Random leader selection after each round - algorithm

I am working on a system where I need to select a leader(out of n nodes) randomly. The leader would change after each round (after the current leader has finished its task). All the nodes would be communicating with each other.
A re-election would take place in two conditions:
The round is finished.
The leader dies prematurely.
Are there any implementations of this idea for reference. Is doing so a good idea? Why? Should this situation be approached differently?

As far as I have understood your question you need to select a different leader from your nodes Everytime so to do this you can put all the nodes in a queue and then find the length of queue and generate a random number from 0 to the queue length and name the node at this index as a leader when he dies or finished it's work you can remove this node from the queue and re elect your leader by the same process.Now the length is 1 less.
Hope I have understood the question correctly.


Recommend algorithm of fair distributed resources allocation consensus

There are distributed computation nodes and there are set of computation tasks represented by rows in a database table (a row per task):
A node has no information about other nodes: can't talk other nodes and doesn't even know how many other nodes there are
Nodes can be added and removed, nodes may die and be restarted
A node connected only to a database
There is no limit of tasks per node
Tasks pool is not finite, new tasks always arrive
A node takes a task by marking that row with some timestamp, so that other nodes don't consider it until some timeout is passed after that timestamp (in case of node death and task not done)
The goal is to evenly distribute tasks among nodes. To achieve that I need to define some common algorithm of tasks acquisition: when a node starts, how many tasks to take?
If a node takes all available tasks, when one node is always busy and others idle. So it's not an option.
A good approach would be for each node to take tasks 1 by 1 with some delay. So
each node periodically (once in some time) checks if there are free tasks and takes only 1 task. In this way, shortly after start all nodes acquire all tasks that are more or less equally distributed. However the drawback is that because of the delay, it would take some time to take last task into processing (say there are 10000 tasks, 10 nodes, delay is 1 second: it would take 10000 tasks * 1 second / 10 nodes = 1000 seconds from start until all tasks are taken). Also the distribution is non-deterministic and skew is possible.
Question: what kind/class of algorithms solve such problem, allowing quickly and evenly distribute tasks using some sync point (database in this case), without electing a leader?
For example: nodes use some table to announce what tasks they want to take, then after some coordination steps they achieve consensus and start processing, etc.
So this comes down to a few factors to consider.
How many tasks are currently available overall?
How many tasks are currently accepted overall?
How many tasks has the node accepted in the last X minutes.
How many tasks has the node completed in the last X minutes.
Can the row fields be modified? (A field added).
Can a node request more tasks after it has finished it's current tasks or must all tasks be immediately distributed?
My inclination is do the following:
If practical, add a "node identifier" field (UUID) to the table with the rows. A node when ran generates a UUID node identifier. When it accepts a task it adds a timestamp and it's UUID. This easily let's other nodes be able to determine how many "active" nodes there are.
To determine allocation, the node determines how many tasks are available/accepted. it then notes how many many unique node identifiers (including itself) have accepted tasks. It then uses this formula to accept more tasks (ideally at random to minimize the chance of competition with other nodes). 2 * available_tasks / active_nodes - nodes_accepted_tasks. So if there are 100 available tasks, 10 active nodes, and this node has accepted 5 task already. Then it would accept: 100 / 10 - 5 = 5 tasks. If nodes only look for more tasks when they no longer have any tasks then you can just use available_tasks / active_nodes.
To avoid issues, there should be a max number of tasks that a node will accept at once.
If node identifier is impractical. I would just say that each node should aim to take ceil(sqrt(N)) random tasks, where N is the number of available tasks. If there are 100 tasks. The first node will take 10, the second will take 10, the 3rd will take 9, the 4th will take 9, the 5th will take 8, and so on. This won't evenly distribute all the tasks at once, but it will ensure the nodes get a roughly even number of tasks. The slight staggering of # of tasks means that the nodes will not all finish their tasks at the same time (which admittedly may or may not be desirable). By not fully distributing them (unless there are sqrt(N) nodes), it also reduces the likelihood of conflicts (especially if tasks are randomly selected) are reduced. It also reduces the number of "failed" tasks if a node goes down.
This of course assumes that a node can request more tasks after it has started, if not, it makes it much more tricky.
As for an additional table, you could actually use that to keep track of the current status of the nodes. Each node records how many tasks it has, it's unique UUID and when it last completed a task. Though that may have potential issues with database churn. I think it's probably good enough to just record which node has accepted the task along with when it accepted it. This is again more useful if nodes can request tasks in the future.

How do Raft guarantee consistency when network partition occurs?

Suppose a network partition occurs and the leader A is in minority. Raft will elect a new leader B but A thinks it's still the leader for some time. And we have two clients. Client 1 writes a key/value pair to B, then Client 2 reads the key from A before A steps down. Because A still believes it's the leader, it will return stale data.
The original paper says:
Second, a leader must check whether it has been deposed
before processing a read-only request (its information
may be stale if a more recent leader has been elected).
Raft handles this by having the leader exchange heartbeat
messages with a majority of the cluster before responding
to read-only requests.
Isn't it too expensive? The leader has to talk to majority nodes for every read request?
I'm surprised there's so much ambiguity in the answers, as this is quite well known:
Yes, to get linearizable reads from Raft you must round-trip through the quorum.
There are no shortcuts here. In fact, both etcd and Consul committed an error in their implementations of Raft and caused linearizability violations. The implementors erroneously believed (as did many people, including myself) that if a node thought of itself as a leader, it was the leader.
Raft does not guarantee this at all. A node can be a leader and not learn of its loss of leadership because of the very network partition that caused someone else to step up in the first place. Because clock error is taken as unbounded in distributed systems literature, no amount of waiting can solve this race condition. New leaders cannot simply "wait it out" and then decide "okay, the old leader must have realized it by now". This is just typical lease lock stuff - you can't use clocks with unbounded error to make distributed decisions.
Jepsen covered this error detail, but to quote the conclusion:
[There are] three types of reads, for varying performance/correctness needs:
Anything-goes reads, where any node can respond with its last known value. Totally available, in the CAP sense, but no guarantees of monotonicity. Etcd does this by default, and Consul terms this “stale”.
Mostly-consistent reads, where only leaders can respond, and stale reads are occasionally allowed. This is what etcd currently terms “consistent”, and what Consul does by default.
Consistent reads, which require a round-trip delay so the leader can confirm it is still authoritative before responding. Consul now terms this consistent.
Just to tie in with some other results from literature, this very problem was one of the things Flexible Paxos showed it could handle. The key realization in FPaxos is that you have two quorums: one for leader election and one for replication. The only requirement is that these quorums intersect, and while a majority quorum is guaranteed to do so, it is not the only configuration.
For example, one could require that every node participate in leader election. The winner of this election could be the sole node serving requests - now it is safe for this node to serve reads locally, because it knows for a new leader to step up the leadership quorum would need to include itself. (Of course, the tradeoff is that if this node went down, you could not elect a new leader!)
The point of FPaxos is that this is an engineering tradeoff you get to make.
The leader doesn't have to talk to a majority for each read request. Instead, as it continuously heartbeats with its peers it maintains a staleness measure: how long it has been since it has received an okay from a quorum? The leader will check this staleness measure and return a StalenessExceeded error. This gives the calling system the chance to connect to another host.
It may be better to push that staleness check to the calling systems; let the low-level raft system have higher Availability (in CAP terms) and let the calling systems decide at what staleness level to fail over. This can be done in various ways. You could have the calling systems heartbeat to the raft system, but my favorite is to return the staleness measure in the response. This last can be improved when the client includes its timestamp in the request, the raft server echos it back in the response and the client adds the round trip time to raft staleness. (NB. Always use the nano clock in measuring time differences because it doesn't go backwards like the system clock does.)
Not sure whether timeout configure can solve this problem:
2 x heartbeat interval <= election timeout
which means when network partition happens leader A is single leader and write will fail because leader A locates in the minority and leader A can not get echo back from majority of the node and step back as a follower.
After that leader B is selected, it can catch up the latest change from at least one of the followers and then client can perform read and write on leader B.
The leader has to talk to majority nodes for every read request
Answer: No.
Let's understand it with code example from HashiCorp's raft implementation.
There are 2 timeouts involved: (their names are self explanatory but link has been included to read detailed definition.)
LeaderLease timeout[1]
Election timeout[2]
Example of their values are 500ms & 1000ms respectively[3]
Must condition for node to start is: LeaderLease timeout < Election timeout [4,5]
Once a node becomes Leader, it is checked "whether it is heartbeating with quorum of followers or not"[6, 7]. If heartbeat stops then its tolerated till LeaderLease timeout[8]. If Leader is not able to contact quorum of nodes for LeaderLease timeout then Leader node has to become Follower[9]
Hence for example given in question, Node-A must step down as Leader before Node-B becomes Leader. Since Node-A knows its not a Leader before Node-B becomes Leader, Node-A will not serve the read or write request.

Would this simple consensus algorithm work?

In order to convince oneself that the complications of standard algorithms such as Paxos and Raft are necessary, one must understand why simpler solutions aren't satisfactory. Suppose that, in order to reach consensus w.r.t a stream of events in a cluster of N machines (i.e., implement a replicated time-growing log), the following algorithm is proposed:
Whenever a machine wants to append a message to the log, it broadcasts the tuple (msg, rnd, prev), where msg is the message, rnd is a random number, and prev is the ID of the last message on the log.
When a machine receives a tuple, it inserts msg as a child of prev, forming a tree.
If a node has more than one child, only the one with highest rnd is considered valid; the path of valid messages through the tree is the main chain.
If a message is part of the main chain, and it is old enough, it is considered decided/final.
If a machine attempts to submit a message and, after some time, it isn't present on the main chain, that means another machine broadcasted a message at roughly the same time, so you re-broadcast it until it is there.
Looks simple, efficient and resilient to crashes. Would this algorithm work?
I think you have a problem if a machine send two tuple in sequence and the first gets lost (package loss/corruption or whatever)
In that case, lets say machine 1 has prev elemtent id of 10 and sends two more with (msg,rnd,10)=11 and (msg,rnd,11)=12 to machine 2.
Machine 2 only receives (msg,rnd,11) but does not have prev id of 11 in its tree.
Machine 3 receives both, so inserts it into the main tree.
At this time you would have a desync beetween the distributed trees.
I propose an ack for the packages after they are inserted in the tree by machine x to the sender, with him waiting for it to send the next.
This way sender needs to resend previous message to the machines that failed to ack in a given timeframe.

How does the Raft algorithm guarantee consensus if there are multiple leaders?

As the paper says:
Election Safety: at most one leader can be elected in a given term. §5.2
However, there may be more than one leader in the system. Raft only can promise that there is only one leader in a given term. So If I have more than one client, wouldn't I get different data? How does this allow Raft to be a consensus algorithm?
Is there something I don't understand here, that someone could explain?
Only a candidate node which has a majority of votes can lead. Only one majority exists in cluster the other node cannot hear from a majority without contacting at least one node which has already voted for another leader. The candidate who hears of the other leader will step down. Here is a nice animation which shows how it happens: http://thesecretlivesofdata.com/raft/#election
Yes you are right. There can be multiple leaders at the same time, but not in the same term, so the guarantee still holds. A possible situation is in a 3-server (A, B, C) cluster, A becomes elected. And then a network partition happens and the cluster is separated into 2 partitions: {A} and {B, C}. In this case, A would not step down as it does not receive any RPC with a higher term and remains a leader. In the majority partition, a new leader can still be elected. But notice that this new leader is in a greater term than A.
Then how about the request from the client? Two cases.
1. For a WRITE request, the leader cannot reply to the client unless the entry log committed, which is impossible for the outdated leader. So no problem. Only the true leader would be able to commit the entry by replicating it on a majority of servers.
2. For a READ-ONLY request, the leader can get away without consulting the log or committing the entry. You are right and this is explicitly mentioned in the paper at the end of section 8.
Read-only operations can be handled without writing anything into the log. However, with no additional measures, this would run the risk of returning stale data, since the leader responding to the request might have been superseded by a newer leader of which it is unaware. Linearizable reads must not return stale data, and Raft needs two extra precautions to guarantee this without using the log. First, a leader must have the latest information on which entries are committed. The Leader Completeness Property guarantees that a leader has all committed entries, but at the start of its term, it may not know which those are. To find out, it needs to commit an entry from its term. Raft handles this by having each leader commit a blank no-op entry into the log at the start of its term. Second, a leader must check whether it has been deposed before processing a read-only request (its information may be stale if a more recent leader has been elected). Raft handles this by having the leader exchange heartbeat messages with a majority of the cluster before responding to read-only requests.
Hope this helps.
this is the question I asked three years ago. Right now, I can answer the question myself.
The key point here is that even the read operation, the client need to go through the raft protocol. If the client request the old leader, the old leader launch AppendEntry to confirm that whether it is the newest leader. It will notice that it is the old leader or the AppendEntry is timeout, then it will return to client timeout or error.
Every machine in the cluster compares its current term against the term it recieves along with all the requests it gets from the other machines. And whenever a "leader" tries to act as a leader, it will not get a majority accepts from the rest of the cluster since the majority of the machines have greater term then the "leader". That guarantees that only the actual leader will be able to reply on clients requests.
Additionally, according to Raft, this "leader" will become a follower immediately after it recieves a reject with a greater term.

Some ideas about leader election

I am trying to perform leader election. These days I am thinking of using a key-value store to realize that but I am not quite sure if the idea is reliable as for scalability and consistency issues. The real deployment will have thousands of nodes and the election should take place without any central authority or service like zookeeper.
Now that, my question is:
Can I use a key-value store(preferably C-A tunable like riak) to perform the leader election? What are the possible pros/cons of utilizing a KV store for leader election?
I am not interested in bully algorithm approach anymore.
A key-value store that does not guarantee consistency (like Riak) is a bad way to do this because you could get two nodes that both think (with reason!) that they are the new leader. A key-value store that guarantees consistency won't guarantee availability in the event of problems, and availability is going to be compromised exactly when you've got problems that could cause the loss of nodes.
The way that I would suggest doing this for thousands of nodes is to go from a straight peer to peer arrangement with thousands of nodes to a hierarchical arrangement. So have a master and several groups. Each incoming node is assigned to a group, which assigns it to a subgroup, which assigns it to a sub-sub group until you find yourself in a sufficiently small peer group. Then master election is only held between the leaders of the groups, and the winner gets promoted from being the leader of that group. If the leader of a group goes away (possibly because of promotion), a master election between the leaders of its subgroups elects the new leader. And so on.
If the peer group gets to be too large, say 26, then its master randomly splits it into 5 smaller groups of 5 peers each, with randomly assigned leaders. Similarly if a peer group gets too small, say 3, then it can petition its leader to be merged with someone else. If the leader notices that it has too few followers, say 3, then it can tell one of them to promote its subgroups to full groups, and to join one of those groups. You can play with those numbers, depending on how much redundancy you need.
This will lead to more elections, but you'll have massively reduced overhead per election. This should be a very significant overall win. For a start randomly confused nodes won't immediately start polling thousands of peers, generating huge spikes in network traffic.
