ChronicleMap and Graph DB - chronicle

Somewhat related to this question, is it possible to use ChronicleMap to capture a property graph as a memory-mapped file? Currently we are hosting our graph in AWS Neptune, but would like to query it locally, but off-heap, on each of our (Java) application servers.

If you have a graph database, you could use neo4j as I believe it stores data off heap.
Chronicle Map is designed for key-value pairs, where the keys and values can be efficiently serialized independently as tree structures. i.e. they can't have circular dependencies.


Is there an equivalent to the Resilient Distributed Dataset in native Clojure?

Apache Spark has the concept of a Resilient Distributed Dataset.
An RDD is:
It is an immutable distributed collection of objects. Each dataset in RDD is divided into logical partitions, which may be computed on different nodes of the cluster.
Formally, an RDD is a read-only, partitioned collection of records. RDDs can be created through deterministic operations on either data on stable storage or other RDDs. RDD is a fault-tolerant collection of elements that can be operated on in parallel.
Now Clojure has immutable data structures, and running Higher Order Functions in parallel.
I'm aware of Flambo and Sparkling. I'm not looking for an interface, but for an equivalent data structure.
My question is: Is there an equivalent to the Resilient Distributed Dataset in native Clojure?
Well, a normal Clojure map and vector can easilly be processed in sub partitions parallely on multiple cores using core.reducers/fold.
Maps and vectors being immutable by default, this setup seems equivalent to what RDD are.
The difference being, fold will compute on multi-cores, not multiple machines. So its parallel, but not distributed.
Onyx and Storm are distributed computing frameworks which are fully implemented in Clojure and can do what Spark does. These are probably as close as it gets to RDD on spark.

Cache huge data in-memory

I am looking for an in-memory cache solution which can handle big data (<5GB). For a user inputted search term, the database (elasticsearch) will return a large amount of data which the tool will analyze and show via different webpages of the tool. Now my problem is that I want to cache this big data temporarily till the user session gets over so that I don't have to fetch it again from elasticsearch every time the user opens a new page. It will have to be in-memory because disk based will take over a minute which would be very slow.
I initially thought memcached but it has a max limit of 128MB. After reading quite a bit, Redis seems suitable but it is unclear to me whether a bunch of Redis nodes can work in tandem or not. Is it possible to set up a pool of many Redis nodes so that a suitable node will be automatically chosen on SET and the data returned upon GET without me having to specify the node?
Problem: Cache big data (<5GB) in an in-memory cache
Possible solution: Redis
Question: Can I pool a bunch of Redis nodes so that I can fetch a key stored in any of them without specifying a particular node. I don't need to distribute my data since data for a single user will fit into the RAM of a single node.
A Redis Cluster sounds like a good fit for your usecase!
Redis cluster provides a mechanism for data sharding by means of hash slots. These slots are equally distributed over the nodes in your cluster when setting it up.
Whenever you store a value in the cluser, the corresponding hash slot for the given key is calculated and the data is forwarded to the responsible node. And the same way you can afterwards query your data again. So the answer to your question is certainly yes.
However, the max value size per key is 512MB. I'm not sure if I got your storage requirement correctly. I assume 5GB is the estimated total amount over all users.
Checkout the redis cluster tutorial.
You can also look into NCache(.net) / Tayzgrid(java) by Alachisoft,
Both of these solutions provide distributed caching with dynamic clustering which allows to add or remove nodes in cluster at runtime with out losing any data. Also intelligent client makes sure to refer to appropriate node to fetch/store a record against any key.

Best technology stack for aggregation across various properties

We are working on developing a platform which models flow of entities across a graph. The system has to answer questions of the kind how many entities having these properties are sitting at a given node on the graph , what is the inflow on a node, outflow on a node etc. Flow data is fed to the system in a stream. We are thinking of breaking the flow data in time buckets(say 5 mins) and pre-compute various aggregates against different properties and storing the aggregates in DynamoDB to serve queries.
With regards to this we are evaluating the following options:
EMR: Put flow data in AWS -S3/DynamoDB run a Map Reduce/hive job
Putting recent data into AWS- RDS, computing the aggregates via sql
Akka: It is a framework to build distributed applications via Actors
and Message passing.
If anyone has worked on similar usecase or has used any of the above technologies, please let me know what approach would be best fit for our use case.
I have used EMR to process data in S3... works pretty well. And the best part is you can spin up hadoop clusters of various sizes that fit the work load.
you may want to look into Storm for stream processing
I am also collecting a list of big-data tools here:
The final solution employed AWS Redshift, the driving reason was the requirement of high speed data ingestion, which Redshift provides via the COPY command.
Hadoop is built to store the data efficiently, however it does not gurantees a sub-second sla for ingestion, neither does it provide an SLA for when the data will be available for MR jobs, this was the main reason we did not go with EMR or Hadoop in general.

Distributed checksum generation

I have a service that runs over HTTP and takes file chunks (usually 10MB) and stores them as chunks on a remote file system. The combination of these chunks would make up a complete file.
I would like to generate some metadata about the file from the chunks. Specifically I would like to generate the total file size and MD5 checksum for the file.
The end file can be relatively large (500+ MBytes). Is there a way to iterative generate the checksum in a distributed manner? For example lets say I have two web server running this service behind a load balancer that distributes the requests between the two servers. Is it possible to generate the MD5 checksum for the complete file on the fly using something like a shared Redis server?
I am trying to avoid caching the chunks locally on disk or querying the remote data store for the actual file contents after they have fully been uploaded.
You can do this with a Merkle Tree, like Cassandra.
Quoting from Amazon's Dynamo section 4.7,
To detect the inconsistencies between replicas faster and to minimize the amount of transferred data, Dynamo uses Merkle trees. A Merkle tree is a hash tree where leaves are hashes of the values of individual keys. Parent nodes higher in the tree are hashes of their respective children. The principal advantage of Merkle tree is that each branch of the tree can be checked independently without requiring nodes to download the entire [...] data set.
Found this little gem. It allows you to accumulatively calculate an MD5 sum using a database.

cassandra and hadoop - realtime vs batch

As per
Cassandra has pursued somewhat different solutions than has Hadoop. Cassandra excels at high-volume real-time transaction processing, while Hadoop excels at more batch-oriented analytical solutions.
What are the differences in the architecture/implementation of Cassandra and Hadoop which account for this sort of difference in usage. (in lay software professional terms)
I wanted to add, because I think there might be a misleading statement here saying Cassandra might perform good for reads.
Cassandra is not very good at random reads either, it's good compared to other solutions out there in how can you read randomly over a huge amount of data, but at some point if the reads are truly random you can't avoid hitting the disk every single time which is expensive, and it may come down to something useless like a few thousand hits/second depending on your cluster, so planning on doing lots of random queries might not be the best, you'll run into a wall if you start thinking like that. I'd say everything in big data works better when you do sequential reads or find a way to sequentially store them. Most cases even when you do real time processing you still want to find a way to batch your queries.
This is why you need to think beforehand what you store under a key and try to get the most information possible out of a read.
It's also kind of funny that statement says transaction and Cassandra in the same sentence, cause that really doesn't happen.
On the other hand hadoop is meant to be batch almost by definition, but hadoop is a distributed map reduce framework, not a db, in fact, I've seen and used lots of hadoop over cassandra, they're not antagonistic technologies.
Handling your big data in real time is doable but requires good thinking and care about when and how you hit the database.
Edit: Removed secondary indices example, as last time I checked that used random reads (though I've been away from Cassandra for more than a year now).
The Vanilla hadoop consists of a Distributed File System (DFS) at the core and libraries to support Map Reduce model to write programs to do analysis. DFS is what enables Hadoop to be scalable. It takes care of chunking data into multiple nodes in a multi node cluster so that Map Reduce can work on individual chunks of data available nodes thus enabling parallelism.
The paper for Google File System which was the basis for Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) can be found here
The paper for Map Reduce model can be found here
For a detailed explanation on Map Reduce read this post
Cassandra is a highly scalable, eventually consistent, distributed, structured key-value store. It is not a conventional database but is more like Hashtable or HashMap which stores a key/value pair. Cassandra works on top of HDFS and makes use of it to scale. Both Cassandra and HBase are implementations of Google's BigTable. Paper for Google BigTable can be found here.
BigTable makes use of a String Sorted Table (SSTable) to store key/value pairs. SSTable is just a File in HDFS which stores key followed by value. Furthermore BigTable maintains a index which has key and offset in the File for that key which enables reading of value for that key using only a seek to the offset location. SSTable is effectively immutable which means after creating the File there is no modifications can be done to existing key/value pairs. New key/value pairs are appended to the file. Update and Delete of records are appended to the file, update with a newer key/value and deletion with a key and tombstone value. Duplicate keys are allowed in this file for SSTable. The index is also modified with whenever update or delete take place so that offset for that key points to the latest value or tombstone value.
Thus you can see Cassandra's internal allow fast read/write which is crucial for real time data handling. Whereas Vanilla Hadoop with Map Reduce can be used to process batch oriented passive data.
Hadoop consists of two fundamental components: distributed datastore (HDFS) and distributed computation framework (MapReduce). It reads a bunch of input data then writes output from/to the datastore. It needs distributed datastore since it performs parallel computing with the local data on cluster of machines to minimize the data loading time.
While Cassandra is the datastore with linear scalability and fault-tolerance ability. It lacks of the parallel computation ability provided by MapReduce in Hadoop.
The default datastore (HDFS) of Hadoop can be replaced with other storage backend, such as Cassandra, Glusterfs, Ceph, Amazon S3, Microsoft Azure's file system, MapR’s FS, and etc. However, each alternatives has its pros and cons, they should be evaluated based on the needs.
There are some resources that help you integrate Hadoop with Cassandra:
