pluginManagement interferes with shade plugin - maven

Just started with Maven for real; got a big surprise right away.
I understand (or I think I do) the concept of fat jar/uberjars. Package your code with all the dependencies, etc. maven-shade-plugin, found docs, some example, checked that it works. Now adding it to my POC project, which came from the maven-archetype-quickstart - what could possibly go wrong, eh?
To put it short, quickstart arrange the the following way:
<pluginManagement><!-- lock down plugins versions to avoid using Maven defaults (may be moved to parent pom) -->
So I just threw in a plugin for shading, ready to call it a day:
<!-- Maven Shade Plugin -->
<!-- Run shade goal on package phase -->
<transformer implementation="org.apache.maven.plugins.shade.resource.ManifestResourceTransformer">
Not so fast. First, I noticed that mvn clean package didn't mention maven-shade-plugin being executed (like the working example did). Hours of searching followed, and I was staring the "root cause" in the face - <pluginManagement>, offered by quickstart archetype, was it - somehow. Removing that tag magically allowed maven.shade.plugin to do its job. Otherwise, nope.
unshade is the bad branch, master is good).
Talk about violation of the Principle of Least Surprise, eh =)
Can someone explain what's going on? The comment in generated pom mentioned something about parent pom, but I'm not doing anything with multi-pom setup yet..

<pluginManagement> role is described in Maven documentation :
Plugin Management contains plugin elements in much the same way [than plugins], except that rather than configuring plugin information for this particular project build, it is intended to configure project builds that inherit from this one.
Its goal here in the project generated by the archetype is to set specified versions of default plugins (maven-clean-plugin, maven-jar-plugin, ...). Note that these default plugins do not appear in your POM <plugins> section, but they are declared implicitly (you can check it by running mvn help:effective-pom).
But adding a plugin to <pluginManagement> section does not make your project invoke that plugin. Here, you can just set configuration and the version of the plugin you want to use. To invoke the plugin, you should absolutely declare it in <plugins> section.
In some projects (most of time multi-module projects), you could see the plugin and its configuration declared in <pluginManagement> of parent POM, and then referenced on <plugins> section of modules needing invocation of that plugin : thus, you do not have to repeat the same configuration on each module.
<pluginManagement> is mostly used if you want to use POM inheritance. Otherwise, on simple projects, you can just declare them in <plugins> section. I've also seen some projects defining all configuration in <pluginManagement>, just to make <plugins> section shorter and more readable, like the following example. It's just a matter of taste.
<!-- pluginManagement section : set versions and configurations -->
<!-- Run shade goal on package phase -->
<transformer implementation="org.apache.maven.plugins.shade.resource.ManifestResourceTransformer">
<!-- plugins section : plugins that are invoked when building the project -->
You can also read more on StackOverflow : Maven : What is pluginManagement?


How To Use The Sonar Maven Plug-in

Easy question here. I want to add sonar to be executed on every Maven build. I tried:
because a) I couldn't figure out what the plug-ins do and/or b) which one is the current one.
If I only add the above to <build> -> <plugins> it's not executed ever (so the plug-in doesn't have a default execution). So of course I added a <execution> instruction, and after that Sonar gets executed, but with the following error message:
Failed to execute goal org.sonarsource.scanner.maven:sonar-maven-plugin:3.1.1:sonar (default) on project Can not execute Findbugs: This project contains Java source files that are not compiled.
It does not seem to matter which phase I use (I tried validate and compile and test and prepare-package and package even though not all of them make sense). I am sure there is no source code generation anywhere in the project. And the static classes get compiled just fine.
I think the problem might be that the plug-in gets executed for every module, including the parent pom project. Which is weird, because sonar:sonar skips that project.
But the project structure is simple and I can't find anything unusual about it:
The project org.acme.project has nothing besides its own artifact ID and the parent. The command line is: mvn clean deploy -Dsonar.login=Wile.Coyote -Dsonar.password=*********** -Psonar
The log shows that sonar is always executed before the install phase, which of course is way to early.
So how do I use Sonar's Maven plug-in to analyze my code?
a) I couldn't figure out what the plug-ins do
The plugin is used to gather the details from code coverage reports and the repository code scanning for getting to analyze possible bugs, duplications etc. You can search for a sample sonar report to find what all and how to get these details with maven using two methods like settings.xml and maven plugin is detailed at SonarQube Scanner for Maven and
SonarQube - analyzing with Maven
b) which one is the current one.
The maven central suggests that the current plugin from org.codehaus.mojo used as
has been moved to
So you should ideally be using the one from groupId - org.sonarsource.scanner.maven as also suggested by the SonarQube Docs
Also the artifact from org.codehaus.sonar version 5.1 seems to be outdated and not maintained.

Change default pom.xml and project layout of Maven

I am just starting using maven and I use Apache Maven Shade Plugin a lot. Is it possible to add these code
<!-- put your configurations here -->
to default pom.xml. Yes, it can change setting.xml to make this plugin work with all project. But if I have some specific project which will not need this plugin, do I have to rewrite setting.xml again?
Another problem is that is it possible to change project layout of Maven. I use git a lot. Can I add sample .gitignore every time when I run mvn archetype:generate.
For you first issue, I think you can benefit from the parent POM:
It's a defined POM file in which you put whatever you want. You publish it as a "pom" in your Maven repository and then, you can inherit from it in other projects. It is very convenient to lock dependency verions as well.
Your second issue seems more related to the archetype you are using than maven itself. You will probably have to create your own with a default .gitignore in it.

Is it possible to specify a dependency on a particular maven phase?

I am using the maven-docbkx-plugin to generate HTML and PDF output from docbook sources. I have several books, and these link to each other using olinks.
The olink database is generated in one maven phase (generate-resources), and the actual HTML and PDF generation, which looks up this database is executed in a subsequent maven phase (compile).
I have divided the maven project into a multi-module project, as each book has tens of included sub-documents. The docbkx-maven-plugin configuration is all done in the parent, then it is just the top-level docbook source that needs to be specified in the child POM.
But ... this does not work dependency-wise, as each module requires that the generate-resources of every other module has been run before it runs its compile phase, so that it can access the olink database of each of the other books.
Is there a way to do this in maven? Or will I need to re-structure into two maven projects (which will break the modularity of this project considerably, as all of the configuration will need to be declared in each project)?
The structure of the parent POM is:
And the modules:
I've done a bit more research on this, and from what I have read, what I am asking is not possible (but I would be happy to be advised otherwise). I have split my project into two, and given them a common parent from which they can draw their common configuration.
Another way I've solved this problem is to use maven profiles. I perform the first pass of all the modules in the first profile, then perform the second pass in a second profile.
It means the project has to be run twice to build all of its artifacts, but it is much more maintainable than spreading the sources over multiple projects.

How do I disable the maven-compiler-plugin?

I have a maven project that uses the aspectj-compiler-plugin. I use intertype declarations so there are references to Aspect code in my Java code. Because of this, the maven-compiler-plugin fails to compile since it does not compile the aspect code.
My question is: how do I disable the maven-compiler-plugin from running because it is not doing anything useful?
There are several ways that I can get this project compiling, but they are sub-optimal:
Add exclusion filters to the maven-compiler-plugin. The plugin will still run, but it will not try to compile anything. Problem is that this breaks the ajdt project configurator in Eclipse
Move all java code to the aspectj folders. This doesn't feel right either.
You can disable the a plugin by set the phase of the plugin to none.
In Maven 3, the following will do this, for example disabling the clean plugin:
The same technique can be used for any other plugin defined in the super-POM, the packaging type, or the parent POM. The key point is that you must copy the <id> shown by help:effective-pom, and change the <phase> to an invalid value (e.g. "none"). If you don't have the <id> (as e.g. in Jintian DENG's original answer – it has since been edited to add one), it will not work, as you have discovered.
Either configure the skipMain parameter:
Or pass the maven.main.skip property:
mvn install -Dmaven.main.skip=true
The reason maven-compiler-plugin executes in the first place is because you trigger one of the default lifecycle bindings. For example if you're packaging jar using mvn package, it will trigger compile:compile at compile phase.
Maybe try not to use the default lifecycle, but use mvn aspectj:compile instead. has more information about maven default lifecycle bindings

Configuring Javadoc aggregation in Maven

I'm trying to create an aggregate Javadoc site for all the modules in my project, but I can't seem to configure the plugin in a way that is satisfactory. Mainly, I can't seem to get it to aggregate the javadocs all the while detecting links and excluding certain packages. Essentially, it appears the configuration of the plugin is ignored entirely.
I have a root pom.xml that refers to a bunch of submodules and contains the following configuration:
But when I run mvn javadoc:aggregate with this setup, I end up with a javadoc site that has no links to any of the referenced libraries and still includes all the testing classes.
I don't even see the plugin attempting to download the package-list for each declared link source.
On the other hand, generating the javadoc for each individual module works well and as expected.
What am I getting wrong?
Plugin configurations can be placed on two levels; inside the execution tag or outside of it ("global").
When the configuration is inside the execution tag it belongs to that particular execution. In your case you will have to run mvn site for it to execute since it is bound to that phase.
When the mvn javadoc:aggregate command is used it looks for the "global" configuration. In your pom there is no such configuration and thus it uses the default configuration.
Change your plugin configuration to this instead:
You can place a configuration inside the execution part to override and specialize the configuration for that execution.
BTW The <groupId> is wrong in your pom. It should be
and not
