Command not found with sudo, but works without sudo - bash

I've installed a binary dep in my GOPATH at /home/me/go/bin to be used.
Running dep successfully executes the binary, however running sudo dep results in sudo: dep: command not found:
$ dep
Dep is a tool for managing dependencies for Go projects
Usage: "dep [command]"
Use "dep help [command]" for more information about a command.
$ sudo dep
sudo: dep: command not found
The paths are not the issue here:
$ echo $PATH
$ sudo echo $PATH
The paths are identical as me and as superuser both referencing the key directory /home/me/go/bin.
Why does running dep without sudo succeed but with sudo results in command not found?

By default, sudo does NOT pass the user's original PATH into the superuser process, and it gets some default PATH defined on the system. That's easy to see if you run "sudo env" to see the entire environment of the sudo'ed process:
$ sudo env | grep PATH
The command you tried, "sudo echo $PATH" doesn't check anything, because the shell first translates the $PATH to whatever value this variable has - and only then calls the command (sudo), so it just prints your outer environment's value :-)
To get your PATH to pass inside sudo, you can do something like this:
$ sudo PATH=$PATH sh -c env | grep PATH
Basically the command I passed for sudo to run starts by setting PATH to $PATH (remember that $PATH is expanded by the outer shell, before sudo ever runs, so is the real path I want!) and running a shell (which will use this new PAT) to "env". As you can see, env did get the right path. You can replace "env" by whatever program you wanted to run.


installing and using conda within a sudo-called bash script

I have a bash script which installs some software with apt-get as well as download and installs miniconda3. Later I would like to utilize conda command without restarting the shell. This script is called with sudo but for all the things related to conda I want to pose as a regular user, see below:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# we are operating in the user's home dir
sudo -u $SUDO_USER bash -b -p miniconda3
source [path_to_the_user_home]/miniconda3/etc/profile.d/
sudo -u $SUDO_USER -H -s eval $(conda shell.bash hook)
sudo -u $SUDO_USER conda --version
However, I get an error that the command conda is not recognized. Interestingly, if the last line would be just conda --version then it is correctly recognised. It seems that the 2nd to last line worked for root, but not the user (which is exactly what I want)

command not found even when "which" shows its path with sudo

I'm on Fedora release 25 with zsh 5.2
I am trying to use a command with sudo. (In this example, docker-compose)
which command shows where it is.
$ sudo PATH=$PATH which docker-compose
In spite of that, command not found
$ sudo PATH=$PATH docker-compose
sudo: docker-compose: command not found
I could make it work by sudo `which docker-compose` but I want to know why this occurs.
What I tried:
I double-quoted PATH=$PATH but got the same result.
$ sudo "PATH=$PATH" docker-compose
sudo: docker-compose: command not found
/usr/local/bin/ is not on root path. Check with
sudo bash -c 'echo "$PATH"'
Use absolute path to the command.
Adding /usr/local/bin to root path seems to be a security risk.

skip installing confirm('yes' or 'no') in Dockerfile [duplicate]

How do I install the anaconda / miniconda without prompts on Linux command line?
Is there a way to pass -y kind of option to agree to the T&Cs, suggested installation location etc. by default?
can be achieved by bash -b (thanks #darthbith)
The command line usage for this can only be seen with -h flag but not --help, so I missed it.
To install the anaconda to another place, use the -p option:
bash -b -p /some/path
AFAIK pyenv let you install anaconda/miniconda
(after successful instalation)
pyenv install --list
pyenv install miniconda3-4.3.30
For a quick installation of miniconda silently I use a wrapper
script script that can be executed from the terminal without
even downloading the script. It takes the installation destination path
as an argument (in this case ~/miniconda) and does some validation too.
curl -s | bash -s -- ~/miniconda
Silent installation can be done like this, but it doesn't update the PATH variable so you can't run it after the installation with a short command like conda:
cd /tmp/
curl -LO
bash -b -u
Here -b means batch/silent mode, and -u means update the existing installation of Miniconda at that path, rather than failing.
You need to run additional commands to initialize PATH and other shell init scripts, e.g. for Bash:
source ~/miniconda3/bin/activate
conda init bash

How do I run a shell script without using "sh" or "bash" commands?

I have a shell script which I want to run without using the "sh" or "bash" commands. For example:
Instead of: sh
I want to use:
How can I do this?
P.S. (i) I don't use shell script much and I tried reading about aliases, but I did not understand how to use them.
(ii) I also read about linking the script with another file in the PATH variables. I am using my university server and I don't have permissions to create a file in those locations.
Add a "shebang" at the top of your file:
And make your file executable (chmod +x
Finally, modify your path to add the directory where your script is located:
export PATH=$PATH:/appropriate/directory
(typically, you want $HOME/bin for storing your own scripts)
These are the prerequisites of directly using the script name:
Add the shebang line (#!/bin/bash) at the very top.
Use chmod u+x scriptname to make the script executable (where scriptname is the name of your script).
Place the script under /usr/local/bin folder.
Note: I suggest placing it under /usr/local/bin because most likely that path will be already added to your PATH variable.
Run the script using just its name, scriptname.
If you don't have access to /usr/local/bin then do the following:
Create a folder in your home directory and call it bin.
Do ls -lA on your home directory, to identify the start-up script your shell is using. It should be either .profile or .bashrc.
Once you have identified the start up script, add the following line:
Once added, source your start-up script or log out and log back in.
To source, put . followed by a space and then your start-up script name, e.g. . .profile or . .bashrc
Run the script using just its name, scriptname.
Just make sure it is executable, using chmod +x. By default, the current directory is not on your PATH, so you will need to execute it as ./ - or otherwise reference it by a qualified path. Alternatively, if you truly need just, you would need to add it to your PATH. (You may not have access to modify the system path, but you can almost certainly modify the PATH of your own current environment.) This also assumes that your script starts with something like #!/bin/sh.
You could also still use an alias, which is not really related to shell scripting but just the shell, and is simple as:
Which would allow you to use just simply (literally - this won't work for any other *.sh file) instead of sh
In this example the file will be called myShell
First of all we will need to make this file we can just start off by typing the following:
sudo nano myShell
Notice we didn't put the .sh extension?
That's because when we run it from the terminal we will only need to type myShell in order to run our command!
Now, in nano the top line MUST be #!/bin/bash then you may leave a new line before continuing.
For demonstration I will add a basic Hello World! response
So, I type the following:
echo Hello World!
After that my example should look like this:
echo Hello World!
Now save the file and then run this command:
chmod +x myShell
Now we have made the file executable we can move it to /usr/bin/ by using the following command:
sudo cp myShell /usr/bin/
Congrats! Our command is now done! In the terminal we can type myShell and it should say Hello World!
You have to enable the executable bit for the program.
chmod +x
Then you can use ./
You can add the folder to the PATH in your .bashrc file (located in your home directory).
Add this line to the end of the file:
export PATH=$PATH:/your/folder/here
You can type sudo install (name of script) /usr/local/bin/(what you want to type to execute said script)
ex: sudo install /usr/local/bin/quickcommit
enter password
now can run without .sh and in any directory
Add . (current directory) to your PATH variable.
You can do this by editing your .profile file.
put following line in your .profile file
Just make sure to add Shebang (#!/bin/bash) line at the starting of your script and make the script executable(using chmod +x <File Name>).
Here is my backup script that will give you the idea and the automation:
Server: Ubuntu 16.04
PHP: 7.0
Apache2, Mysql etc...
# Make Shell Backup Script - Bash Backup Script
nano /home/user/bash/
# Backup All Start
mkdir /home/user/backup/$(date +"%Y-%m-%d")
sudo zip -ry /home/user/backup/$(date +"%Y-%m-%d")/ /etc -x "*apache2*" -x "*php*" -x "*mysql*"
sudo zip -ry /home/user/backup/$(date +"%Y-%m-%d")/ /etc/apache2
sudo zip -ry /home/user/backup/$(date +"%Y-%m-%d")/ /etc/php
sudo zip -ry /home/user/backup/$(date +"%Y-%m-%d")/ /etc/mysql
sudo zip -ry /home/user/backup/$(date +"%Y-%m-%d")/ /var/www -x "*html*"
sudo zip -ry /home/user/backup/$(date +"%Y-%m-%d")/ /var/www/html
sudo zip -ry /home/user/backup/$(date +"%Y-%m-%d")/ /home/user -x "*backup*"
# Backup All End
echo "Backup Completed Successfully!"
echo "Location: /home/user/backup/$(date +"%Y-%m-%d")"
chmod +x /home/user/bash/
sudo ln -s /home/user/bash/ /usr/bin/backupscript
change /home/user to your user directory and type: backupscript anywhere on terminal to run the script! (assuming that /usr/bin is in your path)
Enter "#!/bin/sh" before script.
Then save it as for example.
copy it to $HOME/bin or $HOME/usr/bin
The directory can be different on different linux distros but they end with 'bin' and are in home directory
cd $HOME/bin or $HOME/usr/bin
Type chmod 700
And you can run it just by typing on terminal.
If it not work, try chmod +x instead of chmod 700
Make any file as executable
Let's say you have an executable file called migrate_linux_amd64 and you want to run this file as a command like "migrate"
First test the executable file from the file location:
[oracle#localhost]$ ./migrate.linux-amd64
Usage: migrate OPTIONS COMMAND [arg...]
migrate [ -version | -help ]
-source Location of the migrations (driver://url)
-path Shorthand for -source=file://path
-database Run migrations against this database (driver://url)
-prefetch N Number of migrations to load in advance before executing (default 10)
-lock-timeout N Allow N seconds to acquire database lock (default 15)
-verbose Print verbose logging
-version Print version
-help Print usage
goto V Migrate to version V
up [N] Apply all or N up migrations
down [N] Apply all or N down migrations
drop Drop everyting inside database
force V Set version V but don't run migration (ignores dirty state)
version Print current migration version
Make sure you have execute privileges on the file
-rwxr-xr-x 1 oracle oinstall 7473971 May 18 2017 migrate.linux-amd64
if not, run chmod +x migrate.linux-amd64
Then copy your file to /usr/local/bin. This directory is owned by root, use sudo or switch to root and perform the following operation
sudo cp migrate.linux-amd64 /usr/local/bin
sudo chown oracle:oracle /user/local/bin/migrate.linux.amd64
Then create a symbolic link like below
sudo ln /usr/local/bin/migrate.linux.amd64 /usr/local/bin/migrate
sudo chown oracle:oracle /usr/local/bin/migrate
Finally add /usr/local/bin to your path or user profile
export PATH = $PATH:/usr/local/bin
Then run the command as "migrate"
[oracle#localhost]$ migrate
Usage: migrate OPTIONS COMMAND [arg...]
migrate [ -version | -help ]
-source Location of the migrations (driver://url)
-path Shorthand for -source=file://path
-database Run migrations against this database (driver://url)
-prefetch N Number of migrations to load in advance before executing (default 10)
-lock-timeout N Allow N seconds to acquire database lock (default 15)
-verbose Print verbose logging
-version Print version
-help Print usage
goto V Migrate to version V
up [N] Apply all or N up migrations
down [N] Apply all or N down migrations
drop Drop everyting inside database
force V Set version V but don't run migration (ignores dirty state)
version Print current migration version
Make the script file as executable by using file's properties
Create alias for the executable in ~/.bashrc. alias <alias namme> = <full script file path>'
refresh the user session to apply it. source ~/.bashrc
Just to add to what everyone suggested. Even with those solutions, the problem will persist if the user wants to execute the script as sudo
chmod a+x /tmp/
sudo ln -s /tmp/ /usr/local/bin/myscript
typing myscript would work but typing sudo myscript would return command not found.
As sudo you would have to still type sudo sh myscript or sudo bash myscript.
I can't think of a solution around this.

how to set environment variable for root user

I'm Mac user.
I want to set PYTHONPATH env for root. so
$ sudo su -
# vi ~/.profile
and add to file 'export PYTHONPATH=/mypythonlib'
# env
I can see this line
when I use sudo command, cannot find that
$ sudo env
.. there's no PYTHONPATH
My program has to run with sudo command and needs PYTHONPATH.
If you use sh try /etc/profile, bash try /etc/bashrc and if you use zsh try /etc/zshenv.
You can make PYTHONPATH visible to sudo be editing your sudoers file. Notice you should ONLY do this through visudo as explained here.
You should try sudo -i which will simulate logging in as root and source the ~root/.profile.
As of 10.8.5, putting my environment statements in the .profile path in the home of the root user (/var/root) worked. after quitting bash and coming back to the root user prompt with 'su -', I could see my new path, etc. with the 'env' command and my MacPorts installationw orking correctly.
MacBook-Pro:~ root# cat /var/root/.profile
export MANPATH=/opt/local/share/man:$MANPATH
export PATH=/opt/local/bin:/opt/local/sbin:$PATH
MacBook-Pro:~ root# which port
Well, in other Linux system, it is also right that 'sudo' does not use local environment variable. But you can declare the temporary environment variable along with 'sudo' command.
For example, in your case, you can add 'PYTHONPATH=/mypythonlib' in your command 'sudo env', and the final command is:
sudo PYTHONPATH=/mypythonlib env
You can also read this article: Using sudo. You can see how 'sudo' keep or ignore user-defined environment variables.
In the case of logging in as a normal user and invoking "su - root" I found that Mac OS 10.8.5's bash was ignoring .profile and .bash_profile; I was unable to change root's $PATH by editing those files. What did work was editing /etc/paths. After exiting the root shell and entering again with "su - root" the new path was present.
