In order to organize usage of my sites through the dashboard on the google cloud platform I would like to assign individual api keys, one per site. I know that a billing account has a limit of 5 projects, but can a project have any number of keys?
I'm using hundreds of keys now. This seems a project can have unlimited number of keys.
Only the queries per second (QPS) is limited by API:
Number of queries per day is not limited, it's just your billing.
Google Maps API (Directions API) has limit of 50 queries per second (QPS):
However, I need more than just 50 as my web app serves lots of users and 50 QPS is totally not enough, I get failure responses from Google Directions API all the times.
I can create multiple keys to use but the matter is the limit of 50 QPS applies to a single key or applies to the whole Google Cloud project? It doesn't specify in the link above.
If it applies to the whole project, there's no point to create multiple keys. Any one ever tried to identify this out?
Quotas are scoped to Projects; multiple API Keys in a project do not impact the project's quotas.
API Keys are often (not always) a way to provide otherwise unauthenticated users with a form of bearer token to access a Google API|service and APIs and services are always associated with a project.
If you lose (control of) an API Key, anyone using it (until it is deleted) is able to use the Key to access its project's resources.
For this reason, you may wish to use different API Keys for different subsets of your user base.
And|Or you may wish to employ a system in which you "rotate" API Keys (create new and eventually replace existing) to effectively require your users to reconfirm their use of your app.
I need to create a scheduler for my own SaaS, and I'm trying to understand whether Google Calendar API is a fit for that. Basically I could have hundreds of thousands of calendars. Each calendar may be a user of my service, but not a Google user. It seems that perhaps I could use resource calendars under my Google Cloud service account. My biggest concern is whether my usage will fall within the Calendar API's service quotas, either automatically or by requesting a quota increase?
Yes service accounts will fall within quota usage limits. There is also a limit about creating more then 25 calendars in a day causing the user to end up in read mode for the rest of the day.
Google Calendar API Usage Limits
The Google Calendar API has a courtesy limit of 1,000,000 queries per day.
To view or change usage limits for your project, or to request an increase to your quota, do the following:
If you don't already have a billing account for your project, then create one.
Visit the Enabled APIs page of the API library in the API Console, and select an API from the list.
To view and change quota-related settings, select Quotas. To view usage statistics, select Usage.
On the one hand, you could work around the quota issues by sharding your users across multiple Service Accounts. You would probably also want to shard them across multiple App IDs.
On the other hand, don't do it. In my experience, using Google APIs outside their intended use case doesn't end well.
I started receiving this message from when querying LUIS using the starter key, however, I reached only 600 hits to the end point so far as per the dashboard across all apps (the limit is 1000 right?).
I added a new key using an azure subscription, but the docs say that when developing or authoring, I should be using the authoring key. My questions are:
1- How am I getting this error when I just reached 700 hits only across all my LUIS apps.
2- if I want to use the new endpoint key, do I do development/testing using this key since I can't use the authoring one for now? What's the best practice in this case?
Reaching the quota:
The quota is about several things:
global usage
per second/minute usage
You probably have reached the quota per second? Moreover, the value of number of hits on the portal may not be working, I already had a LUIS projects showing 0 hits for weeks whereas it was used.
You will found below the values:
Link: Microsoft documentation about limits here
Using new key
You should use an endpoint key when you just query LUIS. From the documentation:
LUIS uses two keys: authoring and endpoint. The authoring key is
created for you automatically when you create your LUIS account. When
you are ready to publish your LUIS app, you need to create the
endpoint key, assign it to your LUIS app, and use it with the endpoint
I know there a project limit per Google account but can someone tell me (or point me to the documentation) if there a API Key / OAUTH Client ID limit per project or Google account?
I am not aware of any limit as to the number of clients or api keys a single project can create. You should be aware that if they are all under the same project they are going to be part of the same quota so running multiple applications under the same project is probably not a good idea.
I recently started an internship concerning Master Data Management in Talend. Part of the Master Data Management proces involves the cleansing of data. In my case I have to cleanse a few addresses. After doing some research I bumped into the Google Places API, which would do the trick for me. At first I wasn't aware of the so called quota limits that are bound to this API so I decided to read up on it some more. Basicly I have quite a few addresses to cleanse, so the 1000 requests per day limit won't cut it. As of yesterday I decided to increase that limit to 150 000 requests by verifying my identity using my creditcard. The requests were indeed increased to 150 000 but after a few hours my billing account was closed without warning and the limit went back to 1000 requests.
My question is: is the increase of the quota limit only available for businesses or are individual users eligible for it too?
I basicly filled in my own name as the name of the business when I created the billing account for my own project. That billing account is closed now. I really need that quota increase to be able to finish my project so I'm wondering if you guys are able to enlighten me. The image below is part of the form which has to be filled in to create a billing account.
for this amount of quota you have to identify yourself through your credit card and thats it. you can use this key for personal use or business does not matter . as the whole app has that much of search quota. no matter how many people install that app.
so the answer is it is eligible for individual users too.
thank you
You may have different terms in your country. We don't have VAT in the US, although we do have state-specific sales tax on some goods and services. I suspect that Google cannot offer this service in your country without a business tracking the VAT for it. I use the Google Search API with Custom Search Engines on both personal and business accounts from the US with just CC validation. You might look to see if there are Google services resellers local to you who can offer you the Place API.