How Do I Make Backspace Send ^H In Vim? - bash

I have a problem that is my backspace works in the terminal but not in Vim. It sent '^?' instead of '^H' and I have been trying to figure it out. I have checked my .bashrc and there is stty erase '^?' to remove the '^?' but somehow it is not working.
I have this in my .vimrc:
set backspace=indent,eol,start
set backspace=2
This is how I would normally fix it according to my knowledge but it doesn't work in this case. I'm using xterm on Arch Linux server if that helps, I know there is a bug for xterm but I don't think that's the case. It works in Unix command but not Vim, so just the Vim that isn't working.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Um to clarify, I just want my backspace to delete things. My backspace doesn't delete things right now and it is giving me ^? instead of deleting. The deleting is the same as any other system that is ^H but I want to make backspace to send ^H which is delete not ^?. So instead of having to type ^H to delete, I want to do it with backspace, on MobaXterm there is a function that makes backspace to send ^H. But how do I do that on SSH?

There's two ways to go. To the left, you see the control-H character you crave. The path that way seems clear, just a little
echo xterm.vt100.backarrowKey: true >> ~/.Xresources; xrdb ~/.Xresources
followed by either restarting all of your xterms, or pressing control and your primary mouse button on each window to bring up the menu that lets you change it per window; the menu item itself is the second one in the third section, it's right under the 8-bit controls option. That way seems to be viable. Except, beware, there's a trap door under the control-H itself, as then backspace stops working properly everywhere else except bash itself. Of course, you have part of the way out of that maze already, with your stty fu. But I kind of recall running into all sorts of other issues with that path. One of them being that the Linux console also uses ^? instead of ^H, and that's not so easy to change.
Or, the other way is to get vim to be able to do what you're trying for, using ^?. Which I think is just
:map ^V^? x
Note that I mean control-V backspace, not caret V caret question. You would also want to add this to your ~/.vimrc if that does what you need. That having been said, you didn't say exactly where in vim isn't working quite right, so it's possible you're needing a different tweak instead.


Shift + Backspace won't work on Vim for Windows

Before you mark this question as a double, hear me out because I've looked around and I can't find anything that'll fix my issue.
In Vim for Windows (accessed through Powershell running from CMD in a console), backspace works fine. Pressing Shift (or Ctrl) + Backspace prints a weird looking I to the screen and presses Ctrl+C.
Using :set to see what the keycode for the backspace is on my Vim yields this: "Î^Cx". This makes sense considering the behavior described above. The interesting part is that this keycode obviously is for the normal backspace key. My problem however, doesn't appear when pressing backspace normally, which doesn't make sense to me considering that the normal keycode is this weird collection of characters. It only appears when combining backspace with the shift key.
I don't understand why the backspace key doesn't send ^H or ^?. I've heard that those two options are popular. I assume my terminal is messing this up in some way, but I don't understand why it would be sending a different keycode for backspace when the shift key is pressed.
Thanks in advance.
I solved this issue like this:
imap Î^Cy <BS>
In my (Windows) terminals, Î^Cy is shift-backspace and Î^Cz is ctrl-backspace, and I have remapped them both. If Î^Cx is shift-backspace in your terminal, which it seems like it is, try adding this to your vimrc file:
imap Î^Cx <BS>
I don't know why this happened in your configuration, but you should be able to use inoremap to make it do what you want.
Interactively, you can test my idea by typing this
:inoremap <hit control-V><hit shift-backspace> <hit control-v><hit backspace>
What this will do is create a non-recursive map in insert mode for the escape sequence generated by <shift-backspace> to the escape sequence generated by <backspace>.
In my case, the result looked like
:inoremap ^? ^?
because my <shift-backspace> produces the same sequence as <backspace>, but in your case it should produce something more useful for you.
Once you've figured this out, move it to your .vimrc without the colon, and that will hopefully fix your issue in a lasting way.
Are you having the same issue as me I wonder where this happens in Windows Powershell but doesn't happen in gvim or when you run vim under cmd. If so I think the other responders are correct that vim does nothing different with shift+BS than BS but the Powershell command running it is. It's not an answer, I don't know a way around it other than use gvim. But if you're trying to dig further I'd suggest it's Windows Powershell that's the issue (unless I'm wrong of course) rather than vim.

emacs DELETE/C-h confusion on OS X

Going through the tutorial on emacs, I got stuck on the deleting part, because by default DELETE key sends me to help. I've tried adding a few popular commands to the .emacs file such as (normal-erase-is-backspace-mode 1). So with that in my .emacs file, I hit C-h and get the screen that says This buffer is for notes you don't want to save..., then hit t and it just enters the letter into this "buffer". DELETE does what it's supposed to do now, though. When running emacs -q instead, I end up at the same "buffer" screen, except when I hit t it actually takes me to the tutorial, but the problem is of course that DELETE does not delete. Any solutions to this? I'm on a MacBook with OS X 10.9.4, using the Terminal.
The answer is in the Emacs manual, node DEL Does Not Delete. Just customize option normal-erase-is-backspace. Or use M-x normal-erase-is-backspace-mode to toggle the value.
Hmm, but I see now that you have added that you tried this. I do not understand what you mean by "notepad", so I do not understand that part.
Try this also, at a command prompt (assuming you are on GNU/Linux or similar):
stty erase ^H
And see various writeups on the web about stty erase. (IOW, google stty erase.)
When you say DELETE, I'm guessing (hoping) that you mean the key labeled Backspace and not the key labeled Delete. What does C-h k tell you when you use it and then hit each of these keys?
the key labeled Backspace
C-h, that is, press and hold Control then hit h
the key labeled Delete
(And just which keys are you using to get the behavior that does not work?)

ConqueTerm bash in Vim, key input delayed

I've just found out that I can use ConqueTerm to bring up a terminal window in Vim. But I have an annoying issue regarding this.
Lets say I go into insert mode to type commands, and then want to exit insert mode, it will not work unless I press Esc key and a different key. It seems to be a set timeout or delay of some sort. Symbols and characters show up in the bottom right corner of the terminal window.
I had the same problem when editing files in vim, but added "set timeoutlen=1000 ttimeoutlen=0" to my .vimrc which sorted this out for me. But I've been looking around and I cannot seem to find anything similar for ConqueTerm. My guess is that something is to be put/edited in "~/.vim/autoload/conque_term.vim"?!
Any help would be most apprechiated!

Backspace doesn't work in gvim 7.2 64-bit for Windows?

I just installed the 64-bit zipped version for Windows of gvim on my new machine at work, and I changed some settings to make it compatible with Visual Studio 2010.
Now the backspace key doesn't work for some reason.
Here's my .vimrc file:
set nowrap
set ruler
set encoding=utf-8
set fileencoding=utf-8
set ff=dos
It's only a minor annoyance (the delete key works), but I was just wondering if anybody knew.
Does it entirely not work, or does it just not backspace past where you went into insert mode? There's an option backspace which controls this:
Influences the working of <BS>, <Del>, CTRL-W and CTRL-U in Insert
mode. This is a list of items, separated by commas. Each item allows
a way to backspace over something:
value effect
indent allow backspacing over autoindent
eol allow backspacing over line breaks (join lines)
start allow backspacing over the start of insert; CTRL-W and CTRL-U
stop once at the start of insert.
owen_water's suggestion is the same as Carpetsmoker's comment, enabling all three of these. That's generally what people want, since it's a bit surprising to have Vim refuse to let you backspace text that's right there. So take your pick of the two equivalent choices - I'd go with the more verbose and clear one:
set backspace=2
set backspace=indent,eol,start
In some cases, bad terminals can mess with backspace and delete, but I doubt that's your problem in Windows. There is some ability to fix this; see :help fixdel.
never use vim in Windows, but I have meet the same problem before in open solaris.
Just try:
set backspace=2

Things I wish I could do in VIM while programming Ruby

Im facing some problems, I looked around in the forum and didnt find
any solutions discussed. Im sorry if these have been resolved earlier.
Is there someway I can make the VIM line break after 80 characters. I
dont want the text to wrap around but create a new line. And I wish it would
break off the complete last word. So instead of fo in the previous and o
in the next line, can it break with foo in the next line?
When I end my comment and press enter, I get a # in the new line. This is
cool but when I delete # and want to start a line of code, I dont get syntax
highlighting there. It still thinks what Im typing is a comment. Is this a
bug or am I doing it wrong?
One more thing is that I have set the shiftwidth to 4. But when I press
Ctrl+S to save the document, the cursor jumps to the beginning of the
sentence. I then need to manually go back to my original position to begin
the code. Is there a way I can resolve this?
Thank you for reading this. I am new to Ruby and Vim. I hope you guys help
me out.
Ctrl-S ? This is not known to me. In Vim/Gvim, a file is usually saved by
:w filename.ext (if none's been given yet)
:saveas filename.ext
(for all of these commands try ":help :w" or ... the same principle).
I don't know about the comment part, since I don't do Ruby, but it would be pretty wise for you to get yourself a nice commenter plugin (I think I use LineCommenter) - eases up on the commenting. Just write the comment, and add the #'s later (set it to work in normal and in visual mode; it works beautifully).
As for the breaking the text part, that could be solved by adding
:set tw=80
"wrapscan" is the vim feature that wraps a whole word to the next line; it might not be set by default in your configuration - probably isn't. So in addition to
:set tw=78 you probably want to try one of these:
:set wrapscan
:set wrap <- just a shorter version
:set nowrap <- to turn the wordwrap feature back off
Incidentally, rather than setting the text width (tw) to some number of characters (smaller than your window), you could instead set the margin you want to leave on the right side of the window like so:
:set wrapmargin=1
If wrapmargin is set to something other than 0, textwidth should be ignored.
I would use ":w" to save and continue editing (or ":w filename" if it's a new file) and "ZZ" or ":wq" to save-and-exit when you're done - none of those will move the cursor position.
I'm not sure where your "#" continuation is coming from, but I'd also make sure to set these if they aren't already (you can check what variables are set by just typing ":set" with no other options):
:set syntax=ruby
:set filetype=ruby
:syntax enable
If you started with an empty document and then added "#!/usr/bin/ruby" to it, vim won't notice you're editing ruby until you save&exit and reopen the file. There are other cases where syntax coloring isn't very bright or needs a nudge but yes, that sounds like a bug to me.
