Laravel db:seed does not work without --class parameter - laravel

Running php artisan db:seed does not work for some reason on my Laravel 5.6 project.
The command runs (quietly) even without a database
Does not return any error on the terminal
However, when I run php artisan db:seed --class=ClassNameTableSeeder it works. What could be the cause of such a weird behavior?
NB : Similar to questions like 39521913 but not a duplicate.

This is because by default DatabaseSeeder does nothing. Original code in fresh Laravel project looks like this:
public function run()
// $this->call(UsersTableSeeder::class);
So to run any database seeder, you should uncomment this line and put valid class name, so for example:
and so on to run seeders for each class you put here.


no php artisan commands are working after new migration

I am new to laravel .
Following tutorial videos on laracast,i made a new migration (cmd command) like following
php artisan make:migration delete_title_from_posts_table
which gave me the message
Created Migration: 2020_02_05_185721_delete_title_from_posts_table
after that no php artisian command is working in cmd.
Any command i run gives me the following error
In Container.php line 805:
Target class [db] does not exist.
In Container.php line 803:
Class db does not exist
what would be causing this?
my laravel app version=6.2 and php version=7.3.5 on Win10 64-bit.
similar questions i already viewed,not working for me
Since it's a facade, add this to the top of the class to make it work:
use DB;
Or use full namespace:
$tables = \DB::table...
run these commands steps by step:
composer dump-autoload clean up all compiled files and their paths
composer update --no-scripts Skips execution of scripts defined in composer.json
composer update update your project's dependencies

Laravel ER diagram generator getAllModelsFromEachDirectory()

When I try to follow the instruction here ( I get the following error.
Symfony\Component\Debug\Exception\FatalThrowableError : Argument 1 passed to BeyondCode\ErdGenerator\GenerateDiagramCommand::getAllModelsFromEachDirectory() must be of the type array, null given, called in vendor\beyondcode\laravel-er-diagram-generator\src\GenerateDiagramCommand.php on line 96
at vendor\beyondcode\laravel-er-diagram-generator\src\GenerateDiagramCommand.php:101
98| return $modelsFromDirectories;
99| }
101| protected function getAllModelsFromEachDirectory(array $directories): Collection
102| {
103| return collect($directories)
104| ->map(function ($directory) {
105| return $this->modelFinder->getModelsInDirectory($directory)->all();
Exception trace:
1 BeyondCode\ErdGenerator\GenerateDiagramCommand::getAllModelsFromEachDirectory()
2 BeyondCode\ErdGenerator\GenerateDiagramCommand::getModelsThatShouldBeInspected()
Please use the argument -v to see more details.
I've already opened an issue in the repository.
Screen capture of the error:
Posting for others that may encounter same issue.
Confirm you are using the latest version 1.4.0 of the library
Also if you're using php artisan serve try to stop the server. Run php artisan config:cache, and restart the artisan sever.
Note that the reason why you might need to run php artisan config:cache is because Laravel does cache the app's configurations. if you changed or added new configurations you might explicitly need to clear the configuration cache so that Laravel can cache the new configurations.
If no solution yet. Try this
php artisan vendor:publish --provider=BeyondCode\\ErdGenerator\\ErdGeneratorServiceProvider.
Then repeat step 2.

PhpStorm can't find Laravel helpers

I use PhpStorm 2018.1.4. I installed the package laravel-ide-helper. This allows PhpStorm to see model methods, but it doesn't see any chaining methods from Laravel helpers. For example, I have the following code in the controller:
return response()->file($path,['content-type' => 'application/pdf']);
PhpStorm says to me:
Method 'file' not found in \Illuminate\Contracts\Routing\ResponseFactory|\Illuminate\Http\Response.
How to fix it?
UPD: Of course, after install the package, I ran thees artisan commands:
php artisan ide-helper:generate
php artisan ide-helper:meta
Installing the laravel-ide-helper alone doesn't do anything. You need to run the artisan commands to generate the files that phpstorm will use.
php artisan ide-helper:generate
php artisan ide-helper:meta
Will help phpStorm's auto-completion.
Update: Since these are executed, the actual problem is a laravel structure issue:
The helper file() doesn't actually exist in the ResponseFactory (response() returns result of ResponseFactory) so IDE helper can't map to it.
file() does however exist in the Facade so if you were to do:
\Response::file($path,['content-type' => 'application/pdf']) it will auto complete.
It's a work around, but unless file() gets added to the response factory at laravel's level, there's not much ide helper or phpstorm can do.

How to run seeder in Laravel 5.1 with class parameter

I Use laravel 5.1 , I received "Class MySeederClass does not exist " when use --class in php artisan db::seed(like php artisan db::seed --class=MySeederClass) , but when I run this command without class parameter, every thing is ok, what is this parameter problam??
If somebody will have the same error just try to update your composer auto loader class with command.
composer dump-autoload

Laravel 5.1 refresh and seed a single table

I'm looking to refresh and seed a single table in Laravel 5.1. Is this even possible?
I have tried the below, but it gives an error (incorrect syntax).
php artisan migrate:refresh --path=database/migrations/CreateTableTimesheet
If I use: php artisan migrate:refresh it just says:
Nothing to migrate
You could use migrate:refresh command that will roll back all of your migrations and then execute the migrate command. This command effectively re-creates your entire database :
php artisan migrate:refresh
And you may use the --class option to specify a specific seeder class to run individually :
php artisan db:seed --class=UserTableSeeder
The full code will be :
php artisan migrate:refresh
php artisan db:seed --class=UserTableSeeder
Hope this helps.
Its better to truncate your same table first and then seed:-
public function run()
//seed your table here
then you can run your same seeder like this:-
php artisan db:seed --class=YourSeeder
Maybe first just backup the database, drop it and check if whole seeding, migrating and refreshing mechanic works. But first dump artisan autoload.
I don't think any answer so far addresses the question of migrating and seeding a single table. So, given the migration file database/migrations/create_foo_table.php and the seed file database/seeds/FooTableSeeder.php, which contains the FooTableSeeder seed class, you can do the following:
php artisan migrate:refresh --path=database/migrations/create_foo_table.php
php artisan db:seed --class=FooTableSeeder
This will rollback, migrate and seed your Foo table. See: rolling back migrations and running seeders in the Laravel 5.1 documentation (at the time of writing this, Laravel 7.x is out and the syntax has not changed).
php artisan tinker
>>> App\Status::truncate()
Will clear the statuses table
So you can do
>>> App\{MODEL_CLASS}::truncate()
I found this quite useful when I don't want to clear all the tables, especially users.
include full table name
php artisan migrate:refresh --path='database/migrations/2014_10_12_000000_create_table_timesheet.php'
You can do it in two steps:
Refresh your specific table:
php artisan migrate:refresh --path=database/migrations/00_create_foo_table.php
Seed tables set in database/seeds/DatabaseSeeder.php:
composer dump-autoload
php artisan db:seed
=== Extra information ===
You can comment the seeders you don't want to use in DatabaseSeeder.php:
use Illuminate\Database\Seeder;
class DatabaseSeeder extends Seeder
* Seed the application's database.
* #return void
public function run()
// BarSeeder::class,
// UserSeeder::class,
In this example, only database/seeds/FooSeeder.php will be passed.
