Report Metrics from Kafka to Actuator - spring

I'm trying to get some metrics (client lag, ...) from kafka to provide it for consumption by prometheus.
My approach would be to write a simple springboot application which exposes the metrics for prometheus. I understand that kafka provides metrics to all its consumers via the interface MetricsReporter.
So I implemented a class which should do exactly that:
public class MonitoringIntegration implements MetricsReporter {
public void init(List<KafkaMetric> list) {
for (KafkaMetric kafkaMetric : list) {
public void metricChange(KafkaMetric kafkaMetric) {
System.out.println("Metric Change");
public void metricRemoval(KafkaMetric kafkaMetric) {
public void close() {
public void configure(Map<String, ?> map) {
I registered this class with a bean:
public class MetricConfiguration {
public ProducerFactory<?, ?> kafkaProducerFactory(KafkaProperties properties) {
Map<String, Object> producerProperties = properties.buildProducerProperties();
return new DefaultKafkaProducerFactory<>(producerProperties);
public ConsumerFactory<?, ?> kafkaConsumerFactory(KafkaProperties properties) {
Map<String, Object> consumererProperties = properties.buildConsumerProperties();
return new DefaultKafkaConsumerFactory<>(consumererProperties);
When I start the application some metrics will be printed out to cmd, but they have all default values (0.0, infinite, ..) and they will only be provided once after the application started.
Why am I not getting the metrics? What did I do wrong?

Spring Kafka already exposes Kafka metrics as a JMX metrics. You dont need to update/send the metrics to Prometheus. Prometheus server will automatically read from your application's "/prometheus" endpoint. Enable Spring Actuator with Prometheus in your Spring project and configure the Prometheus server to read from it.
Here is a great example using Spring Boot -
MetricsReporter is not used to "report" metric values as they change. Check the docs. (For some reason I cant find the latest API).
A plugin interface to allow things to listen as new metrics are created so they can be reported.
metricChange() method will only be called when a metric is changed. This is the reason you see the first few outputs during application startup, because the metrics were created.

The consumer metrics support are only available on spring boot 2.1+ versions.
Auto-configuration Support For New Metrics
Metrics coverage has been improved to include:
Hibernate metrics
Spring Framework’s WebClient
Kafka consumer metrics
Log4j2 metrics
Jetty server thread pool metrics
Server-side Jersey HTTP request metrics
I recommend you to upgrade to newer versions. But if you really need to use Spring Boot prior versions, you can check my kafka metrics micrometer implementation at:


How to config max-delivery-attempts for Spring Boot with Embedded ActiveMQ Artemis?

I would like to config the max-delivery-attempts of dead letter as described in the manual.
I tried Spring Boot with embedded ActiveMQ Artemis JMS server, but cannot figure out how to set max-delivery-attempts value.
After debugging the Configuration instance I finally find the method. Here's the code:
public class RedeliveryConfiguration implements ArtemisConfigurationCustomizer {
public void customize(org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.config.Configuration configuration) {
Map<String, AddressSettings> addressesSettings = configuration.getAddressesSettings();
// # is the catch all address or default address

Show entries of cache via Spring Boots Actuator Endpoint /caches

I have a Spring Boot application with Actuator and Caching running.
When I call
I only get some basic information about target, name and cacheManager.
But I want to see all entries of this particular cache.
So is it possible to customize this endpoint that it gives me more information?
you can customize current endpoints by extending them. This is an example using the #EndpointWebExtension annotation to extend the standard info actuator endpoint with more functionality.
example is taken from here:
Extend actuator endpoints
Here is springs official documentation about extending endpoints:
Spring extending endpoints
#EndpointWebExtension(endpoint = InfoEndpoint.class)
public class InfoWebEndpointExtension {
private InfoEndpoint delegate;
// standard constructor
public WebEndpointResponse<Map> info() {
Map<String, Object> info =;
Integer status = getStatus(info);
return new WebEndpointResponse<>(info, status);
private Integer getStatus(Map<String, Object> info) {
// return 5xx if this is a snapshot
return 200;

Does Spring Boot Actuator have a Java API?

We customize the Spring Boot Actuator Info endpoint to include the application version number generated during our Jenkins build. We're using gradle to do this:
if (project.hasProperty('BUILD_NUMBER')) {
version = "${BUILD_NUMBER}"
} else {
version = "0.0.1-SNAPSHOT"
That works great for adding the version to the /info endpoint, but I'd like to access it when the application starts and print it to the application log.
I'm hoping the values are exposed in some property value (similar to or through a Java API. That way, I could do something like this:
public class MyApplication{
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {, args);
ConfigurableEnvironment environment = applicationContext.getEnvironment();
Looking through the docs, I'm not finding a way to access these values easily in code. Has anyone else had luck with this?
To get exactly the same properties of an actuator endpoint that are exposed through the REST endpoints, you can inject in one of your classes an instance of the respective endpoint class. In your case, the "right" endpoint class would be the InfoEndpoint. There are analogous endpoint classes for metrics, health, etc.
The interface has changed a little between Spring Boot 1.5.x and Spring Boot 2.x. So the exact fully qualified class name or read method name may vary based on the Spring Boot version that you are using. In Boot 1.5.x, you can find most of the endpoints in the org.springframework.boot.actuate.endpoint package.
Roughly, this is how you could build a simple component for reading your version property (assuming that the name of the property inside the info endpoint is simply build.version):
public class VersionAccessor {
private final InfoEndpoint endpoint;
public VersionAccessor(InfoEndpoint endpoint) {
this.endpoint = endpoint;
public String getVersion() {
// Spring Boot 2.x
return String.valueOf(getValueFromMap(;
// Spring Boot 1.x
return String.valueOf(getValueFromMap(endpoint.invoke()));
// the info returned from the endpoint may contain nested maps
// the exact steps for retrieving the right value depends on
// the exact property name(s). Here, we assume that we are
// interested in the build.version property
private Object getValueFromMap(Map<String, Object> info) {
return ((Map<String, Object>) info.get("build")).get("version");

Spring Cloud Config Client connecting to RabbitMQ

I have been trying to set up a Spring Cloud Config Server/Client. I have been following a few different examples (1, 2). I have the client and server set up correctly and can successfully query localhost:8888/localhost:8080 to see the values in JSON format.
My question is whether Spring Boot will automatically detect these properties provided by Spring Cloud Config Server. For now I am just attempting to connect to a RabbitMQ instance on startup but have had no success despite not having any errors. It does not connect to Rabbit or create the queues/exchanges.
It works when I have an file locally with the following properties but I wish to get these setting through Spring Cloud Config from a GitHub repository.
I have looked through the questions here/issues on GitHub but can't see anything relating to this.
Code for client class is below:
public class ConfigRabbitApplication {
final static String queueName = "arduino-weather-queue";
RabbitTemplate rabbitTemplate;
Queue queue() {
return new Queue(queueName, true);
Binding binding(Queue queue, TopicExchange exchange) {
return BindingBuilder.bind(queue).to(exchange).with("arduino-weather");
TopicExchange exchange() {
return new TopicExchange("arduino-iot-exchange", true, false);
public static void main(String[] args) {, args);
No, spring boot client is not aware that you want to fetch configuration from config-server. That is probably loaded when specific class in on a classpath, thats why you have to add dependency. Its well described here:
In case config-server is not on localhost:8888 you will also have to add:
to your bootstrap.yml file ( its same as application.yml, just loaded earlier ).

Spring 4.1 #JmsListener configuration

I would like to use the new annotations and features provided in Spring 4.1 for an application that needs a JMS listener.
I've carefully read the notes in the Spring 4.1 JMS improvements post but I continue to miss the relationship between #JmsListener and maybe the DestinationResolver and how I would setup the application to indicate the proper Destination or Endpoint.
Here is the suggested use of #JmsListener
public class MyService {
#JmsListener(containerFactory = "myContainerFactory", destination = "myQueue")
public void processOrder(String data) { ... }
Now, I can't use this in my actual code because the "myQueue" needs to be read from a configuration file using Environment.getProperty().
I can setup an appropriate myContainerFactory with a DestinationResolver but mostly, it seems you would just use DynamicDestinationResolver if you don't need JNDI to lookup a queue in an app server and didn't need to do some custom reply logic. I'm simply trying to understand how Spring wants me to indicate the name of the queue in a parameterized fashion using the #JmsListener annotation.
Further down the blog post, I find a reference to this Configurer:
public class AppConfig implements JmsListenerConfigurer {
public void configureJmsListeners(JmsListenerEndpointRegistrar registrar) {
SimpleJmsListenerEndpoint endpoint = new SimpleJmsListenerEndpoint();
endpoint.setMessageListener(message -> {
// processing
Now, this makes some amount of sense and I could see where this would allow me to set a Destination at runtime from some external string, but this seems to be in conflict with using #JmsListener as it appears to be overriding the annotation in favor of endpoint.setMessageListener in the code above.
Any tips on how to specify the appropriate queue name using #JmsListener?
Also note that depending on use case you can already parameterize using properties file per environment and PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer
#JmsListener(destinations = "${some.key}")
As per
In case people are using #JmsListener with spring boot, you do not have to configure PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer. It work's out the box
#JmsListener(destination = "${}")
public void receiveEntityMessage(final TextMessage message) {
// process stuff
Spring boot output
[26-Aug;15:07:53.475]-[INFO ]-[,]-[DefaultMes]-[o.s.j.l.DefaultMessageListenerContainer ]-[931 ]-Successfully refreshed JMS Connection
[26-Aug;15:07:58.589]-[WARN ]-[,]-[DefaultMes]-[o.s.j.l.DefaultMessageListenerContainer ]-[880 ]-Setup of JMS message listener invoker failed for destination '' - trying to recover. Cause: User user is not authorized to read from
[26-Aug;15:07:59.787]-[INFO ]-[,]-[DefaultMes]-[o.s.j.l.DefaultMessageListenerContainer ]-[931 ]-Successfully refreshed JMS Connection
[26-Aug;15:08:04.881]-[WARN ]-[,]-[DefaultMes]-[o.s.j.l.DefaultMessageListenerContainer ]-[880 ]-Setup of JMS message listener invoker failed for destination '' - trying to recover. Cause: User user is not authorized to read from
This proves that #JmsListener is able to pickup property values from without actually setting up any explicit PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer
I hope this helps!
You could eventually do that right now but it's a bit convoluted. You can set a custom JmsListenerEndpointRegistry using JmsListenerConfigurer
public class AppConfig implements JmsListenerConfigurer {
public void configureJmsListeners(JmsListenerEndpointRegistrar registrar) {
and then override the registerListenerContainer method, something like
public void registerListenerContainer(JmsListenerEndpoint endpoint, JmsListenerContainerFactory<?> factory) {
// resolve destination according to whatever -> resolvedDestination
super.registerListenerContainer(endpoint, factory);
But we could do better. Please watch/vote for SPR-12280
