Tabulator not downloading using - download

Tabulator not downloading using I have tried using CSV as well as xlsx format however no success. I am using the npm package in a react component. The data is visible in the table on UI.
It fails at the following function:
Download.prototype.downloaders = {
csv: function csv(columns, data, options, setFileContents, config)
The stack trace shown in the console is:
Cannot read property 'forEach' of undefined
at parseRows (tabulator.js:11677)
at Download.csv (tabulator.js:11722)
at (tabulator.js:11419)
at (tabulator.js:8337)

Turns out this is an issue specific to the react version of tabulator. Found a solution here:
Just add this to your options object:
options = {
downloadDataFormatter: (data) => data,
downloadReady: (fileContents, blob) => blob,


JS React GLTF loader query parameters

I have the .gltf and .bin files in a azure storage account. Downloading these files requires a SAS URI that follows the pattern: https://<saName><pathToBlob>?<sas>. While I build a SAS that is valid for downloading both the .gltf and .bin files, I am running into an issue where I specify the .gltf URL to the useGLTF hook. That call goes through, but when fetching the .bin file, under the hood the loader is dropping the query params, resulting in a URL https://<saName><pathToBin> which fails.
Is there a way to make the loader keep the query parameters?
For anyone running into this, you can use the setURLModifier(). In my case, this looks as:
const { scene, animations } = useGLTF(props.path, false, false, (loader) => {
loader.manager.setURLModifier((url) => {
# alter the URL and return the new value
return url;

Cypress upload file gives error Failed to execute 'atob' on 'Window'

cy.get('[name="fileLista"]').then(function($input) {
// convert the logo base64 string to a blob
return Cypress.Blob.base64StringToBlob(this.logo, 'application/')
.then((blob) => {
// pass the blob to the fileupload jQuery plugin
// used in your application's code
// which initiates a programmatic upload
$input.fileupload('add', { files: blob })
Gives error:
cypress_runner. : 159529 InvalidCharacterError: Failed to execute 'atob' on 'Window': The string to be decoded contains characters outside of the Latin1 range.
at http://platform/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:1531:44
From previous event:
at Context.thenFn (http://platform/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:69293:23)
We are using dojo as framework.
Why this error?
Just use this plug-in:
it's super easy and it works!

Send multiple files to Slack via API

According to Slack's documentation is only possible to send one file per time via API. The method is this:
Using Slack's desktop and web applications we can send multiple files at once, which is useful because the files are grouped, helping in the visualization when we have more than one image with the same context. See the example below:
Do you guys know if it's possible, via API, to send multiple files at once or somehow achieve the same results as the image above?
Thanks in advance!
I've faced with the same problem. But I've tried to compose one message with several pdf files.
How I solved this task
Upload files without setting channel parameter(this prevents publishing) and collect permalinks from response. Please, check file object ref. Via "files.upload" method you can upload only one file. So, you will need to invoke this method as many times as you have files to upload.
Compose message using Slack markdown <{permalink1_from_first_step}| ><{permalink2_from_first_step}| > - Slack parse links and automatically reformat message
Here is an implementation of the procedure recommended in the other answer in python
def postMessageWithFiles(message,fileList,channel):
import slack_sdk
SLACK_TOKEN = "slackTokenHere"
client = slack_sdk.WebClient(token=SLACK_TOKEN)
for file in fileList:
message=message+"<"+upload['file']['permalink']+"| >"
outP = client.chat_postMessage(
message="Here is my message",
fileList=["1.jpg", "1-Copy1.jpg"],
A Node.JS (es6) example using Slack's Bolt framework
import pkg from '#slack/bolt';
const { App } = pkg;
import axios from 'axios'
// In Bolt, you can get channel ID in the callback from the `body` argument
const channelID = 'C000000'
// Sample Data - URLs of images to post in a gallery view
const imageURLs = ['', '']
const uploadFile = async (fileURL) {
const image = await axios.get(fileURL, { responseType: 'arraybuffer' });
return await app.client.files.upload({
// Do not use "channels" here for image gallery view to work
const permalinks = await Promise.all( (imageURL) => {
return (await uploadImage(imageURL)).file.permalink
const images = => `<${permalink}| >`).join('')
const message = `Check out the images below: ${images}`
// Post message with images in a "gallery" view
// In Bolt, this is the same as doing `await say({`
// If you use say(, you don't need a channel param.
text: message,
channel: channelID,
// Do not use blocks here for image gallery view to work
The above example includes some added functionality - download images from a list of image URLs and then upload those images to Slack. Note that this is untested, I trimmed down the fully functioning code I'm using.
Slack's image.upload API docs will mention that the file format needs to be in multipart/form-data. Don't worry about that part, Bolt (via Slack's Node API), will handle that conversion automatically (and may not even work if you feed it FormData). It accepts file data as arraybuffer (used here), stream, and possibly other formats too.
If you're uploading local files, look at passing an fs readstream to the Slack upload function.
For Python you can use:
permalink_list = []
file_list=['file1.csv', 'file2.csv', 'file3.csv']
for file in file_list:
response = client.files_upload(file=file)
permalink = response['file']['permalink']
text = ""
for permalink in permalink_list:
text_single_link = "<{}| >".format(permalink)
text = text + text_single_link
response = client.chat_postMessage(channel=channelid, text=text)
Here you can play around with the link logic - Slack Block Kit Builder
Python solution using new recommended client.files_upload_v2 (tested on slack-sdk-3.19.5 on 2022-12-21):
import slack_sdk
def slack_msg_with_files(message, file_uploads_data, channel):
client = slack_sdk.WebClient(token='your_slack_bot_token_here')
upload = client.files_upload_v2(
print("Result of Slack send:\n%s" % upload)
file_uploads = [
"file": path_to_file1,
"title": "My File 1",
"file": path_to_file2,
"title": "My File 2",
message='Text to add to a slack message along with the files',
channel=SLACK_CHANNEL_ID # can be found in Channel settings in Slack. For some reason the channel names don't work with `files_upload_v2` on slack-sdk-3.19.5
(some additional error handling would not hurt)
Simply use Slack Blocks: Block Kit Builder. Great feature for the message customizations.

How do I programmatically add a tag to a file uploaded to a community on IBM SmartCloud?

I am uploading the file using the IBM Social Business Toolkit and now want to add tag(s) to it. Either as part of the upload or immediately afterwards. In the javadocs I can see that the FileService has a method to add a comment to a file. I can't see an equivalent for Tags though.
There is a Java method to update a tag on a community file - but it is broken in the most recent version of Smartcloud. It has actually been fixed in the most recent GitHub version of the code but it is not available for download as of April 2015.
The bug is reported here The method SHOULD be updateCommunityFileMetadata and with that we could add TAGs as Metadata. That would be simple to add to the end of the "addFile" Java method.
The sample code to TAG a file can be found here in the playgroup - it is updating the Meta Data via JavaScript API
to TAG a file use the following
function tagFile(yourFileId, yourDocUnid){
require([ "sbt/connections/FileService", "sbt/dom", "sbt/json" ], function(FileService, dom, json) {
var fileService = new FileService();
var fileId = yourFileId
var docId = yourDocUnid
var tagArray = [];
id: fileId,
tags: tagArray
}, communityId).then(function(file) {
dom.setText("json", json.jsonBeanStringify(file));
}, function(error) {
dom.setText("json", json.jsonBeanStringify(error));

Very new to express and mongodb with gridfs-stream

and thanks in advance for any help you guys can give me. I am trying to use mongodb, mongoose, gridfs-strea, and express to store img files on mongodb.
I do not want to store the file in a folder. I want gfs.createWriteStream to take the file directly from from express. is currently saving some strings through a schema model into mongodb.
The form that routes to contains strings and a input for img file.
I tried to do this(dnimgfront being the name of the input):
I am getting back.
TypeError: Object function Grid(db, mongo) {
if (!(this instanceof Grid)) {
return new Grid(db, mongo);
mongo || (mongo = Grid.mongo ? Grid.mongo : undefined);
My problem is I have to be able to store the img and the strings from the same save function. Any ideas?
What I'm using to connect to mongodb is:
var con=mongoose.connection;
con.once('open', function(){
console.log('connected to mongodb succesfully!')
Thanks in advance for your help.
First, you need an instead of gridfs-stream:
var GridStream = require('gridfs-stream');
var mongodb = require('mongodb');
var gfs = new GridStream(mongoose.connection,mongodb);
At which point you can create the write stream and pipe:
var writeStream = gfs.createWriteStream({
filename: filename, // the name of the file
content_type: mimetype, // somehow get mimetype from request,
mode: 'w' // ovewrite
However, at this time the Node.js MongoDB Driver is at version 2.0 which uses Streams 2, so there is no reason to use gridfs-stream if you're using that version of the mongodb lib. See the source code for v2.0.13. FYI, the stream that is implemented in the updated driver is Duplex. (Aside: gridfs-stream has its share of problems, and while actively maintained, is not very frequent.)
