Stall all memory accesses of an application - performance

I want to analyze the effect of using slower memories on applications and need a mean to add delay for all memory accesses. Until now I investigated Intel PIN and other software but they seem to be overkill for what I need. Is there any tool to do so?
Is adding NOP operations in the binary code of the application right before each LOAD/STORE a feasible way?

Your best bet is to run your application under an x86 simulator such as MARSSx86 or Sniper. Using these simulators you can smoothly vary the modeled memory latency or any other parameters of the system1 and see how your application performance varies. This is a common approach in academia (often a generic machine will be modeled, rather than x86, which gives you access to more simulator implementations).
The primary disadvantage of using a simulator is that even good simulators are not completely accurate, and how accurate they are depends on the code in question. Certain types of variance from actual performance aren't particularly problematic when answering the question "how does performance vary with latency", but a simulator that doesn't model the memory access path well might produce a answer that is far from reality.
If you really can't use simulation, you could use any binary re-writing tool like PIN to instrument the memory access locations. nop would be a bad choice because it executes very quickly because you cannot add a dependency between the memory load result and the nop instruction. This latter issue means it only adds additional "work" at the location of each load, but that the work is independent of the load itself, so doesn't simulate increased memory latency.
A better approach would be to follow each load with a long latency operation that uses the result of the load as input and output (but doesn't modify it). Maybe something like imul reg, reg, 1 if reg received the result of the load (but this only adds 3 cycles, so you might hunt for longer latency instructions if you want to add a lot of latency).
1 At least within the set of things modeled by the simulator.


Are there deterministic architecture emulators available?

Does such a thing as a deterministic (as in same result every run) architecture emulator exist? It is to benchmark test compilers/interpreters.
I do not mean an emulator that simply runs your program on whatever simulated architecture, but something that would compute an efficiency/speed index based on the analysis of the generated code (such as, the thing would have a deterministic value for the time taken by each instruction).
I can compute benchmark statistics on a real machine, but a deterministic result would eliminate the particularities of my machine and allow me to see the effect of small optimizations.
Intel's IACA is a static analysis tool. What is IACA and how do I use it?. But it only works for a single loop and doesn't model cache effects, only the pipeline. (And it assumes nearly-ideal OoO scheduling, I think, so probably doesn't find ROB-size limits, only front-end vs. execution port vs. loop-carried dependency latency bottlenecks). Plus IACA has some bugs in its cost model (e.g. its unlamination rules for micro-fusion of indexed addressing modes are wrong for Haswell).
AFAIK, there are no cycle accurate x86 simulators publicly available for any modern micro-architecture. We only have emulators that don't even try to run at the same speed as any real hardware, just as fast as possible, like BOCHS and qemu. I'm sure Intel and AMD have simulator software internally to validate CPU designs and model their performance, though.
You could probably assign a cycle cost to every instruction in an interpreting emulator like BOCHS and get a deterministic number, and maybe model the cache, too (there are cache simulators). It would be the same every time you ran it, but it wouldn't correspond to the running time on any real hardware!
Being deterministic is nowhere near sufficient to be interesting for tuning software. Modern x86 CPUs have a lot of microarchitectural state for out-of-order execution. We can often predict very close to how they'll run a loop (, and other performance links in the x86 tag wiki), but on a larger scale there are many things that are only known by the vendors so so we couldn't write a truly accurate simulator even if we had the time. Things like branch-prediction are known in general terms, but the details have not been reverse-engineered in full detail. But branch prediction is a critical part of making a heavily pipelined CPU sustain anywhere near 3 to 4 fused-domain (front-end) uops per clock in real code.
Things get even more complicated if you want to model a multi-core machine, and SMT / HT adds lots of complexity between threads sharing a core. It's barely deterministic in the real hardware because small timing variations can lead to different threads getting farther out of sync.
To be really useful, you'd want to be able to test your code on Sandybridge, Haswell, Skylake, Bulldozer, Ryzen, and maybe Silvermont. And maybe different variants of those with different amounts of cache, and server vs. desktop where L3 / memory latency differs. (Many-core servers have significantly worse uncore latency, and lower single-threaded bandwidth even though the aggregate bandwidth is higher.)
So the whole idea of a deterministic simulator for "the x86 architecture" is weird. You could make one as simply as by giving each instruction a cost of 1 cycle, but that would be totally unrealistic.

ARM NEON: Tools to predict performance issues due to memory access limited bandwidth?

I am trying to optimize critical parts of a C code for image processing in ARM devices and recently discovered NEON.
Having read tips here and there, I am getting pretty nice results, but there is something that escapes me. I see that overall performance is very much dependant on memory accesses and how they are done.
Which is the simplest way (by simple I mean, if possible, not having to run the whole compiled code in an emulator or simulator, but something that can be feed of small pieces of assembly and analyze them), in order to get an idea of how memory accesses are "bottlenecking" the subroutine?
I know this can not be done exactly without running it in a specific hardware and specific conditions, but the purpose is to have a "comparison" trial-and error tool to experiment with, even if the results are only approximations.
(something similar to this great tool for cycle counting)
I think you've probably answered your own question. Memory is a system level effect and many ARM implementers (Apple, Samsung, Qualcomm, etc) implement the system differently with different results.
However, of course you can optimize things for a certain system and it will probably work well on others, so really it comes down to figuring out a way that you can quickly iterate and test/simulate system level effects. This does get complicated so you might pay some money for system level simulators such as is included in ARM's RealView. Or I might recommend getting some open source hardware like a Panda Board and using valgrind's cache-grind. With linux on the panda board you can write some scripts to automate your testing.
It can be a hassle to get this going but if optimizing for ARM will be part of your professional life, then it's worth the (relatively low compared to your salary) software/hardware investment and time.
Note 1: I recommend against using PLD. This is very system tuning dependent, and if you get it working well on one ARM implementation it may hurt you for the next generation of chip or a different implementation. This may be a hint that trying to optimize at the system level, other than some basic data localization and ordering stuff may not be worth your efforts? (See Stephen's comment below).
Memory access is one thing that simply cannot be modeled from "small pieces of assembly” to generate meaningful guidance. Cache hierarchies, store buffers, load miss queues, cache policy, etc … even relatively simple processors have an enormous amount of “state” hiding underneath the LSU, and any small-scale analysis cannot accurately capture that state. That said, there are a few basic guidelines for getting the best performance:
maximize the ratio of "useful computation” instructions to LSU operations.
align your memory accesses (ideally to 16B).
if you need to pick between aligning loads or aligning stores, align your stores.
try to write out complete cachelines when possible.
PLD is mainly useful for non-uniform-but-somehow-still-predictable memory access patterns (these are rare).
For NEON specifically, you should prefer to use the vld1 and vst1 instructions (with an alignment hint). On most micro-architectures, in most cases, they are the fastest way to move between NEON and memory. Eschew v[ld|st][3|4] in particular; these are an attractive nuisance, slower than doing separate permutes on most micro-architectures in most cases.

Debugging a micro-processor

One of our co-processors is an 8-bit microprocessor. It's main role is to control the hardware that handles flash memory. We suspect that the code it's running is highly inefficient since we measured low speeds when reading/writing to flash memory. The problem is, we have only one J-TAG port that's connected to the main CPU so debugging it is not an option. What we do have, is a register that's available from CPU that contains the micro-processor's program counter. The bad news, is that the micro-processor works at a different frequency than the CPU so monitoring it's program counter outside is also hard. Measuring time inside the micro-processor is also very difficult since it's registers are only 8-bit long. Needless to say, the code is in assembly and very complex. How would you go about approaching this problem?
Needless to say, the code is in assembly and very complex. How would you go about approaching this problem?
I would advise that you start from (or generate) the requirements specification for this part and reimplement the code in C (or even careful use of a C++ subset). If the "complexity" you perceive is merely down the the code rather than the requirements it would be a good idea to design that out - it will only make maintenance in the future more complex, error prone and expensive.
One of the common arguments for using assembler are size and performance, but more frequently a large body of assembler code is far from optimal; in order to retain a level of productivity and maintainability often "boiler-plate" code is used and reused that is not tailored to the specific situation, whereas a compiler will analyse code changes and perform the kind of "micro-optimisation" that system designers really shouldn't have to sweat about. Make your algorithms and data structures efficient and leave the target instruction set details to the compiler.
Even without the ability to directly debug on the target, the use of a high-level language will allow prototyping and simulation on a PC for example.
Even if you retain the assembler code, if your development tools include an instruction set simulator, that may be a good alternative to hardware debugging; especially if it supports debugger scripts that can be used to simulate the behaviour of hardware devices.
All that said, looking at this as a "black-box" and concluding that the code is inefficient is a bit of a leap. What kind of flash memory is appearing to be slow for example? How is it interfaced to the microcontroller? And how have you measured this performance? Flash memory is intrinsically slow - especially writing and page erase; check the performance specification of the Flash before drawing any conclusion on the software performance.

Seeking articles on shared memory locking issues

I'm reviewing some code and feel suspicious of the technique being used.
In a linux environment, there are two processes that attach multiple
shared memory segments. The first process periodically loads a new set
of files to be shared, and writes the shared memory id (shmid) into
a location in the "master" shared memory segment. The second process
continually reads this "master" location and uses the shmid to attach
the other shared segments.
On a multi-cpu host, it seems to me it might be implementation dependent
as to what happens if one process tries to read the memory while it's
being written by the other. But perhaps hardware-level bus locking prevents
mangled bits on the wire? It wouldn't matter if the reading process got
a very-soon-to-be-changed value, it would only matter if the read was corrupted
to something that was neither the old value nor the new value. This is an edge case: only 32 bits are being written and read.
Googling for shmat stuff hasn't led me to anything that's definitive in this
I suspect strongly it's not safe or sane, and what I'd really
like is some pointers to articles that describe the problems in detail.
It is legal -- as in the OS won't stop you from doing it.
But is it smart? No, you should have some type of synchronization.
There wouldn't be "mangled bits on the wire". They will come out either as ones or zeros. But there's nothing to say that all your bits will be written out before another process tries to read them. And there are NO guarantees on how fast they'll be written vs how fast they'll be read.
You should always assume there is absolutely NO relationship between the actions of 2 processes (or threads for that matter).
Hardware level bus locking does not happen unless you get it right. It can be harder then expected to make your compiler / library / os / cpu get it right. Synchronization primitives are written to makes sure it happens right.
Locking will make it safe, and it's not that hard to do. So just do it.
#unknown - The question has changed somewhat since my answer was posted. However, the behavior you describe is defiantly platform (hardware, os, library and compiler) dependent.
Without giving the compiler specific instructions, you are actually not guaranteed to have 32 bits written out in one shot. Imagine a situation where the 32 bit word is not aligned on a word boundary. This unaligned access is acceptable on x86, and in the case of the x68, the access is turned into a series of aligned accesses by the cpu.
An interrupt can occurs between those operations. If a context switch happens in the middle, some of the bits are written, some aren't. Bang, You're Dead.
Also, lets think about 16 bit cpus or 64 bit cpus. Both of which are still popular and don't necessarily work the way you think.
So, actually you can have a situation where "some other cpu-core picks up a word sized value 1/2 written to". You write you code as if this type of thing is expected to happen if you are not using synchronization.
Now, there are ways to preform your writes to make sure that you get a whole word written out. Those methods fall under the category of synchronization, and creating synchronization primitives is the type of thing that's best left to the library, compiler, os, and hardware designers. Especially if you are interested in portability (which you should be, even if you never port your code)
The problem's actually worse than some of the people have discussed. Zifre is right that on current x86 CPUs memory writes are atomic, but that is rapidly ceasing to be the case - memory writes are only atomic for a single core - other cores may not see the writes in the same order.
In other words if you do
a = 1;
b = 2;
on CPU 2 you might see location b modified before location 'a' is. Also if you're writing a value that's larger than the native word size (32 bits on an x32 processor) the writes are not atomic - so the high 32 bits of a 64 bit write will hit the bus at a different time from the low 32 bits of the write. This can complicate things immensely.
Use a memory barrier and you'll be ok.
You need locking somewhere. If not at the code level, then at the hardware memory cache and bus.
You are probably OK on a post-PentiumPro Intel CPU. From what I just read, Intel made their later CPUs essentially ignore the LOCK prefix on machine code. Instead the cache coherency protocols make sure that the data is consistent between all CPUs. So if the code writes data that doesn't cross a cache-line boundary, it will work. The order of memory writes that cross cache-lines isn't guaranteed, so multi-word writes are risky.
If you are using anything other than x86 or x86_64 then you are not OK. Many non-Intel CPUs (and perhaps Intel Itanium) gain performance by using explicit cache coherency machine commands, and if you do not use them (via custom ASM code, compiler intrinsics, or libraries) then writes to memory via cache are not guaranteed to ever become visible to another CPU or to occur in any particular order.
So just because something works on your Core2 system doesn't mean that your code is correct. If you want to check portability, try your code also on other SMP architectures like PPC (an older MacPro or a Cell blade) or an Itanium or an IBM Power or ARM. The Alpha was a great CPU for revealing bad SMP code, but I doubt you can find one.
Two processes, two threads, two cpus, two cores all require special attention when sharing data through memory.
This IBM article provides an excellent overview of your options.
Anatomy of Linux synchronization methods
Kernel atomics, spinlocks, and mutexes
by M. Tim Jones (, Consultant Engineer, Emulex
I actually believe this should be completely safe (but is depends on the exact implementation). Assuming the "master" segment is basically an array, as long as the shmid can be written atomically (if it's 32 bits then probably okay), and the second process is just reading, you should be okay. Locking is only needed when both processes are writing, or the values being written cannot be written atomically. You will never get a corrupted (half written values). Of course, there may be some strange architectures that can't handle this, but on x86/x64 it should be okay (and probably also ARM, PowerPC, and other common architectures).
Read Memory Ordering in Modern Microprocessors, Part I and Part II
They give the background to why this is theoretically unsafe.
Here's a potential race:
Process A (on CPU core A) writes to a new shared memory region
Process A puts that shared memory ID into a shared 32-bit variable (that is 32-bit aligned - any compiler will try to align like this if you let it).
Process B (on CPU core B) reads the variable. Assuming 32-bit size and 32-bit alignment, it shouldn't get garbage in practise.
Process B tries to read from the shared memory region. Now, there is no guarantee that it'll see the data A wrote, because you missed out the memory barrier. (In practise, there probably happened to be memory barriers on CPU B in the library code that maps the shared memory segment; the problem is that process A didn't use a memory barrier).
Also, it's not clear how you can safely free the shared memory region with this design.
With the latest kernel and libc, you can put a pthreads mutex into a shared memory region. (This does need a recent version with NPTL - I'm using Debian 5.0 "lenny" and it works fine). A simple lock around the shared variable would mean you don't have to worry about arcane memory barrier issues.
I can't believe you're asking this. NO it's not safe necessarily. At the very least, this will depend on whether the compiler produces code that will atomically set the shared memory location when you set the shmid.
Now, I don't know Linux, but I suspect that a shmid is 16 to 64 bits. That means it's at least possible that all platforms would have some instruction that could write this value atomically. But you can't depend on the compiler doing this without being asked somehow.
Details of memory implementation are among the most platform-specific things there are!
BTW, it may not matter in your case, but in general, you have to worry about locking, even on a single CPU system. In general, some device could write to the shared memory.
I agree that it might work - so it might be safe, but not sane.
The main question is if this low-level sharing is really needed - I am not an expert on Linux, but I would consider to use for instance a FIFO queue for the master shared memory segment, so that the OS does the locking work for you. Consumer/producers usually need queues for synchronization anyway.
Legal? I suppose. Depends on your "jurisdiction". Safe and sane? Almost certainly not.
Edit: I'll update this with more information.
You might want to take a look at this Wikipedia page; particularly the section on "Coordinating access to resources". In particular, the Wikipedia discussion essentially describes a confidence failure; non-locked access to shared resources can, even for atomic resources, cause a misreporting / misrepresentation of the confidence that an action was done. Essentially, in the time period between checking to see whether or not it CAN modify the resource, the resource gets externally modified, and therefore, the confidence inherent in the conditional check is busted.
I don't believe anybody here has discussed how much of an impact lock contention can have over the bus, especially on bus bandwith constrained systems.
Here is an article about this issue in some depth, they discuss some alternative schedualing algorythems which reduse the overall demand on exclusive access through the bus. Which increases total throughput in some cases over 60% than a naieve scheduler (when considering the cost of an explicit lock prefix instruction or implicit xchg cmpx..). The paper is not the most recent work and not much in the way of real code (dang academic's) but it worth the read and consideration for this problem.
More recent CPU ABI's provide alternative operations than simple lock whatever.
Jeffr, from FreeBSD (author of many internal kernel components), discusses monitor and mwait, 2 instructions added for SSE3, where in a simple test case identified an improvement of 20%. He later postulates;
So this is now the first stage in the
adaptive algorithm, we spin a while,
then sleep at a high power state, and
then sleep at a low power state
depending on load.
In most cases we're still idling in
hlt as well, so there should be no
negative effect on power. In fact, it
wastes a lot of time and energy to
enter and exit the idle states so it
might improve power under load by
reducing the total cpu time required.
I wonder what would be the effect of using pause instead of hlt.
From Intel's TBB;
PUBLIC __TBB_machine_pause
dw 090f3H; pause
add ecx,-1
jne L1
Art of Assembly also uses syncronization w/o the use of lock prefix or xchg. I haven't read that book in a while and won't speak directly to it's applicability in a user-land protected mode SMP context, but it's worth a look.
Good luck!
If the shmid has some type other than volatile sig_atomic_t then you can be pretty sure that separate threads will get in trouble even on the very same CPU. If the type is volatile sig_atomic_t then you can't be quite as sure, but you still might get lucky because multithreading can do more interleaving than signals can do.
If the shmid crosses cache lines (partly in one cache line and partly in another) then while the writing cpu is writing you sure find a reading cpu reading part of the new value and part of the old value.
This is exactly why instructions like "compare and swap" were invented.
Sounds like you need a Reader-Writer Lock :
The answer is - it's absolutely safe to do reads and writes simultaneously.
It is clear that the shm mechanism
provides bare-bones tools for the
user. All access control must be taken
care of by the programmer. Locking and
synchronization is being kindly
provided by the kernel, this means the
user have less worries about race
conditions. Note that this model
provides only a symmetric way of
sharing data between processes. If a
process wishes to notify another
process that new data has been
inserted to the shared memory, it will
have to use signals, message queues,
pipes, sockets, or other types of IPC.
From Shared Memory in Linux article.
The latest Linux shm implementation just uses copy_to_user and copy_from_user calls, which are synchronised with memory bus internally.

How can you insure your code runs with no variability in execution time due to cache?

In an embedded application (written in C, on a 32-bit processor) with hard real-time constraints, the execution time of critical code (specially interrupts) needs to be constant.
How do you insure that time variability is not introduced in the execution of the code, specifically due to the processor's caches (be it L1, L2 or L3)?
Note that we are concerned with cache behavior due to the huge effect it has on execution speed (sometimes more than 100:1 vs. accessing RAM). Variability introduced due to specific processor architecture are nowhere near the magnitude of cache.
If you can get your hands on the hardware, or work with someone who can, you can turn off the cache. Some CPUs have a pin that, if wired to ground instead of power (or maybe the other way), will disable all internal caches. That will give predictability but not speed!
Failing that, maybe in certain places in the software code could be written to deliberately fill the cache with junk, so whatever happens next can be guaranteed to be a cache miss. Done right, that can give predictability, and perhaps could be done only in certain places so speed may be better than totally disabling caches.
Finally, if speed does matter - carefully design the software and data as if in the old day of programming for an ancient 8-bit CPU - keep it small enough for it all to fit in L1 cache. I'm always amazed at how on-board caches these days are bigger than all of RAM on a minicomputer back in (mumble-decade). But this will be hard work and takes cleverness. Good luck!
Two possibilities:
Disable the cache entirely. The application will run slower, but without any variability.
Pre-load the code in the cache and "lock it in". Most processors provide a mechanism to do this.
It seems that you are referring to x86 processor family that is not built with real-time systems in mind, so there is no real guarantee for constant time execution (CPU may reorder micro-instructions, than there is branch prediction and instruction prefetch queue which is flushed each time when CPU wrongly predicts conditional jumps...)
This answer will sound snide, but it is intended to make you think:
Only run the code once.
The reason I say that is because so much will make it variable and you might not even have control over it. And what is your definition of time? Suppose the operating system decides to put your process in the wait queue.
Next you have unpredictability due to cache performance, memory latency, disk I/O, and so on. These all boil down to one thing; sometimes it takes time to get the information into the processor where your code can use it. Including the time it takes to fetch/decode your code itself.
Also, how much variance is acceptable to you? It could be that you're okay with 40 milliseconds, or you're okay with 10 nanoseconds.
Depending on the application domain you can even further just mask over or hide the variance. Computer graphics people have been rendering to off screen buffers for years to hide variance in the time to rendering each frame.
The traditional solutions just remove as many known variable rate things as possible. Load files into RAM, warm up the cache and avoid IO.
If you make all the function calls in the critical code 'inline', and minimize the number of variables you have, so that you can let them have the 'register' type.
This should improve the running time of your program. (You probably have to compile it in a special way since compilers these days tend to disregard your 'register' tags)
I'm assuming that you have enough memory not to cause page faults when you try to load something from memory. The page faults can take a lot of time.
You could also take a look at the generated assembly code, to see if there are lots of branches and memory instuctions that could change your running code.
If an interrupt happens in your code execution it WILL take longer time. Do you have interrupts/exceptions enabled?
Understand your worst case runtime for complex operations and use timers.
