Vertex cover for tree greedy approach - algorithm

Question: Let T be an n-node tree rooted at some node r. We want to place as few guards as
possible on nodes of T, such that every edge of T is guarded: an edge between a parent
node v and its child w is guarded if one places a guard on at least one of these two nodes
v, w.
Give an O(n) time algorithm for finding an optimal solution to the problem.
My approach was to do post order traversal from the root and place a guard on a node that is part of an unguarded edge except if that node is a leaf...but this algorithm wouldn't work if all the nodes were arranged in a linear chain because my algorithm would place guards on every node except for the ends of the chain.
I've looked online and checked out the DP solutions, which make sense to me but I was wondering if there's a greedy algorithm to find a vertex cover for a tree


Find the cheapest value in graph

I have an undirected, weighted graph given with n nodes and m edges. In this graph it is possible to start at a node and visit all other nodes exactly once and return to the starting node (this may be not important). I need to pick n / 2 (n is even) edges such that every node is connected by only one edge and the sum of edges is minimal possible. One more thing should be satisfied, edges should not intersect between themselves.
I've tried brute force and it's too slow. I am not very familiar with graph theory, so maybe there exists some algorithm for this. What I'm looking for is a hint (or web link) to the algorithm that solves this problem.

Minimum vertex cover

I am trying to get a vertex cover for an "almost" tree with 50,000 vertices. The graph is generated as a tree with random edges added in making it "almost" a tree.
I used the approximation method where you marry two vertices, add them to the cover and remove them from the graph, then move on to another set of vertices. After that I tried to reduce the number of vertices by removing the vertices that have all of their neighbors inside the vertex cover.
My question is how would I make the vertex cover even smaller? I'm trying to go as low as I can.
Here's an idea, but I have no idea if it is an improvement in practice:
From "Any connected graph decomposes into a tree of biconnected components called the block-cut tree of the graph." Furthermore, you can compute such a decomposition in linear time.
I suggest that when you marry and remove two vertices you do this only for two vertices within the same biconnected component. When you have run out of vertices to merge you will have a set of trees not connected with each other. The vertex cover problem on trees is tractable via dynamic programming: for each node compute the cost of the best answer if that node is added to the cover and if that node is not added to the cover. You can compute the answers for a node given the best answers for its children.
Another way - for all I know better - would be to compute the minimum spanning tree of the graph and to use dynamic programming to compute the best vertex cover for that tree, neglecting the links outside the tree, remove the covered links from the graph, and then continue by marrying vertices as before.
I think I prefer the minimum spanning tree one. In producing the minimum spanning tree you are deleting a small number of links. A tree with N nodes had N-1 links, so even if you don't get back the original tree you get back one with as many links as it. A vertex cover for the complete graph is also a vertex cover for the minimum spanning tree so if the correct answer for the full graph has V vertices there is an answer for the minimum spanning tree with at most V vertices. If there were k random edges added to the tree there are k edges (not necessarily the same) that need to be added to turn the minimum spanning tree into the full graph. You can certainly make sure these new edges are covered with at most k vertices. So if the optimum answer has V vertices you will obtain an answer with at most V+k vertices.
Here's an attempt at an exact answer which is tractable when only a small number of links are added, or when they don't change the inter-node distances very much.
Find a minimum spanning tree, and divide edges into "tree edges" and "added edges", where the tree edges form a minimum spanning tree, and the added edges were not chosen for this. They may not be the edges actually added during construction but that doesn't matter. All trees on N nodes have N-1 edges so we have the same number of added edges as were used during creation, even if not the same edges.
Now pretend you can peek at the answer in the back of the book just enough to see, for one vertex from each added edge, whether that vertex was part of the best vertex cover. If it was, you can remove that vertex and its links from the problem. If not, the other vertex must be so you can remove it and its links from the problem.
You now have to find a minimum vertex cover for a tree or a number of disconnected trees, and we know how to do this - see my other answer for a bit more handwaving.
If you can't peek at the back of the book for an answer, and there are k added edges, try all 2^k possible answers that might have been in the back of the book and find the best. If you are lucky then added link A is in a different subtree from added link B. In that case you can confine the two calculations needed for the two possibilities for added link A (or B) to the dynamic programming calculations for the relevant subtree so you have only doubled the work instead of quadrupled it. In general, if your k added edges are in k different subtrees that don't interfere with each other, the cost is multiplied by 2 instead of 2^k.
Minimum vertex cover is an NP complete algorithm, which means that you can not solve it in a reasonable time even for something like 100 vertices (not to mention 50k).
For a tree there is a polynomial time greedy algorithm which is based on DFS, but the fact that you have "random edges added" screws everything up and makes this algorithm useless.
Wikipedia has an article about approximation algorithm, claims that it reaches factor 2 and claims that no better algorithm is know, which makes it quit unlikely that you will find one.

Dijkstra looped tree

Anyone knows this?
A looped tree is a weighted, directed graph built from a binary tree
by adding an edge from every leaf back to the root. Every edge has a
non-negative weight.
How much time would Dijkstra’s algorithm require to compute the shortest path between two vertices u and v in a looped tree with n
Describe and analyze a faster algorithm.
How much time would Dijkstra’s algorithm require to compute the
shortest path between two vertices u and v in a looped tree with n
It will take O(VlogV) time (worst case analysis).
Note that there is a single simple path for each pair of nodes (u,v) that connects u to v. If this path for some reason contains a very heavy weighted edge, Dijksta's algorithm is going to keep postponing taking this edge, and will fail to discover the correct route until it will, which will make the algorithm have to discover most of the vertices in the looped tree, making the complexity O(VlogV) (Note that E is in O(V) for this graph).
Describe and analyze a faster algorithm.
Since there is a single simple path, you just need to find it.
It can be easily done by finding the lowest common ancestor in the tree (without loops), and then finding a route to this ancestor from u.
Complexity of this algorithm is O(h) - where h is the height of the graph.
I think the answer by amit is wrong.
In Describing and analyze a faster algorithm.
you can't find the cheapest route from vertex u to this ancestor in O(h), therefore, this algorithm is not O(h). For 2 reasons, if internal nodes only have parent to child directed edge, we need to look down from u to find the cheapest route to common ancestor (or the root), and I am not aware of an algorithm that can do that. Second reason, if there are parent->child and child->parent edges, then the path from source vertex to lowest common ancestor vertex can be through any of the 3 adjacent vertex of any internal tree nodes( vertex) or 1 adjacent vertex(root) of any leaf node vertex, thus we can't do it in O(h).
Based on my understanding of the problem, child->parent edge is not in the definition of looped-tree graph. Therefore, the only we is to go down the tree and come back at the top and from root to target is a simple single path. Therefore, we reduce the problem to finding the cheapest route from u to root, thereby reduce the complexity.
Further, if target is a direct descendant of source, we will stop the during finding the cheapest route to root. if source is the root, the problem is trivial since the route is the simple single path from root to target by going down the subtrees of target.

Tree root finding

How could I get from set of nodes and edges get tree with a root?
(I'm working with connectivity-matrix, each edge has weight: graph[i][j], without any negative edges). Later I need to do DFS and find LCA's in that tree, so it would be good for optimize.
I suppose that your matrix represents the child relationship (i.e. M[i][j] tells that j is the child of i), for a directed graph G(V,E).
You have 2 different strategies:
use a bit vector, go through each cell of your matrix, and mark the child index in the vector if the cell's weight is not null): the root is the vertex not set in the vector,
look for the columns (or rows, if your matrix is column first) whose cells are all null (no ancestors),
The second solution is better for dense matrices. Its worst running time would be when the root is the last entry (O(V²)). In this case you can stop at the first hit, or run til the end to get all the roots, if your graph has many.
The first one is better suited for sparse matrices, since you have to go through all the cells. It's running time is in O(E). You also get all the roots with this algorithm.
If you are certain that your graph has only one root, you can use the walk the edges up technique, as described in other answers.
Here is a computationally MUCH SLOWER version that is also much easier to code. For small graphs, it is just fine.
Find the node with in-degree zero!
You have to compute all node degrees, O(n), but depending on the setting, this is often much easier to code and thus less prone to error.
Pick one node in the tree and walk up, that is, against the orientation of the edges. When you find a node without an ancestor you have the root.
If you need to do something like this often, just remember the parent node for each node.
a DFS search from any graph gives you a tree (assuming the graph is connected, of course).
you can iterate it, and start from each node as a possible root, you will get a spanning tree eventually this way, if there is one. complexity will be O(V^2+VE)
EDIT: it works because for any finite graph, if there is a root form node a to node b, there will be a path from a to b in the tree DFS creates. so, assuming there is a possible spanning tree, there is a root r, which you can get from to each v in V. when iterating when r chosen as root, there is a path from r to each v in V, so there will be a path from r to it in the spanning tree.

How do I test whether a tree has a perfect matching in linear time?

Give a linear-time algorithm to test whether a tree has a perfect matching,
that is, a set of edges that touches each vertext of the tree exactly once.
This is from Algorithms by S. Dasgupta, and I just can't seem to nail this problem down. I know I need to use a greedy approach in some manner, but I just can't figure this out. Help?
Pseudocode is fine; once I have the idea, I can implement in any language trivially.
The algorithm has to be linear in anything. O( V + E ) is fine.
I think I have the solution. Since we know the graph is a tree, we know of the existance of leaf nodes, nodes with one edge and no children. In order for this node to be included in the perfect matching, that edge MUST exist in the final solution.
Ergo, we can find all edges connecting to a leaf node, add to the solution, and remove the touched edges from the graph. If, at the end of this process, we are left any remaining nodes untounched, there exists no perfect matching.
In the case of a "graph",
The first step of the problem should be to find the connected components.
Since every edge in the final answer connect two vertices, they belong to at most one of the connected components.
Then, the perfect matching could be found for each connected component.
Linear in what? Linear in the number of edges, keep the edges as an ordered incidence list, ie, every edge (vi, vj) in some total order. Then you can compare the two lists in O(n) of the edges.
The working algorithm would be something as follows:
For each leaf in the tree:
add edge from leaf to its parent to the solution
delete edge from leaf to its parent
delete all edges from the parent to any other vertices
delete leaf and parent from the tree
If the tree is empty then the answer is yes. Otherwise, there's no perfect matching.
I think that it's a simplified problem of finding a Hamiltonian path in a graph:
I think that there are many solutions on the internet to this problem, but generally finding Hamilton cycle is a NP problem.
