What easing functions are allowed in jquery-scrollify? - jquery-scrollify

What are all the possible options for the "easing" attribute in the scrollify function? I have tried several, but they all break the scrolling functionality except the default "easeOutExpo"

Changing the easing properties requires an easing library. The owner of the package recommends this one. I refer to that based on other closed easing questions on their public issue tracker such as:
I would also in the future recommend checking out a package's github open issues, or related forums for specific questions. For example Scrollify's is here.


How to fix `react-d3-tree` in place?

For some reason the default behaviour in this package is to allow users to move the trees around as they please.
How do you disable grabability?
I'd also accept an answer which suggests a different tree-graph package that looks nice and doesn't allow users to drag it around the screen.
The package is hosted at:
And here is an example in CodeSandBox:

Oracle Forms Round Corners Button

I am inserting a push button in oracle form builder but I want to customize its corners in round shape just like below mentioned image.
Any help willl be highly appreciated!
I've never done that (didn't have to & I'm quite happy with buttons as they are), but - it seems that you'll have to use PJC (Pluggable Java Components) and Java Beans. These are terms you should be searching for; one resource is A non rectangular button's PJC; see if it helps.
As mentioned, you would need to create a Plugable Java Component (PJC) if you want round ended buttons. The demos that Oracle used to provide included an example of such a PJC, however they are no longer available. So some Google searching might be needed if you want to find them.
The good news is that there are plans to introduce this functionality as a feature in a future release. If added to the product, you would no longer need to use a PJC. Unfortunately, the release date of that version cannot be shared at this time. For the latest information about Oracle Forms, refer to:

Library of questionnaires

We are working on FHIR questionnaires and I wonder if there is already a library with definitions of FHIR questionnaires. I found GCS example https://www.hl7.org/fhir/questionnaire-example-gcs.html. Is there any place where I can find wider set of such definitions? If not, is it planned to be somehow created / maintained? I can see having such set published as something valuable for the community.
In theory, the registry that FHIR.org is standing up in the next few months could be extended to this purpose, but I'm not aware of that being in the near-term plans. And it's not something that exists yet. You could submit a change proposal (link at the bottom of each page in the spec) to ensure this idea gets formal consideration

How to modify com_mailto to fit out needs

I'm developing a site for my company and I also need to modify the native component "mailto" to fit our needs.
I'm working with a joomla 2.5
I was wondering if future updates occur, what will happen to the lines I've added, for example, in "\components\com_mailto\controller.php"...
I haven't find answers on the net.
Also, for the same reason, I've modified the default layout of an article. Should I rename it? and if yes, how, because I couldn't do it (when I've tried the article did not display).
Thanks for your help
Before starting to edit core Joomla components, should should always have a look at the options you have. I don't believe in editing core file as it simply causes problems for updates when released, therefore in my opinion, you have 2 options:
I always make a note of all my requirements and start looking for a 3rd party extension that caters for my requirements.
If I cannot find a 3rd party extension and don't particularly want to start digging into it's code, I would go with developing a plugin. Plugins are used to manipulate the behavior or something and therefore come in extremely handy for when you would require core editing.
Editing the layout of an extension view is completely fine, but it's strongly recommended you make a Template Override so that if the extension does ever get updated, your changes won't get overridden.
So to answer you initial question, any line you have added to the controller.php file will get overridden when you decide to update the extension.
Hope this helps
While the answer from Lodder is totally valid, as a last resource you can also consider forking the com_mailto as a separate component.
This has some disadvantages:
you need to rename all the files involved (controllers, models, views)
you need to maintain it and keep in in sync with future updates (consider than you are now on 2.5.x and in a year you might want to upgrade to 3.x).

How to integrate Firefox Sync?

Firefox 4 comes soon (ok, next year ;)) and there is a Firefox plugin to sync your bookmarks etc. with Firefox 3.whatever .
I would like to know if anyone has a comprehensive, up-to-date tutorial to integrate Firefox Sync into your own plugin? Or any idea regarding this?
I mainly followed this official "tutorial" and also this blog post, but the information seems to be slightly outdated.
For example, the object is not called Weave anymore but Engines and the weave.engines. preference became services.sync.engines.. I played a little with all the mentioned options, but it does not seems to work (and my plugin does not show up in list where you can select what to sync).
I assume that the Tracker and Store classes are fine, the main problem is to register the engine...
The ClientAPI tutorial you mention is definitely the way to go. I updated it recently so if something's not working, please let us know so I can fix it in the docs. Wladimir's blogpost is definitely quite old and contains some outdated information. We will also make changes to some parts of the API in the upcoming beta releases, so be prepared for some flux...
The Weave namespace is still the canonical way to access Sync related APIs from UI code. It exposes components such as Weave.Service and Weave.Engines. You can import it via Components.utils.import("resource://services-sync/main.js"). If you want to implement your own engine, you'll have to import the actual underlying modules, though (all listed in the ClientAPI tutorial). The tutorial also describes how to register your custom engine implementation. Once it's registered, it won't automatically show up in the preferences UI, though. I suggest building your own UI that flips the services.sync.engine.YOURENGINE pref in your add-on's preferences.
Out of curiosity, what kind of data are you trying to sync?
