I have used https://outlook.office.com/api/v2.0 endpoint to fetch contacts. I have done using Node.js. In odataParams I am passing $top = 4000. But still getting 10 contacts only. How can I avoid or disable pagination ?
It is really nice to have work with MS Graph API.
We are using this apis for our product.
Actually we need to get the All rooms of a User and assosiated events of the rooms.
We are able to fecth the rooms. but we are facing few issues with events.
Our requirnment for events is we have to fetch all the events w.r.t one room irrespective of who has created the events.
Currently we are getting the events which are created by me.
FYI we are using auth flow with the below url
https://login.microsoftonline.com/tenatId/oauth2/v2.0/authorize?client_id=clientID&response_type=code&redirect_uri=redirectUrl&response_mode=query&scope=offline_access%20user.read%20mail.read%20places.read.all calendares.read&state=12345
and we are using below url to fetch the events
https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/me/calendarView/?select=id,subject,start,end,location,organizer,originalStartTimeZone&orderby=start/dateTime&filter =isCancelled eq false &top=100&endDateTime=endDateTime&startDateTime=startDateTime
Please let us know if there is any different api to fetch the rooms related all events with the token which we are getting with the above login flow.
We have checked all the documentaion but not getting expected data.
We can use the below API for the above requirement
"room_email_id" should be replaced with the actual value
Thanking you
What I am trying to achieve -
When I call message API, it returns the group address to which mail is sent, I want to get the members of the group, And for that I believe I need group Id, so I am using the groups API mentioned below https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/groups
But this API returns an empty list to me.
Note: email I using is #outlook.com, not xyz.com.
The Microsoft graph API doesn't support personal accounts as you can see the below image. You should have a Work account to get the group details. You were able to get the messages because it supports personal accounts to read messages from your mailbox.
I am using a streaming subscription (EWS Managed API) to subscribe to events on one mailbox. Now, instead of doing this directly, I want to subscribe and take action on incoming mails on these mailboxes through impersonation.
How to achieve it?
What I have Tried:
I did setup multiple streaming subscriptions using service.ImpersonatedUserId() but when i get a event(i get events successfully for the 2 mailboxes i have subscribed to) and try to take some action for e.g EmailMessage.Bind(Item Id) or Folder.Bind(), the code stucks! I dont get any error message. I even tried TraceEnabled= true, I found nothing!
I did see this MSFT link but didn't find an answer.
I need help with for e.g moving the mail to another folder for multiple mailboxes through EWS subscriptions.
The default concurrent connection limit in .net is 2 by default https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.net.servicepointmanager.defaultconnectionlimit?view=netframework-4.7.2 because Streaming notifications require a concurrent connection to work this is a common issue.So all you should need to do is set the connection limit higher eg
System.Net.ServicePointManager.DefaultConnectionLimit = 100;
With google places API, autocomplete.
I'm getting the same response even when I create a new project, and put new API key in fetch.
mykey = different keys
Any ideas why is google always responding with status OVER_QUERY_LIMIT?
The Gmail and Calendar APIs return a nextPageToken value in the response from the users.messages.list and events.list endpoints when pagination is required. If the value of the nextPageToken is provided in the next request to these endpoints, the next page of results is returned.
My question: How long are these nextPageTokens persisted behind the Gmail and Calendar APIs?
Context: I am building an abstraction on top of both the Gmail and Calendar APIs to return a list of Activities, and this endpoint has its own pagination. My pagination works by storing the nextPageToken values returned by the Gmail and Calendar APIs in a cache and returning a UUID the client can specify in the next request to pop and use those Gmail and Calendar nextPageTokens (just like the Google APIs themselves).
Goal: Configure my pagination cache TTL to, at most, be equal to the TTL (if there is one) of the Google APIs so that it always works as intended.
nextPageToken does not expire. It is just like an Index position. However if new items are added/deleted, you might not see the same result as you expect.
The token expires after 1 Hour. I came to know about that while working with Google Directory API. Link to the problem I faced.