Access Docker Containers Host by DNS name - spring-boot

From my Spring Boot application deployed as a Docker container I need to be able to access the parent node (within a Swarm) by some kind of docker-exposed DNS name so that I can add it to a configuration file and was wondering if there was a DNS name exposed automatically by Docker for this purpose?
Another container that is scheduled on the same host running in "network_mode: host" is running Consul and advertising on port 8500 (real IP is
If I run netstat on the Swarm node (ip I can see it's listening on port 8500:
# netstat -anp | grep 8500
tcp6 0 0 :::8500 :::* LISTEN 25010/docker-proxy
I want to be able to define a connection string as configuration in the Spring Boot app on the swarm node to the local instance of Consul sheduled on the same physical host as the Spring Boot app.
If I refer to "localhost" within the Spring Boot container then there's nothing listening on the 8500 port, proven by running this after shelling into the Spring Boot container (using a sample Consul API call)
# wget http://localhost:8500/v1/status/leader
Connecting to localhost:8500 (
wget: can't connect to remote host ( Connection refused
I've also tried using "host.docker.internal" but that doesn't work:
# ping host.docker.internal
ping: bad address 'host.docker.internal'
The hosts are all Centos 7 hosts, and Docker version 18.09.1, build 4c52b90.
The firewalld service is disabled on all hosts.


How to expose ${PORT} spring boot application random port in docker?

How to expose ${PORT} spring boot application in docker?
Spring boot application starts on a random port and I have to expose the same in docker.
Is it possible?
As mentioned in the comment, better to have a static port on the application side otherwise mapping exact port will be hard.
How to configure port for a Spring Boot application
Another option is to use the host network, so you will be able to access the application using container port, but this option is available for Linux only.
If you use the host network mode for a container, that container’s network stack is not isolated from the Docker host (the container shares the host’s networking namespace), and the container does not get its own IP-address allocated. For instance, if you run a container which binds to port 80 and you use host networking, the container’s application is available on port 80 on the host’s IP address.
docker run -it --net host --rm my_app
suppose your app is running on some random port 8087, then you will able to access the application using http://localhost:8087 because of --net host

"bind: An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its access permissions"

Say we have frontend and backend containers based on Docker Desktop (for Windows).
Backend container uses port 9001, and the frontend container listens to 9001.
The problem is that port 9001 is already in use by Windows 10 by the Intel driver, and it is impossible to run a container on this port:
Error response from daemon: Ports are not available: listen tcp bind: An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its access permissions.
Could you please advise what is the way to handle this port if there is no ability to change it directly from application code?
A couple of ways:
When either using a docker run command, specify the host port to use, and set it to something other than 9001. i.e. -p 9002:9001 or Docker Compose, i.e.
- '9002:9001'
Then use port 9002 instead of 9001 when accessing the container from the host (Win 10).
Use Nginx and set up a reverse proxy, leave the host port empty when starting the container so no external post is opened on the host, and have the reverse proxy pass it over to the container's 9001 port.

Cannot connect to Container-optimized-os (running a spring-boot application using docker) using external ip

I have created a Google compute instance with Container-optimized-OS image.
I have configured the firewall to allow http and https.
I am using the docker image with spring boot application which connects to cloudsql. When I use run command on compute engine instance ssh, i.e. (docker run --rm name), the spring boot app is started successfully.
When I try to access the webservices through compute engine instance external ip, it is not working.
I went through a different question, and found that I should try using the sudo wget http://localhost command on the instance cli first and if it is good then everything should be good. But I am getting a connection refused message on
I also tried the command to open port from Container optimized OS, I.E.
sudo iptables -w -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT , nothing is working.
The default port for Spring Boot is 8080 and not 80.
Run this command inside the instance container to see what ports are in LISTENING state:
sudo netstat -tulpn | grep LISTEN
You can redirect port 80 to port 8080 with this command:
sudo iptables -t nat -I PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-port 8080
Note: This iptables command only redirects port 80 to 8080 on network interfaces. This has no effect for localhost or
For Google Compute Engine instances you do not need to enable ports using iptables. This is done via Google VPC firewall rules. You can use both but make sure you understand exactly what you are configuring and the side effects.
Note: Your Spring Boot application needs to listen on and not nor localhost. The last two are internal only addresses. means listen on all network interfaces.
Note: Do not use sudo in front of wget. This is not necessary.
First, confirm what port your springboot application uses - if it's 8080 or 80. This depends on what you have configured inside file. This port is referred to as ContainerPort in below steps.
Execute docker run <image-name>:<tag>. This will run the image and show container logs on the console. If there is something wrong with your spring-boot app, the logs will show that and the container will shutdown. Press Ctrl+C to stop the container and return to shell.
If there is no error in step 1 run docker run -d -p<HostPort>:<ContainerPort> <image-name>:<tag>. Here HostPort is any free port in your GCP host VM and ContainerPort is the port used by your spring boot application within the container. Option d starts your container in detached mode.
Run docker ps and make sure that the container started in step 2 is running. It may not run if there is an error - for example if the HostPort you specified is already in use.
If step 3 shows that the container is running, execute curl http://localhost:<HostPort>/<End-Point-Path>. Here End-Point-Path is a valid path to a working endpoint within the container. If the endpoint is correct you should see expected result from the spring-boot app in the console.
Navigate to Google Cloud Console -> VPC network -> Firewall rules and add a firewall rule to open HostPort on your GCP VM.
Access your endpoint via the VM's external IP with URL - http://<VM-External-IP>:<HostPort>/<End-Point-Path>
Unless there is an application issue with your spring-boot app these steps should get you going.
I was able to build the correct solution by your help (John Hanley and Cyac).
I am combining both solutions in order to help the next person facing this.
As told by John, by default Spring boot uses port 8080, not 80 and as specified by Cyac you need to specify the port as 80 explicitly in file using
Make sure you expose the port 80 in docker image
On GCP Contaier optimized OS make sure you have allowed traffic for HTTP and HTTPs
Run command:
sudo iptables -w -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT
Run docker using:
docker run -p 80:80 SPRING_IMAGE.
Where SPRING_IMAGE is the name of the docker image with spring boot build.
Test by using curl http://localhost/ENDPOINT_NAME , e.g. http://localhost/shops/all

Can't see open ports of Docker PostgreSQL container?

I have a container running with PostgreSQL, expose port 5432, but can not find them when running lsof -Pn -i4 or netstat | grep 5432.
I can however connect with the database through my Spring Boot application.
Why can't I see the open ports on my local machine of the docker container?
Try it with netstat -a it will show all active connections i.e. the ports that are acting as both server (some services are listening to these ports for connections from a different machine/process) and established (connections are established on these ports regardless of the fact the host/a service can be a server or client)

Localhost vs with Docker on Mac OS

I am reading the docs here and I find myself a bit confused, since running
docker run --name some-mysql -p 3306:3306 -d mysql
docker run --name some-mysql -p -d mysql
then mysql --host localhost --port 3306 -u root gives me the following error :
ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/tmp/mysql.sock' (2).
But running mysql -u root -p --host works.
Does someone have an explanation ?
With docker port forwarding, there are two network namespaces you need to keep track of. The first is inside your container. If you listen on localhost inside the container, nothing outside the container can connect to your application. That includes blocking port forwarding from the docker host and container-to-container networking. So unless your container is talking to itself, you always listen on with the application you are running inside the container.
The second network namespace is on your docker host. When you forward a port with docker run -p ... that configures a listener on the docker host interface port 1234, and forwards it to the container namespace port 5678 (that container must be listening on If you leave off the ip, docker will publish the port on all interfaces on the host.
So when you configure mysql to listen on, there's no way to reach it from outside of the container's networking namespace. If you need to prevent others outside of your docker host from reaching the port, configure that restriction when publishing the port on the docker run cli.
As described in the mysql documentation (, when you connect to with the client, it'll try to use the unix sockets to perform this operation. Normally this would work fine since it's on the same host. In Docker the socket file is not available.
