Jetty 9.4 JSESSIONID not getting refreshed on session timeout - jetty-9

When my session getting timeout, JSESSIONID is not getting updated always. When we have session timeout, we set certain attributes invalid.
Cases where it fails to refresh, it finds old expired sessionId with invalid attributes and fails with error.
We are using jetty 9.4.14. Probably its related to some jetty configuration.
I also want to understand what is the protocol to update refresh JSESSIONID and what all paths I can check to figure out issues and fix them.
Also, should cookies clean up jsessionid upon session timeout


Websphere 8.5 session-cookies issue

To solve cookies related vulnerabilities, I have written wrapper on request and response in one my filter.
In request wrapper I overwrite cookie using following code in getSession method(overridden)
HttpSession session = getHttpServletRequest().getSession(false);
String value="JSESSIONID=" + session.getId() +"; Path="+getHttpServletRequest().getContextPath()+"/";
In response filter I have overridden addCookie and addHeader methods to do the same.
The above code is working fine for tomcat and jboss, but it is giving issue on websphere 8.5.
For websphere 8.5 it is giving session null in the getSession method getHttpServletRequest().getSession(false)
When I inspect network traffic from browsers developer tools then for websphere I observed multiple cookies are getting added on response (one which is we added and other added by server), to avoid this I have done setting in websphere session management to disable the cookies. This solves the multiple cookies problem but null session problem still persists.
How to solve this problem?
You should not have an explicit "false" parameter in your code, you should pass what your wrapper was passed. You are likely breaking callers who pass true and are therefore not establishing NEW sessions correctly.
You will also likely break session affinity, because you aren't copying the cloneID that follows the session ID.
Why not just set the cookie path in the configuration if that's all you intend to change?

Old Session and cookies are referred while processing new HttpServletRequest in Spring

My Restful service application developed with Spring 3 is deployed on Tomcat7. I use a chrome app called Postman to request REST services.
I have a custom-filter placed before all the services (except the non-secured service login) for checking Session and application specific cookies.
This filter returns HTTP status:403 if cookies are not present or invalid in the incoming HttpServletRequest. The filter (myCustomSecurityFilter) is Singleton scoped.
<security:intercept-url pattern="/services/v1/login" access="permitAll()" /> <security:custom-filter before="FILTER_SECURITY_INTERCEPTOR" ref="myCustomSecurityFilter" />
I observed that in a speicific case old HttpServletRequest is used. Please see the following scenario
Case #1: All requests are over HTTPS.
All cookies are removed and browser is restarted.
Call HTTPS serveice: ..\services\v1\account. As this service has to be called after ..\services\v1\login, 403 response is expected. Actual response :403.
A new session is created and a JSESSIONID is returned by Tomcat. Say, JSESSIONID_1.
Request ..\services\v1\login . Expected and Actual respose 200-OK.
A new session is created and a JSESSIONID is returned by Tomcat. Say, JSESSIONID_2.
Also application specific cookies are returned to client/browser. Say, App_cookie_1.
Call any other service other than ..\services\v1\account. All are successful(200).
Cookies JSESSIONID_2, App_cookie_1 are sent by request and the same can be observed after receiveing response.
Note: This step is not important. Step 5 can be reproduced with or without this step.
Request ..\services\v1\account. Expected: 200. Actual: 403.
When I debugged the HttpServletRequest received by the doFilter method in my SecurityFilter mentioned above, I see that the HttpServletRequest contains old cookies of the previous request to the same service ..\services\v1\account.
i.e JSESSIONID_1. No app cookie.
I checked cookies with the help of httpServletRequest.getCookies()
Browser shows Cookies JSESSIONID_2, App_cookie_1. I am sure that Tomcat receieves Cookies JSESSIONID_2, App_cookie_1 becasue I have access logging enabled.
So, it is Spring (my code or config on top of the the Spring framework) passing old HttpServletRequest to filter. But how? why?
Request ..\services\v1\account. Expected: 200. Actual: 200.
Cookies JSESSIONID_2, App_cookie_1 are sent by request and the same can be observed after receiveing response.
So, old cookies are used only once and that too only for the same service in this case (..\services\v1\account).
Webapp works as expected in the following cases (above steps are denoted by numbers):
Case2: 1,2,3,4,5,6. All are HTTPS requests except #2 (login request). #5 returns 200 if #2 is a HTTP request!! This is also a surprise.
Case3: 2,3,4,5,6.
Case4: 2,3,5,6.
Step 4 is not important. Step 5 can be reproduced with or without this step. I placed this to explain that previous request of the same service is loaded and no effect on other services.
Problem is definitely not with ..\services\v1\account. Because I just used this service for example. Case 1 can be repeated with any secured service in the application.
I tried managing my session with newSessio, migrateSession options.
<security:session-management session-fixation-protection="newSession">
<security:concurrency-control max-sessions="1" />
Thanks for reading my question. It would be great if you could give some pointers.
Please let me know if I am not clear.
(answering as I faced a similar problem recently. Even though the question is too old)
A new session is created and a JSESSIONID is returned by Tomcat.
How is the session created here?
Assuming its typically created like below
there is a high chance server gets an old session here.
Can you try a
So that any open session is invalidated.after that you try creating the session again

Jmeter using cookie manager issue

I have a form based authentication application I am able to log on the system as per my database by posting a request on my log in page.
But after that if try a get request of any internal pages I get a request as www.example\login?dashboard with a cookie but the response html is of my login page.
I have a cookie manager added on the top.
There are a couple things to check that could be causing this:
There is a hardcoded parameter, like sessionID that needs to be unique for each session
The page requests have "automatic redirect" enabled and should not (or vice-versa)
Login is actually failing, but the site is not giving a clear error message

Tomcat create a new session for every request

I am working on this problem for 2 days now and I am hoping that anyone here had a similar problem and a solution for that.
The problem:
It's a Spring MVC (2.5.6.) Web Application, which runs in Tomcat 6.
When the start page is requested it redirects the customer to a JSP Page (by using HTML's meta refresh tags) which loads it's content with a lot of Ajax requests (Framework: Prototype). The problem is that Tomcat creates a new session for every AJAX requests (about 67 sessions).
My first thought was that the Session Cookie is stored after the start page is loaded and the Ajax requests forces the Tomcat to create a new session. My approach was to create the session cookie by hand, but this did not make any difference.
The funny thing is that it works in some other tomcat instances, but not in the desired environment for the integration tests. In my opinion it's a Tomcat configuration issue.
After further investigation with Firebug, I found out that Tomcat creates a new Session for every request even if the right JSESSIONID is transfered to it (50B5EA0BCFE811C744CE9C1F9EDE0097):
Request Header 1:
Cookie JSESSIONID=F3206CBF2C961E125821FF22FA31A02D
Response Header 1:
Set-Cookie JSESSIONID=49E000B4D6880F4F94531AB9C78DB667; Path=/JOCA-Music-Portal JSESSIONID=50B5EA0BCFE811C744CE9C1F9EDE0097; Path=/JOCA-Music-Portal
Request Header 2:
Response Header 2:
Set-Cookie JSESSIONID=DCCA2D1B98D11223A6B8855800276E27; Path=/JOCA-Music-Portal
UPDATE: Further investigation isolated the problem to the Tomcat Realm configuration. We use a JDBC Realm for login. When the login is deativated, only one Session is created.
If it's activated, Tomcat creates invalidated/expired sessions, that's why a new session is created with each request. But why does Tomcat behave like this?
I'm really desperate, so any thought/hint/solution is well appreciated.
Thank you very much
You can try to analyze the HTTP traffic between your client and your server. Make sure the Cookie header is set correctly in the request and the response.
If using Firefox, you can try to debug with Firebug.
We recently ran into the same issue with an app we were developing. Come to find out, the issue is that Tomcat was modified to help prevent session fixation attacks. By default, a new session id is created on authentication. This started with 6.0.21. Check out the context configuration option 'changeSessionIdOnAuthentication' (tomcat bug/issue is
We ran into the same problem, but when using custom EXTERNALSSO authentication. The solution was to explicitly turn it off in the constructor of our class that inherits from org.apache.catalina.authenticator.AuthenticatorBase:

Session Management in Tomcat

I have developed a simple web-app with 2 servlets A and B.
I have a few doubts related to session management for the web-app by Tomcat.
NOTE - I have disabled cookies in my web-browser (Chrome) while accessing the web-app.
1.) When the web-app is first hit, Servlet A gets invoked. Servlet A accesses the session from the request and does a simple sysout of the session hashcode. It then does a sendRedirect to servlet B.
[According to my understanding, since this is the first request, Tomcat will send a cookie containing the new session ID back to the browser. However, since we have not "encoded" the redirect URL using HttpResponse.encodeRedirectURL(), the redirect URL will not contain the session ID appended to it. Please correct me if I am wrong here.]
2.) Since cookies are disabled in my browser, it'll ignore the session ID sent back in the cookie and issue a new request to the redirect URL (which also does not have the session ID appended to it).
3.) The new request causes servlet B to be invoked, whoch also accesses the request session and does a sysout of the session hashcode.
What perplexes me is that both Servlets A and B output the same session hashcode, which means that they get the same session from both requests.
How does the second request from the browser map to the same session as before, even though no session ID has been sent ?
Thanks !
There are only 2 ways to pass sessions between requests: Cookie and URL rewrite. If you don't see the session ID in the URL, it must be cookies.
Are you sure the cookie is disabled? It should be easy to see from a HTTP header trace.
Are you certain you've disabled "in memory" cookies? Often browsers will let you disable persistent cookies which are saved to disk, but they'll still allow the transient in memory cookies which only stay resident during a browser session.
I recommend Wireshark for analyzing the HTTP stream. That way you can see the cookies that are sent and received by your browser.
This is strange.
When I tested the application yesterday, it was exhibiting a behaviour similar to what I have described. However, as I test the application now, it behaves perfectly, as I expect it to.
The cause could probably be that I did not restart my browser session after disabling cookies.
Will let you guys know if I experience the same behaviour again.
Thanks for your time guys !
