How can I import the OpenDaylight ZIP file into Eclipse? - opendaylight

I downloaded the OpenDaylight Hydrogen Release Base Edition zip of How can I import it into Eclipse?

Hydrogen has been obsolete for a long time. To get started developing on OpenDaylight with Eclipse, I highly recommend using the Oomph Eclipse installer with OpenDaylight templates. See the linked page for details.
Alternatively, you can follow the manual instructions from the OpenDaylight development environment setup guide (and subsequent pages).


What is the relationship between the NetStandard.Library NuGet package and the Target Framework in project properties?

I have a .NET Standard class library project. I want the library to be available to the broadest array of consuming applications, so following Microsoft's advice here, I am targeting .NET Standard 1.3 in my project properties.
However, there is also a NuGet package called NetStandard.Library. And somewhere along the line, my project got a reference to this as well. What's more, it's a different version (1.6). I'm confused. Is this okay?
What is the relationship between these?
And somewhere along the line, my project got a reference to this as
well. What's more, it's a different version (1.6). I'm confused. Is
this okay? What is the relationship between these?
I think you should not worry too much about that.
1.6.1 is just the version of NetStandard.Library nuget package and it has nothing to do with the version of the target platform, and they don't interfere with each other.
The NetStandard.Library nuget package just service the related net standard project and provide any libs and apis to develop,build, debug the current project.
Besdies, NetStandard.Library 1.6.1 service net standard 1.x project while NetStandard.Library 2.0.3 services net standard 2.x projects.
So when you finishing developing it and pack your net standard 1.3 lib project as nuget package and then use it in target platform, actually, NetStandard.Library nuget package already finish its job and it is irrelevant in this step.
When you use such net standard project into other target platform projects, you only need to consider that whether the net standard version and the target platform version are within the scope of support as your linked document describes.
--------------Update 1-------------
Actually, sure.1.6.1 version is just only the nuget package version. NetStandard.Library 1.6.1 nuget package defines one or more version libraries.
And as far as I know, 1.6.1 version supports net standard 1.0~1.6 class library projects and the nuget package services for those net standard version.
And then it will direct the current project to the corresponding target platform projects.
Hope it could help you.

Dev Studio 10.3 - connector discovery completed without finding any connectors jboss developer studio

I get this error when trying to look at available packages in Red Hat JBoss Central. This seems to be because of some missing files on the update site.
How did you install devstudio 10.3?
Into your own Eclipse (from update site, from Marketplace, from zip), via rpm, or via installer jar? If into Eclipse, which package (JavaEE, Java, C/C++, etc.) and which source did you use?
Are you behind a firewall/proxy? What OS are you running? Which version of JDK are you using?
Just tried to install everything from Central from devstudio-10.3.0.GA-v20170218-1636-B94-installer-standalone.jar installation on Fedora 24 and it works for me.

Maven for Eclipse IBM RAD 8.5

I use RAD 8.5 and I am trying to get maven plugin, however, when I go to Help -> Preferences I don't see a maven section. So I tried to go to IBM Installation Manager and it doesn't open. Do I have to install maven from Help -> install new software -> then Or is that unnecessary?
Starting RAD 8.5.1 there's built-in support for Maven
Make sure you have this version and if so, use Installation Manager to update your installation with this new feature. If you don't have RAD 8.5.1 you can use steps provided in this thread to install it from Eclipse Marketplace, although I can't really assure you it will work.
Hope this helps

SBT vs Maven for a new Scala/Spark project?

Am new to Scala/SBT but have experience in Java/Maven.
For a new Scala/Spark project, what should be the choice: SBT or Maven?
PS- I intend to use Eclipse or IntellijIdea as IDE.
I have also been looking into this question. Here are some things I have found.
According to the Apache Spark documentation:
Maven is the official build tool recommended for packaging Spark, and is the build of reference. But SBT is supported for day-to-day development since it can provide much faster iterative compilation. More advanced developers may wish to use SBT.
Three reasons I have heard for SBT:
It was built for Scala
It has incremental compilation
.sbt files tend to be more compact
In response though
Maven works just as well
If you are using the JetBrains IntelliJ IDE, which has a free edition, it has its own incremental compilation.
I think I will decide to go with Maven as it integrates better with my build server (continuous deployment).

Importing Spring tutorial guide results with NoUsableDaemonFoundException on Ubuntu 14.04

I have downloaded SPRING TOOL SUITE (3.6.1.RELEASE for Linux) and I am trying to go through REST tutorial, but I am unable to import it to STS. Since tutorial is using Gradle, I had installed Gradle IDE Extension from STS' Dashboard. I used the Dashboard for importing tutorial project and it resulted with NoUsableDaemonFoundException.
I also tried to import the tutorial to STS as Gradle project, but it resulted with similar problem:
I tried this on freshly installed Ubuntu 14.04 as well and got the same problem.
Everything works fine with STS installed on Eclipse Kepler.
Possibly a side-effect of that is basically a problem in Eclipse 4.4 update.
Sounds like the issue is Eclipse version specific, so I agree with Radim. You probably have updated to Eclipse 4.4.1. Try getting the latest Gradle Eclipse tooling from this update site: It may resolve the problem for you.
