GraphQL no object type? - graphql

I've read everything, understood no solution and concrete explanation (even here: Apollo / GraphQl - Type must be Input type)
I want to create an object System that contains Suns. So I do:
type System {
_id: ID
name: String! #unique
diameter: Int
suns: [Sun]
type Sun {
_id: ID
name: String
diameter: Int
type Mutation {
createSystem(name: String!, diameter: Int, suns: [Sun]): System!
And I write in playground:
mutation {
createSystem(name:"new system", suns: [{ name: "John" }]) {
But I got a terminal error: "Error: The type of Mutation.createSystem(suns:) must be Input Type but got: [Sun]."
I understand that Sun isn't received as an object. How to declare it as an object?
Thank you very much for your answers

The GraphQL spec. does not allow using type (i.e. output type) as the input argument.It only allows the input arguments to be enum , Scalar and Input . That means you have to create a SunInput
input SunInput {
_id: ID
name: String
diameter: Int

You need to make a custom "Type" for sun with its own resolver.
suns: { type: new GraphQLList(SunType) } // just an example
mutation {
createSystem(name:"new system", suns-names: "John") {
It will have resolver that writes a new system to the database called new system that adds a sun of "SunType" to the a database collection with the name of "Sun" for example.


How to combine multiple field in GraphQL Object

I am trying my first Graphql Schema design. Is it possible that single field inside object type refer to a complex object?
enum KeyPrefix {
input generalKey {
type Item
pk: generalKey!
data: String!
name: String!
It gives me error as below.
The type of must be Output Type but got: generalKey!
input is a keyword reserved for describing input to a GraphQL query. Your schema should look like this:
enum KeyPrefix {
(your values)
type PrimaryKey {
prefix: KeyPrefix!
key: Int!
type Item {
pk: PrimaryKey!
data: String!
name: String!
When you define a Query in your GraphQL schema, you will want to use an input, like so:
input PrimaryKeyInput {
prefix: KeyPrefix!
key: Int!
type Query {
getItemByPrimaryKey(input: PrimaryKeyInput!): Item
This will allow a client to ask for an Item using the same fields you have on PrimaryKey.

I dont want to redefine properties when defining a GraphQL type. Is there a way to get past it? [duplicate]

Is it possible to use inheritance with GraphQL input types?
Something like that (this, of course, doesn't work with input types):
interface UserInputInterface {
firstName: String
lastName: String
input UserInput implements UserInputInterface {
password: String!
input UserChangesInput implements UserInputInterface {
id: ID!
password: String
No, the spec does not allow input types to implement interfaces. And GraphQL type system in general does not define any form of inheritance (the extends keyword adds fields to an existing type, and isn't for inheritance). The spec is intentionally constrained to stay simple. This means that you're stuck repeating fields across input types.
That said, depending on the way you construct your schema, you could build some kind of type transformer that appends the common fields programmatically based on some meta-data, e.g. a directive.
Better yet, you might be able to solve your problem via composition (always keep composition over inheritance in mind).
input Name {
firstName: String
lastName: String
input UserInput {
name: Name
password: String!
input UserChangesInput {
name: Name
id: ID!
password: String
The client now has to send an object a level deeper, but that doesn't sound like much of a price for avoiding big repeating chunks. It might actually be good for the client as well, as they can now have common logic for building names, regardless of the query/mutation using them.
In this example, where it's only 2 simple fields, this approach is an overkill, but in general - I'd say it's the way to go.
Starting with the June2018 stable version of the GraphQL spec, an Input Object type can extend another Input Object type:
Input object type extensions are used to represent an input object type which has been extended from some original input object type.
This isn't inheritance per se; you can only extend the base type, not create new types based on it:
extend input MyInput {
NewField: String
Note there is no name for the new type; the existing MyInput type is extended.
The JavaScript reference implementation has implemented Input Object extensions in GraphQL.js v14 (June 2018), though it's unclear how to actually pass the extended input fields to a query without getting an error.
For actual type inheritance, see the graphql-s2s library.
It's doable using a custom directive.
Code Summary
const typeDefs = gql`
directive #inherits(type: String!) on OBJECT
type Car {
manufacturer: String
color: String
type Tesla #inherits(type: "Car") {
manufacturer: String
papa: String
model: String
type Query {
tesla: Tesla
const resolvers = {
Query: {
tesla: () => ({ model: 'S' }),
Car: {
manufacturer: () => 'Ford',
color: () => 'Orange',
Tesla: {
manufacturer: () => 'Tesla, Inc',
papa: () => 'Elon',
class InheritsDirective extends SchemaDirectiveVisitor {
visitObject(type) {
const fields = type.getFields();
const baseType = this.schema.getTypeMap()[this.args.type];
Object.entries(baseType.getFields()).forEach(([name, field]) => {
if (fields[name] === undefined) {
fields[name] = { ...field };
const schemaDirectives = {
inherits: InheritsDirective,
query {
tesla {
"data": {
"tesla": {
"manufacturer": "Tesla, Inc",
"papa": "Elon",
"color": "Orange",
"model": "S",
Working example at
If you came here looking for an explanation for the "implements", keyword, here it is:
An object type must be a super‐set of all interfaces it implements. The object type must include a field of the same name for every field defined in an interface.
(Excerpt taken from the June 2018 GraphQL spec.)
Here's an example
interface Foo {
id: ID!
foo: Int!
type Bar implements Foo #entity {
id: ID!;
foo: Int!;
bar: Int!;
So the Bar type doesn't inherit from the Foo interface, but it implements it. The former must include all the fields that are listed in the latter.
I think that this is a nice way to annotate types that should be like other types.

Cannot perform update query because update values are not defined

I am trying to execute a mutation like so
mutation creating {
payload: {
name: "Team von abc"
) {
This results in :
"message": "Cannot perform update query because update values are not
defined. Call \"qb.set(...)\" method to specify updated values.",
My graphql is defined like this:
input CreateTeamPayload {
name: String
type Team {
id: ID!
name: String
tacts: [Tact]!
type Query {
fetchTeams: [Team]!
fetchTeamById(id: ID!): Team
type Mutation {
createTeam(payload: CreateTeamPayload): Team!
My Team requires an ID from a "tact" so I provide him with an ID from a "tact" I created before. Is this approach wrong? How can I mutate types that reference other types? is there some documentation that actually does this?

Graphql with nested mutations?

I am trying to figure out how to mutate a nested object with graphql mutations, if possible. For instance I have the following schema:
type Event {
id: String
name: String
description: String
place: Place
type Place {
id: String
name: String
location: Location
type Location {
city: String
country: String
zip: String
type Query {
events: [Event]
type Mutation {
updateEvent(id: String, name: String, description: String): Event
schema {
query: Query
mutation: Mutation
How can I add the place information inside my updateEvent mutation?
Generally speaking, you should avoid thinking of the arguments to your mutations as a direct mapping to object types in your schema. Whilst it's true that they will often be similar, you're better off approaching things under the assumption that they won't be.
Using your basic types as an example. Let's say I wanted to create a new event, but rather than knowing the location, I just have the longitude/latitude - it's actually the backend that calculates the real location object from this data, and I certainly don't know its ID (it doesn't have one yet!). I'd probably construct my mutation like this:
input Point {
longitude: Float!
latitude: Float!
input PlaceInput {
coordinates: Point!
type mutation {
name: String!
description: String
placeId: ID
newPlace: PlaceInput
): Event
id: ID!
name: String!
description: String
placeId: ID
newPlace: PlaceInput
): Event
A mutation is basically just a function call, and it's best to think of it in those terms. If you wrote a function to create an Event, you likely wouldn't provide it an event and expect it to return an event, you'd provide the information necessary to create an Event.
If you want to add a whole object to the mutation you have to define a graphql element of the type input. Here is a link to a small cheatsheet.
In your case it could look like this:
type Location {
city: String
country: String
zip: String
type Place {
id: String
name: String
location: Location
type Event {
id: String
name: String
description: String
place: Place
input LocationInput {
city: String
country: String
zip: String
input PlaceInput {
id: ID!
name: String!
location: LocationInput!
type Query {
events: [Event]
type Mutation {
updateEvent(id: String, name: String, description: String, place: PlaceInput!): Event
schema {
query: Query
mutation: Mutation

Can a GraphQL input type inherit from another type or interface?

Is it possible to use inheritance with GraphQL input types?
Something like that (this, of course, doesn't work with input types):
interface UserInputInterface {
firstName: String
lastName: String
input UserInput implements UserInputInterface {
password: String!
input UserChangesInput implements UserInputInterface {
id: ID!
password: String
No, the spec does not allow input types to implement interfaces. And GraphQL type system in general does not define any form of inheritance (the extends keyword adds fields to an existing type, and isn't for inheritance). The spec is intentionally constrained to stay simple. This means that you're stuck repeating fields across input types.
That said, depending on the way you construct your schema, you could build some kind of type transformer that appends the common fields programmatically based on some meta-data, e.g. a directive. Here's one such implementation.
Better yet, you might be able to solve your problem via composition (always keep composition over inheritance in mind).
input Name {
firstName: String
lastName: String
input UserInput {
name: Name
password: String!
input UserChangesInput {
name: Name
id: ID!
password: String
The client now has to send an object a level deeper, but that doesn't sound like much of a price for avoiding big repeating chunks. It might actually be good for the client as well, as they can now have common logic for building names, regardless of the query/mutation using them.
In this example, where it's only 2 simple fields, this approach is an overkill, but in general - I'd say it's the way to go.
Starting with the June2018 stable version of the GraphQL spec, an Input Object type can extend another Input Object type:
Input object type extensions are used to represent an input object type which has been extended from some original input object type.
This isn't inheritance per se; you can only extend the base type, not create new types based on it:
extend input MyInput {
NewField: String
Note there is no name for the new type; the existing MyInput type is extended.
The JavaScript reference implementation has implemented Input Object extensions in GraphQL.js v14 (June 2018), though it's unclear how to actually pass the extended input fields to a query without getting an error.
For actual type inheritance, see the graphql-s2s library.
It's doable using a custom directive.
Code Summary
const typeDefs = gql`
directive #inherits(type: String!) on OBJECT
type Car {
manufacturer: String
color: String
type Tesla #inherits(type: "Car") {
manufacturer: String
papa: String
model: String
type Query {
tesla: Tesla
const resolvers = {
Query: {
tesla: () => ({ model: 'S' }),
Car: {
manufacturer: () => 'Ford',
color: () => 'Orange',
Tesla: {
manufacturer: () => 'Tesla, Inc',
papa: () => 'Elon',
class InheritsDirective extends SchemaDirectiveVisitor {
visitObject(type) {
const fields = type.getFields();
const baseType = this.schema.getTypeMap()[this.args.type];
Object.entries(baseType.getFields()).forEach(([name, field]) => {
if (fields[name] === undefined) {
fields[name] = { ...field };
const schemaDirectives = {
inherits: InheritsDirective,
query {
tesla {
"data": {
"tesla": {
"manufacturer": "Tesla, Inc",
"papa": "Elon",
"color": "Orange",
"model": "S",
Working example at
If you came here looking for an explanation for the "implements", keyword, here it is:
An object type must be a super‐set of all interfaces it implements. The object type must include a field of the same name for every field defined in an interface.
(Excerpt taken from the June 2018 GraphQL spec.)
Here's an example
interface Foo {
id: ID!
foo: Int!
type Bar implements Foo #entity {
id: ID!;
foo: Int!;
bar: Int!;
So the Bar type doesn't inherit from the Foo interface, but it implements it. The former must include all the fields that are listed in the latter.
I think that this is a nice way to annotate types that should be like other types.
