ansible loop over shell command output - ansible

I am learning ansible and I would like to know how to iterate of the results of a shell command. Here is what I have tried. I have this playbook:
[root#d61311ae17e2 /]# cat loop.yaml
- name: Loop Example
hosts: localhost
- name:
command: cat /vcs.txt
register: vcs
- name: Nonsense to demo loop
src: /foo.j2
dest: /foo.{{ item.1 }}
with_indexed_items: "{{ vcs }}"
The file /vcs.txt contains this:
[root#d61311ae17e2 /]# cat vcs.txt
What I was hoping would happen was the creation of four files:,, and But what happens instead when I run ansible-playbook loop.yaml is this:
PLAY [Loop Example] *********************************************************************************************************************************************
TASK [Gathering Facts] ******************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: []
TASK [command] **************************************************************************************************************************************************
changed: []
TASK [Nonsense to demo loop] ************************************************************************************************************************************
fatal: []: FAILED! => {"msg": "with_indexed_items expects a list"}
to retry, use: --limit #/loop.retry
PLAY RECAP ****************************************************************************************************************************************************** : ok=2 changed=1 unreachable=0 failed=1

I needed to do this with_indexed_items: "{{ vcs.stdout.split('\n')}}"

If you need stdout on a line-by-line basis, with_indexed_items: "{{ vcs.stdout_lines }}" is equivalent to .split('\n') and likely simpler/clearer.


Play recap and ignored=1 in Ansible

I am checking whether all services related to a docker-compose.yml are running on a system. The code snippet shown below.
- name:
shell: docker-compose ps -q "{{ item }}"
register: result
ignore_errors: yes
The code above works as expected. I have to ignore errors otherwise Ansible will not complete. The following result shows ignored=1
PLAY RECAP ******************************************************************************************************* : ok=38 changed=12 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=1
If this completes successfully I want to run a subsequent playbook but don't know how to specify ignored=1 correctly.
- name:
include_tasks: do_other_things.yml
when: ignored is false
How do I get the result from PLAY RECAP into something I can test with?
A better idea than trying to cope with the error returned by docker compose ps when the container does not exist would be to use the purposed module: docker_container_info to achieve the same.
Given the playbook:
- hosts: localhost
gather_facts: no
- docker_container_info:
name: "{{ item }}"
register: containers
- node1 # exists
- node404 # does not exists
- debug:
msg: "`{{ item.item }}` is not started"
loop: "{{ containers.results }}"
label: "{{ item.item }}"
when: not item.exists
This would yield:
TASK [docker_container_info] *************************************************
ok: [localhost] => (item=node1)
ok: [localhost] => (item=node404)
TASK [debug] *****************************************************************
skipping: [localhost] => (item=node1)
ok: [localhost] => (item=node404) =>
msg: `node404` is not started

Using ansible variable inside gathered fact list

I'm stuck to get data from gathered fact, using calculated data as part of query.
I am using 2.9 ansible and here is my task
- hosts: ios
connection: network_cli
gather_facts: true
- name: CEF OUTPUT
commands: sh ip cef | i nexthop
register: cef
- set_fact:
reg_result: "{{ cef.stdout |string| regex_search('Tunnel[0-9]+')}}"
- name: IT WORKS!
msg: "{{ reg_result }}"
var: ansible_facts.net_interfaces.Tunnel3.description
- name: AUTO LIST
var: ansible_facts.net_interfaces.[reg_result].description
and here is output
PLAY [ios] **********************************************
TASK [Gathering Facts] **********************************
ok: []
TASK [CEF OUTPUT] ***************************************
ok: []
TASK [set_fact] *****************************************
ok: []
TASK [IT WORKS!] ****************************************
ok: [] => {
"msg": "Tunnel3"
TASK [MANUAL LIST] **************************************
ok: [] => {
"ansible_facts.net_interfaces.Tunnel3.description": "DMVPN via MTS"
TASK [AUTO LIST] ****************************************
fatal: []: FAILED! => {"msg": "template error while templating string: expected name or number. String: {{ansible_facts.net_interfaces.[reg_result].description}}"}
to retry, use: --limit #/home/user/ansible/retry/ios_find_gw_int.retry
PLAY RECAP ********************************************** : ok=5 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=1 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=0
You see. Now I know that my default gateway is pointing to "Tunnel3", and it is possible to get some data placing this "Tunnel3" in {{ ansible_facts.net_interfaces.Tunnel3.description }} but how to get this automatically? And I feel such nested variable in the list is a very handy tool.
Remove the dot if you use the indirect addressing
- name: AUTO LIST
var: ansible_facts.net_interfaces[reg_result].description
See Referencing key:value dictionary variables.

Or condition is not working with set_facts in my playbook

I created one playbook to run the tasks based on the test case so I have created like below
Here when I pass the ansible-playbook playbook.yml -e stage=1, it's skipping all the tasks, and when I debug the test_case* values I could see both are in a false state, So can some help me to work this code.
- name: test
hosts: localhost
- name: setting the level
test_case_1: "{{ stage == 1 }}"
test_case_2: "{{ stage == 1 or stage == 2 }}"
- name: "running ls command"
shell: "ls -l"
register: testing
- test_case_1 == true
- debug:
msg: "{{ testing.stdout_lines }}"
- test_case_1 == true
- name: "kickoff"
shell: "df -Th"
register: kick
- test_case_2 == true
- name: "printing kickoff"
msg: "{{ kick.stdout_lines }}"
- test_case_2 == true
Below is the error results which I am getting
[root#server ~]# ansible-playbook playbook.yml -e stage=1
PLAY [test] ***********************************************************************************************************
TASK [Gathering Facts] ************************************************************************************************
ok: [localhost]
TASK [setting the level] **********************************************************************************************
ok: [localhost]
TASK [running ls command] *********************************************************************************************
skipping: [localhost]
TASK [debug] **********************************************************************************************************
skipping: [localhost]
TASK [kickoff] ********************************************************************************************************
skipping: [localhost]
TASK [printing kickoff] ***********************************************************************************************
skipping: [localhost]
PLAY RECAP ************************************************************************************************************
localhost : ok=2 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=4 rescued=0 ignored=0
[root#server ~]#
expected results should be, it should execute all the tasks from the play.
Your problem is that you are performing an integer comparison (stage == 1), but when you provide a value on the command line via -e stage=1, you are setting a string value.
You probably want to case the value of stage to an integer using the int filter.
- name: test
hosts: localhost
- name: setting the level
test_case_1: "{{ stage|int == 1 }}"
test_case_2: "{{ stage|int == 1 or stage|int == 2 }}"
With this change, things seem to work as expected.
Unrelated to your question, but you could rewrite the second test like this:
{{ stage|int in [1, 2] }}
That simplifies things a bit.

Ansible: move on to the next task if the task is completed on one host

In ansible what i require is to check for a file is available on two hosts. But if the file is available on even one host i need to cancel the task on other host and move onto the next task. The reason why i require this is because a the next task can only be done if that particular file is available and that file can be randomly written to any of the hosts.
The following play does exactly what you want:
- hosts:
- server1
- server2
gather_facts: False
file_name: ''
- name: wait for file
path: '{{ file_name }}'
state: present
timeout: 30
ignore_errors: True
- name: stat
path: '{{ file_name }}'
register: result
- name: next
msg: "File {{ file_name }} available on {{ ansible_host }}"
when: result.stat.isreg is defined and result.stat.isreg
The output is:
PLAY [server1,server2] *********************************************************
TASK [wait for file] ***********************************************************
ok: [server1]
fatal: [server2]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "elapsed": 3, "msg": "Timeout when waiting for file"}
TASK [stat] ********************************************************************
ok: [server1]
ok: [server2]
TASK [next] ********************************************************************
skipping: [server2]
ok: [server1] => {
"msg": "File available on server1"
PLAY RECAP *********************************************************************
server1 : ok=3 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=0
server2 : ok=0 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=0
You can use the stat module to check the status like below and for also you can add the serial:1 below hosts: in your playbook
path: /path/to/something
register: p
msg: "Path exists and is a directory"
when: p.stat.isdir is defined and p.stat.isdir for more details

ansible delegation to other hosts

I use ansible 2.1 and I want to run a command to a group of hosts, using delegate_to. I use localhost as the host param and I want to delegate a “touch” command to both of cls hosts
I have the following
- hosts: ansible
# gather_facts: yes
- debug: var=groups.cls
- name: touch a file to running host
shell: echo {{ item }} >> /tmp/{{ inventory_hostname }}
delegate_to: "{{ item }}"
with_items: "{{ groups.cls }}"
with output:
[root#ansible control]# ansible-playbook -i inventory test.yml
PLAY ***************************************************************************
TASK [setup] *******************************************************************
ok: [ansible]
TASK [debug] *******************************************************************
ok: [ansible] => {
"groups.cls": [
TASK [touch a file to running host] ********************************************
changed: [ansible -> cls-host-1] => (item=cls-host-1)
changed: [ansible -> cls-host-2] => (item=cls-host-2)
PLAY RECAP *********************************************************************
ansible : ok=3 changed=1 unreachable=0 failed=0
but the touch is done only on the first host:
[root#cls-host-1 ~]# more /tmp/ansible
Is anything wrong? Can I delegate the command with any other way?
I've tested a variation of your playbook using Ansible
#!/usr/bin/env ansible-playbook
- hosts:
- name: touch
shell: echo {{item}} >>/tmp/{{inventory_hostname}}
delegate_to: "{{item}}"
This is working fine: the touch is performed on jessie and short
jessie$ cat /tmp/
short$ cat /tmp/
Perhaps this feature was introduced in Ansible between 2.1 and 2.4.
