custom css and js files not load in laravel. How can I fix this? - laravel

css file path is---
I have checked. File is already in the directory.
But not loaded.
Before it was working fine. Suddenly ALL CSS and JS file got 404 error
css file path via ftp
404 for css file


Static files in wwwroot is not served in ASP.NET Core 6 MVC

I have files in my wwwroot folder like this:
But still, I'm getting an HTTP "404 - not found" error since the CSS files are not being served.
Even if I try to access it through localhost:
The file still causes a http 404 not found.
I did include app.UseStaticFiles(); in Program.cs, and I can see the files in the build directory:
This is weird as I assumed all files in the wwwroot folder should be served to public.
What else should I check and what am I doing wrong?

Why my jetstream application in Laravel not showing proper CSS and JS path when uploading in Cpanel?

I have built a project in laravel using jetstream. The project is running smoothly in my local machine (localhost) but the CSS and JS path is not working when I am uploading in server. Can anyone help?
My cpanel directory is
Falied to load resource : app.js
Falied to load resource : app.css
Falied to load resource : app.css

File Manager for TinyMCE 5 Not showing uploaded images,404 image not found,but it exists in the folder - Laravel

So,i've been having problems with integrating file manager to TinyMCE 5,uploading images into a specified folder using the file manager works without any issues,that is also true for deleting the images,but the problem is when you try to use the images,they appear as blank and if you open a console you will see error 404 messages that images don't exist
The solution that worked for me is that i went to .env file which is inside of your laravel project and then changed this line of code which is usually located in the first few lines of the file:
to this
It seems like file manager uses APP_URL to build the URL for some reason,still haven't found out why tho

Having problems building github page(SCSS import fails (Jekyll))

I was trying to run a github page with Jekyll theme,and the website runs fine locally. However, when I try to urn in on htttps://, GitHub cannot build the website.
I got the following error message :
Your site is having problems building: Your SCSS file myblog/assets/main.scss has an error on line 1: File to import not found or unreadable: minimaless.
The main.scss :
# Only the main Sass file needs front matter (the dashes are enough)
#import "minimaless";
It seems to be the path to the .scss file expected by GitHub is different from where the Jekyll theme put it. I checked some posts mentioned that I should put the absolute path of .scss in _config.yml file.
It seems to be the path to the .scss file expected by GitHub is different from where the Jekyll theme put it. I checked some posts link mentioned that I should put the absolute path of .scss in the directory of urlbase, which is /myblog. But I am not familiar with ruby, so I am not sure how should I do it.
The folder structure is like this :
- assets/
- main.scss
- _sasss/
- minimaless.scss
- minimaless/
- basic.scss
- layout.scss
- hight-lighting.scss
- _config.yml
This is my GitHub page folder :
The issue could be because your source contents are within a subdirectory myblog. Try moving all the contents to the root of your repository.
It could also be because of the following in your config file:
theme: minimaless
#remote_theme: brettinternet/minimaless
theme: minimaless is not supported on GitHub Pages. Comment it out.
And finally, _site directory should not be checked into version control. Delete it from your repository and then add an entry for it in your .gitignore file.

Location of specific CSS file Magento 2

I'm debugging an issue in Magento 2 and I'm looking for a specific CSS file. I logged the file name of the last file somewere in the Emogrifier.php and this is supposed to be the file:
Now, I cannot find this file anywere. I only can find the place where it's imported: _email-extend.less in that same Porto theme folder.
This is what that looks like: #import url("#{baseUrl}css/email-fonts.css");
When I go to the URL it finds that file in the static content. But I cannot find that file with that specific name anywere...
If Magento2 has been installed via composer then you are looking for '/vendor/magento/theme-frontend-blank/web/css/email-fonts.less' (If Magento2 has been installed from the github repository, then '/app/design/frontend/Magento/blank/web/css/email-fonts.less').
Grunt converts all less files into css after the static content deployment.
