as that could change when adapters are added or removed. So you would store the name of the adapter, then use GetAdapterIndex to get the index for it when needed.
Its formatted like so
GetAdapterIndex(L"\\device\\tcpip_{FD2046B5-1DA0-40A2-9F28-DE4D6F0EBE22}", &index);
I have no idea where this is actually documented officially but found it sourced here:
Description is the user-friendly name associated with AdapterName.
