How to add Different flavors to android library in maven? - maven

I have created a library, which is distributed with maven. Right now I would like to add new library as a dependency, which size is more than 8 mb.
I want to make that dependency as optional and this is why I think that creating a different library flavor would be correct way (might be wrong, I would be open to other solutions)
However, I searched and found that I can't do that with libraries..
Maybe something changed, or is there a different way to implement optional dependency to library, which should be managed by the user who integrates my library. I would like to keep same dependency name in order to maintain only single version of library.
Thanks in advance :)


Sharing gradle dependencies: version catalog vs plugin

Gradle is working on new features for sharing dependency versions between projects that will provide central locations (settings.gradle, libs.versions.toml) for declaring common dependencies.
It's already possible (and easy) to share a dependencies block through a plugin, so what is the downside of the plugin approach to sharing dependencies, versus the new version catalogs and dependency bundles? What do these new features improve upon?
This is not a thorough answer. However, let me share what I think makes a difference. We need to keep in mind that Gradle is built around developer productivity and making builds as fast as possible.
Centralizing common dependency declaration makes sense to be supported out of the box. Currently, there is a good chance that when you look at different Gradle projects, each one of them may implement a different approach to this. Cédric Champeau iterates over some existing pattern in this blog. Having a standard solution makes it easier to get started as developer. Cédric further states
Long story short: the presence of a catalog makes discoverability and maintenance easier, but it doesn’t remove any of the flexibility that Gradle offers. We’re thinking about ways to enforce that all direct dependencies are declared via a catalog in the future.
Declaring dependencies in libs.versions.toml allows Gradle to skip build script compilation when dependency versions are changed. This is significantly faster than changing the same in a script plugin. As a side-effect of declaring dependencies in libs.versions.toml, we may see third-party tooling that update dependencies automatically in the future.

How do I determine which levels are available for a given dependency?

I'm relatively new to Android Studio and find myself very confused about the levels for dependencies in Gradle. Let me explain why, then I am seeking assistance with a specific issue and the broader issue of choosing dependency levels. I should mention that I am using Android Studio 3.1.3 with Gradle 4.4. My Min SDK Level is 24 and my compile level is 27).
I am doing my first experiments with Settings and have skimmed several tutorials (online and in YouTube). They all begin with the advice that you need to add a dependency for Preferences in your Gradle file. (They aren't consistent in WHICH dependency to add but I think that's because there are different approaches to doing preferences.) In any case, once you've chosen which approach you are going to take, you need to add the appropriate dependency to your build.gradle (Module app) file.
So, let's say we decide to add According to the manual - - the current version is v7:28.0.0-alpha1. If I add that to the Gradle file though and try to sync, Android Studio tells me I should not let the dependency be a higher level than the compile SDK level (which is 27).
So, I imitated the level that I used in other dependencies, like appcompat, and set the level to v7:27.1.1 and tried to sync again. That failed too. Apparently, no such version of the dependency exists.
Most of the tutorials I've seen are two years old and refer to dependencies that are at level 24, which I assume is going to be too low.
And that brings me to my question: How do I determine which versions of a dependency actually exist so that I can choose an appropriate level?
I read through this page on the Android developer site and I suspect you may have the syntax wrong for the dependency. The v7 should be part of the module name, not the version as I understand it.
dependencies {
implementation ""
This page makes reference to palette-v7:27.1.1 so I assume the same version exists for preference.

How to deploy a common library in Websphere?

I'm just learning Websphere 8.5 and would like to know what is the simplest way to add a library, such as iText library so that it's available to all applications running on WAS.
I can see that both a Shared Library option is available in the Admin console and a some more advanced thing like "Business Level Application" which is made up of several assets.
What is the correct approach to achieve my goal ?
You should not develop your applications with implicit dependencies which are in fact explicit. If the dependency is crucial for your application, it should be somehow marked as such.
With that said, there are two approaches in WebSphere - a shared library or OSGi bundle.
For the shared library concept, read Associating shared libraries with applications or modules.
If you use OSGi to develop your application(s), I'd recommend declare the dependencies in Application-Content of APPLICATION.MF and have them available in Internal or External bundle repositories.
I don't think BLA applies in your scenario, but would not be surprised to see how wrong I am.
p.s. Wonder why the question is tagged as websphere-7 since it refers to WebSphere 8.5?

Does it still make sense to use Maven when dependent jars are checked in with source code?

We check all of our source code's dependent third-party JARs into source control along with our source code. When needed, we manually download updates to third party JARs and replace those JARs that are in source control with the newer versions. We haven't felt the need to use Maven yet as this process seems simple enough for us. But are we missing something of great value by not using Maven? Or does our scenario not warrant using Maven?
"JARs dont change much", I hear this all the time.....
Storing jars in the SCM is simple in the beginning of the project. Over time the number of jars gets larger and larger.... Wait 2 or 3 years and nobody remembers where the jars came from, what their licensing terms were and most commonly what versions are being used (important to know when analysing security vulnerabilities).....
The best article I've read recently making the case for a repository manager is:
A little irreverant, but does make a valid point about the kind of technical inertia one encounters all the time.
Switching a project team from ANT to Maven can be scary.... Maven works quite differently, so I find it is best deployed with greenfield or adventurous project teams. For the old-school ANT users, I recommend using the Apache ivy plugin. Ivy allows such teams to outsource the management of their dependencies but keep the build technology they're comfortable with.
Ultimately the biggest benefit of using Maven are not dependency management. It's the standized build process. I've seen several failed attempts to create a "standard" ANT build process. Problem every build engineer has his opinion on what the standard should be.... Maven's approach of forcing users to write build plugins may appear restrictive in the beginning, but just like the iPhone eventually developers discover "there's a Maven plugin for that" :-)
When it comes to dependency management Maven really can be quite valuable. As Mark O'Connor suggests, running a local repository manager would likely be better than checking the artifacts into source control.
There are many tools (like m2e in eclipse) that can help with dependency management and provide valuable feedback on which modules or dependencies require which other dependencies. Maven will also make sure to get the appropriate version of a dependency even if different modules depend on different versions of a given library. That will help prevent duplicate versions of the same jar showing up in your deployed project as long as they have the same group and artifact id.
Even for a very simple project I don't think I would resort to checking dependencies into the source control system.
It's not only about 3rd Party Libraries. Mostly if you have multiple repositories. In our case, we had four repositories with lots of inter- and intra-dependencies.
Actually I started this answer and then I had to go for 15 minutes to talk to some colleague about a problem happened after someone forgot to update the .jar of one project in the other's lib directory.
And it looks more professional :)

Dependency on two versions of a Jar

I have a module X that is dependent on a Third party library which in turn depends on apache-commons-collections 2.1.
In module X, I want to use the latest apache-commons-collections 3.0 which has some additional methods than 2.1. If I add a dependency to 3.0, I'm guessing this will create a problem since the class loader just picks up the first class it sees in the classpath. Is there a good way to get around this problem?
IMHO there is no really good way without additional solution for modularity (like Java EE's EAR or OSGi). I guess however that you're asking about just simple web (or not) module that directly use this 3rd party lib. I'm afraid you have to resolve this conflict manually. If fact, Maven won't provide 2 versions of commons-collections and depend on classloader's resolution, but rather resolve dependencies graph and pick the version it guess it's better with your POMs' declarations in mind. That means, if you declare in module X dependency on commons-collections version 3.0, that version will be used since this declaration is more important than some 3rd party lib's dependencies.
That's a serious problem of Java Platform itself, cousing such problems like the famous JAR hell. Unfortunately, it is your problem to choose and declare commons-collections version that satisfy both you and your 3rd party lib.
Just add the dependency to 3.0 to your project and it will prefer it over the older version of 2.1. To be explicit you can add an exclusion. In any case use the dependency plugin and the analyze and tree goals to see what is happening.
Long story short... this happens all the time and will be fine and in any case you can control what happens.
