Do software prefetching hints disable hardware prefetcher? - caching

The motivation of this quesion is to understand how software memory prefetching affects my program.
I'm building a multi-threaded data partitioner. Each thread sequencially read over a local source array and randomly write to another local destination array. As the content of the source array won't be used in near future, I'd like to use prefetchtnta instruction to avoid them growing inside caches. On the other hand, each thread has a local write combiner that combines writes and commits to the local destination array using _mm_stream_si64. The intuition and goal is to make sure each thread has a fixed size of data cache to work with and never being occupied by unused bits.
Is this design reasonable? I'm not familiar of how CPU works and cannot be sure if this strategy actually disables hardware prefetchers that presumably invalidate this approach. If this is just me being naive, what's the right way to achieve this goal?


Can I bypass cache in OpenCL?

I have actually never met a case that I would need the value I wrote to global memory be cached. But I can find no way to stop GPU from polluting the cache as I can do on a CPU by using non-temporal writes.
It's a serious problem that can drop the performance by 20% or more.
There is little recent info about this, but what makes you think writes are cached at all? Unless you are using atomic operations, the GPU does not care about coherency. If you read a memory location after you write into it, you get undefined results even within the same work group, unless you put a global memory barrier in between the operations. That means caching the written value is pointless, because at that point all of your shader executions must have already written their data. You can be sure that won't fit in any cache!
GPU is a completely different beast than CPUs are. Concepts found in one don't easily translate to the other.
These are just my assumptions, which could be wrong, but what I'm sure of is that vendors try their best to optimize their GPUs for the currently most common operations done on them, just so they can boast by achieving a little higher FPS in current titles than the competition. Trying to outsmart them is generally not a good idea.

Can I make get a small local array in registers?

I may be forced to write some performance-critical C/C++ code involving several input arrays and a result array (never mind the exact types). For certain reasons I'd like to work on small chunks of my output array, modifying them according to the inputs - but without constantly reading and writing them back to memory, since I don't trust the cache (that is, I'm worried the input arrays will overwrite it, and I'll end up actually doing memory read and writes, which is horrendous...) so, I was thinking of playing it safe and trying to stay on registers.
Can I get a small, local, fixed-length array to be stored in registers only?
How do I achieve this?
How big can such an array be (say, on a Haswell or Skylake core)?
Generally speaking, no. Most CPU architectures don't provide any way to index into registers, so there would be no way to access your data as an array. (On ARM, for instance, there are registers r1 through r15, but there is no way to directly access a register by its number. The same applies to x86.)
Your concerns about cache eviction are probably misplaced. Modern CPU architectures are generally pretty good at managing the cache.

Techniques available to control data/instructions in/out of the cache?

I have encountered some Intel compiler intrinsic functions which I believe allow developers to bypass the cache?
I have also come across the GCC compiler prefetch keyword, although I cannot admit to fully appreciating what this does.
With the above in mind I wondered if any members could either elaborate on the above (which I badly described) or provide other techniques which allow the developer to have close control over which data (or instructions) is/isn't loaded in the CPU cache?
This page contains a lot of information about all intrinsics:
Intel Intrinsics Guide
The series of instructions that will write data to memory, avoiding cache evictions are generally named _mm_stream_.... As the name implies, these are ideal for applications that write a large stream of data that is basically contiguous in memory and unlikely to be accessed again in the near future. So, for example, if you are mixing audio buffers and producing a single waveform output this would work well.
One of the keys to using these instructions effectively is taking advantage of write combining. If your write locations are scattered throughout memory, these instructions will stall as badly, or possibly worse than any other kind of memory storage instruction you attempt. Since these writes do not wind up in cache, if you're not filling an entire write buffer then essentially your operation becomes a write-through operation, requiring a stall until the write is completed. If you are writing contiguous memory locations then write combining will apply, and make your data writes much more efficient.
The flip side of that coin is prefetching. Prefetching tells the system to start pulling a memory address into the desired level of cache so that by the time the memory read is complete, you are ready to use the data. This is much harder to use, and requires an appropriate data "stride" which takes into account the cache sizes, cache line size, and the number of instructions which can execute before the memory read completes. Using the hinting parameter, you can "suggest" that the data goes into the L1, L2, or L3 cache, or that it is "non-temporal", meaning that you're just going to use it once and it should be evicted first before any other cache evictions. The hardware has its own prefetching heuristics that work well for most problems without explicit prefetching instructions, but the classic counter-example is a matrix transpose:
Prefetching examples
Prefetching is generally very difficult to use effectively except in some very specific cases like this. Without a more specific problem statement from you, this is about all I can provide.

OpenCL Buffer caching behaviour

I've always been wondering about the caching behaviour of global data in OpenCL.
Lets say I have a pointer to global memory in a kernel.
Now I read the location the pointer points to.
Later in the kernel I might need the same data again, so I read it again through the pointer.
Now the question is, will this data be cached, or will it be reread from global memory every single time because other threads could have modified it?
If it's not cached, then I'd have to make a local copy every time so I don't lose tons of performance by constantly accessing global memory.
I know this might be vendor specific, but what do the specs say about this?
There is some caching but the key to great GPU compute performance it is move "accessed many time" data to private or shared local memory and not re-read it. In a way, you can think of this as "you control the caching". In OpenCL this would be done in your kernel (in parallel!) and then you'd have a memory barrier (to ensure all work items have finished the copy) then your algorithm has access to the data in fast memory. See the matrix multiply example (since each column and row contributes to multiple output values, copying them to shared local memory accelerates the algorithm.
Those who want benefits of local cashing for work-items within a work-group, for example on FPGAs, can read this paper by Andrew Ling at IWOCL2017 It is a good example of having correct usage of local caches and clever communication for dataflow computing. Those who want convenience of cache in parallel peer-to-peer setting and still have hardware do this for them should consider POWER8 or POWER9 chips. These conveniences come at the cost: caching global or virtual memory cluster interconnect may have to have several TBs of bandwidth. Real question is: What is the value of caching for dataflow compute e.g. ML, especially on clusters, vs. reducing communication and increasing data reuse by other means.

CUDA: When to use shared memory and when to rely on L1 caching?

After Compute Capability 2.0 (Fermi) was released, I've wondered if there are any use cases left for shared memory. That is, when is it better to use shared memory than just let L1 perform its magic in the background?
Is shared memory simply there to let algorithms designed for CC < 2.0 run efficiently without modifications?
To collaborate via shared memory, threads in a block write to shared memory and synchronize with __syncthreads(). Why not simply write to global memory (through L1), and synchronize with __threadfence_block()? The latter option should be easier to implement since it doesn't have to relate to two different locations of values, and it should be faster because there is no explicit copying from global to shared memory. Since the data gets cached in L1, threads don't have to wait for data to actually make it all the way out to global memory.
With shared memory, one is guaranteed that a value that was put there remains there throughout the duration of the block. This is as opposed to values in L1, which get evicted if they are not used often enough. Are there any cases where it's better too cache such rarely used data in shared memory than to let the L1 manage them based on the usage pattern that the algorithm actually has?
2 big reasons why automatic caching is less efficient than manual scratch pad memory (applies to CPUs as well)
parallel accesses to random addresses are more efficient. Example: histogramming. Let's say you want to increment N bins, and each are > 256 bytes apart. Then due to coalescing rules, that will result in N serial reads/writes since global and cache memory is organized in large ~256byte blocks. Shared memory doesn't have that problem.
Also to access global memory, you have to do virtual to physical address translation. Having a TLB that can do lots of translations in || will be quite expensive. I haven't seen any SIMD architecture that actually does vector loads/stores in || and I believe this is the reason why.
avoids writing back dead values to memory, which wastes bandwidth & power. Example: in an image processing pipeline, you don't want your intermediate images to get flushed to memory.
Also, according to an NVIDIA employee, current L1 caches are write-through (immediately writes to L2 cache), which will slow down your program.
So basically, the caches get in the way if you really want performance.
As far as i know, L1 cache in a GPU behaves much like the cache in a CPU. So your comment that "This is as opposed to values in L1, which get evicted if they are not used often enough" doesn't make much sense to me
Data on L1 cache isn't evicted when it isn't used often enough. Usually it is evicted when a request is made for a memory region that wasn't previously in cache, and whose address resolves to one that is already in use. I don't know the exact caching algorithm employed by NVidia, but assuming a regular n-way associative, then each memory entry can only be cached in a small subset of the entire cache, based on it's address
I suppose this may also answer your question. With shared memory, you get full control as to what gets stored where, while with cache, everything is done automatically. Even though the compiler and the GPU can still be very clever in optimizing memory accesses, you can sometimes still find a better way, since you're the one who knows what input will be given, and what threads will do what (to a certain extent of course)
Caching data through several memory layers always needs to follow a cache-coherency protocol. There are several such protocols and the decision on which one is the most suitable is always a trade off.
You can have a look at some examples:
Related to GPUs
Generally for computing units
I don't want to get in many details, because it is a huge domain and I am not an expert. What I want to point out is that in a shared-memory system (here the term shared does not refer to the so called shared memory of GPUs) where many compute-units (CUs) need data concurrently there is a memory protocol that attempts to keep the data close to the units so that can fetch them as fast as possible. In the example of a GPU when many threads in the same SM (symmetric multiprocessor) access the same data there should be a coherency in the sense that if thread 1 reads a chunk of bytes from the global memory and in the next cycle thread 2 is going to access these data, then an efficient implementation would be such that thread 2 is aware that data are found already in L1 cache and can access it fast. This is what the cache coherency protocol attempts to achieve, to let all compute units be up to date with what data exist in caches L1, L2 and so on.
However, keeping threads up to date, or else, keeping threads in coherent states, comes at some cost which is essentially missing cycles.
In CUDA by defining the memory as shared rather than L1-cache you free it from that coherency protocol. So access to that memory (which is physically the same piece of whatever material it is) is direct and does not implicitly call the functionality of coherency protocol.
I don't know how fast should this be, I didn't perform any such benchmark but the idea is that since you don't pay anymore for this protocol the access should be faster!
Of course, the shared memory on NVIDIA GPUs is split in banks and if someone wants to use it for performance improvement should have a look at this before. The reason is bank conflicts that occur when two threads access the same bank and this causes serialization of the access..., but that's another thing link
