Protected method call on joomla site - joomla

I am getting this kind of Joomla error
Call to protected method JApplicationSite::route() from context ''
not sure how what to do and how to fixed it without breakig site or delete some files. Please help.
Joomla version is 3.7.2.

Found solution. It seems that that version is not working with php 7.1.4, updated joomla and some modules and it worked. Me being supid.


Remove article id from joomla 3.4.8 url

After upgrading my site to Joomla 3.4.8, my URL is showing article id. It was not there before the upgrade.
Can anybody tell me how to fix this problem?
Please help!!
Joomla, by default, includes the article id in the URL in order to avoid problems with articles having the same aliases.
If the previous version of Joomla did not have the article id in the URL, then it might be that you have been using an extension such as sh404SEF and you're not using it anymore.
It might be also that you had a modified core as explained here: , and the modification was overwritten by the update.

Joomla configuration page next button not working

joomla configuration page
I want to learn how to use joomla but the problem is that i can't continue from the first page is just keeps on validating the fields even though that have data, your response to this request will be highly appreciated.
Not sure what version of Joomla but make sure you are meeting all requirements for that particular installation. It could be something like an unsupported version of the PHP version which I have come across in the past.

joomla 2.5 module override not working

I'm working for a government school and I'm trying to override the 'Latest News' module in my template. I've created the following structure in my template folder: template_name\html\mod_articles_latest\default.php
Locally it works well, overrides the module, but when I push it to the live site nothing happens. I don't have permission to see the FTP files, I can only work through the joomla admin area, so I can't do much on the joomla installation files to test anything.
My questions is: is there any way to not allow override module in Joomla 2.5? (because it seems that it is what is happening) or Am I doing something wrong, like the module name I'm using or something?
Thanks in advance!

Joomla - Component 404 and blank front Page

I am currently running Joomla 1.5, I have moved my site to a new domain and thought I had foloowed the procedure correctly. But now my menus are gone and it seems like articles are not showing up in their proper modules. Other than that the components i was using are now giving me a 404 component not found error. Does anyone know why this is or how I can fix this? Please I really need some help or direction....
Here is my link:
Make sure you check the following things:
Ensure you made the correct database setting changes in the configuration.php
Ensure you server is running PHP 5.2+
Make sure your MySQL version is arounf 5.0+ but also not too high such as 5.5.24 this can cause some problems with depreciated functions.
Also make sure your server has Apache mod_rewrite extension installed if you were using SEF before else you can turn SEF off in the configuration.php

How to move custom template form Joomla 1.5 to 2.5?

I am migrating form Joomla 1.5 to 2.5 version. I need to move template.
I installed it with Extension Manager. It displayed in Template Manager. But when I am assigning this template to site- the site respond with HTTP Error 500 (Internal Server Error): An unexpected condition was encountered while the server was attempting to fulfill the request. This template worked fine on Joomla 1.5.
Your template need a Joomla 2.5 (or 1.7) compatibility!
I'm facing the same inconvenient at this time, so i want to publish here my answer to help anyone who has to do this task to convert templates 1.7 to 2.5, the instructions can be found in, specifically in the section "Alternate Method Using a Version 2.5 Template".
I've tried different tools to convert them automatically without success, this method really helped me.
