Laravel show all links in paginator - laravel

Since Laravel 5.7, the paginator links() method shows only a reduced number of pages when called. The number of links can be customized using the onEachSide($count) method.
‹‹ ‹ 1 2 ... 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 ... 102 103 › ››
I want to display every page in order to make a page selector dropdown, using a html <select>.
Calling onEachSide(9999) does work, but it looks flimsy, and may break on high page counts that the app i'm writing could reach.
What would be the clean way to get all the page links ?
EDIT: I am using a custom view, which looks like the following :
#if ($paginator->hasPages())
<ul class="pagination">
{{-- Previous Page Link --}}
#if ($paginator->onFirstPage())
<li class="disabled">‹‹</li>
<li class="disabled">‹</li>
{{--Pagination Elements --}}
#foreach ($elements as $element)
#if (is_string($element))
<li class="disabled"><span>{{ $element }}</span></li>
#if (is_array($element))
#foreach ($element as $page => $url)
#if ($page == $paginator->currentPage())
<li class="active"><span>{{ $page }}</span></li>
<li>{{ $page }}</li>
{{-- Next Page Link --}}
#if ($paginator->hasMorePages())
<li class="disabled">›</li>
<li class="disabled"><span>››</li>
The $elements variable seems to already have the extra pages removed, however.

The paginator uses the bootstrap-4 blade view to render the page. This view always implements the tripple dots.
You could create a custom view that renders all pagination pages without any tripple dot items and pass this view as the first parameter to the links function.
Update: The view you are using is exactly the same as the one build in to Laravel. You shouldn't use the $element variable as this gets windowed with tripple dot elements.
You should use the pagination lastpage variable and loop over all pages yourself. For example, like this:
{{-- Pagination Elements --}}
#for ($page = 1; $page <= $paginator->lastPage(); $page++)
#if ($page == $paginator->currentPage())
<li class="active"><span>{{ $page }}</span></li>
<li>{{ $page }}</li>


Laravel - Element displaying twice while looping inside a condition

This is the example while looping
despite having a condition and relation many too many it seems that the case
#foreach (\App\ClientDocument::where('id_client', $clients->id)->get() as $item)
#if (\App\Document::where('id',$item->id_document)->get())
<a class="img-fluid " href="{{asset('images/'.$item->file)}}" download="{{asset('images/'.$item->file)}}" alt="" name="download" > Telecharger </a>
in the above snippet
#foreach (\App\ClientDocument::where('id_client', $clients->id)->get() as $item)
#if (\App\Document::where('id',$item->id_document)->get())
<a class="img-fluid " href="{{asset('images/'.$item->file)}}" download="{{asset('images/'.$item->file)}}" alt="" name="download" > Telecharger </a>
code is absolutely fine, but there might be the possibility, you are running with duplicate data, you can use this also.
\App\ClientDocument::where('id_client', $clients->id)->distinct('id_client')->get()
and instead of using #if (\App\Document::where('id',$item->id_document)->get())
you can use
#if (\App\Document::where('id',$item->id_document)->firstOrFail())
#if (\App\Document::where('id',$item->id_document)->count())
That's it.
first you shouldn't loading data inside blade files
do it inside controller function
then you should create relationship inside ClientDocument model name document
and in your blade you can do that
or whatever you want

Homepage won't show newly added records but other pages do

I'm using a Laravel 5.7 in an old web project last year 2019 but now I encountered a very weird bug.
This is a website that when you add a new game, it will show to the menu list and if it is featured it will show to the homepage content.
this is the table ['game_id', 'name', 'key', 'status', 'order', 'is_featured']
in the header view I put this code:
<ul class="nav-menu">
<li class="{{ ($page == "games" ? 'menu-active' : '') }} submenu dropdown"><a href="/games" >Games</a>
<ul class="dropdown-menu">
#foreach(GetPublishedGames() as $game)
<li class="nav-item">{{$game->name}}</li>
calling this helper code GetPublishedGames()
function GetPublishedGames(){
$data = DB::table("game")->where("status", 1)->orderBy("order")->get();
return $data;
in the homepage controller I had this line
"feat_games" => Game::where("status", 1)->where("is_featured", 1)->orderBy("order")->limit(5)->get(),
that calls in the homepage view:
#foreach($feat_games as $feat_game)
<div class="feat-game-item wow fadeInUp">
... some content ...
I have no idea why this happening, it works before in the local and development stage. I did tried to clear cache.
any idea?

modulus with remainder laravel

I am trying to setup columns of 4 from a laravel array which works correctly. The problem is how do you handle remainders? With my loop I end up with 2 extra divs that are empty at the end of my output. I have 10 items that i'm looping over which would give me a remainder of 2.5 Here is my code.
<div class="serviceListingColumn">
#foreach($serviceListings as $serviceListing)
#if ($serviceListing->service_category == $services->title)
<li class="serviceListingItem">{{$serviceListing->service_name}}</li>
#if($loop->iteration % 4 === 0)
<div class="serviceListingColumn">
I would suggest chunking the original array into groups, then just looping those. Easier for the template logic.
// Use the Collection's group() functionality in your controller.
// Use collect() if it isn't a Collection already.
$array = collect($array)->chunk(4);
// Your template then doesn't need to worry about modulus,
// and can focus on displaying the chunked groups.
#foreach ($array as $group)
<div class="serviceListingColumn">
#foreach ($group as $serviceListing)
<li class="serviceListingItem">{{ $serviceListing->service_name }}</li>

How to show comments and replycomments in laravel

I don't know how to show comments and replycomments in my post page. My comments table contains id, sender_id, replyer_id, reply_id, comment_text.
CommentController returns a comment object. In Post.blade.php, how do I write a foreach loop or loops?
Your Controller code must be similar to this:
public function index()
$comments = Comment::with(['sender', 'other-relation'])->get();
return view('comments.index', compact('comments'));
and your blade code must be similar to this:
#foreach($comments as $comment)
<li>{{ $comment->comment_text }}</li>
#if ($comment->sender) // or other relation
<a> {{$comment->sender->name}}<a> // relation name and column name must be fix yourself
Inside blade file:
#foreach($comments as $comment)
<li>{{ $comment->comment_text }}</li>

Laravel dynamic breadcrumbs with links

I am trying to implement dynamic breadcrumbs in laravel with links. I successfully render the breadcrumbs but without links by following code.
<ol class="breadcrumb">
<li><i class="fa fa-dashboard"></i>Marketplace</li>
#foreach(Request::segments() as $segment)
But now i am facing issue with the urls. I am getting the current url of the route with all the decendents. Can someone please help me that how can I add links to the breadcrumbs ?
If I understand your issue correctly, you just need to fill in the URL of the link. This is untested but I think it should work.
<ol class="breadcrumb">
<li><i class="fa fa-dashboard"></i>Marketplace</li>
<?php $segments = ''; ?>
#foreach(Request::segments() as $segment)
<?php $segments .= '/'.$segment; ?>
This worked for me, tried in Laravel 5.4.*
Requirement for this code to work flawlessly: All URL's should have hierarchy pattern in your routes file
Below code will create crumb for each path -
Home >
<?php $link = "" ?>
#for($i = 1; $i <= count(Request::segments()); $i++)
#if($i < count(Request::segments()) & $i > 0)
<?php $link .= "/" . Request::segment($i); ?>
{{ ucwords(str_replace('-',' ',Request::segment($i)))}} >
#else {{ucwords(str_replace('-',' ',Request::segment($i)))}}
So Breadcrumb for URL will be - Home > abc > lmn > xyz
Hope this helps!
Im not sure if you already got a solution for this, but i figured out a way to go about it on my project. It might come in handy for your implementation.
I ended up with either adding the whole url to the link or only the segment, which ofc is not desirable, so using array slice i start slicing from the 0 index in the array and only slice untill the current iteration of the loop, then implode the array into a string and then use URL::to to create the link.
<ol class="breadcrumb">
<i class="fa fa-home"></i>
#for($i = 2; $i <= count(Request::segments()); $i++)
<a href="{{ URL::to( implode( '/', array_slice(Request::segments(), 0 ,$i, true)))}}">
As you will notice, I only start my iteration from 2 ($i = 2) as my app base url starts at /admin and i manually put my home Url in the first breadcrumb.
Again you might already have a solution, but throught this could work for people who do not want to add the package to get breadcrumbs.
I wrote a this code that can handle laravel resource ( index | edit | create ) routes dynamically:
Custom Breadcrumb => custom.blade.php
$segments[]=$model->slug // Model that passed to this included blade file
#php $segments=Request::segments() #endphp
#foreach($segments as $sg)
#php $link.='/'.$sg #endphp
<li class="breadcrumb-item">
<li class="breadcrumb-item active">
Use Custom Breadcrumb => example.balde.php
#include('admin.vendor.breadcrumb.custom',['model'=> $articles])
Just add slash / before any link to add decendents to domain name
like that
<a href="/YourLink" ></a>
I liked the solution offered by #rohankhude but it was not showing "/" after the first segment (marketplace). So here is a clean code.
<div class="breadcrumb">
<?php $link = "" ?>
#for($i = 1; $i <= count(Request::segments()); $i++)
#if($i < count(Request::segments()) & $i > 0)
<?php $link .= "/" . Request::segment($i); ?>
#if ($i == 1)
/ {{ ucwords(str_replace('-',' ',Request::segment($i)))}}
{{ ucwords(str_replace('-',' ',Request::segment($i)))}}
<a class="active">/ {{ucwords(str_replace('-',' ',Request::segment($i)))}}</a>
