Displaying user details after logging in [closed] - spring

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I am using Spring security for my web application, and I would like to display some of the logged in users' details. In my code, I am trying to use #Autowired on the user itself after logging in and use it as a model to display some of its fields on the frontend side:
public AttractionController(XyService xyService,
ApplicationUser applicationUser) {
this.xyService= xyService;
this.applicationUser = applicationUser;
String main(Model model, #ModelAttribute
Attraction xy) {
model.addAttribute("xy", xyService.findAll());
model.addAttribute("user", applicationUser);
return "main";
I think the problem is not only with the implementation, but also with the approach itself.
How should I solve this problem?
Thank you in advance.

Assuming that ApplicationUser is some kind of data class which holds user information, it is totally pointless to autowire it, since it is more like not controlled by Spring.
In order to get the currently authenticated user, you can simply use SecurityContextHolder. It can be instantiated in the following way:
Authentication authentication = SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication();
// check if there is somebody authenticated
if (!(authentication instanceof AnonymousAuthenticationToken)) {
String currentUserName = authentication.getName();
// do something the the username, maybe get more information from a database


Spring security filter by authenticated user [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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What is in Spring Boot the best way to filter all queries of entity adding the authenticated user check (using the Authentication Name field)?
Adding a where hibernate on the entity? Is it possible?
Adding Spring Security postFilter? I didn't understand if I should add it to my repository or to my service. Isn't it an inefficient system (than executing a filtered query)?
No, I'm not using Spring-Data, but I can add it to my project.
For example, if my repository is:
public interface MyRepository extends JpaRepository<MyEntity, Long>, QuerydslPredicateExecutor<MyEntity>, QuerydslBinderCustomizer<QMyEntity> {
I have to override all methods of the classes of JpaRepository and QuerydslPredicateExecutor and QuerydslPredicateExecutor that I use in my project? It's correct?
The postFilter is not an efficient option since it would result in fetching many data from the database, but throwing most of them away.
If you're using Spring Data JPA, then you can use the Spring Security data integration and do something like this to include the authentication name in the query (automatically fetched from the SecurityContext).
public interface BillingRepository extends JpaRepository<Billing,Long> {
#Query("select b from Billing b where b.userId = ?#{ authentication?.name }")
Ierable<Billing> findBillings();

Forbid other users to see not their data with Spring microservices

I am working with microservices with spring boot.
I added security to the router and it works fine.
But I have no idea how should I implement solution that will allow users to
manipulate only their own data.
For example I have Book microservice
public clas BookController{
public Book saveBook(Book book){
return bookService.save(book);
public List<Book> getBooks(#PathVariable Long userId){
return bookService.getBooksByUser(userId);
Let's say book entity contains field userId. I would like to forbid other users
to save book with not their own userId.
I tried to do something like this:
I added to posts mappings method url "users/{userId}"
When user use endpoint POST "book-service/books/users/{userId}", then I check in
router if userId from path matches userId from token.
In my BookController, in method saveBook I override userId in Book entity with
userId from path.
For me this solution looks not too good.
Is there other option to secure it on router level, or should I allow this request
to go to the microservice and there add another security level?
Can someone tell me what is a good patern to resolve this issue, or maybe
you can recommend me some Book/article/tutorial?
Thanks in advance

Update online user-data from outside the session (without reauthentication)

There are several scenarios, where I want to update the user/principal data such that the changes are reflected while the user stays logged in (I do not want to force re-authentication)
From "within" the session this is not a Problem:
fun updateMyData(
#AuthenticationPrincipal user: AppUser,
#Valid #RequestBody newInfo: UpdateDataRequest
): ResponseEntity<TestUserInfo> {
val testInfo = TestUserInfo(user, newInfo)
user.info = testInfo
val updatedUser = users.save(user)
return ResponseEntity.ok(updatedUser.info!!)
When I allow the user to for example change the their own data, I can easily access and change the #AuthenticationPrincipal - in successive requests i can observe that the data is updated.
This is different when I need to change the user data from 'outside' the session.
use cases
There are 2 use cases for this:
a). an administrator changes user-data
b). the user confirms his email address
Now a). clearly happens from within another http-session where the principal is a user with some admin privileges.
For b). you might ask, why this doesn't happen within a session: I want a simple one-time confirmation link, i.e. a get request. I cannot assume, that the user is logged in via a session on the device the confirmation link is opened. It wouldn't feel right to me, to do a separate preauthentication provider or something to get the user authenticated - then there will an unnecessary session opened on a browser that is never used again.
So in both cases, when I fetch the user via a JPArepository, update data, and save it back, the change is up to date in the databse - but the logged-in users don't know of that change, because their user data is stored in the http session and doesn't know that it needs to be updated.
Note that I am not using redis/spring-session anything - this is just a plain http session, so from my understanding I can not use FindByIndexNameSessionRepository.
What I have tried
In spring-security issue #3849 it was suggested by rwinch to override SecurityContextRepository - however, there is no further information on how to do that exactly - I tried to understand the interface but couldn't get much further there.
I tried to get through the responses tothe followinf SO post:
How to reload authorities on user update with Spring Security (ignoring answers using redis.)
the most upvoted answer by leo doesn't help, as mentioned in the comments there
Aure77 suggests using SessionRegistry, which I tried to use also following bealdung - but to no avail: I cannot the right session, getallprincipals() is always empty when there is an active session for a logged in user. In case I had the right session I'm still not even sure how to move on from there, as Aure just suggests using expireNow() which forces reauthentication - I want to avoid that.
alexkasko suggests something similar - from his I am thinking that maybe spring boot uses a thread-local securityContextRepository by default, and thats why i have no principals. He the suggests something that i haven'T yet understood - also the answers are quite old (2012) and I don'T feel very secure about trying to understand and apply that
TwiN suggests using a HandlerInterceptor. Hasler Choo suggests a modified version with a hashset that seems to be more close to what i need. As described below - it has its problems though.
HandlerInterceptor based approach
This is the only solution so far that I could successfully implement - but it doesn't seem very flexible. My implementation so far will only cover user-role changes.
class WebMvcConfig : WebMvcConfigurer {
private lateinit var updateUserDataInterceptor : UpdateUserDataInterceptor
override fun addInterceptors(registry: InterceptorRegistry) {
The HandlerInterceptor:
class UpdateUserDataInterceptor(
private val users: AppUserRepository
) : HandlerInterceptor {
private val usersToUpdate = ConcurrentHashMap.newKeySet<Long>()
fun markUpdate(user: AppUser) = usersToUpdate.add(user.id)
override fun preHandle(request: HttpServletRequest, response: HttpServletResponse, handler: Any): Boolean {
val auth = SecurityContextHolder.getContext().authentication
(auth.principal as? AppUser)?.apply {
synchronized(usersToUpdate) {
if (id in usersToUpdate) {
role = users.findById(id).get().role
return true
Instead of just updating the role, what I would rather like, is just replace the entire principle - but the principal is final in the Authentication object.
So whenever a would wnat something else than the role updated, this has to specifically be mentioned here.
Remaining questions:
Are there other solutions than the HandlerInterceptor?
Is there a HandlerInterceptor based solution, that allows me to fully update the principal object
I am not considering single instance applications
1. Three factors in play
How quickly you want the changes reflected ( current session and current request vs current session and next request vs next session)
Do you have to keep the response time minimally affected by using distributed memory or cache?
Do you want to cut the cost (cannot use distributed memory) at the expense of response time?
Now you can you choose one option from first factor. But with second and third factors, you optimise one factor at the expensive of other one. Or you try to find a balance like your attempt to keep a list of affected users in memory and then hit the database for those affected.
( Unfortunately your optimisation to keep list of affected users in UpdateUserDataInterceptor as it is not stored in distributed memory won't work unless it is a single instance application)
2. Now based on my understanding of your question, I am making the following answers to the three factors in play.
current session next request
reduced cost (no distributed memory)
performance hit with database calls
( I will later update my thoughts on other possible paths and possible implementations for those paths)
3. Implementation options for the selected path - next-request-with-db-calls-and-no-distributed-memory
Any component that is part of request filter chain with the ability to call the database can achieve this by updating the SecurityContext. If you do this in the SecurityContextRepository, you are doing it at the earliest opportunity and you may even have the opportunity to restore the SecurityContext with updated principle instead of updating the already created SecurityContext. But any other filter or Interceptor can achieve this too by updating the SecurityContext.
4. Detailed look into each Implementation
SecurityContextRepository Option :
Looking at the HttpSessionSecurityContextRepository, it seems straight forward to extend it.
public class HttpSessionSecurityContextRepository
implements SecurityContextRepository {
public SecurityContext loadContext(HttpRequestResponseHolder reqRespHolder) {
HttpServletRequest request = reqRespHolder.getRequest();
HttpServletResponse response = reqRespHolder.getResponse();
HttpSession httpSession = request.getSession(false);
SecurityContext context = readSecurityContextFromSession(httpSession);
//retrieve the user details from db
//and update the principal.
return context;
SecurityContextHolderStrategy Option
Looking at the ThreadLocalSecurityContextHolderStrategy, it also looks straightforward
final class ThreadLocalSecurityContextHolderStrategy
implements SecurityContextHolderStrategy {
private static final ThreadLocal<SecurityContext> contextHolder = new ThreadLocal<>();
public void setContext(SecurityContext context) {
// you can intercept this call here, manipulate the SecurityContext and set it
Assert.notNull(context, "Only non-null SecurityContext instances are permitted");
Another filter or HandlerInterceptor //TODO WILL UPDATE
You mentioned principal is final in authentication object and you want to replace it. You can achieve this by creating a mutable wrapper of UserDetails, extending your current UserDetailsService and returning that wrapper. Then you can update the principal,
YourWrapper principalWrapper =(YourWrapper) securityContext

Springboot allow access to endpoint if userId matches

I am following up from this question:
How to configure Spring Boot Security so that a user is only allowed to update their own profile
Imagine I had an end-point /user/edit/{id}, I want this to be accessible if the user either tries to edit themslves (eg: a user with ID 1 accessing /user/edit/1 but not being able to access user/edit/2) or, if they are an admin, to be able to edit any user.
Is there any way I can achieve this in the security configuration?
Would restrict this to admin users, I want either admin or the id matching the user's id.
The only thing I can think of is inside the controller having something like
public void edit(#PathVariable("id") int id, Principal principal) {
User u = (User) userDetailsService.loadUserByUsername(principal.getName());
if(u.getId() == id || u.getRoles().contains("ADMIN")) {
//accept uer
But I was under the impression we shouldn't encode access logic in our controller?
It is possible to use Spring Security's Method Security Expressions to do this. Example copied from the docs:
#PreAuthorize("#c.name == authentication.name")
public void doSomething(#P("c") Contact contact);
Read the sections preceding, as there is some configuration needed. Also note that if an expression is used repeatedly you can define your own security annotations.
I was under the impression we shouldn't encode access logic in our
"Should" is maybe too strong a word, IMHO. Security expressions are powerful, and in theory would allow you to keep all security checks separate from the controller logic. Easier to spot when a check is wrong, or missing. Easier to compare with the Swagger annotations too, if you are using those to document your endpoints.
But it can get trickier when you have to do something like filter rows returned so that the user only sees some of the results. Spring Security can do that using #PostFilter. But sometimes it isn't optimal. For example, if you know that certain rows aren't going to be returned you may be able to run a faster query, rather than filter out rows after the fact.
My first Spring Security project had queries like that, so ever since I have tended to use controller logic instead of security annotations. But that's not a good reason to never use annotations! So by all means use security expressions when you can, but if you have trouble with them or other considerations arise, integrating security with your controller logic isn't so bad IMHO.
To control role access in your controller you can use annotations like #Secured or #PreAuthorize.
To use the #Secured, put in you security config class:
#EnableGlobalMethodSecurity(securedEnabled = true)
public class MethodSecurityConfig {
// ...
And now you can use it in your controller:
public Account post(Account account, double amount){
// ...
To use the #PreAuthorize, put in you security config class:
#EnableGlobalMethodSecurity(prePostEnabled = true)
public class MethodSecurityConfig {
// ...
And now you can use it in your controller:
public Account post(Account account, double amount){
// ...
For more information you can check here the spring docs.

How to upload images to a database with other details using postman [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I want to upload a image with other details like employee id, employee name etc using spring boot and spring data jpa, trying to send request using postman.I have searched a lot but I cannot find any examples sending both image and other details in one method, as I am a fresher unable to find exact solution and also I don't want to use ObjectMapper to read values.Can some one help me.
Thanks in advance
Check this Example:
public Object getConsumedUser(
#Valid User user,
#RequestParam("file") MultipartFile file) {
return file;
class User {
private String name;
private String username;
//Getter and Setter
