How do I send http-only cookies using JMeter? - jmeter

According this this post, Jmeter's cookie manager does not automatically extract and send HTTP-only cookies.
Is it possible to force JMeter to send HTTP only cookies?

JMeter should normally handle HttpOnly cookies.
Request 1 - you can see that NID cookies is HttpOnly
Request 2 - you can see that JMeter sends NID cookie which is HttpOnly
It might be the case the cookie, you're receiving does not correspond to the standard therefore JMeter rejects it, if this is the case you can do the following:
Raise the issue in order to fix the cookie on the application under test side
Change Cookie Policy value in the HTTP Cookie Manager to something less restrictive, i.e. netscape
Add CookieManager.check.cookies=false line to file - it disables JMeter cookies integrity check.
More information: HTTP Cookie Manager Advanced Usage - A Guide


HTTP cookie manager not working in jmeter

I have placed cookie manager above the thread group.I have extracted cookie value from sampler request(request1) using regex extractor.I have placed cookie manager with extracted cookie values under the sampler(request2).
When i replayed the script the cookie is not set for request2.It shows no cookies.
When I removed the cookie manager placed above the thread group I am getting errors in samplers.
I have placed cookie manager above the thread group.I have extracted cookie value from sampler request(request1) using regex extractor.I have placed cookie manager with extracted cookie values under the sampler(request2).
When i replayed the script the cookie is not set for request2.It shows no cookies.
When I removed the cookie manager placed above the thread group I am getting errors in samplers.
HTTP Cookie Manager handles incoming cookies automatically, it:
Extracts the cookies from the Set-Cookie response header
On subsequent requests if domain and path of the request matches the ones of the cookie(s) the cookie is being added to the request's Cookie header
So there is no need to use any post processors for extracting the cookies.
If the cookie manager is "not working" most probably there is a problem with the cookie, i.e. it's expired or domain of the request is different or something like this. If you want to see what's going on under the hood you can increase JMeter logging verbosity for the cookie manager by adding the next line to log4j2.xml file:
<Logger name="org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.control" level="debug" />
if there are issues with cookies and JMeter is unwilling to add the cookie you can force it by
Choosing less restrictive policy, i.e. netscape
Adding the next line to file:
More information: HTTP Cookie Manager Advanced Usage - A Guide

unable to add cookie in jmeter

Below is the cookie which i generated in my postman,
CAKEPHP=4c0nshbqn0vnsn92665dt23lsrpns; Path=/;; Secure; HttpOnly; Expires=Sun, 02 May 2021 13:58:52 GMT;
I have added the same in http cookie manager but still it is not working.Let me know whether is there anything wrong in my configuration
Cookie name is CAKEPHP and should check also Secure
Normally you should not be manually adding cookies, JMeter's HTTP Cookie Manager automatically extracts the cookies from the server's response Set-Cookie header and stores them internally in the HTTP Cookie manager (given the cookies are valid)
Then when you make a next request the HTTP Cookie Manager checks domain and path and if there is a match - it adds the cookie to the request by generating appropriate Cookie header
The same applies to manually added cookies, if you cannot see the cookie being added to the request you can:
check the domain and path
you can turn off JMeter's cookie verification logic by choosing a less restrictive implementation, i.e. netscape
there is also a property which completely turns off cookies verification, if you add the next line to file:
this way JMeter will store each and every incoming cookie
and last but not the least you can increase JMeter's logging verbosity for the HTTP Cookie Manager by adding the following line to log4j2.xml file:
<Logger name="org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.control" level="debug" />
finally you can always add a HTTP Header Manager and configure it to send the Cookie header with the value you're using in Postman

Can JMeter HTTP Cookie Manager work with Max-Age value

I have JMeter test where after one request in response headers is set cookie with Max-Age property.
In following requests I am sending cookie in request body.
After Max-Age time pass I expect that jmeter stops sending cookie in request body. But it stil sends cookie.
I am using HTTP Cookie Manager with Cookie policy: standard-strict
Am I using HTTP Cookie Manager right?
How Cookie Manager handles Max-Age parameter in set-cookie in response header?
HTTP Cookie Manager doesn't send anything in the request body, it automatically parses incoming cookies and generates appropriate Cookie header
Looking into JMeter source code STANDARD_STRICT policy stands for RFC6265CookieSpecProvider with STRICT compatibility level
In its turn RFC6265CookieSpecProvider in STRICT mode invokes BasicMaxAgeHandler
So given you have HttpClient4 implementation of your HTTP Request sampler(s) (or even better in HTTP Request Defaults) the Max-Age check functionality should work (unless there is a bug in the HTTPClient itself)
I listed all cookies with preprocessor and cookie has set expires property to 12:43:12 and current time is 12:45:35 (current time is in milliseconds) ... so it seems that cookie with expires property does not work
PreProcessor: Cookie n° 2: sticky_fo: expires: 1611146592 Current time: 1611146735233

Jmeter Not Able to send Cookies In Quotes " ", Netscape doesn't work

I am having this strange problem where i need to send multiple cookies as part of my Jmeter Script HTTP request.
Following are my cookies which i get in my response:
If I select Standard Mechanism in Cookie manager it identifies all cookies, but doesn't send Pega-RULES cookie in Quotes " " in the next request and the scripts fail.
If i select Netscape in Cookie Manager it identifies only Pega-RULES Cookie and sends the cookie in "" but Doesn't recognize AWS Cookies and doesn't send AWS Cookies in next cookies, again the script fails.
Please help me find a solution.
Many Thanks,
You can try adding the next line to file:
so if there is a problem with any of your cookies - JMeter will not "discard" it and send it with the next request even if it's expired or domain doesn't match, etc.
To get more insight regarding what's going on with the cookies under the hood you can enable debug logging for the HTTP Cookie Manager by adding the next line to log4j2.xml file
Also be aware that you can always extract any cookie from the Set-Cookie response header using i.e. Regular Expression Extractor and add them either to HTTP Header Manager or to the HTTP Cookie Manager as user-defined cookie
<Logger name="org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.control" level="debug" />

Append cookies and sending to next request using cookie manager in jmeter

I am doing load test for my application. For login i am getting set-cookie in response headers. Is it possible to append all cookies using cookie manager and sending it in request header for another request
Just add cookie manager to you thread group.
Jmeter will automatically transfer the cookies to the further request correspondingly
Add HTTP Cookie Manager to your Thread Group, it should handle cookies automatically.
If it doesn't pick up all the cookies, there should be an issue with one or more cookies, i.e. Domain or Path mismatch or expiration date is in the past or whatever. If this is the case and you still want JMeter to consider the invalid cookies you can try adding the next line to file (located in JMeter's "bin" folder)
Given this property set to false JMeter won't check cookies before storing them and you should see "missing" ones, however I would recommend raising a defect against your application as the fact you are not seeing the cookies added by the HTTP Cookie Manager indicates that something is wrong with them
