JPQL query with having oracle db - oracle

I am using jpql jpa eclipselink Following query wont work :
SELECT c FROM TableA c WHERE c.forumId = :forumId AND c.isDefault = true HAVING MAX (c.validFrom)
The error im getting "The expression is not a valid conditional expression"

The HAVING clause only works with a GROUP BY expression.
The HAVING clause allows for the results of a GROUP BY to be filtered.
Your question is:
i want o get max validFrom how can i make expression ot of this
But you can make a query without GROUP BY and HAVING to do what you want:
select c from TableA c WHERE c.validFrom = (
SELECT MAX(c2.validFrom)
FROM TableA c2
WHERE c2.Id = c.Id AND c.forumId = :forumId AND c.isDefault = true
If you would like to use GROUP BY and HAVING, you can do:
SELECT c FROM TableA c WHERE c.validFROM = (
WHERE forumId = :forumId AND isDefault = true
HAVING validFROM=c.validFROM


How to update and set values based on multiple joins in select statment?

I want to update a column prtnum and revlvl in table invdtl based on value from select statment, here is the code
update invdtl set invdtl.prtnum = usr_prtmst_xref.prtnum,invdtl.revlvl =
usr_prtmst_xref.colnam ([select
invdtl.prtnum,usr_prtmst_xref.prtnum AS
crossref,invdtl.revlvl,aremst.arecod,aremst.fwiflg from invdtl
join usr_prtmst_xref
on usr_prtmst_xref.prtnum = usr_prtmst_xref.prtnum
join invsub
join invlod
join locmst
join aremst
on aremst.arecod = locmst.arecod
and aremst.wh_id = locmst.wh_id
on locmst.stoloc = invlod.stoloc
and locmst.wh_id = invlod.wh_id
on invlod.lodnum = invsub.lodnum
on invsub.subnum = invdtl.subnum where aremst.arecod = 'EXPR' or
aremst.fwiflg = '1' and rownum <2])
I want to copy two values prtnum and revlvl that are returned by select statement but there is some syntax issue.
There are a bunch of errors here:
The syntax for a multi-column update is basically
update blah
set ( col1, col2 ) = ( select x, y
The syntax for multiple joins is basically
from table1 t1
join table2 t2
on t1.col = t2.col
join table3 t2 on
t2.col = ...
Get ride of "[" and "]"
The predicate rownum<2 is probably to get around the message you received, something like "single row sub-query returns more than 1
row" Which this predicate "fixes" that problem, you are just getting
the first random row; probably not what you want. You probably need to
correlate the sub-query with the update
I would fix these basic syntax errors and try again.

Hibernate HQL GroupBy in Oracle

I created this query using HQL with Hibernate and Oracle
select c from Cat c
left join c.kittens k
where (c.location= 1 OR c.location = 2)
and (i.activo = 1)
order by count(e) desc
The problem comes with the fact that in HQL you need to specify all fields in Cat in order to perform a Group By, but fulldescription is a CLOB, and you cannot group by by a CLOB (I get a "Not a Group By Expression" error. I've seen a few solutions around for a pure SQL sentence but none for HQL.
A serious issue GROUP BY of HQL because if you specify your object in GROUP BY and in your SELECT field list behaviours are differents. In GROUP BY has considered only id field but in SELECT field list all fields are considered.
So you can use a subquery with GROUP BY to return only id from your object, so that result becomes an input for the main query, like the follow I write for you.
Pay attention there are some alias table (i and e) not defined, so this query doesn't work, but you know as fixed.
Try this:
select c2 from Cat c2
where in (
select from Cat c
left join c.kittens k
where (c.location= 1 OR c.location = 2)
and (i.activo = 1) <-- who is i alias??
group by
order by count(e) desc <-- who is e alias???

How to convert following SQL query to Lambda expression?

I have a following SQL query how can I convert to lambda expression
select * from ContractItems
where ID in (SELECT distinct contractItemId from ContractPackageItems
where contractPackageId in (SELECT ID from ContractPackage
where ContractID = 680))
from the above query I need to know if row exist or not. If row exist then return true.
Here is what I got but it is not working
(from contractItem in _entities.ContractItems
where contractItem.ID == (from contractPackageItems in _entities.ContractPackageItems
where contractPackageItems.ContractPackageID == (from contractPackage in _entities.ContractPackages where contractPackage.ContractID == contractId select contractPackage.ID) select contractPackageItems.ContractItemId).Distinct()).Any();
Will this not do what you want?
var results = (from ci in _entities.contractItems
join cpi in _entities.contractPackageItems on ci.ID equals cpi.contractItemId
join cp in _entities.contractPackage on cpi.contractPackageId equals cp.ID
where cp.ContractID = 680
select ci).Any();

Complex Join Using LINQ EF

How can I join the two queries using LINQ to EF? I need the result set returned to me that includes joined data from the 2 queries combined.
select StockNo, Description
from VehicleOption_New
where StockNo in
select v.StockNo
from Vehicles v
join StatusDescription s
on v.Status = s.StatusId
where NewOrUsed = 'n' and v.model = 'cts'
and color is not null
select v.StockNo, s.StatusDescriptionText
from Vehicles v
join StatusDescription s
on v.Status = s.StatusId
where NewOrUsed = 'n' and v.model = 'cts'
Once you have the equivalent EF queries you can use either Concat() or Union() to combine the results.

Join statement in Linq to Sql

I need to write Join statment after writing query in linq
example :
var Query = (from Tab in Db.Employees
select Tab)
as i have some cases to perform join operation so
i need to do it on this Query Query.Join(Join with another Table like Department); I need the Syntax
if (DeptID != -1){ Query.Join(Join with table Department where FkDeptID = DeptID); }
Consider the usage of join in the LINQ 'query syntax':
from t1 in db.Table1
join t2 in db.Table2 on t1.field equals t2.field
select new { t1.field2, t2.field3}
Something like this?
var results = (from q in Query
join m in myList on q.SomeID = m.SomeID
select unknown);
Try using this query:
var Query =
from e in Db.Employees
join d in Db.Departments on e.FkDeptID equals d.DeptID into departments
select new
Employee = e,
Department = departments.SingleOrDefault(),
This works assuming that when e.FkDeptID == -1 that there is no record in the Departments table and in that case Department would be assigned null.
You should never have more than one department for an employee so I've used SingleOrDefault rather than FirstOrDefault.
