Filebeat & test inputs - elasticsearch

I'm working on a Filebeat solution and I'm having a problem setting up my configuration. Let me explain my setup:
I have a app that produces a csv file that contains data that I want to input in to ElasticSearch using Filebeats.
I'm using Filebeat 5.6.4 running on a windows machine.
Provided below is my filebeat.ymal configuration:
- type: log
enabled: true
- C:\App\fitbit-daily-activites-heart-rate-*.log
hosts: [""]
index: "fitbit-daily-activites-heartrate-%{+yyyy.MM.dd}"
name: "fitbit-daily-activites-heartrate"
pattern: "fitbit-daily-activites-heartrate-*"
fields: "fitbit-heartrate-fields.yml"
overwrite: false
index.number_of_shards: 1
index.number_of_replicas: 0
And my data looks like this:
0,2018-12-13 00:00:02.000,66.0,$
1,2018-12-13 00:00:07.000,66.0,$
2,2018-12-13 00:00:12.000,67.0,$
3,2018-12-13 00:00:17.000,67.0,$
4,2018-12-13 00:00:27.000,67.0,$
5,2018-12-13 00:00:37.000,66.0,$
6,2018-12-13 00:00:52.000,66.0,$
I'm trying to figure out why my configuration is not picking up my data and outputting it to ElasticSearch. Please help.

There are some differences in the way you configure Filebeat in versions 5.6.X and in the 6.X branch.
For 5.6.X you need to configure your input like this:
- input_type: log
- 'C:/App/fitbit-daily-activites-heart-rate-*.log'
You also need to put your path between single quotes and use forward slashes.
Filebeat 5.6.X configuration


How to send custom logs in a specified path to filebeat running inside docker

I am new to filebeat and elk. I am trying to send custom logs using filebeat to elastic search directly.Both the elk stack and filebeat are running inside docker containers.. The custom logs are in the folder home/username/docker/hello.log. Here is my filebeat.yml file:
path: ${path.config}/modules.d/*.yml
reload.enabled: false
- type: log
enabled: true
- /home/raju/elk/docker/*.log
- type: docker
hints.enabled: true
- add_cloud_metadata: ~
hosts: ["my_ip:9200"]
And here is my custom log file:
This is a custom log file
Sending logs to elastic search
And these are the commands using which I am using to run filebeat.
docker run -d \
--name=filebeat \
--user=root \
--volume="$(pwd)/filebeat.docker.yml:/usr/share/filebeat/filebeat.yml:ro" \
--volume="/var/lib/docker/containers:/var/lib/docker/containers:ro" \
--volume="/var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:ro" \ filebeat -e --strict.perms=false
When i use the above commands to run filebeat I can see the logs of the docker containers on my kibana dashboard. But I am struggling on how to make filebeat to read my custom logs from the specified location above and show me the lines inside the log file on kibana dashboard.
Anyhelp would be appreciated.
Filebeat inputs generally can accept multiple log file paths for harvesting them. In your case, you just need to add the log file location to your log filebeat input path attribute, similar to:
- type: log
enabled: true
- /home/raju/elk/docker/*.log
- /home/username/docker/hello.log

Filebeat Kubernetes cannot output to ElasticSearch

Filebeat Kubernetes cannot output to ElasticSearch,
ElasticSearch is OK.
filebeat is daemonset,relevant environment variables have been added.
- type: kubernetes
node: ${NODE_NAME}
hints.enabled: true
enabled: false
type: container
- /var/log/containers/*-${}.log
hosts: ['${ELASTICSEARCH_HOST:elasticsearch}:${ELASTICSEARCH_PORT:9200}']
Use nginx app to test:
Deployment annotations have been added.
co.elastic.logs/enabled: "true"
pod.yaml (in node1)
But cannot output to ElasticSearch,Logs and indexes for related input are not seen.
filebeat pod(node1) logs
Expect the filebeat to collect logs for the specified container(Pod) to elasticsearch.
#baymax first off, you don't need to explicitly define the property anywhere:
co.elastic.logs/enabled: "true"
since filebeat, by default, reads all the container log files on the node.
Secondly, you are disabling hints.default_config which ensures filebeat will only read the log files of pods which are annotated as above; however, you haven't provided any template config to be used for reading such log files.
For more info, read:
Thirdly, in your filebeat logs, do you see any harvester being started, handles created and events published ? Posting a snapshot of logs doesn't give a clear picture. May be try starting filebeat in debug mode for few minutes and paste the logs here in proper formatting.

Filebeat read all logs, not only that one defined in configuration

I try to configure filebeat version 7.17.5 (amd64), libbeat 7.17.5, for reading Spring boot logs and sending them via logstash to elasticsearch. All works fine, logs are send and I can read it in Kibana but the problem is that I configured filebeat in file /etc/filebeat/filebeat.yml and defined there only one source of logs, but filebeat's still getting all logs from /var/log
It's my only one config for inputs:
- type: filestream
id: some_id
enabled: true
- "/var/log/dir_with_logs/application.log"
But when I check status of filebeat a have the information that:
[input] log/input.go:171 Configured paths: [/var/log/auth.log* /var/log/secure*]
And also I have logs from files: auth or secure in Kibana, which I don't want to have.
What I'm doing wrong or what I don't know what I should?
Based on the configured paths of /var/log/auth.log* and /var/log/secure*, I think this is the Filebeat system module. You can disable the system module by renaming /etc/filebeat/modules.d/system.yml to /etc/filebeat/modules.d/system.yml.disabled.
Alternatively you can run the filebeat modules command to disable the module (it simply renames the file for you).
filebeat modules disable system

How to configure metricbeat helm chart to output to elasticsearch?

I'm trying to install metricbeat helm chart to forward my kubernetes metrics to elasticsearch.
Default configuration works but when I configure output to elasticsearch, the pod tell me
Exiting: error unpacking config data: more than one namespace configured accessing 'output' (source:'metricbeat.yml')
I download the values.yaml and modify output.file in both daemonset and deployment from
path: "/usr/share/metricbeat/data"
filename: metricbeat
rotate_every_kb: 10000
number_of_files: 5
enable: false
enable: true
hosts: [""]
How do I modify the config to forward metrics to elasticsearch?
According to the fine manual, the property is actually enabled: not enable: so I would presume you actually want:
enabled: false
Although to be honest, I always thought you could have as many outputs as you wish, but that is clearly not true

Filebeat is processing all the logs instead of the specified application logs

I have an app server, where I have configured filebeat(through Chef) to extract the logs and publish it to logstash(a separate ELK server), and subsequently to ES and Kibana.
I have configured filebeat to process logs only from /opt/app_logs/*.log, but it seems it is reading logs from other locations too, because in the /etc/filebeat configuration directory, I have filebeat.full.yml and other yml files generated automatically, and they seem to have all those other file locations, thus due to such a huge amount of logs, logstash service is getting out of memory within minutes with logstash.log. How can I not autogenerate the other yml files?
I tried to remove this file and also tried to comment out all the /var/log paths from the prospectors, but then filebeat itself is not starting.
filebeat.yml file:
prospectors: []
registry_file: "/var/lib/filebeat/registry"
config_dir: "/etc/filebeat"
- elk_host:5044
index: logstash-filebeat
name: serverA
- A
to_files: 'true'
path: "/var/log/filebeat"
name: filebeat_log
rotateeverybytes: '10485760'
level: info
- paths:
- "/opt/app_logs/*.log"
encoding: plain
input_type: log
ignore_older: 24h
The main problem with your configuration is that for Filebeat 1.2.3 you have the prospectors list defined twice and second one is not in the correct location.
The second problem is that you have defined the config_dir as /etc/filebeat. config_dir is used to specify an additional directory where to look for config files. It should never be set to /etc/filebeat because this is where the main config file should be located. See for usage information.
A third problem is that you have used string types in to_files and rotateeverybytes. They should be boolean and integer types respectively.
Here's how the config should look for Filebeat 1.x.
registry_file: "/var/lib/filebeat/registry"
config_dir: "/etc/filebeat/conf.d"
- paths:
- "/opt/app_logs/*.log"
encoding: plain
input_type: log
ignore_older: 24h
- elk_host:5044
index: logstash-filebeat
name: serverA
- A
to_files: true
path: "/var/log/filebeat"
name: filebeat_log
rotateeverybytes: 10485760
level: info
I highly recommend that you upgrade to Filebeat 5.x because it has better configuration validation using filebeat -configtest.
