Xamarin Native, Binding actions to listview items - xamarin

I would like to ask about bindings. What is the best approach to bind some actions in listview items in ios and android using xamarin in mvvm world. As I understand, we have few approaches.
For every list item we have some Model, and to this model we have to add some Commands.
For example:
public class ItemModel
public string MyName { get; set; }
public ICommand RemoveCommand { get; set; }
Where in ViewModel we have SomeInitMethod
public class ViewModel
public ObservableCollection<ItemModel> Items {get;set;}
public async Task SomeInitMethod
Items = new ObservableCollection(await _myApiService.FetchItemsAsync());
foreach(var item in Items)
item.Command = new RelayCommand(RemoveItem);
public void RemoveItem(ItemModel item)
But I see a drawback in SomeInitMethod where we should set RemoveCommand. What if we should to set 2 or even more commands than we duplicate code in ListItemView(somehow we need to bind all these commands)?
Next approach is somehow handle events of remove/toggle buttons and others in Listview and then delegate this commands directly to ViewModel.
ContactsListView.ItemRemoveClicked += (ItemModel model) => ViewModel.RemoveItem
Advantages is: we no longer need to handle commands in ViewModel
Drawback is: we need every time to write custom ListView and support event handling in code-behind.
The last approach is to send ViewModel to ListItem to set Commands.
somewhere we have method CreateListViewItem on the view, let's say on iOS.
private void InitTableView() {
TableView.RegisterNibForCellReuse(ItemViewCell.Nib, ItemViewCell.Key);
var source = new ObservableTableViewSource <ItemModel>
DataSource = ViewModel.Items,
BindCellDelegate = (cell, viewModel, index) =>
if (cell is ItemModel memberCell)
memberCell.RemoveItem = (item) => ViewModel.RemoveItem;
TableView.Source = source;
Advantages: we no longer need to have Commands in Model, and we don't need to setup this Commands in ViewModel.
Possibly, drawback is that we somehow need to have ViewModel reference.
In WPF or UWP you have DataContext, you can binding directly to ViewModel.
Which approach you use, maybe I miss something, and it would be perfect if you provide some examples or thoughts.


Prism - moving data between viewmodels

I'm struggling to find the best implementation.
I'm using Prism and I have a View (ParentView), which has a small region within it. Depending on the item in a ddl, another smaller view (ChildView) gets injected into the region of the ParentView.
The ChildView will just have some properties which I would like to access from the ParentView.
So I realize I can use a Publish/Subscribe method to move data between viewmodels, but the issue is I have nothing to hang the Publish on. The view is made up of TextBoxes and no event triggers. The ChildView can be vastly different based on the selection of the ddl. I like the clean separation of each ChildView being it's own view injected inside the ParentView.
What is the best way to achieve this?
One solution can be to implement the interface INavigationAware in your viewmodels. After that you can use the methods onNavigatedFrom(), onNavigatedTo() and onNavigatingTo() to register your event.
If you want launch the event when a field in the child is changed you can do something like this:
private string _yourField;
public string YourField
get { return _yourField; }
set { SetProperty(ref _yourField, value);
//Here you can launch the event
In this case when YourField change the event is launched.
I tried a few implementations, but the one that worked was creating a singleton instance of the ChildView (childviewmodel) and then gaining access to the properties through the instance. It may not be pretty, but it works.
private static ChildViewModel _instance = new ChildViewModel ();
public static ChildViewModel Instance { get { return _instance; } }
#region Properties
private ChildModel _childModel= new ChildModel ();
public ChildModel _childModel
get { return _instance._childModel; }
SetProperty(ref _instance._childModel, value);
private string _childProperty1;
public string ChildProperty1
get { return _childProperty1; }
SetProperty(ref _childProperty1, value);
ChildModel.ChildProperty1= _childProperty1;
In reality - there were many childproperties. I only listed one for demo. And then I call it in ParentView
var _instance = ChildViewModel.Instance;
var _cm = _instance.ChildModel;
_parentModel = new ParentModel
Property1= ParentViewProperty1,
Property2= _cm.ChildProperty1,
Hope that helps someone else.

Binding CalendarView DateChange event with MvvmCross

I have a CalendarView that looks like this:
android:id="#+id/createReservationCalendarView" />
Here is how I handle the DateChange event without MvvmCross:
protected override void OnCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
... Code ...
calendar.DateChange += (s, args) =>
var year = args.Year;
var month = args.Month + 1;
var dayOfMont = args.DayOfMonth;
var date = new DateTime(year, month, dayOfMont);
var myReservations = new Intent(this, typeof(CreateReservationTimeslotScreen));
myReservations.PutExtra("selectedDate", date.Ticks);
Now that I have switched to MvvmCross, I would like to have my ViewModel start the new activity instead.
Im not sure how to do this, since the ViewModel should be OS and UI agnostic.
The "args" argument is of type CalendarView.DateChangeEventArgs, which is Android specific, so I cant use that in the ViewModel. It derives from System.EventArgs, so maybe I could use that instead. I am thinking that there must be a simpler way.
A thought that I had was if it is possible to update a property on the ViewModel from the activity, and then execute the switch to the new Activity from there? I'm not sure how this could be accomplished since activites dont have references to their ViewModels.
Any suggestions?
MvvmCross does give you access to your ViewModel from your View. The relationship between your View (e.g. Activity/fragment in Android) and your ViewModel, and their ability to share data (models) in both directions is a core characteristic a Mvvm framework.
In order to setup an Activity to be used with MvvmCross you need to make sure to inherit from MvxActivity or MvxAppCompatActivity (If using Android Support Library). Following which you need to link your Activity to its corresponding ViewModel using one of the possible conventions (See link, for basic sample of each registration offered by the MvxViewModelViewTypeFinder). A simple example would be to use the concrete type based registration using the type parameter overload.
public class FirstActivity : MvxAppCompatActivity<FirstViewModel>
Now that you have access to your ViewModel from your View you can create a command that can be used to execute the navigation:
CalendarViewModel (ViewModel linked to the current Activity in question)
Create a command that requires a DateTime parameter, which in turn will pass the value when navigation (see MvvmCross Navigation docs for alternative navigation and parameter passing conventions).
public class CalendarViewModel : MvxViewModel
IMvxCommand _goToMyReservationCommand;
public IMvxCommand GoToMyReservationCommand =>
_goToMyReservationCommand ??
(_goToMyReservationCommand = new MvxCommand<DateTime>(NavigateToMyReservation));
void NavigateToMyReservation(DateTime reservationDate)
new GoToMyReservationParameter
ReservationTicks = reservationDate.Ticks
Navigation Parameter Class
Holds the values and type information used for navigation.
public class GoToMyReservationParameter
public long ReservationTicks { get; set; }
The ViewModel that will receive the value passed.
public class MyReservationViewModel : MvxViewModel
public void Init(GoToMyReservationParameter parameters)
var reservationTicks = parameters.ReservationTicks;
// Do what you need with the parameters
Execute the command on the ViewModel and pass through the DateTime object.
public class CalendarActivity : MvxAppCompatActivity<CalendarViewModel>
protected override void OnCreate(Bundle bundle)
... Code...
calendar.DateChange += (s, args) =>
var year = args.Year;
var month = args.Month + 1;
var dayOfMont = args.DayOfMonth;
var date = new DateTime(year, month, dayOfMont);

What is the proper way to have a ListView show a LINQ query and update dynamically?

I'm new to Xamarin and C#, so apologies in advance for any mistakes I make.
In my app, I have a list of plants. When a plant is selected, I have a detail view of info about the plant. In the detail view, I have a button that adds or removes the plant from a shopping list.
To implement this, I have a class named MyPlant, with a field called InCart, and a method ToggleInCart that the button calls.
(note that I didn't paste in some code to simplify this question as much as possible)
public class MyPlant : INotifyPropertyChanged
string name;
bool inCart;
public bool InCart
if (inCart != value)
inCart = value;
get { return inCart; }
public ICommand ToggleCartStatus
if (_toggleCartStatus == null)
_toggleCartStatus = new Command(() => InCart = !InCart);
return _toggleCartStatus;
I have another class called PlantList, which has a method PlantsInCart that uses LINQ to return an ObservableCollection of MyPlant where InCart is true.
public class PlantList : INotifyPropertyChanged
public ObservableCollection PlantsInCart
private set { }
ObservableCollection list = new ObservableCollection(myPlants.Where(i => i.InCart));
return list;
In my XAML, I have a ListView bound to PlantsInCart.
Everything works as I want EXCEPT when I remove the selected plant, the list doesn't update to show the plant is missing even though the data underneath it is correctly updated. If I refresh the list by going to a different page and coming back, then the list shows the right plants.
I suspect this doesn't work because the change in the InCart field isn't bubbling up high enough to that the ListView hears that it is supposed to update.
Can anybody advise me on the proper way to implement this kind of feature? In other words, how should you implement a scenario where you have a list that should update when a property of an item in the list changes?

UI action in middle of MvxCommand

I am using MvvmCross, but this may be general command binding.
When user click a button, the application require an extra input data before proceed to what I want to do in the actual command. The problem that I cannot call an UI action in middle of ViewModel, so just binding MvxCommand (or any ICommand) would not work.
One may ask why:
1) I don't put an input on the UI and user can enter data before click button -> I don't have space.
2) Make default data, and let user change it later -> This my first though, but user tend to forget to change it later!!
So can someone come up with a solution? The only thing I can think of is forgetting command binding, and have code behind pop the ui for extra data, then call a method in view model!
There are several ways to do this.
My personal preferred way is to use an "Interaction Request" - something that I learnt from the Prism framework from Microsoft patterns and practices.
In Mvx, you can do this using an IMvxInteraction property on your ViewModel. An example of this is shown in https://github.com/slodge/BindingTalk/blob/master/BindingTalk.Core/ViewModels/QuestionViewModel.cs
Each time an interaction is requested, the ViewModel provides an object to the View - in this case a YesNoQuestion:
public class YesNoQuestion
public Action YesAction { get; set; }
public Action NoAction { get; set; }
public string QuestionText { get; set; }
public YesNoQuestion()
YesAction = () => { };
NoAction = () => { };
The ViewModel exposes the requester using an IMvxInteraction<TQuestion> property:
public class QuestionViewModel
: MvxViewModel
private MvxInteraction<YesNoQuestion> _confirm = new MvxInteraction<YesNoQuestion>();
public IMvxInteraction<YesNoQuestion> Confirm
get { return _confirm; }
public IMvxCommand GoCommand
return new MvxCommand(() =>
var question = new YesNoQuestion()
QuestionText = "Close me now?",
YesAction = () => Close(this),
The view on each platform can then bind and subscribe to the interaction request property. This is a little fiddly - because it uses weak references to prevent memory leaks - especially on iOS, but also possible on other platforms too.
Some example Droid code for this is in:
with AXML in https://github.com/slodge/BindingTalk/blob/master/BindingTalk.Droid/Resources/Layout/QuestionView.axml
Sorry for the confusing ConfirmationView and QuestionView names here - the first is an Android View, the second is an Mvvm View and an Android Activity.
Also, please note that when implementing Dialogs in Android, then you need to be careful about screen rotation - as Android's Activity lifecycle can very much confuse things here - easiest mecahnism (I find) is to just handle screen rotation yourself rather than allowing Android to handle it.

mvvmlight - what's the "proper way" of picking up url parameters for a view model

I'm just switching a project across to mvvmlight and trying to do things "the right way"
I've got a simple app with a listbox
When an item is selected in the listbox, then I've hooked up a RelayCommand
This RelayCommand causes a call on an INavigationService (http://geekswithblogs.net/lbugnion/archive/2011/01/06/navigation-in-a-wp7-application-with-mvvm-light.aspx) which navigates to a url like "/DetailPage.xaml?DetailId=12"
The DetailPage.xaml is then loaded and ... this is where I'm a bit unsure...
how should the DetailPage get hooked up to a DetailView with DetailId of 12?
should I do this in Xaml somehow using a property on the ViewLocator?
should I do this in the NavigatedTo method?
Please feel free to point me to a full sample - sure this has been done a (hundred) thousand times before, but all the blogs and tutorials seem to be skipping this last trivial detail (focussing instead on the messaging and on the ioc on on the navigationservice)
The only place you can retrieve the URL parameter is in the view. So since your view is likely depending on it, you should fetch it in the OnNavigatedTo method.
Then, you should pass it along to your viewmodel, either using messaging (to expensive if you ask me), or by referring to your datacontext (which is the viewmodel I presume), and execeuting a method on that.
private AddTilePageViewModel ViewModel
return DataContext as AddTilePageViewModel;
protected override void OnNavigatedTo(NavigationEventArgs e)
var postalCode = NavigationContext.TryGetKey("PostalCode");
var country = NavigationContext.TryGetStringKey("Country");
if (postalCode.HasValue && string.IsNullOrEmpty(country) == false)
ViewModel.LoadCity(postalCode.Value, country);
I'm using some special extensions for the NavigationContext to make it easier.
namespace System.Windows.Navigation
public static class NavigationExtensions
public static int? TryGetKey(this NavigationContext source, string key)
if (source.QueryString.ContainsKey(key))
string value = source.QueryString[key];
int result = 0;
if (int.TryParse(value, out result))
return result;
return null;
public static string TryGetStringKey(this NavigationContext source, string key)
if (source.QueryString.ContainsKey(key))
return source.QueryString[key];
return null;
Create a new WindowsPhoneDataBound application, it has an example of how to handle navigation between views. Basically you handle the navigation part in your view, then set the view's DataContext accord to the query string. I think it plays nicely with the MVVM pattern since your ViewModels don't have to know anything about navigation (which IMO should be handled at the UI level).
