How can Upload the Docx, Doc file on Cloud Server Storage - oracle

I have uploaded as per Oracle Documentation but didn't get in same format. here is postman screenshot next when get request for same file is here after getting from docx file
please let me know what i missed. thanks in advance.

You used POST in your postman call, instead of PUT.
POST in this case is used as the command for creating or updating the metadata, not the object.
Try it with PUT instead.
See the Oracle Cloud Storage documentation for this as well.


Strapi endpoint for all media uploads

Does anyone know the endpoint for getting all of the iamges you uploaded to the media libray in one request?
Im using next js with strapi and need a way to grab all of the images from the media library but there doesnt seem to be any documentation on this
GET /api/upload/files Get a list of files
GET /api/upload/files/:id Get a specific file
POST /api/upload Upload files
DELETE /api/upload/files/:id Delete a file
GET /upload/files
You can read more on the docs

download zip file using Rest API responding null file immediately

I have spring boot API for downloading zip file, when i hit rest API in IE or chrome, API responding with file name as null, with no content, if try to hit the same api again after few seconds, the file getting downloaded.
how to fix this issue.
Please help.
this is due to the filename was set after the content(stream) was written to response, once content was written the control return back to client - before filename was set to the header.

Cant figure out, why i get a 403

i try to setup the youtube api but i get a 403.
I tried to setup several times- without success.,contentDetails&id=-DIJvggBrg8&key=xyz
Maybe someone is able to help me or even login to the console for a setup?
The 403 error by itself is not of immediate use. Its attached error code (as I already pointed out above) sheds light on the things that happened.
The API responds to any query you make with a text (that is structured in JSON format). That response text contains the needed error code.
I suggest you to proceed with the following steps:
delete the old API key (right now it is still accessible!);
create a new API key and
run your API query using the new key and then post here the API response text.
Note that I checked the video -DIJvggBrg8 to which your query refers to with my own API key and got no error but a JSON text describing the video.

Handling POST Request (JSON) in Oracle APEX

We are getting data (JSON file) from a middleware with a POST Request.
Now I need to provide a URL for them to send their POST Request.
The data from the JSON file should then be saved in a database table.
I already tried it with this but it is not working.
This is my Attempt it is simple and I think people can help me easily with this.
I already created a little program which sends the POST Request to a specific URL so I can test everything, but I just don't get the setup.
Has someone faced similar problems or can send me some resources about that? There are not that many related to APEX so help would be appreciated a lot.
Test it using and you should get more details. Just reading your question is hard to know if your request is failing because of some missing setup, wrong path or something else.

Uploading file using Web API and Azure server

I'm currently trying to upload image using ASP web API and save it in my Azure server using this tutorial
Then I took the request stream using Request.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync().Result and send it to Azure using blob.UploadFromStream(stream);
The file got uploaded and when I fetch the URL it returns something like
I tried the link but it just returns a blank page.
Any idea why I can't download my uploaded file back?
It turns out I should just use blob.UploadFile(fullLocalPathFileName) instead of blob.UploadFromStream(stream). You can get the full local path of your file from the MultipartFormDataStreamProvider and just send it easily to the blob.
