get "lerna list" output imperatively via lerna api - lerna

I wanna get lerna list --json CLI functionality within a node script for various publishing tweaks. I was skimming through the codebase but was not able to find the appropriate API to do the right job:
// process-monorepo-packages.js
const {listApi} = require('#lerna/some-package')
const packagesMetadata = listApi({json:true})
// TODO process packagesMetadata
function processPackages(){ /* ... */ }

I've tried #lerna/list but did not have any luck from there.
A workaround will be using the child_process module to spawn a shell and run the command within that shell, then query the names of all packages from what it returns.
const {execSync} = require('child_process');
let output
try {
output = execSync(`npx lerna ls --json`)
} catch (error) {`No local packages found.`)
const packages = JSON.parse(output.toString()); // this will contain the list of the packages


Check if an error has been written to the console

I'm trying to find a way to check if an error has been written to the console when running a cypress unit test.
I know how to log something to the console
cy.log('log this to the console');
but not how to check if an error has been written to it.
any suggestions how to read errors from the (browser) console log?
note: probably not the "smart" way to test but sometimes my js libraries which I use would "complain" and write the errors to the browser log. this is to simplify testing.
This does exactly what I needed of catching any error in the console and do an assertion of the logs count. Just add the following in cypress/support/index.js
Cypress.on('window:before:load', (win) => {
cy.spy(win.console, 'error');
cy.spy(win.console, 'warn');
afterEach(() => {
cy.window().then((win) => {
There have been some updates since the previous answers.
Because the window is re-created with each cy.visit, Cypress recommends stubbing as a part of the cy.visit command.
cy.visit('/', {
onBeforeLoad(win) {
cy.stub(win.console, 'log').as('consoleLog')
cy.stub(win.console, 'error').as('consoleError')
cy.get('#consoleLog').should('be.calledWith', 'Hello World!')
For more details see the official FAQ for stubbing out the console:
And the recipe repository:
Edit: the following does not directly log to terminal when in headless mode, but it nonetheless fails the test on AUT's console.error and displays the error message indirectly, even in the headless terminal, which may be what you want.
I'm not sure exactly what you mean, but let's go through all the places where an output can be logged in cypress, and how to handle several cases.
First, an overview:
To log into the command log, you use:
// from inside your test
To log into devTools console:
// from inside your test
To log into terminal, you need to log from within the Cypress' node process:
// from within e.g. your plugin/index.js file
How to log AUT's errors to Terminal, Command Log, and fail the test
(note, AUT here stands for Application under test, meaning your application).
I'm also using ansicolor package to make the error red-colored in the terminal, which is optional.
// plugins/index.js
const ansi = require(`ansicolor`);
module.exports = ( on ) => {
on(`task`, {
error ( message ) {
// write the error in red color
console.error( );
// play `beep` sound for extra purchase
return null;
Note: using internal command to work around Cypress' tendency to throw Cypress detected that you returned a promise when it (IMO) shouldn't.
(adapted from
// support/index.js or your test file
Cypress.on(`window:before:load`, win => {
cy.stub( win.console, `error`, msg => {
// log to Terminal`task`, `error`, msg );
// log to Command Log & fail the test
throw new Error( msg );
Currently there is no straightforward way to do what you are asking but there have been some good discussions on how best to get this information. I copied one solution here but if you follow the github link you can see other solutions proposed.
This snippet was taken from the github issue found here:
Just FYI the one easy solution is just to spy on console functions.
cy.window().then((win) => { cy.spy(win.console, "log") })
That will print a command log every time that function is called, and
you could also then assert what has been logged.
Another option depending on why you want to assert that something went wrong is to print the error out under the tests in headless mode. The VP of engineering created an NPM package that does this for you.
The most easiest way if you simply want to ensure that no error is in the console (which is the most usecase I assume).
# npm
npm install cypress-fail-on-console-error --save-dev
# yarn
yarn add cypress-fail-on-console-error -D
And then add to your support/index.ts file:
import failOnConsoleError from "cypress-fail-on-console-error"
Now your cypress tests are failing just in time when a console error is printed.
This is the working solution I currently use to check for console errors.
let windowConsoleError;
Cypress.on('window:before:load', (win) => {
windowConsoleError = cy.spy(win.console, 'error');
afterEach(() => {

Using pageBase with nightwatch.js

I'm trying to create an end-2-end test suite using nightwatch.js
I've looked around a bit and haven't really figured out how to use a pageBase, like is usually used when implementing POM.
I'm using the page_object that is built in to nightwatch, but can't seem to get it to use a pageBase.
Here is the code example.
To simplify things, let's say I have a common.js file, and a test.js file
I want test.js to inherit all of common.js commands and elements and implement some commands and elements of it's own, but I'm struggling with the syntax.
this is the common.js file
let commonCommands = {
clickOnMe: function () {
return this.waitForElementVisible('#someElement', 2000)
module.exports = {
commands: [commonCommands],
elements: {
someElement: '#elementId'
this is the test.js file
const common = require('./common');
let testCommands = {
doStuffFromTest: function () {
return this;
module.exports = {
url: function () {
return this.api.launch_url ;
commands: common.commands,
elements: common.elements
How can I add commands and elements to the test.js ?
You generally don't want to access those commands from your test, but rather from your other page objects. Since that's where all of your commands will be happening, common actions like clicking on an element or checking if something is present will be done at the page object level.

usage of JS plugins with webpack

I am trying to reconfigure my Symfony 3 project to use webpack encore instead of normal asstets. I am a little stuck with this.
For one part of the application I developed some JS plugins which inherits from Kube (a CSS and JS Framework I am unsing). Here is an exmaple:
(function (Kube) {
Kube.Assignment = function (element, options) {
this.namespace = 'assignment';
this.defaults = {
Kube.apply(this, arguments);
Kube.Assignment.prototype = {
start: function () {
Unfortunatly Kube is not recognized.
The module 'imperavi-kube' is installed via yarn and is imported via
let Kube = require('imperavi-kube');
I am getting the following error: TypeError: Kube.Assignment.inherits is not a function
Propably this is not a issue of the Kube Framework but somthing about handeling JS plugins with webpack.
Inside the Kube module there is a class 'Kube' defined with a prototype. The Prototype ends with window.Kube = Kube;
Try to import Kube like this:
import * as Kube from <your path> or <alias> or <module name>
I may be wrong, but as far as I remember sometimes it works a bit differently.

Problems with defining modules using AMD in Mocha

While writing tests I got bug TypeError: $.extend is not a function on toastr plugin that we are using. It seems that jQuery is not picked up properly, even tho is working normally in browser.
In our main mock file we imported jQuery and bind it to global windows object and it's accessible across whole application (but toastr plugin), even while testing in mocha:
import jsdom from 'jsdom';
import $ from 'jquery';
import chai from 'chai';
import chaiImmutable from 'chai-immutable';
import React from 'react';
const doc = jsdom.jsdom('<!doctype html><html><body></body></html>');
const win = doc.defaultView;
global.document = doc;
global.window = win;
global.expect = chai.expect;
global.$ = $(win);
global.jquery = $(win);
global.jQuery = $(win);
Object.keys(window).forEach((key) => {
if (!(key in global)) {
global[key] = window[key];
So while taking closer look at toastr I noticed this:
; (function (define) {
define(['jquery'], function ($) {
// this function is called on inizialization
function getOptions() {
return $.extend({}, getDefaults(), toastr.options);
It takes jquery from node_modules directly and then defines object $ in function scope, that means that it's ignoring window.$ (which is working normally even in here).
Therefore logging $ will return function, and logging $.anyMethodFromjQuery ($.extend) will return undefined.
In the end I tried logging $.prototype, in the browser it will return me jQuery object while in mocha it returns empty object {}
So in the end it define didn't created prototype in mocha environment and I cannot add one line of code $ = window.$; in plugin, since no one should edit a plugin + we are using npm.
Is there any solution for this?
You're running into trouble because you are loading code that should be loaded by JSDom outside of it. While it is possible in some cases to load code in Node and then pass it to the window that JSDom creates, that's a brittle approach, as you've discovered. Whenever I use JSDom for things other than write-and-toss cases, I load every script that would normally be loaded by a browser through JSDom. This avoids running into the issue you ran into. Here's a proof-of-concept based on the code you've shown in the question. You'll see that toastr.getContainer() runs fine, because Toastr has been loaded by JSDom. If you try to use the same code with an import toastr from "toastr" you'll get the same problem you ran into.
import jsdom from 'jsdom';
import $ from 'jquery';
import path from "path";
const doc = jsdom.jsdom('<!doctype html><html><body></body></html>', {
features: {
FetchExternalResources: ["script"],
ProcessExternalResources: ["script"]
const win = doc.defaultView;
global.document = doc;
global.window = win;
global.$ = $(win);
global.jquery = $(win);
global.jQuery = $(win);
window.addEventListener("error", function () {
const script = document.createElement("script");
script.src = path.join(__dirname, "./node_modules/toastr/toastr.js");
// The load will necessarily be asynchronous, so we have to wait for it.
script.addEventListener("load", function () {
// We do this here so that `toastr` is also picked up.
Object.keys(window).forEach((key) => {
if (!(key in global)) {
global[key] = window[key];
Note that the code hung when I tried calling I took a look at the code of Toastr but it is not clear to me what causes the problem. There are features of browsers that JSDom is unable to emulate. It is possible that Toastr is dependent on such features. In the past, I've sometimes had to switch test suites away from JSDom due to its limitations.

How to do test coverage with blanket and mocha in sailsjs

I have a Sails project with a test/ folder containing all my mocha tests and want to create a test coverage report using following command:
mocha --require blanket --reporter html-cov > coverage.html
The blanket configuration inside my package.json looks following:
"blanket": {
"pattern": ["lib", "api", "config"],
"data-cover-never": "node_modules",
"data-cover-reporter-options": {
"shortnames": true
I included both Sails folders api/ and config/ as they probably contain testable code and a folder lib/ containing most of my application's logic.
Sadly the blanket coverage module only covers files that are directly included in my test files. Since Sails loads most of my files in api/ and config/ dynamically they don't show up in my coverage reports.
Any ideas in how to integrate the Sails framework with blanket?
I am unfamilair with Sails but I had the same problem using Blanket.js and posted a comment with a work-around on the Blanket.js bugtracker, here it is:
The workaround I suggested there felt very much like a hack. I eventually abandoned Blanket in favor of Istanbul:
Istanbul gives you both more metrics (statement, line, function and branch coverage) and outputs an excellent bunch of .html files allowing you to analyze how to improve your code.
Blanket.js appears not to be maintained very well given the 79+ open issues currently.
If you do want to stick to blanket.js you can follow the suggestion I posted on the Blanket.js bug tracker and try to include all files within the test run by recursively looping through all relevant code directories. The code I used to do that at the time was as the following (I would definitely refactor this, but it shows the intent):
'use strict';
* This file is loaded by blanket.js automatically before it instruments code to generate a code coverage report.
var fs = require('fs');
var log = require('winston');
var packageJson = require('./package.json');
// For some reason the blanket config in package.json does not work automatically, set the settings manually instead
// Only files that match this pattern will be instrumented
pattern: packageJson.config.blanket.pattern
* Walks through a directory structure recursively and executes a specified action on each file.
* #param dir {(string|string[])} The directory path or paths.
* #param action {function} The function that will be executed on any files found.
* The function expects two parameters, the first is an error object, the second the file path.
function walkDir(dir, action) {
// Assert that action is a function
if (typeof action !== "function") {
action = function (error, file) {
if (Array.isArray(dir)) {
// If dir is an array loop through all elements
for (var i = 0; i < dir.length; i++) {
walkDir(dir[i], action);
} else {
// Make sure dir is relative to the current directory
if (dir.charAt(0) !== '.') {
dir = '.' + dir;
// Read the directory
fs.readdir(dir, function (err, list) {
// Return the error if something went wrong
if (err) return action(err);
// For every file in the list, check if it is a directory or file.
// When it is a directory, recursively loop through that directory as well.
// When it is a file, perform action on file.
list.forEach(function (file) {
var path = dir + "/" + file;
fs.stat(path, function (err, stat) {
if (stat && stat.isDirectory()) {
walkDir(path, action);
} else {
action(null, path);
// Loop through all paths in the blanket pattern
walkDir(packageJson.config.blanket.pattern, function (err, path) {
if (err) {
log.error('Including ' + path + ' for blanket.js code coverage');
My advice would be to drop Blanket.js for something else.
