UDP Proxy in Golang - go

I am trying to create an UDP Proxy in Go without success.
My objective is to get the DNS response from a server and write it back to the client.
$ kdig -d # facebook.com
n, client, err := u.server.ReadFromUDP(buf) // read request
n, err = u.server.WriteToUDP(buf, client) // write it back
Should i be doing something different? Response:
WARNING: response timeout for
PS: My TCP Implementation works fine.


Create SOCKS5 Proxy in go

I want to create a tor like clone in Go, where I have a local socks5 proxy server from which I get the request, encrypt it and send it via tcp to the network. To work with proxies in go I found the golang.org/x/net/proxy package. By searching how to create a server with it and getting the request data I only find something like this Creating a go socks5 client where people use it to only forward the traffic to another server.
Currently I have this implementation.
dialer, err := proxy.SOCKS5("tcp", "", nil, proxy.Direct)
if err != nil {
My question now is how I can get the data which the computer send via socks5 to this local proxy.

Go: Send websocket requests to a proxy port

I have an Envoy proxy instance configured to proxy http and websocket requests. Note that this is not a CONNECT proxy. I want my websocket client to create a websocket request as if it was sending it to the original destination and then deliver the payload to the proxy's listener instead.
What's the recommended way to connect to the local proxy? I believe this is dependent on the specific Go websocket package being used. I can see packages that allow overriding the http.Client used, but the destination address is determined using the websocket URL specified. The only alternative I have is to send the request to ws://proxy_ip:proxy_port/path directly, and specify the destination using some custom HTTP header that the proxy is configured to use for routing. I am not a big fan of this approach.
I want to dial an address different from that in the request
Use Gorilla's Dialer.NetDialContext to dial an address different from the request:
d := websocket.Dialer{
NetDialContext: func(ctx context.Context, network, addr string) (net.Conn, error) {
return net.DialContext(ctx, network, "proxy_ip:proxy_port")
c, r, err := d.Dial("ws://example.com/path", nil)
if err != nil {
// handle error

Check for server reachability in Golang conn.Write

I am working on an application that tries to send some data to a remote server. Once I get the hostname, I get a connection by resolving the hostname using net.Dialer.DialContext. Once, I resolve the hostname, I keep on using conn.Write method to write data to the connection.
conn, err := d.DialContext(ctx, string(transport), addr)
_, err := client.conn.Write([]byte(msg))
Error faced: I observed that due to some issues, I was not able to ping my server. Surprisingly, conn obtained from DialContext did not complain while doing conn.Write and it kept writing to the same connection.
Can someone help me in how to modify my writing methods in order to get an error in case the destination server is not reachable?
From this UDP connection example
the best a "connected" UDP socket can do to simulate a send failure is to save the ICMP response, and return it as an error on the next write.
So try and (for testing) make a second conn.Write, to confirm that you would indeed get an error this time.

server error: rpc error: code = Unavailable desc = transport is closing" in gRPC

I have a grpc server and a client (in my blog project). when I run the server, It seems everything is ok, when I run the client, I face this error, and both server and client close.
rpc error: code = Unavailable desc = transport is closing
I think error is related to this piece of code:
func newPost(c proto_blog.BlogServiceClient) {
fmt.Println("Starting to do a Unary RPC")
req := &proto_blog.ReqNewPost{
Title: "How can we make an gRPC server?",
Content: "First You have to.....\nAt the end, you have to....",
Author: "Arsham Ahora",
Date: fmt.Sprint(time.Now()),
res, err := c.NewPost(context.Background(), req)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Error calling greet server: %v", err)
log.Printf("Response from Greet: %v", res.Id)
** I noticed this error is not related to whether you have Unary or Streaming.
I want to list some possible reasons cause code = Unavailable desc = transport is closing on gRPC per gRPC faq, in case of someone meets those reasons.
This error means the connection the RPC is using was closed, and there are many possible reasons, including:
mis-configured transport credentials, connection failed on handshaking
bytes disrupted, possibly by a proxy in between
server shutdown
Keepalive parameters caused connection shutdown, for example if you have configured your server to terminate connections regularly to trigger DNS lookups. If this is the case, you may want to increase your MaxConnectionAgeGrace, to allow longer RPC calls to finish.
It can be tricky to debug this because the error happens on the client side but the root cause of the connection being closed is on the server side. Turn on logging on both client and server, and see if there are any transport errors.
The default logger is controlled by environment variables. Turn everything on like this:
I found that in server code I have a code like this before returning the response:
log.Fatalf("Error happend: %v", e)
And I changed my code like this:
if e != nil {
log.Fatalf("Error happend: %v", e)
That error has not occurred but log.Fatalf() has broken my app.
For more details, it was not an error directly from the grpc part, it was because my app broke before returning any response to the gRPC client.
I think you sent wrong piece of code, anyway, As the error was said: "transport is closing" your connection is closed, You have to find where in your server you are exiting your server and handle that.

Network programming in Go

I'm studying Go for network programming. The problem is Go documentation is too simple. For example, I don't know when to use net.DialTCP, and when to use TCPListener object to AcceptTCP, what's the difference? How about client communicate with another client? Not client to server.
In Go, you use the Dial function from net to connect to a remote machine.
This gives you an abstract Conn object that represents the connection you just established. Conn implements the ReadWriteCloser interface from io and a couple of other functions. You can use this object to send and receive data.
To listen, i.e. open a port, you use the Listen function from net. Calling Listen gives you a Listener object. Use Accept to accept incoming connections. Accept returns another Conn object that can be used as above.
ls, err := net.Listen("tcp",":1337")
if err != nil {
// port probably blocked, insert error handling here
conn, err := ls.Accept()
if err != nil {
// error handling
conn.Write("Hello, world!")
DialTCP and ListenTCP
These functions give you more control over TCP connections. I suggest you to only use them if they are definitly needed for your program as Dial and Listen are simpler, more generic and easily allow you to adapt your program to other types of network connections.
net.DialTCP is used on the client side to create a connection to remote server.
net.TCPListener.AcceptTCP is used on the server side to accept new connection (possibly initiated by net.DialTCP if client is written in Go). Note that listener may accept multiple connections, one by one, thus serving multiple clients at once (e.g. each in different goroutine).
Depending on whether you are writing client or server, you use net.DialTCP or net.TCPListener
Maybe you should learn about network programming in general first? Then these would make more sense I think.
