I am looking to access the Auth'd users' data throughout my views. This information needs to come from a DB query so I can join in various other tables to get the data I need.
The view structure I am working with is as follows: (layout->dashboard). "Layout" being the generic html bits, parent. and "dashboard" being the page specific content.
My first attempt at passing data from the controller to the view outlined that I was only able to access the variable from the child view (dashboard) and not (layout) which I did presume beforehand. My question is, what is the best way to pass around user data, from a DB query, to any view I need it in.
In this one scenario, it is using a peice of data to retrieve the users avatar in the nav bar, found in "layout".
Many Thanks,
Laravel provides a quick way to scaffold all of the routes and views you need for authentication using one simple command:
php artisan make:auth
to make auth interface.
Check Laravel Doc:authentication
And then, try below...
Query DB like this...
$users = DB::table('users')->get();
return view('layout', compact('users'));
After get the users collection, then send to view Blade(in the html file) like this...
//`Layout.blade.php` as View file like this..
<div class="container">
#foreach($users as $user)
{{$user->"any you want"}}
Enjoy coding~!! :)
I want to retrieve data from the database and create the dynamic route.
For example, in Laravel web route file we write :
Route::get('/{slug}', function($slug){
return $slug;
So, I want to create this code after retrieving data from the database. and based on the data I can create the dynamic route with params or passing model data to the view.
And also how do I create dynamic view files. Like for different layout or from the database data.
Thanks in Advance.
in Laravel i want to do a page with a search box and a form (the route could be /products)
I want to retrieve information using search box typing id from a db and populate the form.
I request datas with the route for example /products/{id}
But in the controller i use the same function products($Request request) with if the id exists do something if no do other things, or there are two different functions?
Please go through the Laravel Resource Controllers.
To show list of products i.e. /products, create a index() method. To show a specific product i.e. /product/{id}, create show() method.
Probably is better use the same function, if id exist, return the page with the values filling the form, if not returns the same page but with a message showing that product doesn't exist
A client wants to have CRUD functionality for events on their website.
In the migration up() method, I currently have the following for the schema:
On the website, I have an RSVP button.
How would I make an additional column for the user to add a url to their facebook event in the href inside the button?
What should I do to get this to insert into the href? :
If you already passing an object to the view, do this:
<a href="{{ $object->url }}">
The migration is just setting up your database. You still need to populate it with data.
That is fine for your migration, but if you want the user to be able to enter the URL, you'll have to add a form to the front-end view for the user to provide the URL.
Then on the backend, you'll need a route in your routes file that points to a controller that processes the form submission and inserts or updates the database record with a model object.
You'll also need to add the 'url' field to the $fillable array on whatever model your migration was for:
protected $fillable = [..., 'url'];
You could check out this tutorial which has a CRUD example from scratch for Laravel 5.4
I have 2 models
Each user hasMany customers (aka Accounts)
the user model has
public function customer() {
return $this->hasMany('App\Customer', 'id','customer_id');
but when i try to output this:
i get an error saying:
Undefined property: Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection::$name
When i use this one, i get the entire customers record output in JSON.
So the relationship is working, but obviously i am missing something. I was sure this was the right way to do it. I swear this worked in Laravel4.2 but now that I'm in Laravel 5 it doesn't.
As the error and the below link says, It is returning a collection (hasMany) not a single object, you need to either loop over the collection or do direct access in the collection based on the index.
that is to say... does doing this work?..
You should loop over customers, if you want display customers in laravel view you can do the following
($user->customer as $cust)
This question regards the structure of applications when using laravel.
I have a view for making a sale/purchase from a company. This single view contains a client search, product list, service list and a staff list. Each of the items listed above has their own model. In the view, i would say search for a client which will call a function within the controller and populate a list. Same for the products and services etc etc.
What confuses me is that for the client search i would click a button that would fire to a url like /clients/search/search string, which would return the array of clients to display on the page. This function seems as if it would be appropriate within the client controller. I am unsure as to how i would be able to maintain the information from the client search and other parts of the sale to then submit it all together under one single controller (let's call it InvoiceController).
Can controllers share the functions from other controller? Do i simply store the information in a session variable? Do i simply put all relative functions to this sale under the InvoiceController?
Thanks for any help!
I would do a search for clients against the client controller, then when you select the client add this (client_id) to your invoice form. then save this with other invoice info via the invoice controller
After much deliberation, it appeared that AJAX was the simplest answer. In this case i used Angular JS and had that running a controller to fetch each segment of the Invoice, then use the main InvoiceController in Laravel to fire the final update.