Outlook API - Getting Webhook Notifications With Data - outlook

I've configured Outlook Webhook notifications according to the instructions here. And I now receive notifications when an email arrives to Outlook inbox.
I don't see any data regarding the E-Mail that was received.
For example, I expected the ResourceData to contain the senders mail, subject, etc.
What should I do to resolve the E-Mail metadata in the hook response?

ResourceData contains the Id property. Just use it to get the message.


EWS email exchange: getting message-id from a mail from Sent items

I'm developping a tool that allow to handle and move emails in Exchange.
For moving the mails I do need the message-Id. My issue is that when I intercept mails stored in a folder, I also get sent emails. For those mail, i do not retrieve any Message-Id.
My issue is that i met the following case: one sent email was found in the inbox folder. Unfortunatelly, I do not get any message-Id when i get the information details. Is there a way to get this information from this mail ?

Message sent by Microsoft Teams bot is not displayed in the conversation

I have tried to send MS Teams bot message request via rest api:
End point: https://smba.trafficmanager.net/ca/apis/v3/conversations/{conversation id}/activities
And got empty response:
The message i sent did not appear in the conversation.
Any idea where i could have misconfigured?
It is possible that trustServiceUrl needs to be run before a message is sent, i can't find equivalent rest api to call.
You definitely do need call trustServiceUrl before sending the message. In addition, you need to have additional properties on your activity, like the destination user or tenant id. Please refer to the documents on this, and good starting places are here and here.

Is there an API to get e-mail smtp information (for GMail)

I want to send an e-mail using gmail API.
I want to know if the email was received successfully. And if not, what the problem. (Such as SMTP Log)
I can use Google Admin G-Suite if need.
How can I do it?
Thank you.
What you are looking for is Request read receipt after an email is sent. This would notify the sender when the recipient reads the email.
This is not something that is currently available in the gmail api. you may want to consider submitting a feature request here

Can not Receive SMS from Sender With SenderID

I am trying to test a service. I need Twilio to receive SMS from specific SMS service provider. When the sender sends with a number I can receive the message. But when the sender user SenderID like 'RZ SMS' I can not receive the message. The structure of the message in both situations is the same.
Has anybody faced this problem before?
Twilio developer evangelist here.
It is not possible to respond to SMS messages sent from an alphanumeric ID. You also cannot initiate messages to an alphanumeric ID. Please see more details on alphanumeric sender IDs here: https://support.twilio.com/hc/en-us/articles/223181348-Getting-started-with-Alphanumeric-Sender-ID

How track responses for an SMS to multiple recipients with the Twilio API?

I would like to send a text message survey (eg. "How happy were you with X service? Reply 1 for satisified, Reply 2 for not satisfied") to multiple recipients. From the responses, I would like to create a report on the recipients that responded 1 vs the ones that responded 2. What is the best way to do this with the Twilio API? Does my app need to store the results from my incoming SMS message or does Twilio store these so I can query the results? If the former is the case and TwiML is involved, how do I parse the response and store the result? Thanks!
** Disclaimer: Twilio evangelist here **
So it sounds like you have two requirements here:
Use Twilio to send outbound text messages to different recipients
Capture a users reply to that message
For the first requirement, you can start by going to Twilio.com and signing up for a new account. Its free to start and we give you a Twilio phone number you can use to start to build your app. Once you have the Twilio phone number, you can use the REST API to start sending outbound text messages from that Twilio phone number. We have a quickstart that shows you how to do this:
Note that this link goes to the PHP sample, but you can use the drop down at the top of the page to pick from other stacks like .NET, Java, Python or Ruby.
Once you've sent an outbound message you need to capture the replies to that message (your second requirement). Twilio uses something called a webhook to notify you about incoming SMS messages.
A webhook is basically a URL exposed by your application and associated with your Twilio phone number. You can configure the URL associated with your phone number in the Twilio dashboard.
Each time we receive an incoming SMS message on your Twilio phone number, we will make an HTTP request to that URL. As part of that HTTP request we send along metadata about the inbound message like the phone number that the message was sent from and the Body of the message. The full list of parameters we send is here:
Now your app can pull those parameters out of the request and do whatever it wants with them. Since we already are sending the body of the message as we receive it, Tims suggestion of tracking the responses based on the From parameter and storing the message body in your own database is a good suggestion.
This quickstart shows receving an incoming text message, grabbing the From parameter and then responding by sending back from TwiML:
In your case, if you don't want to reply to the incoming message, just omit the TwiML response.
Hope the helps. Lets me know if you need more info.
Track the responses using the From parameter (and using Body to identify the selection). Yes, Twilio stores those messages, and you could query the API - but it's likely better to just store it in your own database.
