Laravel open url in server side after action - laravel

is there any way to open url in "server side".
I'm using as my sms gateway. And to send sms, you need to visit (for example), so i don't want to redirect user to that url. I just want to open it in server background, and close.
after route and before real redirect, example's here:
Route::get('/sms', function() {
//i need to excecute that url here
Is there any way to do this?

I think you need to do this asynchronously using xhr or ajax if you use jquery, you basically post the information asynchronously and your server (your php script) just returns a json back, in your success function / promise you can get the data and do something with it if you like, this process does not require any redirect.
This is a simple example which you may need to modify:
function asyncPost(event){
url: "",
data: {
name: "any value or variable,"
id: "any value or variable"
datatype: "json",
type: "POST",
success: function(data) {
// do something with data if you need, data contains the returned data from your php script
error: function(data) {
console.log("an error occured");


forge.request.ajax returns: "Invalid parameter not satisfying: url"

We have an ios application built with this application is using forge.request.ajax to send data to our servers. one of our requests occasionally throws an error and returns this:
{"message":"Invalid parameter not satisfying: url","type":"UNEXPECTED_FAILURE"}
since the input parameters are sent in json format I suspected that some characters inputted by users, could break the structure and cause this error. my code looks like this:
url: "someurl.php",
dataType: "json",
data:"some=data&and=some&more=data&which=is inputted by user",
success: function (data) {
error: function (error) {
url: "errorlog.php",
dataType: "json",
data:"data=" + encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(error)),
success: function (data) {
error: function (error) {
this code gives the above error half the time. and work on the other half. are there any limitations for input parameters in ajax request? since i can't edit objective-c code, i need a solution - preferably a filter- which ensures this function to work with whatever input is entered.
Using encodeURIComponent may help:
var data = "some=data&and=some&more=data&which=is inputted by user";
url: "someurl.php",
dataType: "json",
data: encodeURIComponent(data)
Passing request data as URL Parameters has more than it's share of gotchas though so it may also be worth taking a look at this StackOverflow question: When are you supposed to use escape instead of encodeURI / encodeURIComponent?

POST a response from API by AJAX

Im making a Login whit facebook.
using the javascript sdk im geting the response (i guess is JSON), and i want to send this response to a php file to check if the user is in the database or not.
so heres what i got so far.
this is the function i call when the user is loged into facebook.
function testing(){
FB.api('/me', function(response) {
response = JSON.stringify(response);
//call another function, sending the data recived
and here is the ajaxlog function
function ajaxlog(facedatos){
type: "POST",
url: "facebook-ajax-login.php",
dataType: "json",
data: facedatos,
success: function(response){
//the php brings the conect response true or false
beforeSend: function(){
$("#exist").html("<img class='img-responsive ajax-l' style='width:40px;padding-top:10px;margin-right:10px;' src='images/ajax-loader.gif' />")
im doing alerts and the facebook data comes with no problem. i think the issue is how i send the data by post, im not reciving the data in the php
I find the issue by myself,
the problem is that i was sending the post request whitout a name.
in the ajax function changed
data: facedatos,
face: facedatos
and in the php recived the data as $_POST["face"];

jquery ajax data shows [object Object]

I have a very basic ajax call to alert the data that was reported from the server
type: "POST",
url: "/someform/act", //edit utl to url
data: { changed: JSON.stringify(plainData) }, //edit to include
success: function(data) {
alert(data); //data not $data
error: function() {
//error condition code
According to the docs on the jquery website regarding data field on the success callback, it says that data returned is the data from the server. However for some strange reason when I alert $data, I get [object Object]
I was expecting to see something like this, since that is what the server would send back
data is also passed along as the POST
You need to use JSON.stringify(data) in the alert to get anything readable.
Also, $data is a completely different variable name than data.
alert() prints the string representation of the arguments - hence if you pass an object, you'll get [object Object].
To inspect data, use console.log(data) better.
If you server send a JSON, you need to put dataType: 'json' to your ajax call. Be aware there's some mistake in your ajax call.
type: "POST",
url: "/someform/act", // NOT 'UTL',
data: {
key: value,
key2: value2
// or data: plaindata, // If 'plaindata' is an object.
dataType: 'json',
success: function(data) {
console.log(data); // As moonwave99 said
error: function() {
//error condition code
When sending data, you should send an object. jQuery will handle the array to sned it to the server. So if plain data is an object, it should be like this
data: plainData,
If you're sending data via $.ajax({...}), the Network tab of your browser inspector might be showing [object Object] in the Payload (Chrome) / Request (Firefox) sub-tab, like in the following image (Firefox):
The reason for this might be in the way you're forming your AJAX call. Specifically:
url: '/ajax/example-endpoint',
data: {'fooKey':fooData,'barKey':barData},
type: 'post',
cache: false,
contentType: false, // this one will turn your data into something like fooKey=fooData&barKey=barData
processData: false, // and this one will make it [object Object]:""
beforeSend: function() {
// whatever it is you need to do
success: function(data) {
// do stuff
error: function(desc, err) {
// do stuff
When combined, contentType: false and processData: false turn your data into [object Object], because you're actually telling your AJAX call to ignore the content type of whatever is being sent, and not to process it.
If it's IIS, try creating a site outside of the Default Web Site (for example localhost/ajax1). For example a new site ajax1, place it not in the DefaultAppPool, but in your pool, for example ajax1. Try http://ajax1

How to send and retrieve cross-domain ajax data in userscript

I use this code to store and retrieve ajax data via
$.ajax({ /* send data */
url: "",
data: "test-key-data=" + JSON.stringify([123,456]),
dataType: "jsonp",
success: function(data){
$.ajax({ /* retrieve data */
url: "",
dataType: "jsonp",
success: function(data){
everything work fine in Chrome javascript console but in userscript I get error like this
Uncaught ReferenceError: jQuery110208458673823624849_1375932537303 is
not defined
I try to use GM_xmlhttpRequest to retrieve data like this
method: "GET",
url: "",
onload: function(response) {
but it seem like openkeyval doesn't accept data via POST/GET method and log result was like when you access it directly from url of browser like this
I include jQuery and it work fine with this code
// #require
I try to use Greasemonkey/jQuery XHR bridge with out change other code by like this
// #require
and try use openkeyval official javascript library with code like this
// #require
and retrieve data with code like this
var ourCallback = function(value, key) {
console('The value of ' + key ' + is ' + value);
window.remoteStorage.getItem('test-key-data', ourCallback);
still got error ERROR: Unexpected string
Please help, I mess with it more than 10 hours. Thank you so much.
It look like $.ajax always trigger error event function
but GM_xmlhttpRequest can retrieve mistype data, so I try looking for dataType: "jsonp" in GM_xmlhttpRequest and I got that jsonp header content-type is "application/javascript" OR "application/json" and the first one work well.
my new code for retrieve data look like this
method: "GET",
url: "" + new Date(),
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/javascript"
onload: function(response) {
and retrieve data using $.ajax even it always trigger error event function but it still send data.
I try both content-type on GM_xmlhttpRequest and still not work.
my code to store data look like this
$.ajax({ /* send data */
url: "",
data: "test-key-data=" + JSON.stringify(myVarObject),
dataType: "jsonp"
Add this into $.ajax({...})
crossDomain: true;
It is because by default cross domain ability is disabled. See
Sometimes there will be a issue with different charset between local script and remote script. Try using:
scriptCharset: "utf-8";
Also look at JQuery AJAX is not sending UTF-8 to my server, only in IE
Elaborating my comment
The reference is to the callback function generated by jquery.
It Sounds to me the way you invoke your userscript unloads the jquery functions before the callback is executed.
Perhaps you use a link and forgot the preventDefault?
If you ajax and have
it is MANDATORY to continue like this:
,function(e) {
Otherwise the link is followed or the form is submitted which may not have any visible effect, but the asynchronous scripts have been (partially) unloaded unless the form and link has a target other than the current window

Cross domain Ajax call from HTML page (can't use any proxy)

I was trying to get some information from another server using ajax post call as .
type: 'POST',
url: testURL,
data: data,
//dataType: 'jsonp',
dataType: "script",
success: function (data) {
alert("Successfully posted (Test) : " + data);
error: function (ts) {
alert("Inside Error : " + ts.responseText);
Here testURL is the URL where i am posting the data (Cross domain requests are only possible if datatype is either jsonp or script), and it suppose to return text/html data back (what fiddler says will be the return type for the data).
I am not sure if i can use any proxy as pages are normal HTML pages.
Isn't there any way to get the [data] as text (as for now success expecting JASONP data and alert("Successfully posted (Test) : " + data); only showing data as undefined). I can't make any changes to API or whatever it is on the remote Server.
Thanks for the help in advance.
Without a proxy you cannot do it. If that is in a windows box, you can create a COM object to make the call to that server and from your JavaScript you call that COM.
Well it seems you can with JSONP
jsonp with jquery
