Fixing a window onto the top of window stack in XCB - x11

I wanted to know if there is any method or code available to fix a particular window (say for example a newly created window) on to the top of the window stack in xcb, so that Alt+Tab is completely disabled from that window, i.e, Alt+Tab works only with other windows in the stack except the top window ?
I am using code of xcb from here:
I referred to the below link for setting the window on to the top of the stack, but when I press Alt+Tab, the other windows pop up onto the screen.
So, is there a way to stop the Alt+Tab from associating from the top window, and only with the lower windows ?

Well as #Andreas had pointed out, I used the provided link for XComposite Overlay Window and was able to setup a window at the top of all other windows and Alt+Tab was associated only with the lower windows.
I also referred to this question for writing the code : X11 - Draw on Overlay Window
Thing is that I tested this code on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS and it worked for me.


How to prevent wxWidgets window from blinking in the taskbar when created?

If my wxWidgets application creates a new window while the application does not have focus, its taskbar icon blinks yellow until I switch to it, as shown here:
This is annoying. How can I prevent this from happening?
EDIT: The original version of this question suggested the blinking was happening during startup. After further investigation, this is not occurring right at application startup; rather, it occurs if I create an additional window while the application does not have focus.
To give a bit more background: my application is a sort of server, that opens windows in response to network events. If I boot up the application, then switch focus to something else and a network event comes in while the focus is elsewhere, my application will open a new window in the background (not grabbing focus) and this blinking will occur.
The windows are wxFrames; the application constructs them and their child widgets, then calls Show(true) on the frame.
Also, I've attempted to set a breakpoint on the FlashWindow Win32 API function, hoping to trap wherever in WX it's getting called, but haven't been able to make that work.
Maybe the following would work:
wxTopLevelWindow::ShowWithoutActivating ( )
Yes. If you create a new top level window while the app does not have focus, then the task bar icon will flash. This is the intended behaviour of the windows operating system.

KDE for Windows (7): non-resizable dialogs

the problem: I have to use win7 currently, but I want to use Umbrello UML. Now I have installed the KDE for Windows port and the tool is running. But if there high dialogs poping up or other windows that are not resizeable it could happen that I do not reach the bottom buttons because it is out of scree.
Even if I disabled the window snapping via mouse, I cannot move the window over the top border of the desktop to reach the bottom bar. It is always snapping back to the visible area.
Any ideas how to solve this problem?
Finally found a workaround: is working great. Now I am able to move the window like I want to.

Features in VB6 stop working on one of my multiple monitors

I have 3 monitors with the center monitor being the primary one. When I start VB6 everything works fine on the center and right monitor, but if I maximize the window on the left monitor my scroll wheel (which uses the VB6 mouse wheel fix) and Ctrl+F for the Find window stop working and continue to not work until I drag the window so most of it is on the center monitor. I have not had any issues with any other programs. Any fix for this?
I haven't personally seen the issues you have with a specific monitor not working, but for me (and my Logitech mouse), I have tried the VB6 mouse wheel fix you mentioned and it didn't work.
Instead, I had to use Wheeler. Check out the link for the full description, but the bottom line is it's the only thing that helps me use the mousewheel in the VB6 IDE on any monitor.

NSWindow, how not to be part of a screenshot?

My Cocoa app displays a transparent window on the screen, but when the user tries to take a screenshot using Mac OS X's built-in screen capture key with the option of selecting full windows (Command-Shift-4, then Space Bar), my window gets highlighted as part of the possible windows to capture.
How can I tell my Window or App not to allow this? My Window already refuses to be the Main Window or Key Window through -canBecomeKeyWindow and -canBecomeMainWindow both returning NO, but this still happens.
The Window is also at the NSModalPanelWindowLevel and NSScreenSaverWindowLevel does the same thing.
Notice that every window is eligible for screenshots, even the desktop, dock and menu bar, which are special windows. You can even take a screenshot of the Exposé overlay window itself. This leads me to believe that there is no way to do this.
I suppose you could hook the Command+Shift+4 key event and hide the window, but that key combo is user-definable, so it is subject to change.

How to cycle through xcode windows (or open 'help' within the bottom pane)?

In Xcode 3.2 the help/reference pops up in a new window when I ALT, CMD, DOUBLECLICK on a class name**. In previous versions it looks like it used to open up in the bottom pane of the main Xcode window. Can I replicate that in 3.2+?
The problem I'm having is that if either one of the Xcode windows (help or main) is maximised, it's easy to loose one window behind the other, and I seem unable to cycle through the individual Xcode windows (the normal window cycling doesn't work - both windows just show up as one item, 'Xcode').
I'd be happy to find out how to cycle through the Xcode windows or bring up the help window in the bottom pane, as it was in prior versions. Currently I'm using Expose to access the hidden window - which is okay, but not optimal.
** ALT & DOUBLE-CLICK now brings up QuickHelp in 3.2
Can you not simply type Command-~ (command tilde)? That works for me and is the common method of cycling between the windows of an application.
At least with XCode 4, but probably with 3 too, you can use Ctrl+Command+Arrows for navigating between tabs. The Up/Down buttons will switch between header files and source files and the Left/Right between opened windows/tabs.
