Open suse adding repository - download

Hi I'm trying to add repository to install Termintor on my linux machine (SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP3). However after running this command
sudo zypper -v addrepo
I get 503 error.
Download (curl) error for '':
Error code: HTTP response: 0
Error message: The requested URL returned error: 503
Apparently the source is not available. Is there a way to find the current repo for installing Terminator via zypper?

The correct repository for SLE12 is:
sudo zypper addrepo
You can find all the available SUSE builds for 'Terminator' here:


Pytorch install fails on conda with error as -CondaHTTPError: HTTP 403 FORBIDDEN for url <https..........>

I have installed anaconda 2019 version from repository as the latest version was throwing error on windows 10.
After installing anaconda(conda 4.10.1), i am unable to install Pytorch using command 'conda install pytorch-cpu -c pytorch' on anaconda prompt. It throws below error. I believe it is trying to look for file 'win-64/pytorch-cpu-1.1.0-py3.7_cpu_1.tar.bz2' and strangely when i check on i can't locate this file. Please help.
Error message :-
CondaHTTPError: HTTP 403 FORBIDDEN for url
Elapsed: 01:00.706682
An HTTP error occurred when trying to retrieve this URL.
HTTP errors are often intermittent, and a simple retry will get you on your way.
I experienced the same issue, but it turned out the error message was misleading. In my case extending the remote connection timeout parameter in the condarc file fixed the issue

Unable to connect to from a linux server. Handshake_failure

I was trying to install logstash plugins in a Linux server in cloud(Amazon Linux AMI 2016.09). and got the error that the server is not able to download data from Handshake_failure
Command used to install plugin: sudo /usr/share/logstash/bin/logstash-plugin install logstash-filter-environment
Error log: Validating logstash-filter-environment
Unable to download data from - Received fatal alert: handshake_failure (
ERROR: Installation aborted, verification failed for logstash-filter-environment
Tried to access this website from this server with this command: w3m
Error log: Bad cert ident from
I can successfully wget from the server and it got downloaded successfully.
Got this issue with Ruby 2.0, so upgraded version to Ruby 3.0 and still the same error.

cabal: Failed to download, ErrorMisc "Error HTTP code: 407"

Windows 7 x64 SP1 Russian, Virtual machine (VMware) are located on server.
I installed the Haskell from official site yesterday. But I have a problem when I start the command: cabal update. Error message:
C:\Users\admin>cabal update Downloading the latest package list from cabal: Failed to download :
ErrorMisc "Error HTTP code: 407"
Internet access is exists. The command ran under admin profile. How can I to correct this issue?
P.S. When I did the same on my home notebook - all worked fine, without this message.
Http status code 407 means "Proxy authentication required". So it seems to be local issue with proxy configuration.
See also: cabal can't use http proxy
Add: cabal uses fetchProxy from HTTP package, it should read IE proxy config.
I don't use windows, so I have no idea what can be wrong. You can try to call fetchProxy manually and see what it returns. If it returns correct value, then open issue on cabal tracker. Otherwise, open issue in HTTP package tracker.

Failed to install mobz/elasticsearch-head, reason: failed to download out of all possible locations..., use -verbose to get detailed information

Why do I get the following error when i try to install the elasticsearch - head` plugin through Command prompt?
C:\tomcat\webapps\elasticsearch-1.1.1\bin>plugin -install mobz/elasticsearch-head
Error is :
Installing mobz/elasticsearch-head...
**Failed to install mobz/elasticsearch-head, reason:** failed to download out of all
possible locations..., use -verbose to get detailed information
Download it manually from and unzip it in elasticsearch-1.4.2/plugins/head/_site/
and start elasticsearch server
then check in browser
I installed it successfully in this way:
bin/plugin -DproxyPort=port_number -DproxyHost=hostname -install mobz/elasticsearch-head
Replace the port_number and hostname in above command.
It seems that head plugin installer is broken. It reports:
Can't get
And when you try to download this file by hand, you will realize that installer can't work.
However you can use head plugin easily if you download it as zip from, and then you just open index.html in your browser.

install imagemagik using homebrew, shell

ive been trying to get imagemagik onto my mac using homebrew and the terminal when i run
$ brew install imagemagick
i get
==> Installing imagemagick dependency: pkg-config
==> Downloading
curl: (52) Empty reply from server
Error: Download failed:
is that just to do with a part of sourge force not responding, or is it an error on my end, ive not seen a "52 empty reply from server" before, is that a similar to a 500 error ?
for the record im running the latest xcode and lion.
SourceForge ( is currently down.
Did you set proxy to access the web?
I installed ImageMagick. First I got the error message:
==> Downloading
curl: (56) Recv failure: Connection reset by peer
This reason might be caused by GFW in China. Then I used a sock server and set http_proxy, I got the error message like yours:
curl: (52) Empty reply from server
At last I modified #HOME/.curlrc by adding "--socks5", and reinstall ImageMagick successfully.
