VB6 connectivity with oracle on windows 10 - oracle

I have installed the vb6 and oracle 11 g client(instantclient_11_2) on windows 10.
I created one odbc connection and now trying to connect oracle db but its giving error while connecting the db using vb6 form.
Error :"Error while trying to retrieve text for error ORA-01019"
I am using the connection string like :
sconnstring = "DRIVER={Microsoft ODBC for Oracle};SERVER = servername;uid = user id;pwd= password}"

When creating the ODBC connection use ODBC 32 ...under windows\sysWow

The Microsoft ODBC driver "Microsoft ODBC for Oracle" is deprecated for ages, you should not use it anymore.
Download and install the "ODBC Package" from Instant Client Downloads for Microsoft Windows 32-bit, then it should work.

instant client for microsoft odbc is not available for Windows-10 operating system.
Then in that case for windows-10 we need to use Oracle ODBC client 12 version for odbc connection.Its working for me.


Run-time Error '-2147467259 (80004005) [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified

I am trying to connect to oracle using excel macro. My connection string is as follows:
*"Driver={Microsoft ODBC for Oracle}; CONNECTSTRING=(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=localhost)(PORT=1521))(CONNECT_DATA=(SID=edw))); uid=system; pwd=oracle;"*
OS : Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise
MS Office Professional Plus 2013
Could you please help me.
Thanks in advance!!!
The driver does not exist, try Driver={Oracle in OraDb11g_home1}
However, ODBC exist for 32 bit and 64 bit. Which ODBC Data Source Administrator did you start (they look the same)?
To launch 64-bit ODBC Administrator use %SystemRoot%\System32\odbcad32.exe
To launch 32-bit ODBC Administrator use %SystemRoot%\SysWOW64\odbcad32.exe
The architecture of ODBC driver must match the architecture of your client, I assume this is MS Office which is most likely the 32 bit version.
ODBC driver for Oracle can be provided by Microsoft (Driver={Microsoft ODBC for Oracle}) or by Oracle (Driver={Oracle in OraDb11g_home1}, driver name varies). 64-bit driver is provided only by Oracle, the Microsoft driver is deprecated.
NB, I never used CONNECTSTRING=..., try Server=... instead.

how i install mssqlcli on my windows 7 machine.

How can I install ms sql client on my windows 7 machine ?
Because without this driver error is "Provider cannot be found"
I am using mssql server 2005 on my Win XP, I am fail to install dot net framework 2 on windows 7 client.
Microsoft SQL Server Native Client contains the SQL OLE DB provider and SQL ODBC driver in one native dynamic link library (DLL) supporting applications using native-code APIs (ODBC, OLE DB and ADO) to Microsoft SQL Server.
Get the SQL Server Native Client for SQL Server 2005

Microsoft ODBC for Oracle on Windows 2008 R2 x64

I have server under Windows Server 2003 with Oracle 10 32bit. There are several ODBC data sources configured in ODBC Data Source Administrator.
Now I need to move all that system to Windows Server 2008 R2 x64.
I've installed OS, Oracle server 12c x64, Oracle client 12 x64.
Now I need to configure my ODBC data sources, but there is no Microsoft ODBC for Oracle driver.
Where can I find this driver to configure ODBC data source?
(I've tried 32bit tool from SystemWOW64, it has this driver but shows me exception "The Oracle(tm) client and networking components were not found. These components are supplied by Oracle Corporation and are part of the Oracle version 7.3 (or greater) clien costware installation." As far as I could say it looks for 32bit client, but there is no such)
"Microsoft ODBC for Oracle" does not exist for 64 bit. Microsoft provides only a 32-bit version.
You have to download and install the driver from Oracle: ODBC
Developer Center or
64-bit Oracle Data Access Components (ODAC) Downloads
The 32-bit ODBC driver (no matter if from Microsoft or from Oracle) does not work together with an 64-bit Oracle Client, the architectures have to match.

Oracle Ole DB drivers won't work: ADODB.Connection error '800a0e7a'

I've installed three of the client packages on Windows Server 2008 Standard but still cannot open a connection because of the error "Provider not found". All of these packages are for 64bit.
C:\Windows\System32\odbcad32.exe screenshot:
c:\windows\SysWOW64\odbcad32.exe screenshot: NO ORACLE DRIVER!!!
Set conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
conn.Open "Provider=OraOLEDB.Oracle;Password=XXXX;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=XXXX;Data Source=XXXX"
When I run the code, it gives an error:
ADODB.Connection error '800a0e7a'
Provider not found.
I've also read similar questions and did what they suggest but I'm stuck at this error.
32bit app pool is also enabled.
Connection string help page: http://www.connectionstrings.com/oracle-provider-for-ole-db-oraoledb/
Oracle 11g release 2 client ODBC drivers link: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/database/enterprise-edition/downloads/112010-win64soft-094461.html
Oracle Provider for OLE DB should be installed and OraOLEDB12.DLL should be registered. You can use free RegDllView utility from NirSoft to examine.
Download and install ODAC.
Oracle Provider for OLE DB 64-bit ODAC 12c Release 4 ( for
Windows x64
[Released October 5, 2015]
Disable 32bit support in IIS application pool.

Missing Sybase ASE ODBC Driver in Windows 7

I'm a ASP .Net developer and I have this application that queries from a Sybase 12 database in a database server.
Previously, I had Sybase 12 Open Client in my Win XP machine and I had the Sybase ASE ODBC Driver listed in the ODBC Admin screen.
My connection string is something like this: "Driver={SYBASE ASE ODBC Driver};Database=mydb;NA=something;uid=something..."
However, a few weeks ago, our machines were upgraded to Win7.
I found out that I have Sybsae 15 Open client in my machine now and I can't find the Sybase ASE ODBC Driver in the ODBC Admin screen, so it must not be installed.
When I asked the people here responsible for the Win7 upgrade, they said that the Sybase 12 driver is no longger compatible with Win7.
How am I supposed to continue working on the application I'm developing? Is there a Sybase ASE ODBC Driver for Win7 that I need installed? I just need something that will allow my code to connect to the same Sybase 12 database as it had been doing before.
That only comes with ASE.
