Configuring Bamboo to use MS Build Xaml Template - visual-studio-2010

My Project is slowly moving away from TFS and going over to Git and to Bamboo.
However, the project uses xaml files to direct how the builds work, run unit tests before building msi, etc.
What I am trying to figure out is how I can configure Bamboo to point to this solution in the same way it is done now. Has anyone have any experience of this and how to do it?

The XAML part of the TFS build is proprietary and will only work with TFS.
You'll need to recreate the build definitions in Bamboo as plans and then add the specific tasks you need to compile, test and package.


How can I consistently automate, using TFS vNext build steps, building whatever solution files our development teams get working using Visual Studio?

Developers use the Visual Studio (VS) GUI to develop their solutions and get their projects all building using a solution file (.SLN). The build teams using vNext then have to automate those builds using MSBuild instead of devenv.exe (the Visual Studio executable file). This is a serious and chronic problem because not only is MSBuild incapable of building several project types, but the build order is defined in a completely different, and complex, way.
Some Microsoft advice ( is to switch to explicit dependencies in each .*proj file and remove all dependency specifications in the .SLN file. This sounds like a person who has never worked in a relatively powerless build team trying to get development teams to:
do a lot of what they perceive as time-wasting extra work and to
change how they do things
What build teams need is a way to automate whatever VS allows dev teams to build. If VS is given a SLN to build, then a vNext build needs to be able to use that same SLN in the same way. Instead vNext currently only offers MSBuild as the build tool. MSBuild has many more options than devenv, so that would be great, IF it could be made to use the SLN to govern dependencies in the same way as VS, and would be upgraded to build all the same project types.
There have been prospective efforts, referenced by PatrickLu-MSFT at Build project using devenv.exe in TFS 15RC1 Build Server, to enhance a vNext build step to allow devenv to be used instead of MSBuild, but those efforts seem to have been dropped.
Maybe someone has developed a custom vNext build step to build using devenv?
Here is an existing extension you can reference, which provides a build task in your TFS/VSTS instance that will allow you to build your projects using (Visual Studio):
If you want to automatically use TFS/DevOps build whatever solution files our development teams get working using Visual Studio, you could set CI trigger in build pipeline, when the solution build successfully on local, you can check in/commit the changes, and trigger TFS/DevOps builds.

Developing in Visual Studio but using custom, non-msbuild build scripts

I'd like to start exploring options outside of msbuild for scripting my builds, like CAKE or FAKE.
What's the best practice for developing .NET Core in Visual Studio but using external build scripts? Like, how does this actually work in practice?
I'd like to continue to take full advantage of the VS environment, including Intellisense, package management, IDE features like Go To Definition, etc.
Do people somehow customize/override the VS F5 and/or Ctrl-Shift-B behaviors? Or do they use .csproj files and let VS and msbuild do its own thing until it's time to generate a "real" build, and then run their own scripts at that time?
Locally on your development machine you usually run build scripts from command line. You don't write build script to help you while developing. You write them that your code is verified by an automated build and that you automate processes like creating deployment packages, publishing nuget packages...
Most common practice is contionous integration approach. This means that when you or someone in your team commits/pushes code to the version control system(like git svn...) your selected continuous integration tool (like jenkins, team city...) pulls source code from version control system and runs your build script which for example compiles your code, run tests, creates deployment package.
I would also suggest that you take a look at flubu. Flubu is a cross platform build automation tool for building projects and executing deployment scripts using C# code. It's easy to learn beacuse you write your build script entirely in c#.
More about flubu can be readed here:

What is Manual Build?

Seems like a pretty obvious question but I haven't been able to find this anywhere online - but what exactly counts as building something manually? As in if I do Ctrl+Shift+B on Visual Studio is that manually building? Then how could I go from that to automated build (running it from command line?). All I know is that I am supposed to use MSBuild to do automated builds on a project that is currently built 'manually'.
What is Manual Build?
Whether you are using Visual Studio or MSBuild command to build is considered to be manual build. That because you need to build your project manually every time no matter you are using Visual Studio or MSBuild command. And the hot key Ctrl+Shift+B is a quick start mode to build project in Visual Studio.
If you want to automated build, you should consider 'continuous integration' For example, TFS(Team Foundation Server), Teamcity, etc. You can easily search those continuous integration info on the internet.
The biggest difference between manual build and automated build is that you should manually build your project every time when source code changes, but automated build will execute the build automatically by continuous integration tool when source code changes, no need to build your project manually.

TFS 2015 continues build only output changed assemblies

I have a solution in TFS 2015 that using continues integration build method, what i want is every check-in triggers a build that selectively only output changed dlls, exe, into the artifact folder. Is there a such configuration to do so?
Unfortunately, there is no this built-in configuration with vNext build in TFS2015.
However, a obvious solution is adding a Powershell Script on what to publish as artifacts. Using a PowerShell script to organize everything and pre-compressing in single files is the best approach for your situation.
Detail step and screenshot please take a look at this blog: Manage Artifacts with TFS Build vNext

Does Task Runner Explorer support CI build servers?

I recently learned of Task Runner Explorer and am curious about it's capabilities. I use TeamCity and AppVeyor in my work and I'm wondering how it plays with CI tools. I took a quick look and can't see any targets added to my project's .csproj file.
Is there a quick and happy way to take advantage of these event hooks in a build environment outside of the IDE?
