How to solve the error of this select writing in oracle? - oracle

I want to do the select from the range 06/01/2019 to 09/01/2019, but the program returns other ranges, like show the image.
Remember that my date field in the database is varchar2, and I store it in the format dd / MM / yyyy

Expanding #user7294900's answer, as you're storing your 'date' value as a string, you have to convert both the column value and your target-range values from strings to actual dates.
If you do:
WHERE DATA_TRANSACAO BETWEEN '06/01/2019' AND '09/01/2019'
then you are doing string comparisons between the column value and those literals, and as a string anything starting with '07' or '08' (and most starting with '06') will be considered part of that range. Oracle is treating them purely as strings, it doesn't know or care that you have the notion of days and months, or that you consider the order to be something different.
If you're really stuck with strings then you need to compare both sides of the comparison to dates:
AND TO_DATE('09/01/2019', 'DD/MM/YYYY')
or with ANSI literals:
or (though this is more useful if there can be non-midnight times, which isn't the case in your data):
AND TO_DATE(DATA_TRANSACAO, 'DD/MM/YYYY') < DATE '2019-01-10' -- notice one day later
You should also be aware that having to convert the string value for every row in your data before you can compare it means that if you have a simple index on that column it cannot be used, and a full table scan will be done even for a tiny target date range. (You can add a function-based index to speed this up, but that's a sticking plaster approach.)
This kind of thing is why you should be using the correct data type. There is also no need to store the date and time parts separately, and that makes other types of comparison and data extract harder and more complicated than it needs to be too.
I would really recommend that you revisit your data model and change from separate strings for DATA_TRANSACAO and HORA_TRANSACAO to a single DATE column which contains the whole date/time value as the proper data type. You'll then be able to use the simpler form, with no conversion of your table data, of something like (with a made-up combined column name):
AND DATAHORA_TRANSACAO < DATE '2019-01-10' -- notice one day later

If you expect 06/08 values to represent days, be explicit:
BETWEEN TO_DATE('06/01/2019','DD/MM/YYYY')
AND TO_DATE('09/01/2019','DD/MM/YYYY')
Currently it return 06/08 values as months, In general when compare date column use dates and not strings
I am strongly ENCOURAGING you to use to_date to avoid ambiguities (compare strings to strings, numbers to numbers, dates to dates -- don't RISK confusion comparing strings to numbers, dates to strings).


Storing timestamp values stored in a varchar2 column into a date column in oracle

I have a column in a table that stores timestamp values as
"2018-01-12 16:13:51.107000000", i need to insert this column into a date column in another table, what format mask do i have to use here..
I have used the mask 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.FF' but shows 'date format not recognized'.
I am assuming that you were trying to use TO_DATE on your text timestamp data. This won't work, because Oracle dates do not store anything more precise than seconds. Since your timestamps have fractional seconds, you may use TO_TIMESTAMP here, then cast that actual timestamp to a date:
CAST(TO_TIMESTAMP('2018-01-12 16:13:51.100000',
FROM dual;
12.01.2018 16:13:51
You can do this with a single call to TO_DATE(), but you must give the correct format model. Note that this solution is simpler (and possibly faster - if that matters) than converting to a timestamp and then casting to date.
If you want TO_DATE() to ignore part of the input string, you can use the "boilerplate text" syntax in the format model. That is enclosed in double quotes. For example, if your string included the letter T somewhere and it had to be ignored, you would include "T" in the same position in the format model.
This has some flexibility. In your case, you must ignore the decimal point, and up to nine decimal digits (the maximum for timestamp in Oracle). The format model will allow you to use ".999999999" (or any other digits, but 9999... is used by most programmers) to ignore a decimal point and UP TO nine digits after that.
Demo: (notice the double-quoted "boilerplate text" in the format model)
select to_date('2018-01-12 16:13:51.100000',
'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS".999999999"') as dt
from dual;
2018-01-12 16:13:51

Varchar to Timestamp but varchar data is yyyy-mm-dd-hh:mi:ss:ff format

My source is from Oracle and the col1 is varchar2(26) but the value looks like YYYY-MM-DD-hh:mi:ss:ff (Sample rec: 2014-08-15-
I have to extract only 6 months records based on COL1. Since there is a hypen between date part and time part - i could not consider as timestamp. Is there any idea how to have this as timestamp to lookup only 6 months data.
If it is possible at all, fix the data first. Storing timestamps in string data type is terrible. How do you know you don't have a time like 25:30:00 in the strings? Or a date like February 30? Besides, you can't really use an index on that column (so queries will be very slow), you will have to write a lot of code whenever referencing that column, etc.
Anyway - to deal with the immediate problem, use TO_TIMESTAMP(), exactly with the format model you show in your post - including the dash between the date part and the time part. Something like this:
select case when to_timestamp('2014-08-15-', 'YYYY-MM-DD-HH24:MI:SS.FF')
>= systimestamp - interval '6' month
then 'TRUE' else 'FALSE' end
as result
from dual;
EDIT: As Alex Poole points out (correctly as always) in a Comment below this Answer, interval arithmetic won't work correctly in all cases. It is better, than, to use something like
cast ( timestamp (...., format-model) as date ) <= add_months (sysdate, -6).
Maybe something like this will do:
select *
from your_table
where to_date(substr(col1,1,19),'yyyy-mm-dd-HH24.MI.SS') between add_months(sysdate,-6) and sysdate;
Assuming all the data format in col1 is always the same.
Also note that I used HH24 for hour segment, however could be not your case.
You can include the dash in your format model, as #mathguy showed, to convert your string to a timestamp:
select to_timestamp('2014-08-15-', 'YYYY-MM-DD-HH24:MI:SS.FF') from dual;
although unless you explicitly tell it not to be via the FX modifier, Oracle is flexible enough to allow a dash even if the model has a space (see the text below this table in the documentation:
select to_timestamp('2014-08-15-', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.FF') from dual;
However, converting all of the values in your col1 column and then comparing them may be a lot of work, and will prevent any index on that string column being used. Given the format, you can convert your date range to string instead, and use string comparison; e.g. to find everything in the six months up to midnight this morning:
select col1 -- or whichever columns you need
from your_table
where col1 >= to_char(cast(add_months(trunc(sysdate), -6) as timestamp), 'YYYY-MM-DD-HH24:MI:SS.FF6')
and col1 < to_char(cast(trunc(sysdate) as timestamp), 'YYYY-MM-DD-HH24:MI:SS.FF6');
or since the time part can be fixed for that example, you can use character literals instead of casting:
select col1 -- or whichever columns you need
from your_table
where col1 >= to_char(add_months(sysdate, -6), 'YYYY-MM-DD"-00:00:00.000000"')
and col1 < to_char(sysdate, 'YYYY-MM-DD"-00:00:00.000000"');
Of course, storing data in the correct native data type would be a much better solution. Any other solution only works at all if your string data actually contains what you think, and the data is all sane (or as sane as it can be in the wrong data type).

Oracle a non-numeric character was found where a numeric was expected

I have problem with some thing input multiple date through prompt
my query something like
select something
to_date (bus.TDATE) not in (:didb1)
I want to input like '12-Jun-2016','11-Jun-2016'
i am doing php oracle,
My code following:
select bus.*,con.* from
BusinessPayment bus,
ConsumerPayment con
where bus.TDATE=con.TDATE
and to_date (bus.TDATE) not in (:didbv)
oci_bind_by_name($stid, ':didbv', $bscode1);
You can't use a single bind variable to represent a list of values in an in() clause. Bind variables don't contain multiple values; the value you bind is seen as a single string value. So you're effectively doing:
to_date (bus.TDATE) not in (q'['11-June-2016','10-June-2016','09-June-2016']')
If TDATE is already a date type - which it hopefully is, and the joins suggest it might be - then you should not be passing that through to_date() - you are doing an implicit conversion from date to string, then a semi-explicit conversion back to a date, both using your session's NLS_DATE_FORMAT. That is either doing unnecessary work, or losing resolution, depending on your format model and whether the dates have times. If the intention is to ignore the time part of the value then there are better ways to do that.
Anyway, since that is a date now whatever type it was before, the right had side of that filter will also be converted to a date, so you're doing:
to_date (bus.TDATE) not in (to_date(q'['11-June-2016','10-June-2016','09-June-2016']'))
... and it's that which is throwing the exception, whatever your NLS settings are. Even if you passed a single value it would error because of the embedded single quotes. You can replicate that with:
select to_date(q'['11-June-2016','10-June-2016','09-June-2016']') from dual;
which also gets ORA-01858: a non-numeric character was found where a numeric was expected.
Ideally you would pass the individual date strings as elements of an array, but you can also work around this with an XML hack. You can pass a single string containing comma-delimited values to XMLTable(), and it will split it in to rows:
select * from xmltable(q'['11-June-2016','10-June-2016','09-June-2016']');
Then you can convert each of those values to a date:
select to_date(column_value, 'DD-Month-YYYY')
from xmltable(q'['11-June-2016','10-June-2016','09-June-2016']')
and use that in a subquery or a join:
select * from dual
where trunc(sysdate) not in (select to_date(column_value, 'DD-Month-YYYY')
from xmltable(q'['11-June-2016','10-June-2016','09-June-2016']'));
And that works with a string bind variable, so your code would be:
select bus.*,con.*
from BusinessPayment bus
join ConsumerPayment con
on bus.TDATE=con.TDATE
where bus.TDATE not in (select to_date(column_value, 'DD-Month-YYYY')
from xmltable(:didbv));
I've modified this to use ANSI join syntax, which isn't relevant but there's rarely a reason to use the ancient syntax you have. If TDATE does include the time you'll need to modify it a bit - truncating is simplest but might affect performance.
Or you could join:
select bus.*,con.*
from xmltable(:didbv) x
join BusinessPayment bus
on bus.TDATE >= to_date(x.column_value, 'DD-Month-YYYY')
and bus.TDATE < to_date(x.column_value, 'DD-Month-YYYY') + 1
join ConsumerPayment con
on bus.TDATE=con.TDATE
In this version TDATE can have a time, and it matches any time on the days specified in the bind variable.
It would be better to supply the dates in a format that doesn't have the month name in it, as that could give you problems when run in different sessions or locales. If you know the PHP side will always be English you could force that to be recognised:
on bus.TDATE >= to_date(x.column_value, 'DD-Month-YYYY', #NLS_DATE_LANGUAGE=ENGLISH')
but if you can change the PHP format to use month numbers, and change the Oracle format model to match, that would be a bit simpler.

Oracle date comparison as string and as date

1) Why is that this doesn't works
select * from table where trunc(field1)=to_date('25-AUG-15','DD-MON-YY');
select * from table where trunc(field1)=to_date('25/Aug/15','DD/MON/YY');
row is returned in above cases.
So, does this mean that no matter what format the date is there in field1, if it is the valid date and matches with 25th August, it will be returned ( it won't care what format specifier we specify at the right side of the query i.e. DD-MON-YY or DD/MON/YY or anything else) ?
2) but comparsion as string exactly works:
select * from table where to_char(field1)=to_char(to_date
('25/AUG/15','DD/MON/YY'), 'DD/MON/YY');
no row is returned as the comparison is performed exactly.
I have field1 as '25-AUG-15' ( although it can be viewed differently doing alter session NLS_DATE_FORMAT...)
field1 is of DATE type
Any help in understanding this is appreciated specifically with respect to point 1
The DATE data type does not have format -- it's simply a number. So, a DATE 25-Aug-2015 is the same as DATE 25/AUG/15, as well as DATE 2015-08-15, because it's the same DATE.
Strings, on the other hand, are collections of characters, so '25-Aug-2015' is obviously different from '25/AUG/15'.
In the first example you are comparing DATE values. In the second example you are comparing strings.
So you have a field of type DATE with value of The 25th of August 2015,
but it could be visualized in different ways, what in fact is named format.
The DATE has format!
The DATE has implicit format defined by Oracle, in your case it is DD-MON-YY, because you see your field as 25-AUG-15.
You can select your data without TO_DATE conversion, just matching this default format like this:
select * from table where trunc(field1)='25-AUG-15';
In fact, it's not recommended, because if someone will change the default format, Oracle will not be able to understand that you are going to tell him a DATE.
So the to_date conversion in this case:
select * from table where
is used to specify that you wanna tell to Oracle a DATE type with value of 25th of August 2015, using a diffrent format, specified as second parameter. (DD/MM/YY in this case).

Oracle - Converting Date value TO_CHAR()

Ok, so I want to convert a date value to properly format my date for comparison, however, will converting my "DATE" data type to char affect indexing when comparing on that field? Can I resolve this by doing to_date(tochar())? Any advice on this would be greatly appreciated Thanks!
EDIT - Sorry for the lack of specifics.... basically I need to eliminate the time stamp from my date, I used the following and it appears to work TO_DATE(TO_CHAR, 'YYYY-MM-DD'),'YYYY-MM-DD'), mind you I don't know if this is good practice or not, but at least (or so I think) now it's comparing a DATE against a DATE, and not a string.
If you are doing a comparison, you should not be converting the date to a string. You should be comparing to another date. Otherwise, Oracle won't be able to use a non function-based index on the date column.
In general, that is, you're much better off coding
WHERE some_indexed_date_column = to_date( :string_bind_variable,
<<format mask>> )
rather than
WHERE to_char( some_indexed_date_column,
<<format mask>> ) = :string_bind_variable
Of course, if your bind variable can be a DATE rather than a VARCHAR2, that's even better because then you don't have to do any data type conversion and the optimizer has a much easier time of estimating cardinalities.
If you are trying to do some manipulation of the date-- for example, if you want to compare the day portion while omitting the time portion of the date-- you may want to use function-based indexes. For example, if you wanted to find all the rows that were created some time today
WHERE trunc( some_date_column ) = date '2011-11-04'
you could either create a function-based index on the date column
CREATE INDEX idx_trunc_dt
ON table_name( trunc( some_date_column ) )
or you could rewrite the query to do something like
WHERE some_date_column >= date '2011-11-04'
AND some_date_column < date '2011-11-05'
You should compare dates as dates, not as strings. If comparing a date to a string, convert the string to a date to compare.
IMO, you should convert your comparison value to the format stored in the database. Otherwise, you will need to create a function based index on the DATE column to take advantage of indexing. So, if you have an input character date of, say, 11/4/2011, you could compare it in a where clause thusly:
FROM your_table
WHERE the_date_column = TO_DATE('11/4/2011','MM/DD/YYYY');
