Rendering CALayer multiple times - macos

I've been trying to figure out the best way to show an existing CALayer in a secondary window to allow real-time full-screen output on a secondary monitor. Additionally I would like to have the ability to show real-time thumbnails in my application of the original CALayer, it seems like I should be able to find a setup that could fulfill both requirements.
So far my research resulted in the following options:
CALayer.render(in: CGContext) Using the original layer and redrawing it to additional views this way and setting up a timer or a CVDisplayLink to redraw it every frame.
Rendering the CALayer to a NSBitmap every frame. And using that bitmap in NSImageView across the application.
Using a CAMetalLayer and rendering the texture multiple times using a MTKView. I'm not really familiar with Metal, this seems like a fairly elegant solution, but I'm not sure if it is required to go all the way down to Metal myself.
Using a CARemoteLayerServer with a CARemoteLayerServer.
This seems like an overly complicated setup for in-process sharing of a CALayer and it feels like this approach is more suitable if I'd need to share the layer cross-process.
Using CAReplicatorLayer. Instead of using the replicator layer to create a grid of copies I tried to use it to create just one copy, but it seems like you cant add a CALayer to multiple "parent layers".
All in all I've found some workable solutions, but as I'm quite a novice working with Core Animation I'm not sure which direction is the least resource-heavy and I might still be missing an easier solution.
Has anyone tried something similar?


JavaFX: Best way to include somewhat complex animations into GUI?

I am working on a desktop application with JavaFX. As seen in the image below, I have an open space for a sort of mascot character, which I hope to give simple animations to. They are simple enough that it would be possible--but incredibly hard--to make in JavaFX, but complex enough that I feel like I should use a different method. This is my first JavaFX program, so my experience level is pretty low. I am able and willing to make these animations in other software and create a gif or mp4, etc if necessary, but I'm just in the dark here. I couldn't find much documentation. Below, you can see the space I would like to fill with an animated mascot. What method would be the best for this level of animation?

How to show a large data set with animated filtering?

I was wondering if that would be doable to combine virtualization with animated filtering such as for instance what mixtitup provides:
The idea would be to present a lot of items (let say 30K images to represent), virtualize them and have the nice and smooth filtering animations of such library as mixitup.
Many thanks!
This type of animation (rearranging/reordering) isn't really supported by react-virtualized. I know people who do animated scroll-tos or animated reveals for new rows, and there are libs like clauderic/react-sortable-hoc that do animated drag-and-drop but the type of animation you linked to is a lot more involved.
You might be able to implement this by providing your own (stateful) cellRangeRenderer. Grid would manage windowing for you but you'd have to manage your own transitions. I've never tried it though.
If you do do something like that- I'd love to see it. Perhaps we could make a reusable component out of it.

Silverlight canvas freedraw underperforming

I'm making a silverlight website which includes paint-like features including freedraw. To achieve this I used the technique described on the following website: .
The problem is, when I run the demo project it will start to lag extremely after just a few seconds of drawing. I realise that that is probably caused by the amount of shapes this techniue requires, however, and this is my main question:
How on earth does the demo on the website not lag nomatter howmuch I draw, while my local project which should have the EXACT same code lags right away?
I tried finding something about improving canvas performance overall, but the only thing I found was turning the drawing into a static image, which is not really ideal since I use undo/redo functionality.
The number of shapes added to the Canvas shouldn't be the reason for the lagging, there must be something else like converting the drawing into image for undo/redo functionality. For undo/redo, you can save the strokes-information instead of images. Creating & storing images during each undo/redo operation will consume too much memory.
A stroke is nothing but a set of points from the start (mousedown event) to end (mouseup event), and a set of strokes forms a complete drawing. You can always recreate the drawing using the saved strokes-information (just like you can recreate using images). You can use simple data-structures like List<List<Point>> to store a complete drawing, this is very memory efficient instead of creating & storing the image itself.

Best Practice for laying out images for printing in a WYSIWYG Mac app?

I'm in the concept phase of a Mac application that should let the user easily select and layout images for printing. It's a document-based app and a document can have multiple pages with lots of pictures in different sizes and rotations on it. The UI would kind of be like the UI of
Those pictures can possibly be large hi-res images. The user should also be able to print them in the best quality that the images offer.
I have re-watched some WWDC sessions about Quartz, 2D drawing optimization and NSView.
I know that there are a few different ways of accomplishing what I want to do, namely:
Use a custom view for a "page" and draw the images in drawRect: with Core Graphics/Quartz. Use CG transforms to rotate and scale images.
Also use a custom view for a "page", but use NSImageView-subviews to display the images. Use Core Animation and layer transforms to scale/rotate images.
What is the best practice for this? Drawing with Core Graphics or using NSViews? Why?
Thank you so much!
Depends on how interactive these pages should be. If there is a lot of mouse interaction, e.g. dragging, selecting etc. I'd go with views. If you want fluid animations I'd even use plain CALayers with their content set to one image. This would also let you zPosition the images in case they overlap. A view based solution makes z-ordering hard.
The drawRect method should be fastest but you have hard times integrating user interaction and you must z-order manually.
This is a reply I got from opening one of my two Apple Technical Support Incidents:
Hi Johannes,
Thanks for contacting Apple DTS regarding your question about printing
and the different ways to construct your applications general UI (with
There is a trend toward using layer-backed views in OS X (utilizing
Core Animation layers) which is motivated by the ability to easily
animate your application's user interface, with little work, when
needed. However in terms of printing, you would be better off to
implement drawRect for custom views so that the view contents can be
drawn at "full resolution" when rendered into the context for
If instead you use layer backed views at as those layers to
"renderInContext" the layer contents would be used to render, which
commonly will not be set to the full resolution of your source
documents/images. This is because layer backed views take additional
memory to store those bitmaps (cached layer contents), and because of
that, they are recommended to be sized appropriately for the screen
(which may not necessarily be sized appropriately for the printed
Does this help guide your application architecture? Please let me
So basically this means that using layer-backed views might result in sub-optimal printing quality. I've replied with some follow-up questions ("How setting wantsLayer = NO on the rootView right before printing help?") and will post the answers as soon as I get them.
All three approaches should work. Since you should be using scaled-down representations of large images anyway, I don't think there will be much difference. Do what you feel most comfortable doing.
My guess is just using layer-backed NSViews (one par draggable image) will probably work best for starters. If you find performance lacking, you can always micro-optimize. Note that you may have to make your views a tad larger than the images so you can draw the selection handles outside them.
This is all assuming that you will never want to do a more complex drawing.

Qt Animation: Appearing & Disappearing Objects

I'm writing a video annotation application with Qt4 in which users need to be able to seek to various points in a video, putting markers on various objects and then setting keypoints for those markers so that they stay on the objects in the video as they move around. QGraphicsItemAnimation seems like a great place to start for these markers, however they need to be able to appear and disappear at specific times, which I can't figure out how to do with the QGraphicsItemAnimation. I could set the scale at 0 to make the objects disappear, but that seems like a pretty hacky solution, and I'm guessing that the paint engine would still waste cpu cycles trying to draw those invisible objects. Does anyone have a better solution than this? I'm using Qt 4.5.3 right now, but I'm willing to upgrade to 4.6 if it makes things easier. Thanks!!
It seems like the functionality you want of showing/hiding QGraphicsItem objects is beyond the scope of the simple "tweening" that the animation class performs. It is only for one object at a time, and any appearance or disappearance you have to write yourself.
You still might get some mileage out of QGraphicsItemAnimation (although the fact that it uses its own timer instead of being locked to the frame clock of your video is a little dodgy).
Neglecting "seeking" for a moment, there is a QTimeLine::finished() signal. If you let the end of an annotation's active animation timeline represent the point where you want it to disappear, you can trigger QGraphicsItem::hide() at that point. When it comes time to turn it back on, you would construct a new QGraphicsItemAnimation (based on the next run of keyframe data for that object) and call QGraphicsItem::show().
Note that one of the headlining features of Qt 4.6 is the QtAnimation framework, which is more sophisticated but also rather complex. I've not used it yet, but looking over the examples it seems like you might be able to "animate" a visibility or opacity property.
