Why can't I use conn.ok() from net.go? - go

I'm coming at Golang from a Python background and I am trying to wrap my head around various new concepts.
One thing I have come across is this function in net.go:
func (c *conn) ok() bool { return c != nil && c.fd != nil }
This function is called by multiple net.go methods, e.g. conn.Read:
// Read implements the Conn Read method.
func (c *conn) Read(b []byte) (int, error) {
if !c.ok() {
return 0, syscall.EINVAL
I am trying to understand how the ok() method can be called on conn, despite the fact that ok() does not appear to be an interface of conn.
Certainly I do not seem to be able to call ok() from my client code:
func main() {
conn, err := net.Dial("tcp", "www.reddit.com:80")
if err != nil {
./server.go:14:22: conn.ok undefined (type net.Conn has no field or method ok)
Any pointers appreciated...

From Go document :
An identifier may be exported to permit access to it from another
package. An identifier is exported if the first character of the
identifier's name is a Unicode upper case letter
So , ok function is not exported and you can't access it outside of net package.

Go does not use public/private keywords for visibility of an identifier. If the initial character is an upper case letter, the identifier is exported(public); otherwise it is not:
upper case initial letter: Name is visible to clients of package
otherwise: name (or _Name) is not visible to clients of package

There is no field or method like ok in net.Conn that what the error says and that is correct.
when you try to read and write into the conn , you would get err and number of bytes read or write it into the connection.


unserialize php in goland

I have a file with serialized array in PHP.
The content of the file locks like this
The array unserialized is this
[250] => my_catz
[abcd.jp] => Array
[category_id] => 250
[category_name] => my_catz
Now, i want to get the content of the file in GO, unserialize it convert it to an array.
In GO i can get the content of the file using
dat, err := os.ReadFile("/etc/squid3/compiled-categories.db")
if err != nil {
if e.Debug {
log.Printf("error reading /etc/squid3/compiled-categories.db: ", err)
And unserialized it using github.com/techoner/gophp library
package categorization
import (
type Data struct {
Website string
Debug bool
func (e Data) CheckPersonalCategories() (int,string) {
if e.Debug {
log.Printf("Checking Personal Categories")
if _, err := os.Stat("/etc/squid3/compiled-categories.db"); errors.Is(err, os.ErrNotExist) {
if e.Debug {
log.Printf("/etc/squid3/compiled-categories.db not exit: ", err)
return 0,""
dat, err := os.ReadFile("/etc/squid3/compiled-categories.db")
if err != nil {
if e.Debug {
log.Printf("error reading /etc/squid3/compiled-categories.db: ", err)
out, _ := gophp.Unserialize(dat)
return 0,""
But I can't access to the array, for example, when I try access to array key using out["abcd.jp"] i get this error message
invalid operation: out["abcd.jp"] (type interface {} does not support indexing)
The result of out is
map[250:my_catz abcd.jp:map[category_id:250 category_name:my_catz]]
Seams that is unserializing
Don't make assumptions about what is and isn't succeeding in your code. Error responses are the only reliable way to know whether a function succeeded. In this case the assumption may hold, but ignoring errors is always a mistake. Invest time in catching errors and at least panic them - don't instead waste your time ignoring errors and then trying to debug unreliable code.
invalid operation: out["abcd.jp"] (type interface {} does not support indexing)
The package you're using unfortunately doesn't provide any documentation so you have to read the source to understand that gophp.Unserialize returns (interface{}, error). This makes sense; php can serialize any value, so Unserialize must be able to return any value.
out is therefore an interface{} whose underlying value depends on the data. To turn an interface{} into a particular value requires a type assertion. In this case, we think the underlying data should be map[string]interface{}. So we need to do a type assertion:
mout, ok := out.(map[string]interface{})
Before we get to the working code, one more point I'd like you to think about. Look at the code below: I started it from your code, but the resemblance is very slight. I took out almost all the code because it was completely irrelevant to your question. I added the input data to the code to make a minimal reproduction of your code (as I asked you to do and you declined to do). This is a very good use of your time for 2 reasons: first, it makes it a lot easier to get answers (both because it shows sufficient effort on your part and because it simplifies the description of the problem), and second, because it's excellent practice for debugging. I make minimal reproductions of code flows all the time to better understand how to do things.
You'll notice you can run this code now without any additional effort. That's the right way to provide a minimal reproducible example - not with a chunk of mostly irrelevant code which still can't be executed by anybody.
The Go Plaground is a great way to demonstrate go-specific code that others can execute and investigate. You can also see the code below at https://go.dev/play/p/QfCl08Gx53e
package main
import (
type Data struct {
Website string
Debug bool
func main() {
var dat = []byte(`a:2:{i:250;s:7:"my_catz";s:7:"abcd.jp";a:2:{s:11:"category_id";i:250;s:13:"category_name";s:7:"my_catz";}}`)
out, err := gophp.Unserialize(dat)
if err != nil {
if mout, ok := out.(map[string]interface{}); ok {

Why a nil error returned from strings.Builder WriteString in golang, is it necessary?

When reviewed my colleague's code, I found that a returned err has been ignored, though we would not do that in general:
b := new(strings.Builder)
b.WriteString("Hello, World!") // ignore err
The source code for WriteString declares it may return an error, but in fact it never will (always returning nil for the error value):
// WriteString appends the contents of s to b's buffer.
// It returns the length of s and a nil error.
func (b *Builder) WriteString(s string) (int, error) {
b.buf = append(b.buf, s...)
return len(s), nil
What would the issues be, if any, with removing the error return, as follows?
func (b *Builder) WriteString(s string) int {
b.buf = append(b.buf, s...)
return len(s)
The changelist which introduces strings.Builder includes a lot of comments about trying to make this API similar to bytes.Buffer.
For instance,
That's how a bytes.Buffer behaves, after all, and we're supposed to be a subset of a bytes.Buffer.
Looking at the documentation for some bytes.Buffer functions, it mentions
WriteRune appends the UTF-8 encoding of Unicode code point r to the buffer, returning its length and an error, which is always nil but is included to match bufio.Writer's WriteRune.
It looks like they're basically trying to design an API that's similar to other interfaces in Golang's standard library. Even though the always-nil error is redundant, it allows the Builder to match existing interfaces that would accept bytes.Buffer or bufio.Writer. One such interface is io.StringWriter, which looks like
type StringWriter interface {
WriteString(s string) (n int, err error)
The err return value here is useful since other StringWriter implementations could possibly return errors.
Go, it's quite common to return a value and error. So you can check the error is not null, if no error then easily use the returned value.
In other words, if it receives an error from a function then it indicates there was a problem with the function called.

Using empty interfaces in go

I am trying to understand the code that is used at my company. I am new to go lang, and I have already gone through the tutorial on their official website. However, I am having a hard time wrapping my head around empty interfaces, i.e. interface{}. From various sources online, I figured out that the empty interface can hold any type. But, I am having a hard time figuring out the codebase, especially some of the functions. I will not be posting the entire thing here, but just the minimal functions in which it has been used. Please bear with me!
Function (I am trying to understand):
func (this *RequestHandler) CreateAppHandler(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) *foo.ResponseError {
var data *views.Data = &views.Data{Attributes: &domain.Application{}}
var request *views.Request = &views.Request{Data: data}
if err := json.NewDecoder(r.Body).Decode(request); err != nil {
return foo.NewResponsePropogateError(foo.STATUS_400, err)
requestApp := request.Data.Attributes.(*domain.Application)
requestApp.CreatedBy = user
Setting some context, RequestHandler is a struct defined in the same package as this code. domain and views are seperate packages. Application is a struct in the package domain. The following two structs are part of the package views:
type Data struct {
Id string `json:"id"`
Type string `json:"type"`
Attributes interface{} `json:"attributes"`
type Request struct {
Data *Data `json:"data"`
The following are part of the package json:
func NewDecoder(r io.Reader) *Decoder {
return &Decoder{r: r}
func (dec *Decoder) Decode(v interface{}) error {
if dec.err != nil {
return dec.err
if err := dec.tokenPrepareForDecode(); err != nil {
return err
if !dec.tokenValueAllowed() {
return &SyntaxError{msg: "not at beginning of value"}
// Read whole value into buffer.
n, err := dec.readValue()
if err != nil {
return err
dec.d.init(dec.buf[dec.scanp : dec.scanp+n])
dec.scanp += n
// Don't save err from unmarshal into dec.err:
// the connection is still usable since we read a complete JSON
// object from it before the error happened.
err = dec.d.unmarshal(v)
// fixup token streaming state
return err
type Decoder struct {
r io.Reader
buf []byte
d decodeState
scanp int // start of unread data in buf
scan scanner
err error
tokenState int
tokenStack []int
Now, I understood that, in the struct Data in package views, Application is being set as a type for the empty interface. After that, a pointer to Request in the same package is created which points to the variable data.
I have the following doubts:
What exactly does this keyword mean in Go? What is the purpose of writing this * RequestHandler?
Initialization of a structure in Go can be done while assigning it to a variable by specifying the values of all it's members. However, here, for the struct Data, only the empty interface value is assigned and the values for the other two fields are not assigned?
What is the advantage of assigning the Application struct to an empty interface? Does it mean I can use the struct members using the interface variable directly?
Can someone help me figure out the meaning of this statement? json.NewDecoder(r.Body).Decode(request)?
While I know this is too much, but I am having a hard time figuring out the meaning of interfaces in Go. Please help!
this is not a keyword in go; any variable name can be used there. That is called the receiver. A function declared in that way must be called like thing.func(params), where "thing" is an expression of the type of the receiver. Within the function, the receiver is set to the value of thing.
A struct literal does not have to contain values for all the fields (or any of them). Any fields not explicitly set will have the zero value for their types.
As you said, an empty interface can take on a value of any type. To use a value of type interface{}, you would use type assertion or a type switch to determine the type of the value, or you could use reflection to use the value without having to have code for the specific type.
What specifically about that statement do you not understand? json is the name of a package in which the function NewDecoder is declared. That function is called, and then the Decode function (which is implemented by the type of the return value of NewDecoder) is called on that return value.
You may want to take a look at Effective Go and/or The Go Programming Language Specification for more information.

How to compare Go errors

I have an error value which when printed on console gives me Token is expired
How can I compare it with a specific error value? I tried this but it did not work:
if err == errors.New("Token is expired") {
log.Printf("Unauthorised: %s\n", err)
Declaring an error, and comparing it with '==' (as in err == myPkg.ErrTokenExpired) is no longer the best practice with Go 1.13 (Q3 2019)
The release notes mentions:
Go 1.13 contains support for error wrapping, as first proposed in the Error Values proposal and discussed on the associated issue.
An error e can wrap another error w by providing an Unwrap method that returns w.
Both e and w are available to programs, allowing e to provide additional context to w or to reinterpret it while still allowing programs to make decisions based on w.
To support wrapping, fmt.Errorf now has a %w verb for creating wrapped errors, and three new functions in the errors package ( errors.Unwrap, errors.Is and errors.As) simplify unwrapping and inspecting wrapped errors.
So the Error Value FAQ explains:
You need to be prepared that errors you get may be wrapped.
If you currently compare errors using ==, use errors.Is instead.
if err == io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
if errors.Is(err, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF)
Checks of the form if err != nil need not be changed.
Comparisons to io.EOF need not be changed, because io.EOF should never be wrapped.
If you check for an error type using a type assertion or type switch, use errors.As instead. Example:
if e, ok := err.(*os.PathError); ok
var e *os.PathError
if errors.As(err, &e)
Also use this pattern to check whether an error implements an interface. (This is one of those rare cases when a pointer to an interface is appropriate.)
Rewrite a type switch as a sequence of if-elses.
This answer is for Go 1.12 and earlier releases.
Define an error value in a library
package fruits
var NoMorePumpkins = errors.New("No more pumpkins")
Do not create errors with errors.New anywhere in the code but return the predefined value whenever error occurs and then you can do the following:
package shop
if err == fruits.NoMorePumpkins {
See io package errors for reference.
This can be improved by adding methods to hide the check implementation and make the client code more immune to changes in fruits package.
package fruits
func IsNoMorePumpkins(err error) bool {
return err == NoMorePumpkins
See os package errors for reference.
err.Error() == "Token is expired"
Or create your own error by implementing the error interface.
It's idiomatic for packages to export error variables that they use so others can compare against them.
E.g. If an error would came from a package named myPkg and was defined as:
var ErrTokenExpired error = errors.New("Token is expired")
You could compare the errors directly as:
if err == myPkg.ErrTokenExpired {
log.Printf("Unauthorised: %s\n", err)
If the errors come from a third party package and that doesn't use exported error variables then what you can do is simply to compare against the string you get from err.Error() but be careful with this approach as changing an Error string might not be released in a major version and would break your business logic.
The error type is an interface type. An error variable represents any value that can describe itself as a string. Here is the interface's declaration:
type error interface {
Error() string
The most commonly-used error implementation is the errors package's unexported errorString type:
// errorString is a trivial implementation of error.
type errorString struct {
s string
func (e *errorString) Error() string {
return e.s
See this working code output (The Go Playground):
package main
import (
func main() {
err1 := fmt.Errorf("Error")
err2 := errors.New("Error")
err3 := io.EOF
fmt.Println(err1) //Error
fmt.Printf("%#v\n", err1) // &errors.errorString{s:"Error"}
fmt.Printf("%#v\n", err2) // &errors.errorString{s:"Error"}
fmt.Printf("%#v\n", err3) // &errors.errorString{s:"EOF"}
Also see: Comparison operators
Comparison operators compare two operands and yield an untyped boolean
value. In any comparison, the first operand must be assignable to the
type of the second operand, or vice versa.
The equality operators == and != apply to operands that are
Pointer values are comparable. Two pointer values are equal if they
point to the same variable or if both have value nil. Pointers to
distinct zero-size variables may or may not be equal.
Interface values are comparable. Two interface values are equal if
they have identical dynamic types and equal dynamic values or if both
have value nil.
A value x of non-interface type X and a value t of interface type T
are comparable when values of type X are comparable and X implements
T. They are equal if t's dynamic type is identical to X and t's
dynamic value is equal to x.
Struct values are comparable if all their fields are comparable. Two
struct values are equal if their corresponding non-blank fields are
1- You may use Error(), like this working code (The Go Playground):
package main
import (
func main() {
err1 := errors.New("Token is expired")
err2 := errors.New("Token is expired")
if err1.Error() == err2.Error() {
fmt.Println(err1.Error() == err2.Error()) // true
2- Also you may compare it with nil, like this working code (The Go Playground):
package main
import (
func main() {
err1 := errors.New("Token is expired")
err2 := errors.New("Token is expired")
if err1 != nil {
fmt.Println(err1 == err2) // false
3- Also you may compare it with exact same error, like this working code
(The Go Playground):
package main
import (
func main() {
err1 := io.EOF
if err1 == io.EOF {
fmt.Println("err1 is : ", err1)
err1 is : EOF
ref: https://blog.golang.org/error-handling-and-go
It's being discouraged to compare errors by strings. Instead you should compare errors by value.
package main
import "errors"
var NotFound = errors.New("not found")
func main() {
if err := doSomething(); errors.Is(err, NotFound) {
func doSomething() error {
return NotFound
It is especially useful if you are library author and would like to export errors so users can act differently on different type of errors. Standard library does it as well.
Problem with this approach is that exported values can be changed by anyone as Go doesn't support immutable values. Nothing prevents you, though, to use string as an error and make it const.
package main
type CustomError string
func (ce CustomError) Error() string {
return string(ce)
const NotFound CustomError = "not found"
func main() {
if err := doSomething(); errors.Is(err, NotFound) {
func doSomething() error {
return NotFound
It is more verbose but safer approach.
You should first consider comparing errors by value, as described in other solutions with:
if errors.Is(err1, err2) {
// do sth
However in some cases the error returned from a function is a bit complex, e.g. an error is being wrapped multiple times, with a context being added to it in each function call like fmt.Errorf("some context: %w", err), and you may simply just want to compare the error message of two errors. In such cases you can do this:
// SameErrorMessage checks whether two errors have the same messages.
func SameErrorMessage(err, target error) bool {
if target == nil || err == nil {
return err == target
return err.Error() == target.Error()
func main() {
if SameErrorMessage(err1, err2) {
// do sth
Note that if you simply use
if err1.Error() == err2.Error() {
// do sth
You might face nil pointer dereference runtime error if either of err1 or err2 be nil.
To add to #wst 's answer, in some cases, the errors.Is(err, NotFound) approach may not work for reasons I am trying to figure out too. If someone knows, please let me know in the comments.
But I found a better approach to use it in the following way which was working for me:
if NotFound.Is(err) {
// do something
Where var NotFound = errors.New("not found") is an exported common error declared.
In my case, the solution was
if models.GetUnAuthenticatedError().Is(err) {
// Do something
I want to post one case where errors.Is could work well for custom errors with non-comparable values.
type CustomError struct {
Meta map[string]interface{}
Message string
func (c CustomError) Error() string {
return c.Message
var (
ErrorA = CustomError{Message: "msg", Meta: map[string]interface{}{"key": "value"}}
func DoSomething() error {
return ErrorA
func main() {
err := DoSomething()
if errors.Is(err, ErrorA) {
fmt.Println("error is errorA")
} else {
fmt.Println("error is NOT errorA")
error is NOT errorA
The reason is errors.Is checks whether the target is comparable or not
func Is(err, target error) bool {
if target == nil {
return err == target
isComparable := reflectlite.TypeOf(target).Comparable()
The comparable type in Go are
booleans, numbers, strings, pointers, channels, arrays of comparable types, structs whose fields are all comparable types
Since the Meta map[string]interface{} of CustomError is NOT comparable, so errors.Is checks failed.
One workaround is declare the ErrorA = &CustomError{Message: "msg", Meta: map[string]interface{}{"key": "value"}} as pointer.

SSH Authentication in git2go

I'm working on learning Go as my first compiled language (coming from php/python). My first project was a small POST hook listener for Bitbucket, which fetches and then checks out a Git repository via os/exec. I'm now trying to replace the os/exec calls with git2go. I'm running into a snag with the authentication, though. I have the following code:
package main
import (
git "github.com/libgit2/git2go"
func main() {
_, Cred := git.NewCredSshKey("git","~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub","~/.ssh/id_rsa","")
gitH,err := git.OpenRepository(".")
if (err != nil) {
remotes,err := gitH.ListRemotes()
if (err != nil) {
origin,err := gitH.LoadRemote("origin")
if (err != nil) {
err = origin.Fetch(nil,"")
if (err != nil) {
When I run this I get authentication required but no callback set.
Looking at the docs, it looks like I need to add a call to origin.SetCallbacks() which expects a RemoteCallbacks struct. RemoteCallbacks has the function CredentialsCallback which returns an int and a Cred pointer. Since NewCredSshKey returns the same values, I tried adding the following:
var cb git.RemoteCallbacks
cb.CredentialsCallback = git.NewCredSshKey("git","~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub","~/.ssh/id_rsa","")
which gives the errors multiple-value git.NewCredSshKey() in single-value context and
cannot use cb (type git.RemoteCallbacks) as type *git.RemoteCallbacks in function argument.
I think I'm completely misunderstanding how this works, and I haven't been able to find any examples using this library. Tips or pointers to some examples would be much appreciated.
A Couple of things:
CredentialsCallback needs to be set to a function that matches it's signature, not the output of such a function. However, the signature for NewCredSshKey isn't correct in the first place, only its return values match. The correct signature is:
func(url string, username_from_url string, allowed_types CredType) (int, *Cred)
The second error cannot use cb (type git.RemoteCallbacks) as type *git.RemoteCallbacks is because you need a pointer to a RemoteCallbacks.
Either declare and initialize it as a pointer:
cb := &git.RemoteCallbacks{}
// or alternatively
// cb := new(git.RemoteCallbacks)
or take the address of when passing it as an argument:
