How to display AES encryption key in laravel using Encrypter package? - laravel

I want to allow the user to generate custom keys to encrypt their message before sending it. The user will need to see the generated key first but when I pass it to the blade, it doesn't get displayed because it's not a string I guess. I Couldn't find a way to display it.
public function index(){
$cipher = 'AES-128-CBC';
$key = Encrypter::generateKey($cipher);
return view('dashboard.compose',compact('key'));


How to send a random generated number along with email and password while logging in with laravel 5.6

I want to send a random generated number along with password and email field when the user is logging and attach that number where laravel is grabbing the user password (i want to attach the random number to the password that laravel grabs from the user table then check it against the password that the user entered in the login field)
However i am not able to send the random number from the login blade in a hidden field. Please help
You can overwrite default login function of laravel and create your own to send extra data after logging in.
Below is the code to get random number in session after logging in. Implement in your Controllers\Auth\LoginController.php .
class LoginController extends Controller
use AuthenticatesUsers {
login as traitLogin
public function login(Request $request)
$randomNumber = mt_rand();
$request->session()->flash('random_number', $randomNumber);
return $this->traitLogin($request);
After that, if you wish to use it in HomeController then you can do as below,
class HomeController extends Controller
public function index(Request $request)
$form = $request->session()->get('form_type');
// the rest of your logic
Note: If you want to use random number anywhere else, then you have to specify the place where you want to use it.
Hope this helps!

Make email authentication case insensitive in Laravel 5.7

I use the default email authentication in Laravel 5.7.3 (just updated from 5.4) with a sqlite DB. At login my email address gets validated case sensitive which is not what I want. It should be allowed to login with "" as well as "".
I've tried to add an accessor at my user model to always lowercase the database value.
public function getEmailAttribute($value) {
return strtolower($value);
But this one doesn't seem to be used by Auth at all. Additionally I don't know where to change the user input in the incomming request to lower case.
Is there a simple config case sensitive switch? Or where do I need to change/add scripts?
Thanks for your support
Your accessor should be fine, but you should make sure that you also lowercase the given value, e.g. In your controller:
Assuming that you're using the default LoginController shipped from Laravel:
I overwrote the credentials method from AuthenticatesUsers in App\Http\Controllers\Auth\LoginController
protected function credentials(Request $request)
$credentials = [
$this->username() => strtolower($request->get($this->username())),
"password" => $request->get("password")
return $credentials;
This works fine, when all emails stored in the database are already stored all-lowercase. If you're starting from scratch you can enforce the emails to be stored lowercase by default. Just implement the following mutator in your App\User:
public function setEmailAttribute($value)
$this->attributes['email'] = strtolower($value);
If you have stored mixed-case email already, you can update all emails to lowercase emails using this query:
UPDATE users SET email = LOWER(email);
But this still feels kind of incomplete and you maybe don't want to manipulate your data this way. I am pretty much sure that there are more possibilities to make this happen but unfortunately I am not able to dig into this further for now. However my next attempt would be to extend/write a custom UserProvider.
You have to call getEmailAttribute(/your email here/)
before login and signup like this
$request->email = getEmailAttribute($request->get('email'));

Laravel - How to check value with another encrypted in DB

I am developing a sales system where every user has an account. To authenticate users I store passwords with bcrypt and use the Laravel Auth library as follows:
$data = $request->only('user', 'password');
if (\Auth::attempt($data)){
#redirect dashboard
In the Point Of Sale screen, user can add special products that require a PIN (The PIN is the password of some users with privileges).
When i call a button click to save the sale, in my Request class i add this validation (i only need to check if there are some special products, and if, check the PIN that have to match in the DB), i use this code:
$allowed_pin = true;
foreach (Request::get('products') as $product) {
if($product["special_perm"] === "1"){
$pin = $product["pin"];
$user = User::where('password', '=', bcrypt($pin))->first();
if ($user) {
$allowed_pin = true;
} else {
$allowed_pin = false;
The problem is when i compare password in Request class, if i use dd() it show me "$2y$10$AasS5/FTWv28PmYuABfqve4Ao6m1U9zxdUE6ZoHJWcfpn19sd4wcG" and real password hashed in database is "$2y$10$DmefHppecIjuanjRbcj82OPyjhi.L0/4YGd62LYCvkDTGjXxL25fG"
and they not matching.
Does Auth class use some internal encryption different to bcrypt?
To compare the plain text password with the encrypted one, use Hash::check('plain-text', $hashedPassword)
Check out the Laravel docs:

Merge URL parameters and generate a encrypted URL - Laravel 5.3

I have a URL like http://localhost:8000/assessment/3/199
Where 3 represents assignment id and 199 represents assessor id, in short they both represents two models.
I'm sending such URL into email. I want to first encrypt the URL and then send it to the email.
I want URL like http://localhost:8000/assessment/{some-long-random-string}
So, I want to merge both the parameters, make an encrypted string, send into email, upon accessing the URL decrypt it and get both actual parameters.
I would like a solution which uses Laravel to implement that.
May be using these:
The way I would tackle this, is by manually implementing it in a controller.
Generate the URL like this:
$url = URL::action('AssessmentController#decrypt', json_encode([
'assessment' => $assessment_id,
'assessor' => $assessor_id
//now, use $url in your email
Create a route like:
Route::get('/assessment/{ciphertext}', 'AssessmentController#decrypt');
In the controller:
public function decrypt($ciphertext){
$params = json_decode(decrypt($ciphertext));
return $this->getAssessment($params['assessment'], $params['assessor']);
Of course, you will need more integrity-checks and some error handling, but you probably get the idea.

encrypt password not working in codeigniter let me know where i'm wrong

$this->form_validation->set_rules('dpassword', 'Password','required|trim');
$data=array('code goes here');
but in phpmyadmin password won't get encrypted.if you have some solution for that.i did make changes in encryption key in config file.
You have to set an Encryption key and pass it as 2nd parameter of the encode function. For example:
$this->form_validation->set_rules('dpassword', 'Password','required|trim');
$data=array('code goes here');
$key = 'super-secret-key'; //Your Encryption key
Just try this.. It may solve your problem
