Jackson ObjectMapper ignores JsonInclude.Include.NON_NULL - spring-boot

I have a project in Spring Boot 1.5.2. For some reason, I haven't been able to make the ObjectMapper ignore null fields during serialization. Here's the setup:
public class CustomerInfo{
private Long customerId;
private String fullName;
//some more fields
//getters and setters
public class ObjectMapperTester{
private ObjectMapper objectMapper;
public void test(){
CustomerInfo ci = new CustomerInfo;
//I get JsonMappingException here
Up until now, I've always used #JsonInclude(JsonInclude.Include.NON_NULL) annotation with my classes to ignore null fields. That works perfectly well when I return any kind of object in RestController methods, so I don't see any null fields in the response output. But this one resists working. I get an exception when trying to writeValueAsString when the customerId field is null. The ObjectMapper is trying to get customerId value through getter, which in turn does the following:
//In fact compiler transforms the getter to be so, otherwise I just return the customerId.
return this.customerId.longValue();
And that of course throws NullPointerException.
I've tried instructing the mapper manually to ignore null fields during serialization this way:
But that doesn't help either. Any other ideas?
I've sort of figured out the problem. In fact, the type of the customerId field used to be the primitive long. Then I changed it to Long without using the IDE refactoring, which left the getter like this:
public long getCustomerId(){
return customerId;
And the compiler converted it to
public long getCustomerId(){
return customerId.longValue();
After fixing the getter return type to Long, the problem got solved and I indeed don't get the customerId field in the output. But the getCustomerId() method is still invoked. That's why I said sort of. Why does the mapper need to invoke the getter if it's going to ignore it? I've tried removing the class-wide annotation and added it to the fields. But still, the getter method gets invoked.


Spring Data Redis. JPA Repository findBy sometimes fails to fetch existing record

I see some weird case. Sometimes my findBy...() method returns null instead of some object inserted and fetched successfully before. After that the needed object fetches fine. In other words sometimes the search is not working.
Spring Boot edition: 1.5.2.RELEASE
spring-boot-starter-data-redis: 1.5.22.RELEASE
"maxmemory-policy" setting is set to "noeviction"
My obj declaration:
public class Session implements Serializable {
private String id;
private Long internalChatId;
private boolean active;
private String chatId;
JPA Repository:
public interface SessionRepository extends CrudRepository<Session, String> {
Session findByInternalChatIdAndActive(Long internalChatId, Boolean isActive);
Redis config:
public LettuceConnectionFactory redisConnectionFactory(
RedisProperties redisProperties) {
return new LettuceConnectionFactory(
public RedisTemplate<?, ?> redisTemplate(LettuceConnectionFactory connectionFactory) {
RedisTemplate<byte[], byte[]> template = new RedisTemplate<>();
return template;
Thanx in advance for any assist.
We have recently seen similar behavior. In our scenario, we can have multiple threads that read and write to the same repository. Our null return occurs when one thread is doing a save to an object while another is doing a findById for that same object. The findById will occasionally fail. It appears that the save implementation does a delete followed by an add; if the findById gets in during the delete, the null result is returned.
We've had good luck so far in our test programs that can reproduce the null return using a Java Semaphore to gate all access (read, write, delete) to the repository. When the repository access methods are all gated by the same semaphore, we have not seen a null return. Our next step is to try adding the synchronized keyword to the methods in the class that access the repository (as an alternative to using the Semaphore).
This should not happen I don't what is reason. But you can use Option class and if it returns null at least you can avoid exception.
Something like:
Optional<Session> findByInternalChatIdAndActive(Long internalChatId, Boolean isActive);

Throw error when properties marked with #JsonIgnore are passed

I have a requirement to mark certain properties in my REST beans as ignored using #JsonIgnore. (I am using Spring Boot). This helps in avoiding these properties in my Swagger REST documentation.
I also would like to ensure that if the client passes these properties, an error is sent back. I tried setting spring.jackson.deserialization.fail-on-unknown-properties=true, but that works only for properties that are truly unknown. The properties marked with #JsonIgnore passes through this check.
Is there any way to achieve this?
I think I found a solution -
If I add #JsonProperty(access = Access.READ_ONLY) to the field that is marked as #JsonIgnore, I get back a validation error. (I have also marked the property with #Null annotation. Here is the complete solution:
public class Employee {
#Null(message = "Id must not be passed in request")
private String id;
private String name;
//getters and setters
public class EmployeeRequest extends Employee {
#JsonProperty(access = Access.READ_ONLY)
public void setId(String id) {
PS: By adding #JsonProperty(access = Access.READ_ONLY), the property started showing up in Swagger model I had to add #ApiModelProperty(hidden = true) to hide it again.
The create method takes EmployeeRequest as input (deserialization), and the get method returns Employee as response (serialization). If I pass id in create request, with the above solution, it gives me back a ConstraintViolation.
PS PS: Bummer. None of these solutions worked end-to-end. I ended up creating separate request and response beans - with no hierarchical relationship between them.

Elasticsearch returns empty json-objects

I'm just getting started with elasticsearch with spring which is both technologies which are completely new to me. I have uploaded data to an elasticseach index with logstash and I can search it successfully using kebana. However when I try to return from an index to a webpage using spring it only returns empty json-objects, but the right amount of empty objects. Did I upload the data incorrectly or is something wrong with my code? I don't understand why this is happening and would appreciate any help I can get. You can find some code below.
Code for type:
#Document(indexName="usmgbg_index", type="usmgbg_type")
public class Usmgbg {
private String ID;
private String Source, Name, Profession, Country, FileName, LastModified, OwnerID;
public interface UsmgbgRepository extends ElasticsearchRepository<Usmgbg, String>{}
public class UsmgbgController {
private UsmgbgRepository repository;
public List<Usmgbg> findAllCustomers() {
List<Usmgbg> items = new ArrayList<>();
return items;
The output I'm getting from findAllCustomers looks like:
I realize this is an old question but I had the same issue (maybe for a different reason) and I solved it by adding getters and setters in the model.
Iterable is returned from findAll().
If you want to get list you should get content first.
public interface UsmgbgRepository extends
ElasticsearchRepository<Usmgbg, String>{
Page<Usmgbg> findAll();
And then
Or fix your code to iterate over the results.
Another solution is to use search method in ElasticsearchRepository using QueryBuilders API.
Adding my experience
spring-data requires getters to follow the POJO naming, i.e: getSomething()
so it did not work (spring-data did not send any fields to ElasticSearch when saving the #Document, resulting in an empty _source in ES) when having Lombok #Accessors(fluent = true), as it removes the get prefix on getters ...

Spring return selected field from domain

I've the following domain and needs to return selected field in response to client. How can I achieve that using Spring?
public class Vehicle {
private String vehicleId;
private Long dateCreated;
private String ownerId;
private String colourCode;
private String engineNumber;
private String transmission;
//getters & setters
My objective is to return only colourCode and transmission fields to client request. I've read about DTO and seems like I can achieve my objective with DTO but I don't find any good example how to implement it. Is DTO is the correct way to achieve my objective ?
Basically you just create VehicleDTO class with parameters you need
public class VehicleDTO {
private String colourCode;
private String transmission;
//getters and setters
and then in your code you construct VehicleDTO from your Vehicle class. Fortunately, we have BeansUtils class from Spring, that uses reflection to copy properties of one object to another, because you do not want to repeat logic for copying properties for every object. So it would be something like:
BeanUtils.copyProperties(v1, dto);
At the end your return VehicleDTO in your response instead of Vehicle
You can return IVehicle interface which exposes your properties of choice
public interface IVehicle {
String getTransmission();
String getColourCode();
and your Vehicle implents it
public class Vehicle implements IVehicle{ }
There are various ways you can achieve what you want.
You can add relevant usecase / APi specific DTO for the resource.
e.g. If your API return the vehical general details you may want to expose some level of details,
public class VehicleDetailsDTO {
private String colourCode;
private String transmission;
private String engineNumber; //more
//getters and setters
You can then either use BeanUtils or Dozzer to convert your Vehical resource to transportable object like your DTO.
BeanUtils : http://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-beanutils/
Dozzer : http://dozer.sourceforge.net/documentation/mappings.html
Assuming you use JSON as output format and Jackson as serialization engine (default in Spring MVC), you can tell Jackson to not serialize null properties. Now you just need to populate the properties you need and can return the original business object.

How to generate a value for a column in a JPA entity, while querying the database?

I have an entity that looks like this:
public class BlogPost {
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
private Long id;
private String title;
private String slug;
I would like to generate the value of slug before persisting by doing the following:
Transforming the title from e.g. Blog Post Title to blog-post-title
Making sure that blog-post-title is unique in table BlogPost, and if it's not unique, I want to append some suffix to the title so it becomes e.g. blog-post-title-2
Since I need this on a lot of entities, my original idea was to create an EntityListener which would do this at #PrePersist. However, documentation generally states that I should not call EntityMan­ager or Query methods and should not access any other entity objects from lifecycle callbacks. I need to do that in order to make sure that my generated slug is indeed unique.
I tried to be cheeky, but it is indeed very hard to autowire a repository into an EntityListener with Spring anyway.
How should I best tackle this problem?
Both OndrejM and MirMasej are definitely right that generating a slug would not be something to be done in an Entity. I was hoping EntityListeners could be a little "smarter", but that's not an option.
What I ended up doing is using aspects to accomplish what I wanted. Instead of "hooking" into entities, I am rather hooking into save method of CrudRepository.
First, I created an annotation so I can recognize which field needs to be sluggified:
public #interface Slug {
* The string slug is generated from
String source() default "title";
* Strategy for generating a slug
Class strategy() default DefaultSlugGenerationStrategy.class;
Then, I created an aspect which is something like this:
public class SlugAspect {
... // Removed some code for bravity
#Before("execution(* org.springframework.data.repository.CrudRepository+.save(*))")
public void onRepoSave(JoinPoint joinPoint) throws NoSuchMethodException, IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException, InstantiationException {
Object entity = joinPoint.getArgs()[0];
for (Field field: entity.getClass().getDeclaredFields()) {
Slug annotation = field.getAnnotation(Slug.class);
if (annotation != null) {
CrudRepository repository = (CrudRepository) joinPoint.getTarget();
Long count = 0L;
SlugGenerationStrategy generator = (SlugGenerationStrategy)annotation.strategy().newInstance();
String slug = generator.generateSlug(slugOrigin(entity));
if (id(entity) != null) {
Method method = repository.getClass().getMethod("countBySlugAndIdNot", String.class, Long.class);
count = (Long)method.invoke(repository, slug, id(entity));
} else {
Method method = repository.getClass().getMethod("countBySlug", String.class);
count = (Long)method.invoke(repository, slug);
// If count is zero, use the generated slug, or generate an incremented slug if count > 0 and then set it like so:
setSlug(entity, slug);
I put the code on github (though it's still just a proof of concept) if anyone is interested at: https://github.com/cabrilo/jpa-slug
It relies on having CrudRepository from Spring Data and having these two methods on a repo: countBySlug and countBySlugAndIdNot.
Thanks again for the answers.
The most straightforward solutions seems to make a check before setting the value of the title. It would mean however that the logic of calculating the slug would be outside of the entity and both would come from outside.
You have to think of an entity as a plain object without any connection to the database - this is the idea of ORM. However, you may pass a reference to EntityManager or DAO as an additional argument to a setter method, or somehow inject a reference to it. Then you may call a query directly from the setter method. The drawback of this solution is that you need to always provide EntityManager, either when you set title, or when you create/load the entity.
This is the best object oriented way of solving this problem.
