Time complexity using recursion tree method - algorithm

I've been trying to solve the given problem using recursion tree method but my answer has not been coming of the same form
The answer of the given problem is Theta(n^3)

Try to expand the equation:
T(n) = 8 T(n/2) + n^2
T(n) = 8(8T(n/4) +(n/2)^2) + n^2 = 8^2T(n/4) + n^2 + 8 (n/2)^2
T(n) = 8^3T(n/8) + n^2 + 8 (n/2)^2 + 8^2 (n/4)^2
Now you can generalize the above sum:
T(n) = sum 8^(i) (n/2^i)^2 for i from 0 to log(n)
T(n) = sum 2^(3i) n^2/2^(2i) for i from 0 to log(n)
T(n) = sum 2^i n^2 for i from 0 to log(n)
T(n) = n^2 (sum 2^i for i from 0 to log(n))
T(n) = n^2 * (2^(log(n)+1) - 1) = n^2 * (2n - 1) = Theta(n^3)
In the above, you should be aware that sum 2^i for i from 0 to log(n) is 1 + 2 + 2^2 + ... + 2^(log(n)) = 2^(log(n) + 1) - 1 = 2n - 1.


What is the time complexity of the function T(n)=2T(n/4)+O(1)?(Without masters theorem)

Can anybody please explain the time complexity of T(n)=2T(n/4)+O(1) using recurrence tree? I saw somewhere it says O(n^1/2).
Just expand the equation for some iteration, and use the mathematical induction to prove the observed pattern:
T(n) = 2T(n/4) + 1 = 2(2T(n/4^2) + 1) + 1 = 2^2 T(n/4^2) + 2 + 1
T(n) = 1 + 2 + 2^2 + ... + 2^k = 2^(k+1) - 1 \in O(2^(k+1))
What is k? from the expansion 4^k = n. So, k = 1/2 log(n). Thus, T(n) \in O(2^(1/2 log(n) + 1)) = O(sqrt(n)). Note that 2^log(n) = n.

Solving recurrence using the iteration method

I need help in solving T(n) = T(n/4) + T(n/3) + 2n using iteration method (recursion tree. I am thinking it would be either Θ(2n) or Θ(n)?
It's straightforward. We have two following inequalities:
T(n) > 2T(n/4) + 2n
T(n) < 2T(n/3) + 2n
Now, try to find upper bound and lower bound by expansion. Based on both cases, you will find that T(n) = Theta(n).
For example, for T'(n) = 2T(n/3) + 2n we have the following expansion:
T'(n) = 2T(n/3) + 2n = 2^2 T(n/3^2) + (1 + 2/3) * 2n
By induction we can show that:
T'(n) = 2^log_3(n) T(0) + (1 + 2/3 + 2^2/3^2 + ...) * 2n
< n + 6 * n = 7n
Because 2^log_3(n) < 2^log_2(n) = n and (1 + 2/3 + 2^2/3^2 + ...) is a geometric sum with factor 2/3. Hence, the sum will be 1/(1-2/3) = 3 when n goes to infinity.
You can do the same analysis for the lower bound of T(n).
Therefore, as c1 * n <= T(n) <= c_2 * n, we can conclude that T(n) is in Theta(n).

Complexity of T(n) = 2T(n/2) + n/2 (without master's theorem)?

I am looking at the best case running time for merge sort, and have found the following recurrence relation: T(n) = 2T(n/2) + n/2. I am aware of the fact that merge sort is theta(nlogn) in all cases. In attempting to solve this recurrence relation, I use telescoping:
T(n) = 2*T(n/2) + n/2
T(n) = 2^2*T(n/4) + n/4 + n/2
T(n) = 2^k*T(1) + (n/2 + n/4 + ... + n/2^k)
2^k = n -> log_2(n) = k
T(n) = n + n(1/2 + 1/4 + ... + 1/n)
I am unsure how to solve the summation in the last part... I'm not even sure if that is correct. My thinking is that there would be log_2(n) total items being added in the summation? I am unsure how to derive that 2T(n/2) + n/2 is theta(nlogn) without using the master's theorem please...
As pointed out in the comment, your calculation seems to be wrong.
T(n) = 2*T(n/2) + n/2
T(n) = 2*(2*T(n/4) + n/4) + n/2 = 4*T(n/4) + 2*(n/4) + n/2 = 4*T(n/4) + 2*(n/2)
T(n) = 4*(2*T(n/8) + n/8) + 2*(n/2) = 8*T(n/8) + (n/2) + 2*(n/2) = 8*T(n/8) + 3*(n/2)
T(n) = 2^k * T(n / 2^k) + k*(n/2), 2^k = n ---> k = log(n)
T(n) = log(n) * T(1) + log(n) * (n/2)
T(n) = logn + n*log(n)/2
Therefore time complexity of merge sort = O(n*log(n))

calculate the complexity of an algorithm using Back Substitution

I have the function :
int ps (int n)
{ if (n == 1) return 1;
else return (Extra(n) + Ps (n/4) + Ps (n/4)); }
Extra(n) is O(n)
I have tried to find T(n) of this function which is T(n)=T(n)+2 T(n/4) and I have calculated the complexity using the master theorem it is O(n)
but I don't know how to find the complexity of it using back substitution
First, you are wrong in terms of complexity. You didn't mention Extra(n) in writing the time complexity. So, T(n) = 2 T(n/4) + n. Now, I think the new recurrent complexity term is easy to solve by substitution:
T(n) = 2T(n/4) + n = 2 (2 T(n/8) + n/4) + n = 2^2 T(n/8) + n/2 + n =
2^2 (2 T(n/16) + n/8) + n/2 + n = 2^3 T(n/16) + n/4 + n/2 + n
Now, by mathematical induction, if we suppose n = 2^k, you can find that:
T(n) = n + n/2 + n/4 + n/8 + ... + n/2^k = n (1 + 1/2 + 1/4 + ... + 1/2^k) <= 2n
The last part of the above analysis comes from the being geometric series of the sum with factor 1/2. Hence, T(n) is in Theta(n) and O(n).

What is the recurrence relation and big O for T(n) = 2T(n-1) + O(N)?

I thought it would be something like this...
T(n) = 2T(n-1) + O(n)
= 2(2T(n-2)+(n-1)) + (n)
= 2(2(2T(n-3)+(n-2))+(n-1))+(n)
= 8T(n-3) + 4(n-2) + 2(n-1) + n
Which ends up being something like the summation of 2i * (n-i), and my book says this ends up being O(2n). Could anybody explain this to me? I don't understand why it's 2n and not just O(n) as the (n-i) will continue n times.
This recurrence has already been solved on Math Stack Exchange. As I solve this recurrence, I get:
T(n) = n + 2(T(n-1))
= n + 2(n - 1 + 2T(n-2)) = 3n - 2 + 2^2(T(n-2))
= 3n - 2 + 4(n - 2 + 2(T(n-3))) = 7n - 10 + 2^3(T(n-3))
= 7n - 10 + 8(n - 3 + 2(T(n-4))) = 15n - 34 + 2^4(T(n-4))
= (2^4 - 1)n - 34 + 2^4(T(n-4))
...and so on.
Effectively the recurrence boils down to:
T(n) = (2n+1) * T(1) − n − 2
See the Math Stack Exchange link for how we arrive at this solution. Taking T(1) to be constant, the dominating factor in the above recurrence is (2(n + 1)).
Therefore, the rate of growth of given recurrence is O(2n).
