Increment Buttons with 1 when clicking wix code - velo

i am new with wix code so i need to know how can i use buttons that will increment text with 1 when the user click and then i need the number of clicks to be stored in database and then maker this number the same when the page is reloaded.
thanks in advance.
var num = 0;
$w.onReady(function () {
$w("#text2").text= num.toString();
$w('#button1').onClick(function (){
$w("#button1").link = "";
num ++;
$w("#text2").text= num.toString();
$w("#dataset1").setFieldValue("number", $w("#text2").text);

is the field $w(“#text2”) connected to your dataset using the Wix Editor connection panel?
The answer to this question depends on how your page elements are wired up. If they are then you need to be careful what you change in code and when because the javascript you write might be impacted by the Wix Dataset engine working automatically due to the element binding.


Loop through drop down with dynamic html table

I'm hard stuck with this one so any advice welcome!
Ive been trying to create a flow that goes to this website and scrapes the data from each table in the Subject Areas drop down list. My knowledge of HTML is sketchy at best but from what I understand it's a dynamic html table that just refreshes with new data rather than going to a new url. I can extract the subject list as a variable and in my head i think i just need to add this to a UI selector action but despite numerous attempts i've got absolutely nowhere. Anyone got any ideas as to how i could fix this or work around?
Because it is not a conventional drop-down using the "Set drop-down list value on web page" doesn't work all that well.
You can use a bit of javascript and variables for this.
Hit F12 to show developer tools, you will see there is a list of hidden items with the class class="gug-select-items gug-select-hide" you will use this in the javascript.
Then add a 'Press button on web page' function and add the 'drop-down' element, which is a <div>
Then edit the element selector and change it to text editor.
then change the selector to make use of the nth-child(0) selector but use a variable for the index.
so it looks something like #gug-overall-ranking-select > div.gug-select-items > div:nth-child(%ddIdx%)
Use the "Run JavaScript function on web page" function to get the number of options available to the drop-down. (child elements)
The returned result is text, so convert it to a number that can be used in the loop.
function ExecuteScript() { /*your code here, return something (optionally); */
var firstDDlist = document.querySelector("#gug-overall-ranking-select > div.gug-select-items.gug-select-hide");
return firstDDlist.children.length;
In the loop each element will be pressed and cause the table to reload.
The table data extraction can then also be done in the loop, but that this code only shows the looping through the options.
The full flow 'code' (copy this and paste it in power automate).
WebAutomation.LaunchEdge.LaunchEdge Url: $'''''' WindowState: WebAutomation.BrowserWindowState.Normal ClearCache: False ClearCookies: False WaitForPageToLoadTimeout: 60 Timeout: 60 BrowserInstance=> Browser
WebAutomation.ExecuteJavascript BrowserInstance: Browser Javascript: $'''function ExecuteScript() { /*your code here, return something (optionally); */
var firstDDlist = document.querySelector(\"#gug-overall-ranking-select > div.gug-select-items.gug-select-hide\");
return firstDDlist.children.length;
}''' Result=> numberOfItems
Text.ToNumber Text: numberOfItems Number=> itemCount
LOOP ddIdx FROM 1 TO itemCount STEP 1
WebAutomation.PressButton.PressButton BrowserInstance: Browser Control: appmask['Web Page \'h ... sity-table\'']['Div \'gug-select-selected\''] WaitForPageToLoadTimeout: 60
It should end up looking like this:
Flow running:
With using Power Automate Desktop (PAD), the goal is to be a low-code solution. Of course knowing HTML is a bonus and will help you on tricky webpages or problems, but not knowing much is alright usually. I'm not really comfortable going to that web page you shared but you could try the below option.
PAD has a built in function in the action pane:
'Browser automation' > 'Web data extraction' > 'Extract data from web page'
Try using that and when asked to add UI Element select the table/dropdown list to see what information you get back. If that doesn't work you might need to try out JavaScript or another method.

How to code in LimeSurvey so that a new row appears only when the previous row has been filled

I am using LimeSurvey and I want to include a question where the respondent can include up to 30 names as answer. However, I don't want to initially present the respondent with 30 boxes as it is overwhelming and requires a ton of scrolling to proceed if you only have a few names to enter. Is is possible to code the question so that a new box appears only after the previous box has been filled? Thanks.
Here is another approach that uses buttons to add/remove the array rows -
EDIT: This answer was written because I could not find the answer presented by tpartner beforehand. The main difference is that mine is based on filling out the previous row and tpartner's on buttons to add or remove rows.
The following code should work for all single-choice arrays (e.g. 5-point scale array) and is adaptable to other types if you know some Javascript/jQuery. I want to do more like that - just not today. So feel free to ask for implementations for other question types.
The code can be added in the beginning of the template.js file using the template editor. The variables "quest" and "first" have to be adapted based on your survey.
//Function to only display a new row if there is an answer in the previous row
//NOTICE: Rows which are reset to "No answer" will not be hidden
//NOTICE: This scipt was written based on LimeSurvey 2.00+ build 131107
//NOTICE: It only works for single-choice arrays (e.g. 5-point scale array) or multiple short texts
$(document).ready( function() {
//SGQ code of the question to apply this to
var quest = "12345X1234X12345";
//A(nswer) code of the first row
var first = "1";
//hide all rows except the first
$("tr[id^='javatbd" + quest + "']").css("display","none");
$("tr[id='javatbd" + quest + first + "']").css("display","table-row");
//display rows if previous is answered
$("[name^='" + quest + "']").change(function() {
if(this.value.trim().length >= 1)
$("tr[id='javatbd" + + "']").next().css("display","table-row");
Best regards
Which question type are you planning to use? Your best bet, according to me, should be to use Multiple Short text type question and create 30 text boxes. You can then use javascript to hide these text boxes and show them as soon as the previous text box gets some value as input.
With version 2.x (not sure which version starts allowing this, I am running 2.7 and it works there), this functionality is inbuilt via the relevance equation and doesn't require coding. Just enter !is_empty(questioncode_Code) in the relevance equation for the text box you want to let appear. Code is the code of the field one above which triggers the appearance.

clearable textbox

I am trying to create an app with no of clearable textboxes (a textbox with a 'x' inside, on clicking 'x' datas gets cleared in textbox).
I gone thru 2 links this one and this one, it wasnt helpful.
Can any one help to create a function for it?
not sure what the exactly problem you are facing. you can achieve this by having a textbox and a roundbutton (coding4fun) in a grid (adjacent columns)
the tap on button clears the textbox. you can even create yourself a nice user control that wraps the code nicely so you can have multiple instances.
Something like that?
public TextBox CreateTextBox(string defaultText)
var tb = new TextBox { Text = defaultText };
tb.GotFocus += new RoutedEventHandler((object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) =>
if (tb.Text == defaultText)
tb.Text = "";
return tb;
Full Disclosure: I work at Telerik and our TextBox has this functionality built in:
You missed out this Link. It has a custom control "ClearableTextbox" which may suit your requirements.
You can download the source code which includes the dll file as well.
Include a reference to that dll in your project and then add the following line in the xaml page,
And then you can use the textbox something like,
<clrtb:ClearableTextBox Width="300" Height="60" VerticalAlignment="Top"/>
As the source code is available, you can make some modifications to it, so that it fits your requirements
Alternately, I found this great control which makes your task easy:
PhoneTextBox in SilverlightWP7 toolkit

Tying a data source from dojo.xhrPost to a text box for autocomplete

I inherited a web app that uses Dojo 1.5 and the template toolkit. I am enjoying learning dojo but it's at a slow pace.
Initially when bringing up our web form, we'll have a list of files on the right side of the page like so....
On the left side we have a search box that asks for the subset of file to use. Normally we would just type in "AAA" and then the div on the right side would find those files that match and display them after you press the "Search" key below the box.
What we are looking to do is to eliminate the "Search box" and have the list of files matching "AAA" to come up in the right side div as "AAA" is being typed, (or "BBB" or "CCC", etc).
I suppose in a nutshell it's the equivalent having the "Search" button pressed after every key is typed in the Search box.
Does this sound like a realistic goal or even possible? The code itself uses a ton of Template Tookit so I'm not looking to do any major rewrite.
If I am not making myself clear, let me know. I can elaborate for clarity. Many many thanks! Janie
EDIT: OK, I have solved a good deal of my problem so far and as it turns out, as so many of these things have a propensity to do, that what I am really needing is to get clear on how to make autocomplete work. Which is to say that I have a data source for my text box but not really sure how to tie it to the text box. I have a dojo.xhrPost routine that can handle grabbing the values.
It looks like this....
Googling dojo autocomplete examples gives me a zillion links and none of which are proving helpful. So I suppose my questions have transitioned to....
1. Can you even use autocomplete on a mere text box (I've seen links that say that you can only use it on combo boxes)
2. Is there a link out there somewhere that describes/shows in detail how to tie a dojo text box to a data source using dojo.xhrPost.
I am so close to solving this and I still seem to have a gaping chasm in front of me.
It's difficult to say for sure without seeing your code but if you don't have one already, I would recommend to create an ItemFileReadStore or something similar to start with. That way you can query that store locally on the client without having server requests after every key stroke.
It could look something like this:
var file_store = new{ data: {
items: [{ name:"AAA_text" },
{ name:"AAA_text_1" },
{ name:"BBB_text_2" }]
When you have that in place you can call a function from your text input's onChange event:
<input type="text" onchange="query_store(this.value);" />
And then you handle to actual query from the function called from the onchange event:
var query_store = function(search_for) {
var my_query = { name: search_for+"*" }; // * for wildcard match
completed = function(items, result){
for(var i = 0; i < items.length; i++){
var value = file_store.getValue(items[i], "name");
alert(value); // Instead of alert, you can save the values to your div.
file_store.fetch({ query: my_query, onComplete: completed });
A lot of good information about this can be found here
Hope this is at least a little helpful.

Retrieve SharePoint List Data and bind this to a dropdownlist

I'm fairly new to SharePoint so apologies in advance for sounding like a 'Newbie'.
I have created a simple Webpart, which uses a Web User Control - [.ascx file] to provide all the controls for the Webpart. On the .ascx file, there is a DropDownList which is hard-coded at the moment and works well in the Webpart (within a SharePoint site).
However, I want the DropDownList on the .ascx file to be bound to a particular Column of a SharePoint List, so that when I update that column of the SharePoint List, the DropDownList reflects the update automatically.
Do any of you kind folk have any ideas on how to achieve this please?
Thank you very much in advance,
Ash 8-)
(p.s. Happy New Year to you All !)
I found the answer within minutes of posting the above article (typical).
The solution is to place the following code in the Page_Load event of the .ascx.cs (code-behind) file:
if (!Page.IsPostBack)
using (SPSite site = new SPSite("http://yoursharepointsite"))
using (SPWeb web = site.OpenWeb())
SPList list = web.Lists["NameOfYourList"];
dropSite.DataSource = list.Items;
dropSite.DataValueField = "Title"; // List field holding value - first column is called Title anyway!
dropSite.DataTextField = "Title"; // List field holding name to be displayed on page
I found the solution here:
